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Moment in Time

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Redfearn’s In an Instant was my favorite book of 2021 so I was thrilled to read the follow up. Unfortunately, this one didn’t hit for me. Most centers around a date rape that just seems a little forced and the sentiment behind the first book was missing for me.

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I was excited to see a follow up to In an Instant, because that was on of the most powerful books I have ever read! While Moment in Time was not the powerful, intense emotional ride that In an Instant was, it was great to get to read about Chloe and Mo and the others and see how they were making it. Plus, if you are a Suzanne Redfearn fan, you would like that she also added a few appearances from characters from her other novels. This book does contain subject matte like date rape, that may be difficult for some readers.

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I wanted to read this one because I absolutely loved In an instant. When I request this book from netgallery I obly did it because it was by the same author not realising it had the same characters in as the previous book.
The book contain a sunject matter which would be upsetting for many people but I think the author write the story in an amazing why. She is able to write about people relationships so well. The characters are well developed, mo and chloe who we know from the previous book are very likable and as a reader I found myself caring what happened to them.
Thank you for the advanced copy of this book

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‘The power of right
Is a greater might
Than thou can’st think or speak’

Lines from a poem that are underscored, a can of paint thinner and several acts of revenge. This story brings together characters from other Suzanne Redfern books but focuses on Chloe Miller, now a vet and Mo Kaminski from ‘In an Instant’ and their flatmate and friend Hazel. Central to the novel is the difficult topic of sexual assault and the ramifications that follow on from it. This is a tough subject matter but the author handles it compassionately yet leaves you in little doubt. It’ll make you angry in places as it should.

First of all, I really like that the author uses characters from her other novels but it isn’t necessary to have read those though they are very good books. You can’t help but like Chloe and Mo even though they don’t always make the best choices. I love the role that Ruby plays, an injured dog that Chloe rescues, she saves the day on at least one occasion and she warms your heart. The novel has a fast pace and is full of twists and turns.

It does sometimes wander off the plot path usually into a restaurant or bar so the writing doesn’t feel quite as compact and tight as her other books. Having said that it’s extremely hard to put down and is definitely a one sitting read. The themes as they emerge are thought-provoking as some actions and subsequent lies are told out of loyalty and protecting those you care for but sometimes these decisions drag them into a maelstrom. This makes a stark contrast to the other wicked lies that are so damaging and cruel. We witness the power of friendship and love which definitely shines through the dark theme. The ending is heartwarming and one you crave and need after the heartbreak .

Overall, Suzanne Redfern is a must read author for me as you glide effortlessly through her books.

With thanks to NetGalley and especially to Lake Union for the much appreciated arc in return for an honest review.

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I enjoy Suzanne Redfearn’s writing. Her stories are honest and realistic, and her characters are relatable. The author;s note at the end put this particular story into perspective for me.

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I've become a big fan of Redfearn's and this book just continues that tradition. A great, thrilling read. Highly recommend.

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An excellent read! Well written, the characters were well developed and this book brings to light a disturbing subject, GHB, a date rape drug and all the horrific consequences that can happen. I love that the author brings characters from her previous books into the story but not in a way that makes you feel you have to read all of them. I look forward to the next story by this author.

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This book had me ion the edge of my seat and it had so many twits and turns. Love the relationship of the three best friends and how the deal with the tragedy in their lives. Each one has something different to overcome and I love how they stick together through it all. This story deal with a tuff topic and brings light to one of societies worse crimes and how it often goes unpunished,

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Moment in Time
by Suzanne Redfearn

Pub Date: 08 Mar 2022

thanks to @netgalley and @amazonpublishing for my #gifted e-copy

I've never read any of Redfearn's novels, so it's fair to say that I went into Moment in Time without expectations. However, the blurb made the book sound quite appealing, and I could not resist delving into a story about friendship and trauma. At least that's what I was sold.

Unfortunately, that's not what I found.

From the beginning, it is pretty unclear why two of the three main characters are friends. It is hinted and mentioned in passing and without tact that they both suffered traumatic events when they were younger, but it isn't until almost the end of the novel that it's clear that, actually, their trauma comes from the same incident. One would think that this information is crucial and would be clear right from the beginning, but alas, it is not.

All the relationships in this novel are confusing and underdeveloped in this novel. But, sadly, that's not the worst part, which is still quite significant because it affects how credible and relatable the book's characters are. No, the worst part is how the author handled rape.

The way the characters dealt with the actual rape -advertised in the blurb- stunned me. I obviously cannot comment on the author's personal experiences, but the sexual assault itself was almost invisible. The author decided to emphasise the rapist and some bullshit drama around him rather than concentrate on the survivor's experience. Hell, even the survivor's friends' romantic drama got more attention than the actual rape. And yes, I know I'm saying rape a lot, but such a traumatic event shouldn't be used as a simple trope to move the plot forward.

This story has no nuance, even though I can see how the author tried. There were short-lived scenes that delved into the impact of social media and the victim-blaming tendencies around rape, but it was not enough for me. Not at least in the sense that matters.

Overall, Moment in Time was not my cup of tea. A novel that develops around a tough topic, yet the story's impact gets lots in between endless and insignificant drama.

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This book was FANTASTIC.

I was given the opportunity to read this book with an advanced reader copy from #netgalley. I did not know when I requested it, that it was the same author of In An Instant, a title I read - and loved - last year.

Around a third of the way there, I kept thinking of that other story I had read, but couldn’t pull enough details together to definitely tie it together. That said, if you have NOT read In An Instant, don’t worry. You don’t need to in order to enjoy Moment in Time. It doesn’t hurt though!

A moment in time had characters that were so relatable and likable that the reader truly becomes immersed in the story. There are also characters who hardly warrant a mention but are told with such heart that you experience them too, a ripple in a pond. The characters who are so repugnant you immediately think the worst of is there too, of course, and they are also written with carefully created details that make it just palatable enough to question their guilt.

Overall, the book is masterful and I highly recommend it. Especially if you enjoyed In An Instant!

I’m glad that I read the author's note because I’m now determined to read Hunter's story as well!

Book 1 of 2022, thank you #netgalley #arc #suzanneredfearn #momentintime

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Rating: 3.5/5 ⭐️ - rounded up!

CW: Rape, Assault, Suicidal Discussion

This is my first book I’ve read by Suzanne Redfearn. What I didn’t know is that this book is technically a follow up story to the author’s widely popular book “In an Instant” which multiple characters from that story included in this one. I was so excited to read it because of it’s main themes, and that the book is set in San Francisco 🌉! I live here and loved all of the tidbits/local spots this author described.

Tip: You can definitely can read this book as a stand-alone novel but I highly recommend anyone to read “In an Instant” first so you know more backstory around the main characters first. ☁️ ☁️ ☁️

Someone else here wrote a review that they felt as if they started a movie halfway through (and that’s how this book began for them). I would agree with this statement. I was confused with the amount of side characters and side plot lines and timelines. A couple of the main characters were unlikable at times - I particularly enjoyed Chloe’s timeline and found her to be endearing to read. 🐶 🤍

However, I thought that the main plot line of the book in which a character was raped was very important and very relevant for a discussion in 2021. I thought the author did a great job describing how victims of sexual violence may feel after it happens & their thoughts. I was very interested in THIS storyline (more than some of the others) and after reading the Author’s note on why Suzanne wrote this story, I really understood why she wrote this book in the first place.

Overall, I recommend this book to anyone who read “In an Instant”, to those who are interested in a bit of a mystery surrounding someone getting drugged, and about a band of misfit friends going through life in San Francisco.

Thank you to Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley for sending me an advanced reader copy in exchange for my honest review.

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I read “In an Instant” by Suzanne Redfearn and was really excited to learn “Moment in Time” included some of the same characters. I loved “In an Instant” and I really wanted to love this book just as much but unfortunately I didn’t.

From the beginning, I did not feel the characters were well developed and I had a difficult time making connections with them. Even with all of the the mentioning of previous characters and the accident from “In an Instant” did not add to the development of this story. I am a reader who wants to be invested and without a strong connection to at least one of the characters- I can’t be.

There were several parts of the book that were not believable and possibly not legally correct. By the end of the book there were still a couple of unresolved issues and unanswered questions.

I did appreciate the discussion questions at the end of the book and the note from the author sharing background information for her writing about some of the topics.

Even though this was not one of my favorites, I am still glad I read it and I am still a fan of Suzanne Redfearn based on my previous reading experience with her work. This book might be for you if you enjoy reading Young Adult Fiction or Mystery Thrillers.

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This story brings back two characters from Redfearn's riveting novel, "In an Instant." Mo Kaminski and Chloe Miller remain best friends. They are now in their 20's, living and working in San Francisco. Their friend and roommate Hazel are each working and having fun as they live out what is supposed to be some of their best years. That all changes one night when Mo and Hazel go out on the town, and run into a college acquaintance of Mo's. What happens then is a frightening twist of events that lead all three ladies down a path of challenges, self-discovery, and acceptance.

While Mo is preoccupied, Hazel vanishes. As Mo and Chloe search for her, they are terrified. Responsible Hazel would never disappear without checking in with her friends. When she finally turns up that weekend, the women are horrified. Hazel was sexually assaulted by Mo's friend. As Mo and Chloe try to come to turns with this disaster, Hazel again disappears, only to have her perpetrator discovered attacked and unconscious. Where is Hazel? Did she have something to do with this violent act?

Mo and Chloe set out to find Hazel as she roams around from state to state, trying to heal from her attack. The plot thickens when another death is discovered in the exact area where Hazel has been staying. What exactly is going on, and can Mo and Chloe get to Hazel before she does something that she will live to truly regret?

I was so excited to read this story and see what happened to Mo and Chloe as they matured and recovered from the disastrous events of "In an Instant". While this book was enjoyable, it lacked the sentiment that "In an Instant" invoked. There were also a couple of plot points that quite honestly were not clarified at all by the author, and therefore did not make a whole lot of sense. I was definitely scratching my head at some unanswered questions. Is it a must read? Nah, but it was an enjoyable story that held my attention. However, if you have not read "In an Instant", do not wait! Truly incredible novel of betrayal, forgiveness, and the strength of the human spirit.

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Amazing! Loved it and will for sure be reading more by this author! Will make sure to tell others about it as well!

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Moment in Time picks up eight years after the events in In An Instant. I do recommend reading that book first. Even though the Moment in Time storyline is unrelated to In an Instant, the characters are deeply impacted by what happened in the past and it is referred to many times.

This is a tough read due to subject matter. One friend leaves another for just a few minutes in a bar, and the consequences are devastating.

The story is filled with twists and turns (and characters from other books). I found a few things to be unrealistic, but the characters, especially Chloe and Mo, are compelling.

Not family friendly due to subject matter.

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Thank you Netgalley for this opportunity to read A Moment In Time. I loved In an Instant and was looking forward to being reuninted with some of the same characters. I enjoyed the book and the story. Just a warning, it deals with issues around sexual assault. It was a good read overall.

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The first book I read last year (In An Instant) was by this author and I really enjoyed it so I thought it would be cool to make her upcoming book my first for this year as well. I liked that the main characters in this book were from In An Instant without this being a sequel. This story is centered around a rape so please be aware of that if it’s a trigger for you. It’s a very well done and engaging story that brings to light the fact that way too often rape and sexual assault victims are not believed or are blamed in some way. I’ve now read three books by Suzanne Redfearn and in each one I have noticed that she brings deeper meaning and humanity to her books than just the surface story and this one was no exception. There’s always an underlying and meaningful message. I loved the friendships in this book and how these friends seemed like they’d do anything for each other. The ending was just what I wanted to see and wrapped everything up tidily.

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Thanks NetGalley, Suzanne Redfearn and the publisher for a copy to review.
Eight years ago a tragic accident changed Mo's and Cloe's lives.
Another moment in time changed their friend's Hazel life, what if it was Mo? What if she didn't step out for the phone call? One moment could have changed everything.
Mo and Chloe set out for a journey to trace Hazel and bring her back home.

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I wanted to start 2022 with a new (to me) author ,and “Moment in Time” by Suzanna Redfearn seemed like a good pick. While not the easiest read, I found the story of survival and justice evocative without being overwhelming preachy.

Mo and Chloe have survived tragedy before, but now as young adults, live in San Francisco as they struggle to find their way. Their third roommate, Hazel, is sexually assaulted, but instead of “Moment in Time” simply being a narrative of a victim’s recovery, Hazel goes missing. At that point, the novel twists in unexpected direction after direction. While Hazel’s story needs to be told (again and again), some of the more legal-focused sections of the novel require the reader to suspend disbelief—full disclosure, I am an attorney and law professor—and some plot points seem completely unnecessary.

I did not know until getting into the book that this novel picks up after “In an Instant” ends, which was why I felt I walked into a movie at the midway mark. I felt that if I read the earlier novel, some of the characters’ choices might have made better sense. If you are a fan of the earlier book, I think you will certainly enjoy this one. If you’re new to the author, like me, I suggest you start with “In an Instant” first.

Thank you the Suzanna Redfearn, NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC of this novel.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to review this book.

Mo and Chloe, two characters from the amazing In an Instant by the same author are now twenty-somethings living in San Francisco. Mo has started her own media company and Chloe is a veterinarian. Their lives are torn apart when their roommate Hazel is sexually assaulted and disappears.

I originally had this book scored higher, but I reduced the rating by a star after further consideration. While it was nice to see some characters from the book In An Instant again, this book just fell flat. It didn't have the same verve and punch. I wanted it to center more on Hazel's story and it veered into some weird places in regards to actions taken after Hazel's assault. The story was just an odd mish-mash of a lot of different things and ultimately, it was all for dramatic purposes. In an Instant was such a heartrending, beautiful read that I had very high hopes for this one. Alas, I felt a little let down by this follow-up. It's not a bad book but it isn't great either.

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