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Under Her Care

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This book was two stars through and through. I knew exactly what was happening from the very beginning, and nothing that happened afterwards was worth reading. Did I get a slight surprise at the end? Sure, but really it doesn’t change anything. And it wasn’t even a very satisfying ending. I wanted more from it. I’m really disappointed because I LOVED The Perfect Child, but this was just not a book I thoroughly enjoyed. I’m definitely not giving up on Berry though and have her other books on my TBR and really look forward to them.

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I just finished reading this and it’s very hard for me to review. Due to it, being messy and all over the place. As well as I hated the ending. We never got to know what happened with the main characters. The last we read they were in the forest. Then the point of view changed completely.
I usually love lucindas books but this one was not my cup of tea.

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Loved this thriller of a book that was so well done. I loved the main character and all the twists in this one are so well done.

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Lucinda Berry does it again. Her vast irl knowledge of psychology and how it can influence behavior shines in this new novel where one's nonconformity leads him to be ostracized and suspicion to be cast his way, but is it justified?
You won't be able to put this down so I would highly recommend reading it when you don't have to take care of anyone else or make dinner anytime soon.

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I was excited to finally read something from Lucinda Berry because I've typically heard good things about all of her books but this one was just way too rushed through for me. There was a lot of loose ends left at the ending as well which really took away from the overall book for me. I felt like there were very few explained answers and that the reader would have benefited from a chapter or two of what happens to Mason in the end. I didn't connect with any of the characters in this and found a few of the different POV chapters to be odd. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This was my first Lucinda Berry book and won't be my last. I actually heard her other books are much better than Under Her Care, so I'm excited to check out others. I liked the story and I thought you could truly see the author's experience in the field. I have sons with autism and I felt certain aspects were very well betrayed. The mystery part was weaker and somewhat predictable.

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Lucinda Berry's books are always a hit with me. Anytime I see Lucinda Berry has a new book it is an automatic buy for me. This book was no exception; I was hooked from the beginning and read it in 1-2 sittings.

Her books are always fast paced and have very interesting psychological perspective. This book deals with a teen who has autism and the detective on the case needs the help of a trained autism psychologist.

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I absolutely loved this book. It hooked me and kept me turning pages until I was done. Finished it in two days! The character development was strong, and the premise was unique enough that it didn't feel like anything else I've read.

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A mayor's wife dies and the main suspect is Mason, an autistic teenager.
Detective Casey Walker comes in to help with the case. She is open to Mason being guilty or not guilty.
We go with Casey to meet Mason and his mother. Oh my what a pair these two were.
I immediately disliked his mother.
I wanted to believe Mason was incapable of murder so I kept reading and reading until the story finished.

What a wild ride this book was, compelling and gripping.

I really can't say more without spoiling the book, just go read it and clear a few hours because y'all won't want to put it down.


Thank you NetGalley, the publisher and author for allowing me to review this e arc.

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Lucinda Berry is an author whose work I try to follow and get excited when I see it. I’ve read and enjoyed previous books from this author so I was really looking forward to reading this one too. While I liked the premise of this book, and found the mystery intriguing, I felt I couldn’t connect with the characters as much as I wanted to. Some of them, and what they represented in the general flow of the story, just didn’t interest me, or I found lacking in credibility.
It was still an easy to follow and engaging mystery though, the kind of reliable storytelling I’ve come to expect from Lucinda Berry.

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Lucinda Berry is a favorite of mine. I only wish I would have picked this one up sooner. I was hooked from beginning to end. Would recommend!!

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👑Book Review👑
Summary: On a humid summer day in Alabama, a mayor’s wife turns up brutally murdered under a railroad bridge. Standing next to her body is fourteen-year-old Mason Hill, the autistic son of former Miss USA Genevieve Hill. The locals are quick to level their verdict on young Mason: he did it.

The town detective calls in local autism expert Casey Walker to consult on the case. At first, Casey tries to keep an open mind. But the more time she spends with Genevieve, the more her unease grows, and she suspects that Genevieve is doing more than just protecting her son.

Casey’s misgivings surrounding Genevieve’s story only intensify when she meets Savannah, Genevieve’s nineteen-year-old daughter. Savannah, as it turns out, has some disturbing secrets of her own. But as Casey dives ever deeper into the Hill family dynamic, her search for the truth leads to another shocking murder―one that shatters her understanding of the human condition in ways she never imagined.
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️💫
My thoughts: Normally I love Lucinda Berry but this one didn’t hit the mark for me. The twist was certainly interesting I was ready to give up and DNF before it occurred 😂I thought Genevieve could have been more well written in my opinion and Casey wasn’t much of a police consultant. She spent more time consulting with her dad than the police she was working with. Not my favorite of hers but it was a fun quick thriller.
QOTD: what was your last 5 star read ? I’ve been striking out lately and need some recommendations !
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I flew through this book! It’s a nice gripping thriller that has you asking yourself what you would do to protect your child.

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Thank you for providing me with a copy of this book.
I run out of time so sorry I wasn't able to finish this just as yet, I will edit this review soon as I finish.

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Unfortunately, I have been locked out of my netgalley account for a few months and was not able to see which books I had on my list or even know to check if they downloaded properly, in order to properly read and review. I do apologize and am doing a 3 for neutral. Will update once I’m able to obtain a copy and read!

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Loved loved this one!! Gripping and exciting and as always a fab read and can't wait to see what this author does next :)

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I've read other books by this author and liked them, and this one was no exception. A woman is found murdered and the man found by her body is the autistic son of a woman named Genevieve. A clinical psychologist named Casey becomes involved in the case also. The plot was very fast-paced and the truth behind the murder is revealed. One thing I liked was how you get the autistic son's perspective of the events also. Overall it was a great quick read. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advanced reader copy.

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I read this book a few weeks ago and forgot to review until now. I honestly don’t remember much about it, or how it ended. So I feel like that says a lot about the book. I’m rating it what I gave it on goodreads after immediately after reading.

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I flew through this book! It's a story that keeps you guessing and wondering what a parent would do to care for their child who has a disability. The murder of the mayors wife brings Genevieve and her son Mason in to the headlines, as they were there when it happened and they found the body. Everyone is ready to blame Mason who is 14 years old but in reality acts like a 4 year old. Casey is the towns autism expert so the police bring her in to help prove Mason's guilt. But Casey doesn't believe he's guilty and she'll do anything she can to save him from prison and from his terrible mother!

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Lucinda Berry is SUCH an underrated author. Under Her Care was all kinds of twisted and such a solid 5 star thriller.

Casey, who is a psychologist who specializes in children with autism is called to help out with a murder case. A teenage boy named Mason who has autism is the person of interest in the mayor’s wife’s murder. He was found on top of her body covered in her blood. As Casey gets more involved in this case she starts to uncover some twisted truths about Mason’s family.

Seriously though, read this now!

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