Member Reviews

This one gets 3.5 stars. It's very middle of the road when it comes to the story itself and I'm kind of mad that it doesn't have a totally definitive ending, which I shouldn't complain about because the title tells you right off that it's Part 1.
Ashley is an interesting character and I love every single one of her interactions with her cousin and the people of Berecombe-by-the-Sea. Her story of moving to a new place to figure out her life after a terrible accident is downright inspiring and extremely believable in that she works hard to figure out what she wants.
My main complaint comes from her relationship with Eddie. They spend mere moments together but they're sure they're meant to be together? I just didn't see enough interactions and justification for their relationship to be mere infatuation.
Overall, it's a sweet read that flies by and entertains.

Happy thanks to NetGalley and One More Chapter for the read!

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It was with fond memories of our street party held to commemorate the Queen’s silver jubilee in 1977, that I delved into this book. I remember that as a child, it was such a momentous event and so I looked forward to the author capturing some of that 1970s magic and bringing back memories for me.
I liked the characters in the book immensely, and will admit to chuckling out loud at the thought of gentle Noah being ‘terrified’ by the fearsome Biddy. I empathised with Ashley, and having grown up by the seaside, I related to her never tiring of the sea. I also loved the sense of community in the book, epitomised by Biddy, who seemed to have taken control of arranging the street party to commemorate D-Day with a slightly ironic military precision.

I grew up in Dorset and so I loved the familiarity of the fictitious town of Berecombe, with its echoes of Lime Regis.

Despite not having read any of the author’s previous books set in Berecombe, I felt that this book stood its ground as a standalone read and if anything, it encouraged me to look out for the other books based in the town .

I felt for Ashley, as she continued on her path to recovery, but couldn’t think of a nicer spot in which to stay, in order to facilitate that recovery. We didn’t get a huge amount of information about Ashley’s accident initially, but judging by her reaction to hearing two cars prang, it must have been traumatic – although that seems like a bit of an understatement, when you are recovering from having been in a serious car crash.

I enjoyed Ashley’s encounters with Eddie, the social history expert, and found myself hoping that some kind of relationship might start to germinate between the pair.

As the book progressed, it felt to me as though Berecombe and its inhabitants were playing a huge role in Ashley’s healing process, and that felt good. I felt positively overwhelmed by the tight-knit sense of community that was so apparent within the small town.

I don’t know about sunshine and cider cake, but I can say unequivocally that this book made me feel good – warm and gooey inside, a bit like when you drink hot chocolate, accompanied by a tasty, excessively creamy and sugary slice of cake on a cold morning.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and my interest in the outcomes of these wondrous, realistic characters grew exponentially, the more that I read, and I found myself frantically reaching out for the next instalments in this great series.

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Lovely start to this book, it got me looking forward to getting stuck in and seeing what was going to happen. Ashley is a really interesting character, her love of art and photography is right up my street and really relatable.

The growing friendship between Ashley and Eddie is so nice, I couldn't wait to see where it went.

I also really love the connection between Ashley and Ruby, it's really heart-warming.

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I love Georgia Hill's books and feel this one is the best I have read. Wonderful narratives and descriptions. Highly recommend.

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Settle in for what I’m classifying as a historical escape read. A bookended romance, a cover celebrates the past while the other is firmly planted in the future. When a car crash shatters Ashley’s dreams, she embraces Noah’s offer of a rent-free flat in Berecombe. Leaving Ludlow behind, Ashely is struggling with her next steps. What started out as a social media plea to honor a war hero’s funeral quickly turns into a grand-scale event.

Georgia Hill pens a novel embracing the six-degrees of separation ideology. When it comes to the end of our story, our lives continue in someone else's chapter. We don't always realize the impact we've made. As Berecombe rallies to honor one of its own, the residents celebrate those whom made a difference during the battle of Dunkirk.

This is the first book in the series and takes 'baby' steps in revealing the layers of Ruby, Chet, Ashley and Eddie’s relationships. What will happened next; I’m eagerly awaiting the next chapter. Thank you to #NetGalley and the publisher for the early edition of The Great Summer Street Party: Part 1 in exchange for an honest review. Memorable characters bringing history to life was a great way to spend a snowy evening.

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I received an ARC of, The Great Summer Street Party Part 1: Sunshine and Cider Cake, by Georgia Hill. .Ashley is starting over in a new town. I really like her character, she has been through a lot. I cannot wait to read the next book.

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This is a great start to a new series! Just the perfect balance of history and romance set in the prettiest of locations. Can't wait to read part two!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Ashley moves to Bere Comberton help with her recuperation following a serious accident. She is staying with her cousin, Noah, and starts making friends with people in the town, including Eddie, an American who is taking in a local University. She helps to arrange a fitting send off for a local war veteran who died alone, helping her to find a new purpose in life.
It is always great to visit a place from a previous series, with "guest" appearances from characters from those books whilst keeping fresh with the new ones. I can sympathise with Ashley having had an accident last year that I am still recovering from, albeit nowhere near as serious, it does affect your whole life. There are a great selection of characters and the whole thing just feels like a warm hug. Life naturally doesn't go smoothly and I'm certainly looking forward to reading the next book in the series - it does end on a bit of a cliffhanger.
I received an advance copy of this book from the publisher through Netgalley, however this did not influence my review of the book and I subsequently purchased it on release and pre-ordered the next one.

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Thank you Sara Roberts from
One More Chapter | HarperCollins for the opportunity to read this beautiful story.
Wow talk about cliff hanger, when is part 2 out?
Lovely story of friendships, history of the war in a seaside town and a few blossoming romances.
Meet Ashley who moved to Berecombe, by the seaside, to escape her parents and gain post accident independence with her cousin Noah.
Along comes dashing American, Eddie, staying near Berecombe and getting involved with the towns events with Ashley.
Nothing is straight forward, but will their attraction persevere?
Fabulous first time read of Georgia Hill and awaiting part 2

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I read and enjoyed The Little Book Cafe series by Georgia Hill, so I was delighted to receive an early preview copy of this book from Netgalley and the Publisher. It is the first part in a new series.
This book is set in the same fictional Dorest village, Berecombe as the previous books. It is a new series though which can be read as a standalone series. Some of the previous characters do appear, though, which I always enjoy reading about.
This is a great start to a new series, with likeable characters. It has the perfect setting, sea, sand, romance and cakes. There is a real sense of community, and it is a lovely read. I am looking forward to reading the next book in the series.

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I loved this book. It was so sweet and readable I was sorry when suddenly it finished and now I’ve got to wait for the next instalment which I hope won’t be too long as I want to know what happens next. My thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for an honest review.

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I fell in love reading this book, it had character and the location was set in Dorset which makes this come alive even more than normal. A really great read and I am giving this 5 stars.

Thanks to Netgalley and publisher for this e ARC

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A great feel good read. Ashley has gone to the seaside not only to help her heal from a nasty accident but also to help her cousin who is in the middle of planning a party for the 75th anniversary of D Day. I loved the people in the community who help Ashley with an important funeral and Ruby who has memories of the town when the GIs descended. I wished I could go straight on to book 2 to find out what happens next in Ashley’s life.

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A really lovely and enjoyable start to a new series.

This is such a feel-good story and the plot development and characters are wonderful.

This was my first book by the author and I’m already looking forward to reading more of her work.

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The Great Summer Street Party - Part 1: Sunshine and Cider Cake by Georgia Hill

I received an advance review copy for free thanks to NetGalley and HarperCollins UK and I am leaving this review voluntarily

Welcome to Berecombe-by-the-Sea for a year of very special celebrations…
This year sees the seventy-fifth anniversary of D-Day. We owe an enormous debt of gratitude to those brave boys who went to fight on French beaches for our freedom.

And now Berecombe is playing host to our American allies once more. All surviving soldiers who were billeted in the town have been invited for street parties, a D-Day parade, a black-tie ball at The Henville, and much, much more.

So, come along, get dressed up and join in the fun!

This is a great start to the series, a nice quick read. Georgia has written a great introduction to Berecombe-by-the-Sea as we focus on Ashley - a new arrival. With family, friendships and community spirit, this book will leave you feeling very welcome.

Rating 4/5

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A rather sweet novella with more parts to follow.

Follow a serious car accident, Ashley goes to stay with her cousin Noah in a seaside village. Since the accident Ashley has had to give up work so she plans to concentrate on painting and helping Noah with the D-Day commemorations. She doesn’t expect to meet a handsome American and fall head over heels.

A fun story with more to come

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A warming, cozy, light read which was perfect to read under a fluffy blanket in soft cotton pjs and sipping mugs full of hot chocolate and marshmallows. I enjoyed this more than I thought I would. I wasn’t expecting to be reeled into this delightful community that Georgia Hill has created so much.

As soon as there was a mention of a bookshop in the first few chapters, this book had my attention. I become intrigued by how this would conclude very quickly. It has been left wide open and I will definitely be picking up the next book in this series.

I have mixed feelings about Ashley, (the main character.) At some points I liked her and then at others, I didn’t. I found her to be a bit flippant at times. Despite this, I loved her friendship with Ruby and I was captivated by the will they/won’t they element of her relationship with Eddie.

Overall, this is a quick read with short chapters that I recommend to anyone looking for a new adorable romantic series. I can’t wait to hear more about this little community!

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I came out of my comfort zone to read this book and so glad I did I enjoyed every page, great story-telling and well developed characters who I soon got involved with.

Thank you to Netgalley and Harper Collins (OMC) for giving me the opportunity to read this book which I can thoroughly recommend.

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Thank you NetGalley, Georgia Hill, One More Chapter,Harper Collins UK for the book The Great Summer Street Party Part 1: Sunshine and Cider Cake.
This is my personal review.
Ashley was recovering from an auto accident and went to Berescombe to heal while helping her cousin with projects at a museum.
This starts the beginning a magnificent story of honoring those who served in D-Day and how the town will celebrate.
There is everything a great story needs to make you feel like you never want it to end.
It has family, friendship, community spirit, love and the feeling you are welcome as soon as you enter the party.
The anticipation for the next parts to this series is makes me eager to read them all.

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An interesting read, Sunshine and Cider Cake is both a historical and romantic story. I loved reading about the care and compassion people had towards veterans and how much they wanted to celebrate them. I thought it was very sweet and kind, and a reminder that these people who fought for freedom had lives and went through all kinds of events that may not be common knowledge.

Woven in there is an old love story, that comes out in bits here and there, as well as a blossoming love story. Ashley is a great character who has a challenging history leaving her with some physical scars and reminders of an accident. I think it is great how the author showcases the results, both physically and emotionally, of being in a car accident with long term effects. I did have a bit of a hard time connecting to Ashley on a deeper level.

I think the plot is great and the group of characters is wonderful, there was just something missing. I’m not sure exactly what it was, but I felt it throughout the story. I think the potential for it to be great is there. Please do give it a try and decide for yourself what you think!!!

Thank you to Georgia Hill, One More Chapter, Harper Collins UK, and Netgalley for a gifted copy in exchange for an honest review.

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