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The Stars Between Us

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When I received a copy of this book I wasn't exactly sure what to expect but the description and cover alone pulled me in. I was honestly surprised but how much I liked this book and how quickly I got sucked in. I was not a fan of the MC throughout the entire book but there were enough twists and turns that I could over look that a bit more. The book definitely has a lot to offer and I would suggest it to any one trying to dip their toes into sci-fi

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I am literally not sure what to expect but what i got was a grand world, very descriptive and great dialogue. Some of the twists were predictable but that did not take away from the story and my enjoyment. In addition I enjoyed the book so much I already purchased her other books! Looking forward to enjoying this author further!

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I wasn't sure what to expect from this book, but it surprised me! At first I was doubtful of the 'poor girl gets rich' theme but the plot really developed. I didn't see the climax of the story coming, and the character who creates all the trouble really surprised me. The book really had me thinking it would be someone else who was wanting the fortune, and the main character, Vika, really grew on me with time.

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Thank you for the chance to read an early copy of this book!

I am so excited to see Cristin Terrill back in the YA world! I really enjoyed her prior work so was so excited to start this one. I really loved it though the start was a smidgen slow for me.

The MC, Vika, wasn't the most likeable character which was somewhat difficult for me to get over. She actually got less likeable as the story progressed which was difficult. The world was very well done and interesting and so I was engaged with that aspect of the story. This book did have a bit of an uneven pacing, but I did love that it was a sci-fi

There was an overarching mystery that really captured my interest. Even with any issues I had I overall really enjoyed this book.

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This book was absolutely fantastic. I've already added it to our list for order this year and will recommend it to students.

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Both of CT's previous books were 5 stars reads for me so, even though this third novel sounded different from her previous ones, I still had high hopes. But this is unfortunately missing everything I loved about CT's other stories. It's lacking the twists, the turns, the engaging plot, the fast pacing, and just the overall wild adventure that her books tend to be.

This is pretty much only about a spoiled, selfish brat. Gosh, I cant stand Vika. There is a loose mystery happening, but the predictability and shallow nature of it all made my focus predominately be on how much I hated Vika, which is never something you want to happen when reading a book. I actually think all of the characters were pretty one dimensional, so it's such a shame that the story also suffered because of the lack of in-depth characterisation.

I don't want to be completely negative, so I will say that because of the accessible writing, basic nature of the plot, and minimal world-building, this is a really great book for young readers who are looking to dip their toes into the sci-fi genre. There are some interesting elements when it comes of the planets and dystopian feel of it, so I think that might excite some readers.

So there are some positives here, but this story just wasn't enough for me personally.

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This is a fun, rags-to-riches tale with adventure and space and romance and...well, it's quite the ride.

Vika works as a barmaid, bringing in what income she can along with the rest of her family members, since her father's job went under. The last thing she expects is to suddenly be declared the chosen wife for one of the richest sons in the galaxy. She definitely doesn't expect it to be taken away again...and then, back? Her life has turned into a rollercoaster, but then, there's so much more as she faces a plot to kill off the rich family, strangers trying to gain her trust, and a world she doesn't really fit in with.

This was a fun read. The world building is very well done, keeping everything familiar and yet gliding off into space. It's not hard to sink into Vika's life as she does her best to support her family. She's a bit snarky, but she lives a tough life. Her family is supportive...for the most part. Her younger sister is a bit of a mystery to me, but all in all, it's a lovely mix. Especially when the other characters join in and stir up the plot quite a bit.

It does carry the usual Cinderella appeal, but then, twists in murder and intrigue as well as an enemy to friends love. The story flows very smoothly and draws in with it's easy-to-read style. With the space setting, the uniqueness is complete. Even this doesn't overwhelm, but rather adds a nice touch, which won't even scare away those who don't normally dive into the science fiction world.

This is a read to enjoy with a bit of several genres flowing together seamlessly. So, I can recommend this one to YA romance fans, who love more than just than usual, sweet read. I received an ARC and enjoyed the launch into space!

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The Stars Between Us is a sci fi following Vika, a girl from the slums of a struggling planet as she is thrust by chance into a world of excess and luxury as the surprise beneficiary of a dead billionaire. But her new life of riches is threatened when it seems someone is trying to kill off the other heirs. The Stars Between Us has a strong focus on the theme of wealth: what we do in its pursuit, how it corrupts us, and how the right person could use it for good.

This is difficult to elaborate on in a review because of how impossible it is to thoroughly explain without spoilers, but one of TSBU’s strengths is in its unpredictable twists of characters and plot. Looking back, I can see the seeds planted all along, but my assessment of the characters in the beginning of the first act was completely turned on its head by the middle of the second.

Another thing I really liked was the way TSBU executed its central theme. Essentially every character has their life influenced by money, and their possession of it or lack thereof, and how they respond to having it or not having it makes a strong nuanced statement across the book of what money does to people.

Overall, The Stars Between Us was a highly entertaining read with some interesting points to make about money, poverty, and wealth inequality, and I highly recommend it.

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This book really did not resonate with me.
I disliked the world-building. It seemed like it was a world that was 2D. It felt more like a telling instead of showing. Though at times I felt the world was created well... It just seemed incredibly lifeless for 85% of the time. I kept tuning in and out because I couldn't get a clear vision. The rest of the characters are quite actually the same. There's no dimension to the characters or if there is any development in a character it is short-lived. There didn't seem to be emotion almost.(?) I didn't like any character. They all bothered me in some way. The main character is snobby and entitled. She comes from a lowly life but once she begins living the high life, anyone below her becomes nothing to her and she has no regard for them. Once her entitlement started to shine and her lack of self-respect or respect for others started to show, I was over the book. I don't understand the love interest. She hates him for most of the book and is uncomfortable around him and then suddenly everything about him is okay. (?) They didn't seem to have any chemistry. I just cringed and wanted it to end. People are okay with the world and how it is running? There is literal terrorism and the characters keep moving on as though nothing is happening. I don't understand. The whole book is so slow. The first 40% of the book really sets the tone for the rest of the book and it was in shambles for me. I could also predict the end of the book and exactly what was going to happen. I really did not enjoy this book which makes me sad. The cover is interesting, the synopsis is stunning…but the story just didn't work.
I know that this book is great and has really great potential. The main plotline is great and really seems to be going somewhere. The world and characters could be impeccable and incredibly tasteful if there was just a bit more work. This book really is not for me.

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Sci-fi is generally not my go to fiction genre but it is now after devouring The Stars Between Us. Cristin Terrill is a new author to me and it's safe to say I'm officially a fan. The story follows the dynamic trio of Vika, Sky, & Ariel on their mission to uncover the real culprits responsible for a terrorist attack on a commercial space liner. Along the way, they'll discover themselves, each other (fake identities and all), and what the power of money can do to a person. In the beginning of the novel, there is an element of "I'm not like other girls" that did give me pause; but don't worry, there is plenty of opportunity for the characters to grow and mature away from that mindset. There is an element of romance and a beautifully paced enemies to lovers trope, but it is written in a way that I feel is safe to recommend to the middle schoolers I work with everyday. Honestly, the moment I finished this book, I was desperate for a sequel to pick up! I hope to see a second in the series or in the same universe from Terrill.

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I'd pay a thousand bits to not have to re-read this book.

And that's strange, considering that I normally enjoy a good sci-fi tinged romance, with a good life-or-death mystery to solve. However, everything about the book was such a painful slog. It was taking a drink of long drink of water, but finding it stuffed with pages worth of internal monologue about how horrid and unappreciative everyone is of our intrepid and widowed (?) heiress. Can I say widowed if the first love interest ends up as political message fodder in the same chapter he's introduced? Bold.

I couldn't get into the worldbuilding, because the world simply teetered on the cusp of being interesting, without falling one way or the other. I was love with the world, but the rules and mechanics felt more designed around the plot, than describing a living and breathing world itself. The characters needed to be more people, with their own lives and dreams-- rather than painted wooden props existing in Vika's peripheral vision.

The main character's family was also reduced to petty or apathetic caricatures, every character felt one-dimensional, and all the citizens were shockingly okay with literal terrorists running a planet and shaking down already destitute people-- 'cause that's how life is, apparently. These terrorists that everyone simply ignores are also a "better" choice than the government, which seemingly rules more by apathy than anything else.

Speaking of apathy, I couldn't get into the main character's next love interest. From the way he's introduced to the way he interacts with the main character, it screams apathy and boredom. Vika treats him as either a hum-drum piece of her life or with hostile suspicion for a vast part of the book, then any misgivings of his character or motives were immediately glossed away. Worse, there was little to no on-page chemistry, resembling more of a bland and dry shortbread cookie given human form.

For a vast majority of the book., I had to double-check my progress because the book trudged through like a crawl. The first 30% of the book was pages and pages of dawdling around Gloomy Destitute Dystopian City™️, endless rambling about how unappreciative everyone was of the main character, and pages of drudgery of. working a seedy. The plot crawled and shambled towards a semblance of coherency and structure, but ended up losing a leg right at the beginning of the race.

Maybe this book isn't meant for me, and I completely respect that. I honestly wish I could say it was.
I was promised something different from the synopsis, blurb, and gorgeous cover, but the grand and glittering mystery turned into formless smoke the moment I opened the first chapter.

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Fantastic book!! Truly fantastic! I read in in one day! I even carried it to the bathroom with me. I could not put it down!!! Full of twists and turns! Everyone must read! It is one of the best of the best! Thank you, thank you to NetGalley and the publisher from the bottom of my heats! So happy I was granted the privilege to read and review this incredible book!!!

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Thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

The Stars Between Us by Cristin Terrill is like if Great Expectations met Jupiter Ascending! The story revolves around Vika Hale, an ordinary young woman who discovers that she's named in the will of a billionaire who recently died under suspicious circumstances. She's invited to live on a planet for the wealthy society elites. All is not well, however. Someone is trying to eliminate the heirs to the will. Along with Sky, a handsome young man, Vika must find out who is behind the attacks before she becomes the next victim.

Here is an exciting excerpt from the Prologue, which is from a yet-unnamed character's point of view:

"As soon as he was inside, door locked behind him, he grabbed the thing out of his pocket and placed it—gingerly—on the table. Minutes passed as he did nothing but stare at it. For something he had sought for so long and had spent every bit to his name to acquire, it was smaller and simpler than he’d expected. Such a flimsy object shouldn’t have the ability to alter the course of so many lives.
For months he’d been maneuvering the pieces into place, laying the groundwork. It had been surprisingly easy. Everyone underestimated what he was capable of, so they never suspected he was up to anything, and it had all felt so . . . impermanent. He could always change his mind, let his scheme fall by the wayside, and no one would be the wiser.
But that time was over. Now he had to make a decision he wouldn’t be able to unmake.
This was it."

Overall, The Stars Between Us is an exciting blend of sci-fi and mystery. One highlight of this book is the original plotline which blends several different genres together. I loved reading this book. I felt like I was transported into a new world, and I didn't want to leave. If I had to complain about 1 thing, I would say that the characters could be difficult to keep track of. In particular, remember that "Hale" is Vika's last name, and "Hal" is a different character. By the end, though, I was able to know who was who. If you're intrigued by the excerpt above, or if you're a fan of YA science fiction, I highly recommend that you check out this book when it comes out in August!

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Vika has spent her life on a planet with little opportunity, yet a mysterious benefactor has provided her with a great education and medical care. One day Vika learns that the benefactor is a billionaire who has recently died and included her in his will. But the inheritance doesn't come without cost. When Vika goes to his estate and starts to live a life of luxury she cannot believe her luck. But it soon becomes apparent that someone doesn't want the heirs to collect the inheritance. With the help of Sky, an obnoxious employee on the estate, Vika tries to figure out who is after the heirs and how to stop them. Hopefully they can figure it out before it is too late.
I really enjoyed this book. It was one of the books that sucks you in and you want to see what happens. The theme of wealth disparity is one that many readers will be interested in. It asks you to look at yourself and wonder what choices you would make for money. What would you be willing to do or give up inheriting billions of dollars? The characters of Vika and Leo are personable, and you cheer for them. While Vika can at times be a little much as she makes some of her choices, you cannot help but fall in love with Leo. I found myself amazed at who Leo is despite the money that he was raised with. The look at various characters and how they handle their circumstances is interesting, especially when you have so many characters with different life experiences. The author did a great job of creating the characters. It was a great book.

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Life on Philomenus is difficult -- coltane mining has polluted the atmosphere, the economy was wrecked when technological advances made coltane mining unprofitable (as coltane was pretty much the only thing that the planet of Philomenus had going for it), and the electricity supply is patchy and unreliable. Viktoria (Vika) Hale works as a barmaid to bring in extra income for the family, but life is still a struggle for her parents, her sister, and her. However, she has an "advantage" that others on her planet do not. When she was younger, she caught the attention of an old man from Ploutos, the neighboring planet, and since then she has received odd gifts (including tutoring) and demands (including visits to a hospital on Ploutos for gene mapping). Vika has never known why this mystery benefactor has taken an interest in her and could not be more surprised when she learns the reason. Archer Sheratan, a solicitor with Lassiter and Lyons, informs Vika that his client had chosen her to marry his son. The client was so firm in his belief that his son should marry Vika that he made it a condition of his will -- in order for his son to get his inheritance, he had to marry Vika. Archer also informs Vika and her family that the mystery benefactor is Rigel Chapin, one of the richest men in the galaxy, who recently passed away. Vika is not pleased that Mr. Chapin thinks she can be bought and sold, but the appeal of life on Ploutos is hard to resist.

The media soon learns about Chapin's will and Vika's identity and wants to talk to her. So, when a young man, Sky Foster, shows up at the housing complex where she lives, and which her father manages, she assumes he is a reporter, but he insists he is not, and he wants to rent an apartment, which she can hardly refuse, as the family can use the money.

Leo Chapin had been sent off to boarding school on another planet at a young age and had not returned home in years, and had a rocky relationship with his father, so the condition of the will comes as a surprise to him as well. He is not sure if he can marry a girl he does not know, but that decision becomes irrelevant when the transport ship he is on explodes and he dies. Leo's death is both a relief and a disaster for Vika, but her recent topsy-turvy life is disrupted again when she meets with Harold and Mira Gardner, Mr. Chapin's personal handyman and housekeeper, who are next in line to inherit his fortune, and who feel bad about her sudden changes in fortune and offer to have her stay with them for a while.

Vika will get her life of luxury on Ploutos, but it is not what she expects. She is overwhelmed by her change in circumstances, and she lets the life of luxury go to her head. For a while, she comes across as vapid (and rather annoying), but a series of events, including Sky Foster showing up as Harold's assistant, the way the newfound wealth changes Harold, and a possible threat to the lives of Harold and Mira, cause Vika to re-evaluate her behavior and what she wants in life.

While there is a period in the story where Vika is a rather obnoxious character, it is neat to see how her changes in circumstances affect her and her struggle to figure out what matters to her. The interplay between Vika and Sky is well done. There are some pretty good twists in the story. My favorite character is Ariel, whom I will leave for the reader to discover for themself.

I received a copy of the e-book via NetGalley in exchange for a review.

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ARC was kindly provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

My first actually Sci-fi, but "The Stars Between Us" had a natural, realistic flow, and the writing was well-crafted and enjoyable to read, my first read from this author Cristin Terrill.

Well done.

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The Stars Between Us by Cristin Terrill is a super cute romance story! I loved the writing and the science fiction element a lot.

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The Stars Between Us had me hooked by the first page, and the grip didn’t loosen until the very end.
A well plotted and drawn world with a fantastic characters.
The characters were intriguing and I got emotionally invested to Vika, it was a bittersweet feeling.
The mystery and romance was just spectacular.
Cristin writes with intensity and purpose. Every scene contained well-paced action, deft characterization, and snappy dialogue.
This was the most unique book I've read in a long time.
TSBU is a beautifully written novel by Cristin Terrill, that holds you in its world even after finishing it, now that is fascinating if you ask me.

Wednesday Books,
Thank you so much for this eARC!
I will post to my blog and platforms close to pub date!

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The Stars Between Us is a mix of many different elements wrapped into one story. There's sci-fi, mystery, a little romance and some family discord and social economic status bits thrown in. This book would be best for the YA audience and people just getting into sci-fi.

The author was descriptive in her writing and the dialogue was pretty good. There was some character development throughout the book which was nice to see. The synopsis was well written and drew me in.

Unfortunately this book was not it for me. None of the characters were likable in my opinion so it made it difficult to become invested. I had a hard time staying focused and motivated to get through this book. I found myself skimming through everything except the dialogue. The book did not really peak my interest until I was about 75% of the way through and even then it was just small parts of each chapter. There was a lot of substance but very little action. The story was slow and a bit predictable.

This book has a lot to offer. The concept was interesting but the execution fell short. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Some intrigue, some mystery, some attempted murder, and loads of interplanetary romance made for an enjoyable read.

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