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The Best Kept Secret

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This book has an interesting storyline. The main female character nurse Nyla Franklin can't keep a secret. This plays into the conflicts in the story. The story is well-written and the characters are well-developed. I was expecting a bit more humor but got angst and family drama. The conflict and resolution was well-done but I didn't feel I was escaping for a fun time with this book.

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This was a fun quick read that is part of a series but standalone with a HEA.

I was interested in the book from the description, but there were some tropes and family dynamics I was not expecting from the description. The trope is not one I would normally enjoy, but it was overall a mostly fun read.

Unfortunately, I cannot get over the main characters main connection. Due to this, it is a 3.5 rating for me.

Net galley provided me with an ARC in exchange for my honest review, thank you.

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The Best Kept Secret is about Nyla and Leo. Leo is Nyla's brother-in-law and the father to her nephew. Leo is recovering from a surgery and while on pain meds, he admits a deep secret that he has never, and never planned to tell anyone. Nyla is not known to keep anything a secret, let alone a secret as massive as this one. But secrets have a way of coming to light. Through all the secret keeping, the attraction between Leo and Nyla grows.

I enjoyed so much about this book. This is not a trope I would actively seek out, but I enjoyed this story very much. Very cute story line and I liked the family dynamics a lot.

Thanks to NetGalley and Entangled: Amara for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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3.5 stars - The characters are well fleshed-out and their story is well paced. My only complaint is that the chemistry never felt authentic. The author mentions over and over again how much the hero desires the heroine. Likewise, the heroine comments on the hero’s good looks and her desire too take their relationship further. Yet, if either were true, I don’t buy the 10 months of unconsummated marriage before the story begins.

I received an ARC of this book, from the publisher, via NetGalley, in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Book three in an interconnected series, this book is a complete standalone and ends with a HEA. It is written in third person from an alternating dual POV.
This book follows Nyla as she and her friend Leo fall in love. There are a few reasons why their relationship is unconventional, which I will not spoil. I will say that those reasons make for some very interesting dialogue and situations throughout the story. There is a lot of heat and some laughs along the way. I appreciate the family dynamics at play, as they also add to the funny moments. Leo’s son Seth is a wonderful addition to the book, and reading Leo be such a good dad only made him hotter.
I really enjoyed reading as Nyla and Leo finally give in and allow themselves to fall in love. I love the relationship they build and how they understand each other so well. I appreciated the way that their history added to their ability to read and communicate with each other. I love how they both want what is best for the other one. They must overcome a few hurdles along the way. Over the course of the book, several secrets are revealed. Ultimately, it all turns out for the best and the HEA was wonderfully sweet. I am sure that I will be thinking about this book for weeks.
I am voluntarily leaving this honest review after receiving an advance reader copy of the book.

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New to me author but definitely won't be last. Thoroughly enjoyed this story. Thanks Netgalley and to the publisher for letting me read this advance copy.

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This book was just a super quick romance. I liked the characters and some of the side plots but I don't love the my sisters ex vibe, which is just a personal preference still a good read like I said.

Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for providing me with an arc for an honest review!

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Nyla, a nurse, decides to stop at her best friend and ex-brother-in-law’s house, since he had surgery. When he answers the door in his briefs, she realizes he’s a bit loopy from the drugs he got. Leo is just rambling as Nyla prepares some soup for him, when he lets out a big secret that leaves Nyla speechless. Apparently her sister, who was married to Leo had an affair while they were married and their son Seth is not his. Leo has known this for four years and found out after they were divorced. Nyla has always had a problem keeping secrets and this is a big one!

Leo is aware that Nyla can’t keep secrets, so he decides to spend more time with her, to keep an eye on her. He always thought Nyla was very attractive, now that they are spending more time together, they are growing closer. Leo knows this is something he can’t do, but it feels so right.
Nyla’s parents have always hoped that Mandy and Leo would get back together, so when Nyla let’s out that she and Leo are together, everything goes haywire.

The story was a bit different, with Nyla getting together with her sisters ex.

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I enjoyed this book along with others in the series. It can be read as a standalone.

Nyla has an issue with secrets and everyone knows it. She has no poker face and is like a volcano on the verge of eruption but she cannot tell anyone what her best friend and ex-brother-in-law told her while he was heavily medicated.

This is a fun cat and mouse story with lots of tangled webs that of course must come crashing down. It’s definitely one that I would read again because it’s so fun (and of course it sizzles!)

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This is the first time that I’ve read any novels from author, Tawna Fenske. Where to start with “The Best Kept Secret”? What I thought sounded like a fun and light-hearted read from the description was not quite what it read out to be on the pages. I believe this is part of a series, however having not read the other two, I think it holds its own as a standalone.

The story begins with Nyla finding out that her ex-brother-in-law, Leo did not father her nephew. This information spilled from Leo’s mouth after being heavily medicated from a dental procedure. Nyla is one who literally can’t keep any secrets, so this issue bothers her so much that she insists that she and Leo confront her sister, Mandi and get to the bottom of the betrayal. Thus, the crux and start of family drama at its best.

After the secret is revealed between the three, there still is this underlying budding attraction that builds between Leo and Nyla. This story is filled with quite a bit of family drama that was too much for my taste. Although Nyla and Leo remained friends despite her sister’s divorce, I could not get over the fact that she becomes attracted to her sister’s ex, sleeps with him and basically the family thinks this is okay. Yes, they may be good friends however for me, divorce is divorce and there is fine line you don’t cross when it comes to sisters and the men they date or marry. This I found very weird although it might happen in this day and age.

Did I like the main characters? Very much so because I thought they were genuine people who had loving hearts, but harboring feelings more that friendship created more fuel to the secrets kept. On the other hand, her sister Mandi appeared dismissive and condescending, considering she was the source of the infidelity in her and Leo’s marriage. Not telling him the truth because the real father was deceased was totally heartless.

I thought this was an interesting trope and could not categorize it as a friends-to-lovers because of the dynamics involved. I think the author did a good job with the plot and getting the main characters to their HEA without touching to much on taboo of getting involved with your sister’s ex. Despite this fact, it was an entertaining story that had its funny moments that made me laugh out loud. Although it did not appeal to me as much overall, it was an engaging contemporary romance.

Thank you NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for this ARC in exchange for my fair and honest review.
This is the first time that I’ve read any novels from author, Tawna Fenske. Where to start with “The Best Kept Secret”? What I thought sounded like a fun and light-hearted read from the description was not quite what it read out to be on the pages. I believe this is part of a series, however having not read the other two, I think it holds its own as a standalone.

The story begins with Nyla finding out that her ex-brother-in-law, Leo did not father her nephew. This information spilled from Leo’s mouth after being heavily medicated from a dental procedure. Nyla is one who literally can’t keep any secrets, so this issue bothers her so much that she insists that she and Leo confront her sister, Mandi and get to the bottom of the betrayal. Thus, the crux and start of family drama at its best.

After the secret is revealed between the three, there still is this underlying budding attraction that builds between Leo and Nyla. This story is filled with quite a bit of family drama that was too much for my taste. Although Nyla and Leo remained friends despite her sister’s divorce, I could not get over the fact that she becomes attracted to her sister’s ex, sleeps with him and basically the family thinks this is okay. Yes, they may be good friends however for me, divorce is divorce and there is fine line you don’t cross when it comes to sisters and the men they date or marry. This I found very weird although it might happen in this day and age.

Did I like the main characters? Very much so because I thought they were genuine people who had loving hearts, but harboring feelings more that friendship created more fuel to the secrets kept. On the other hand, her sister Mandi appeared dismissive and condescending, considering she was the source of the infidelity in her and Leo’s marriage. Not telling him the truth because the real father was deceased was totally heartless.

I thought this was an interesting trope and could not categorize it as a friends-to-lovers because of the dynamics involved. I think the author did a good job with the plot and getting the main characters to their HEA without touching to much on taboo of getting involved with your sister’s ex. Despite this fact, it was an entertaining story that had its funny moments that made me laugh out loud. Although it did not appeal to me as much overall, it was an engaging contemporary romance.

Thank you NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for this ARC in exchange for my fair and honest review.

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I first discovered Tawna Fenske seven years ago, and with the first book I was hooked (I’ve read at least 32 of her books since then). What keeps me coming back is the witty and realistic dialog, sometimes outright hilarious situations (yes, “laugh out loud” funny), steamy romance, and realistic, multi-dimensional characters. The Best Kept Secret, the newest installment in the Where There’s Smoke series, once again gave me a wild ride. (Note: this book is a stand-alone, but the two main characters, Nyla and Leo, were introduced in other books in the series).

Nyla’s sister Mandi had been married to Leo, and although they divorced years ago, Nyla and Leo always remained friends. Nyla is also a loving aunt to their son, Seth. So yes, this is a friends to lovers story, highly complicated by family drama and intrigue on both sides, and further complicated by Nyla’s inability to keep a secret! I jumped right in, because although I didn’t marry my ex-brother-in-law, three years ago I married my ex-husband’s best friend of 50 years (we all remained great friends) so I was really invested in seeing how Nyla and Leo would arrive at their HEA.

This book had more drama than some of Tawna’s other books, so sometimes the romance took a back seat, but I didn’t mind. She handles complicated and downright messy family dynamics and relationships with such class and grace that it was a joy to go along for the ride.

Tawna also includes an Epilogue, and I loved how she “fast forwarded” a few years and I got to see how the families came together. I received an ARC from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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Circumstances thrust Nyla and Leo into a situation where they need to rely on each other to keep a secret from getting out and impacting the lives of people they both love.

Since Leo is Nyla's ex-brother-in-law, this is easy to see happening. They know and trust one another. So there's nothing weird about needing to spend more time together.

The issue is, Leo and Nyla were always much more alike than Leo and Mandi, Nyla's sister and Leo's ex-wife. Perhaps they should have been together all along?

As their attraction for each other mounts, what becomes a very physical relationship develops. And I guess that's where I got lost a bit. I normally read mostly clean romance. So the emphasis on the more risque parts of their relationship, as opposed to those aspects that create a lasting relationship, threw me off a bit.

I enjoyed the characters and there's a lot that the author handled well with the story, but I didn't need to be in the bedroom with them. So, it was an "eh" for me, even though the intimacy between them did eventually develop.

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Oh boy. This was some kind of crazy family drama. Maybe too much. I had many problems with this book. I just couldn't get into it because of the dynamics. There is a fine line for me with family and this book crossed every single one.

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I have to give a huge shoutout to Tawna Fenske because she somehow made a super awkward relationship premise not that weird. The two main characters are ex-in-laws (Nyla is the sister of Leo's ex-wife).

Nyla, a notoriously bad secret-keeper, finds out that Leo is harboring a pretty important secret and unwittingly is sworn to secrecy. Add-on to that with a growing attraction and foundational friendship - recipe for a very interesting read. I was very invested on how things would pan out with Nyla and Leo, and all the subsequent characters. I appreciate how the awkwardness is recognized, but a (somewhat) normal pathway to lead out of the situation is given while at the same time driving the interactions forward.

Great read, and can't wait to read more books by Tawna Fenske!

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The laugh out loud romcom we all need! This book was fantastic, I laughed out loud so many times. Nyla, Leo, and the rest of the family are people you wish were part of your real life. Nyla and Leo are best friends, but Leo is also Nyla's sister's ex-husband, so these two starting up a relationship is complicated and messy. There are many layers of secrets, and Nyla is the worst secret-keeper ever. Hilarious antics and outbursts ensue. While this has all the makings of an angsty read, it's incredibly light-hearted, hilarious and will leave you with all the warm fuzzy feelings.

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It's a known fact that Nyla can not keep a secret. That's why when Leo drops his secret while high on painkillers, she doesn't know how she is ever going to be able to keep this from the most important people in her life. Especially the ones who are affected by this secret. To prevent Nyla from spilling this secret, they spend more and more time together. But Leo is Nyla's ex brother-in-law. So as these two get closer and closer to each other, the web is getting more and more tangled. Can Nyla keep her lips sealed or will she spill the beans and ruin everything?

Okay, first of all. There was so much drama in this book. I mean not even the fact that Nyla is sleeping with Leo, who used to be married to her SISTER, but besides that. Between the families, the sisters, even with the kid! I also couldn't seem to wrap my head around the fact that everyone was totally okay with the fact that Leo is essentially sister hoping. Yes, they had been divorced before this for like 7 years, but still, is it not weird? I don't have a sister, but if I did, especially a sister who is as close as these two claim to be.. it would be weird.

Yes, I liked Nyla and Leo as characters, however their relationship seemed to move really fast. Sure, they were friends previously, but unless they were harbouring feelings for each other the whole time, it seems odd. Seth as a side character was adorable, however I did not care for Mandi. She seemed very flippant and at times condescending.

Regardless of the above, the book was fine. Well written, easy to read. But it felt very long and drawn out while the two were flirting with each other, but as soon as they were actually together, it felt was so rushed. Overall, the book was just that - fine, okay, meh, take it or leave it. 2/5 stars

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Since she was a very young child Nyla has been unable to keep a secret. When her ex-brother-in-law lets a big secret slip while under the influence of a doctor prescribed Percocet, he makes Nyla promise not to tell. As the days go by and Nyla struggles with her promise, Nyla and Leo (the ex-BIL) also start to feel an attraction towards each other.

A fun read with lots of things going on, but not so many characters that you can't keep track of them. Funny at times and definitely sentimental at times, The Best Kept Secret was an entertaining read.

#Amara #NetGalley #TheBestKeptSecret #Romance #Comedy #EntangledPublishing #TawnaFenske

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The Best Kept Secret is a falling for your sister's ex-husband romance that just sucks you in. I loved every moment of Nyla and Leo. You feel the pull and the chemistry from the very start. Nyla is wonderful and the more go between person between her sister and Leo. She steps up to help and cannot keep a secret. Leo is a fantastic dad who needs to let the truth out. You feel for Leo in ways and will just love Nyla so much. There are so many laugh out loud moments that make you fall in love with Leo and Nyla even more. I loved every moment of this one. I could not get enough of Leo and Nyla's sticky situation. Leo and Nyla just make so much sense once you get to know them. You need to meet them now. Go one click this one and sit ack and enjoy this keeping it in the family fun read.

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Nyla and Leo have remained friends despite Leo and Nyla's sister divorcing six years ago. When you're constantly at family functions or your twelve year old nephews games, you stay friendly and have gotten into a routine to make a happy family. This all blows up when Leo shares a secret with Nyla after surgery. destructive...

In chapter one you learn that Seth, Nyla's nephew, isn't Leo's and Leo has known for years. Worst of all, Nyla cannot keep secrets. What was an endearing, if annoying sometimes, trait has the power to blow up this family. Soon enough, Leo is shutting her up with a kiss!

A family grows, changes, and evolves in this story of how complicated family can be, but how at the end of the day, all that matters is love and putting others' happiness first.

I did not expect this plot from the description and don't feel the description is accurate. I felt the multiple twists and turns were too much and took away from the story by adding too much drama, but it was a fun read.

For those hesitant to read an ex-brother-in-law story, he has been divorced 6 years, happily on both sides, and they only developed romantic feelings now (no past pining).

Some quotes I love:
"Heat bloomed in his body as she pressed closer, an energy like nothing he’d felt before. Not with Nyla—hell, not with anyone."
"God, it felt good to comfort him. To feel needed and helpful and close to the man she’d known nearly half her life."
"He’d just never known before. Never felt anything like it, this wild, hungry, desperate urge to connect with someone he already knew inside and out."

3.5 stars
🌶 spice

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I requested The Best Kept Secret because I thought it sounded like a funny, light hearted romance with a little mystery. It definitely had its moments, but I didn't really find them funny. Instead I found myself cringing at what would come next in a book that was heavy with over the top, ridiculous family drama. It made me think about the messes people can make of their lives. The characters are not people I would want to meet. I guess this just isn't my cup of tea.

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