Cover Image: By the Book-A Meant To Be Novel

By the Book-A Meant To Be Novel

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After reading an intense novel, I needed something light to read. By the Book was everything I needed and more. I devoured the witty banter, likable characters, and book themed plot. I needed to know what would happen with Beau and Izzy, and their bookish love story. A wonderful summer read that everyone should pick up and enjoy.

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A quick and enjoyable contemporary romance retelling of Beauty and the Beast. The fairy telling aspect of this novel will have you feeling like you've read this book before.

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As clean romances go, this was probably THE BEST clean rom com I’ve ever read! I absolutely loved the plot, and all the tension, sexual and otherwise between Izzy and Beau was next level. Romantic Comedisney needs to be it’s own genre because this was just so good!!! I would have loved a little bit more romance instead of fade to black, but I get it. I can’t wait to read more books from this line. Jasmine Guillory is the queen of Rom Coms, and I just loved this Beauty and the Beast inspired read!!

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Being a huge Beauty & the Beast fan, I found this book to be so much fun to read. I thought the modern take on this "tale as old as time" was imaginative. Isabelle & Beau were fun to get to know. I enjoyed looking for all of the little nods to the original story, like her talking to the bathtub & thinking she might have heard it talk back or the WiFi password being Lum1ere! Highly recommend reading this book if you enjoy romance & fun.
Thanks to the publisher & NetGalley for advanced copy in exchange for my honest review

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This book gets better as it goes along. I had actually started this book months ago, but the over-the-top nature of the first chapter (a little TOO Disney Princess optimistic) made me set it aside. But I'm glad I picked it back up! After the prologue, the book takes a turn for the better, and it really hits it stride around halfway in and concludes nicely. The Beauty and the Beast references are a fun nod, though I think the need to fit the mold is what hurdled the book in its beginning. But setting that aside, this is a solid celebrity romance with two interesting, well-developed characters. I wouldn't say it feels traditionally Jasmine Guillory, but it's a fun read I'd recommend to Beauty and the Beast fans.

Thanks to Disney Hyperion for my eARC! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

4 stars - 7/10

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Jasmine Guillory writes the cutest romance stories and By The Book is for the lovers of literature among us.

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I loved this fun modern take on Beauty and the Beast (which is one of my all time favorite fairy tale stories). It was different enough to be realistic, but the similarities were hard to miss. The cover for one. I'm a big fan of Jasmine Guillory and her newest book didn't disappoint. The characters are likable and had such fantastic chemistry. It was the will they or wont they plot that kept us reading and wanting more.

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I really love Jasmine Guillory's books and her characters. This one felt a little lighter and not as developed as some of her other books, so while it was an enjoyable read, I also found that it didn't stick with me for a long time. I will look forward to reading her next book though!

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Jasmine Guillory never disappoints, & I thoroughly enjoyed this story of Izzy and Beau's journey to both finding themselves and happiness. Readers will love this version of the Beauty and the Beast fairy tale.

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Many thanks to Netgalley and Hyperion Avenue for providing this book in exchange for an honest review.

This is my first Jasmine Guillory book and I am hooked. This was such a cute story and Isabelle (Izzy) and Beau had me won over. It has a Beauty and the Beast vibe and that is always a win for me. It's sweet and you just root for the two of them to fall in love. I did like that it wasn't instant and we could see the build up between them.

Perfect for a summer read.

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Jasmine Guillory knows his to craft a story, that’s gonna hook you from the very beginning until the end. By the Book is an ode to all book lovers and one of the best retelling of Beauty and the Beast I’ve read.
I enjoyed getting to know Izzy and Beau, these two kept me laughing with the back and forth, their quirky interactions and the great snacks they ate.

By the Book is a sweet and heartwarming story. It’s ode to book lovers all over and it’s definitely worth reading.

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So this wasn't my favorite Jasmine Guillory book. It was cute but it felt as it dragged on.. I did love the beauty and the beast representation it was cute. There was just a lot of overthinking from the main character that made me feel like 'we're adults, we should be able to talk about these things without overthinking'.

Overall, cute read.

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Tale as old as time… with a nice shove into modern time.
Readers will find cute little “easter eggs” from Beauty and the Beast throughout By The Book by Jasmine Guillory. It’s in small moments, such as nicknames, company names, WIFI passwords etc. I enjoyed these tiny details throughout this love story. By The Book is so much more than a modern retelling of a book lover that falls in love with the beast. Our leading lady in this story first falls in love with his snack pantry, then his library later.

I know what you’re thinking… snack pantry? But it plays such a silly role in the development of Izzy and Beau’s friendship. Beau is a spoiled celebrity, famous for being famous. Naturally, that means he has a well stocked pantry similar to what we’ve heard of from Khloe Kardashian. The kitchen and pantry are described as a fantastical setting, and it’s full of things they both love. It’s a place that they often meet up and have cozy moments with comfort foods.

Enemies, to co-workers, to friends, to lovers…
Izzy is starting to be burned out with her job at Tale as Old as Time publishing in New York. By being planted in Beau’s house in southern California, Izzy hopes to prove to her boss (and herself) that she is meant to be in publishing. That her love of books is not dwindling each day she walks into work. She knows it won’t be easy to get Beau Towers to write his memoir, but no one has ever gotten him to agree to try before she had. As challenging and grumpy Beau can be with her, the grand stair case and clawfoot bath tub leave a magical feeling in her heart. Time alone in her room upstairs could feel like being locked in a tower, but it becomes almost soothing for Izzy. She begins talking to her bathtub which sounds crazy but is actually so normal to me. Again, it’s a playful tie-in to the fiction fantasy tale.

If you’re looking for a sweet romance that skips over the bedroom scenes, this is a great book for you.

Jasmine Guillory delivers all of the swoons between two adults that find love in a place they least expected. Neither of them had ever fallen for someone quite like the other. This point wasn’t overly stated throughout the book, and I’m glad it was dual sided. Sometimes in romances the heroine will focus heavily on not being the right type for the guy; however, Beau wasn’t the typical type of man for Izzy either.

As a bonus, we see a fictional behind the scenes to the publishing world. Guillory shares some relatable pains of a writer having to take a leap and be vulnerable in order to write a book. Readers don’t just swoon over the developing love, we swoon over the life of an editor and their unlimited access to books!

The way these two meet is a little unconventional. The fact that she moves into his house almost on a dare seems a little strange, but then again, Belle moved in with the beast as a prisoner! By The Book is light-hearted, and full of little moments between lovers that make you say “aww”. I’d say this is a great book for anyone who needs a cute happily-ever-after in their life.

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This was … fine. I really low low-angst romances in general but I honestly felt bored by this one most of the time. I would have usually put it down, but I’ve liked Guillory’s stuff in the past so I wanted to see if it got better and … it was just fine.

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By the Book is a cute romance that explores some of the more hidden and maybe not so glittery aspects of publishing. I absolutely loved the Beauty and the Beast retelling elements, and I often found myself swooning at the romance. I also appreciated how Jasmine Guillory didn't shy away from an honest examination of publishing. Overall, I would recommend this book to anyone who likes Beauty and the Beast, romances, and books.

(Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review. Any quotes are taken from an advanced copy and may be subject to change upon final publication.)

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Isabelle had always dreamed of working in books - but her publishing job has not been the dream she imagined. It’s mostly tending to high maintenance authors and emailing Beau Towers, typical celebrity asshole, about his long overdue memoir (not that he ever replies). When her boss says someone needs to go confront Beau, Izzy is more than ready to prove herself. But knocking on his door for a pep talk turns to staying in his house to coax a manuscript out of him day by day - and they’re both in over their heads.

THIS WAS SO CUTE I WANT TO CRY. I’m a sucker for a Beauty and the Beast retelling, and this one made it modern while giving plenty of nods to the Disney classic (this is published by the overlords themselves after all).

I’m so glad that the celebration of “diversity” (3 authors of colour in a 25 book season) was addressed, because it’s absolutely ridiculous to call 3/25 a victory?? Kick it up a notch, publishing world, yikes.

I loved Beau’s character, and seeing the little pieces slip through his mask as he began to open up was *chef’s kiss*. And for real, anyone with their snack priorities figured out is a treasure. And it’s sad to say, but seeing so much enjoyment of food on the page without any food morality at play was so nice. I am tired of hearing people say they were being “bad” for having a cookie. In this book, food brings people together, is shared, enjoyed and valued.

I haven’t even touched on the actual writing of the memoir yet - the process of writing and working together was so precious to watch. Especially as they dive into the trauma surrounding Beau’s feelings about his parents and even himself.

I could go on for days, honestly, but I’ll end with this: the epilogue totally passes the vibe check - no proposal, pregnancy or marriage, and honestly just endears me to these characters even further. Exactly what I crave in a romance, delivered on an exquisite platter, and hell yeah I’ll be your guest. (I could not resist, and I both apologize and embrace my cringe wholeheartedly).

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Fantastic! I just loved this series starting with Julie Murphy's Cinderella remix and now Jasmine Guillory's Beauty & the Beast retelling. The way they modernize these romantic classics through some of contemporary romance writing's biggest stars is a fantastic addition to my adult reading bookshelf. Can't wait for the next!

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Such a big fan of Jasmine Guillory and I really liked this book. I love how it took a modern twist at beauty and the beast and the enemy’s to lovers trait was great. I felt it was a quick read and very entertaining.

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I wasn’t sure what to expect out of a beauty and the beast inspired book but By the Book DELIVERED!! I love books set in the book publishing world and this one was so fun and unexpected! I flew threw it and it left me wanting more. I definitely recommend this fun and lighthearted summer read!

Thank you NetGalley for this ARC!.

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The main character's personality got on my nerves but it was a cute romance. I loved that it involved writing and books.It was a quick cute little read. Even though,nothing about the story felt original, as much as this fairy tale has been told over and over again, I just wished it wasn't so by the book (ha!).

Well as always Happy Reading!!

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