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Go Gently

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5 Stars!
By taking us on a tour of her house and schedule, Bonnie Wright shows things you can gently implement that will lessen your impact on the environment. On the surface, some of it seems so obvious, but it’s helpful to have it laid out in front of you. Having been an environmental science major in college, I am acutely aware of what we are doing to our planet, but this book touches on things I have never really considered, such as the impact of my digital carbon footprint.

In Go Gently, the author does a fantastic job clearly showing how just by choosing one or two small tasks to implement at a time, we can have an influence without overwhelming ourselves, then moving onto the next changes. By making gentle changes, being gentle with ourselves and treading gently upon our planet, we can truly make a difference.

I especially appreciated the section where the author breaks down and explains the information and claims on product labels, and the section explaining the types of plastic recycling, and what each number actually represents. She also includes recipes for everything from DIY beauty supplies to some simple yet really delicious pasta sauce, which was a nice, unexpected addition. You might not be ready to make your own toothpaste just yet, but I am sure Go Gently will be a valuable and helpful addition to your bookshelf.

I am so grateful to William Morrow/Mariner Books, Bonnie Wright, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review Go Gently.

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Go Gently by Bonnie Wright
A special thanks to William Marrow, Mariner Books and
NetGalley for the ARC of this book.
I voluntarily read and reviewed this book our thoughts and opinions on my own.
It’s very rare for me to wish for a printed copy of an arc. This book is definitely one that I will order in print. This is a different style of books and what I am used to reading. The chapter on food and the inventory tables for at home used are probably my favorite things. The recipe section is something I definitely need to have in print so we can start trying some of those recipes. Overall I thought it was a well put together book and very informative at the same time. Sustainability becomes more and more important in our everyday lives. I’m really looking forward to starting a compost bin this spring thanks to Bonnie!

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When I learned Bonnie Wright was writing a book, I couldn’t wait to read it and I received an ARC of Go Gently: Actionable Steps to Nurture Yourself and the Planet from NetGalley and William Morrow in exchange for an honest review. The first thing about this book is the actions we can take really are doable. These are little things we can do in our homes to nurture the planet like using a reusable shopping bag, buying items in glass packaging rather than plastic, growing herbs and fresh fruits and vegetables, and so many others. I noticed that some of these steps I already do in my life and I look forward to trying to add some more. I learned so much from reading this book and I know you will too.

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I’ve been a fan of Bonnie Wright since a few years now, being myself a Potterhead and all that, but ever since the movies ended I kept following her and I was quite excited when I found out that she was going to publish a book about the environment because I was aware how invested she was in that and it was so interesting to me. Reading all about it was truly beautiful and inspiring. Bonnie’s vision, love and passion for the planet has me in awe. I absolutely loved this book. Thank you so much to the author, the publisher and NetGallery for the ARC!

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"What the climate needs is for each of us to show up just as we are."

I adore this book and cannot wait to hold a printed copy in my hand. It took me several weeks to read this gem--not because it was boring--quite the opposite; I took over 40 pages of notes!

Climate books can often make you feel overwhelmed or anxious, but Go Gently covers various topics without burying you in hard-to-digest information. I greatly appreciated Bonnie Wright's gentle, non-judgmental guidance that directs attention to our individual ability and responsibility in matters of climate revival.

A huge thank you to both the author and Mariner Books for an ARC of this amazing book!

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Gentle, indeed. There is no judgment here, no preaching, just kindness, and easy to adopt suggestions for making personal changes. We and our planet can only benefit from making these changes - Bonnie Wright shows with compassion and ease how to implement these.

I enjoyed this one a lot and plan on buying a physical copy for our bookshelf.


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If you are a fan of social consciousness or just want to leave the world a little better than when you found it, This is the book for you. I was drawn into this book because I was a Harry Potter fan, but her insight was surprising.

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Confession: I geeked out a bit when the publisher of _Go Gently_ reached out to me to review a copy. I mean, a) that's always flattering, regardless of book, and b) it's Bonnie flipping Wright! Ginny Weasley! (She must get that a lot. Sorry, Bonnie, I know you are your own person and just played Ginny on screen. But really, how amazing was it? #TeamHarry&Ginny)

I'll admit I also had some underlying expectations about this book. That it might reference Harry Potter (it did, in passing). That it would likely have a number of hot-button buzz words (it did), and feature interviews with folks more ... left-leaning than I am, and all that goes with that (it did). That Wright and I likely approach issues around said hot buttons very differently (we do). And yet, there was also a fair bit of overlap, and I was grateful to find that common ground.

For starters, I loved the concept of committing to an issue we feel connected to and inspired by. Finding one's "why" goes so far in doing anything truly well. And, the concept of community solar programs is intriguing; being a renter myself who therefore can't implement solar, I'd enjoy the ability to share in it!

The chapter on food was probably my favorite. Partly thanks to the pandemic, I'm eating at home way more; thanks to Centr (workout app created by Chris Hemsworth), I'm eating way more fruits, vegetables, and clean/whole foods (and liking it). The actionable steps in this chapter really hit home with me, whether shopping for produce at a local farmers' market (mine is opening later this month, YAY), doing one large online order vs. multiple smaller ones, or walking to a restaurant for takeout pick-up instead of delivery. (Plus, the latter is a great way to get in more Fitbit steps. Ha!) Later chapters provide helpful solutions for maximizing environmental impact.

Showing up in person to events, versus limiting myself to online materials, media, and books, is something I'm looking forward to as we (finally, maybe, I hope?) move out of the pandemic.

The inventory tables for at-home use are particularly helpful and enjoyable (I like forms, and inventory, haha). And the travel and recipes sections--LOVE! I also really appreciated Wright's sharing about her grandparents' generation and how many of the ideas shared in the book aren't "new," but often stem out from those that went before us.

3.5 stars/5; rounded up to 4.

I received an eARC of the book from the publisher via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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I liked this book so much more than I thought I would. I chose to get an early galley because I like Bonnie Wright and I also enjoy furthering my knowledge on sustainability and environmental causes. No matter where you're at in your journey to lessen your environmental footprint, this book will have something for you. In its pages you'll find a mix of informative pieces, short interviews with activists, scientists, and others, as well as suggestions for taking action. My favorite part of the interviews was the question she finishes every one with: what gives you hope? Sometimes it feels so hopeless as we hear about the latest climate news, but there are so many reasons to think positive within this book.

Bonnie does a great job of looking at all sides of climate justice. I especially appreciated her intersectional approach; she talks about how climate change disproportionally affects those who are socioeconomically and racially in the minority and how we cannot make positive change without dismantling systems of oppression, as all systems overlap and impact one another.

My most favorite thing about reading this book happened by chance. I initially thought I was just getting a good refresher on things I was mostly aware of. But as I read, I realized that when my brain wandered, I was considering new things to put into practice to help further the fight for climate justice. Thanks to Bonnie, I'm going to start a compost bin this summer.

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This is a must-have resource! It is full of great strategies, advice, and easy to implement ideas. This is one I'll return to again and again. Many thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the advanced copy of the book.

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I knew this was going to be an important book, but I did not expect to love it as much as I do. I have already pre-ordered my copy! Brilliantly written and put together. You can tell there was so much research put into this. I love the actionable steps and all of the l charts and pictures. It’s colorful, easy to understand, and great for families to read together! I went though some sections with my four year old daughter and she was so excited to pick things out to change for our house. That being said, every room of the house covered! I learned so much from mindful stretching and yoga to gardening to sewing on a button. Everyone should read this book! I’m obsessed and re-read my ARC every day. I cannot wait for publication. I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving a free copy.

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What a beautiful, thought-provoking book! Bonnie Wright's Go Gently is book that helps guide readers in small "gentle" changes that will bring about lasting change for our environment. Wright's book guides us in considering the products we use, looking at each room in our homes, and even tips for our own personal selves and our impact on the earth. Included in the book are recipes, exercises, and tips! This is a book I will return to often along my journey. Well done, Bonnie Wright!

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