Member Reviews

I loved the images in this book, they really bought the story to life

I read the book with my five-year-old daughter and she loved the story but it also made us feel a little sad about what is happening and what could have happened if Blue hadn’t been found

The book was written simply so she was able to read the book herself with a bit of help on a few of the trickier words but she loves being able to read the stories herself

It is 4 stars from me for this one, I thought it was a fab little story, highly recommended and I hope books like this will continue to encourage people to recycle, use less plastic and protect the environment and the creatures in it, we always do what we can at home and when we are out – it’s the little things that count when they are all added up to make a big impact

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A huge Thank You to The author, The publisher and NetGalley for providing the e-arc in exchange for an honest review.
Awww! Adorable.

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The most precious and charming little illustrations – I could not get enough of this one. The story of a little one who loves the blue of the ocean, as well as a new friend, a giant whale named Blue. Unfortunately, it becomes obvious that Blue is not feeling too hot, mainly because he has swallowed a ton of plastic bags, the result of increased pollution in his ocean home. The little one removes all of the plastic bags, and his friend feels better once again. This one is not only a reminder to respect the environment, but also a wonderful ode to the beauty of the sea and the unwavering loyalty and friendship of children.

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Cute story for lower elementary students to learn about the impact trash bags have on our oceans. This book is about a sailor finding out where some plastic bags can go when they end up in the ocean. This book briefly explains how this happens as well, The part about jellyfish is quickly mentioned and many young students may not understand the reference. Overall a cute story to add to a class library that can be read it’s units on recycling. Thank you NetGalley and Flyaway Books for an advanced ebook copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Not bad, a very simplistic explanation of pollutions impacts on wildlife. A boy is saved by a whale named Blue, who he then saves by cleaning out the trash bags from his stomach. I like the overall moral of the story, but I wouldn’t want my kid to think he could just go into an animals stomach to heal them.

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This book is such a beautiful introduction to the hazards of plastic waste. I read this with both my 4yo & my 2yo. It’s a story in which both could understand & prompted further discussion with my 4yo. I would definitely recommend this book for preschoolers beginning to learn about environmental issues.

Thank you NetGalley & Flyaway books for the preview!

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A poignant tale of the impact of ocean pollution on the natural biosphere. Includes a help sheet giving easy to follow tips to make a difference. Watercolour illustrations are lovely.

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'I Love You, Blue' with story and pictures by Barroux is a picture book about a lighthouse keeper's love of a particular whale.

One day at sea, a lighthouse keeper is caught in a storm and saved by a whale. When he goes to look for the whale, he finds it has been affected by pollution. He wants to help his new whale friend.

This is a simple but beautiful story to introduce young children to ecology. The illustrations are simple and fun.

I received a review copy of this ebook from Flyaway Books and NetGalley. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.

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Sweet and an eye-opening story about struggles of marine lifes.

This is a book that I would certainly read to my nephew and share to mothers out there. Short but meaningful.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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A gentle introduction to the impacts of plastic waste on our oceans.

For Libraries: A good fit for this summer's CSLP theme of Oceans of Possibilities.

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Thanks to NetGalley to provide me with an advance copy of this book and thanks to Barroux

I'm sorry because of i red this last month and i did not make a feedback yet. However i was reading the book again to remember what's this story about.

One rescue leads to another in this charming story of friendship, revealing that care for the ocean and its inhabitants can lead to the well-being of all. With joyful simplicity, I Love You, Blue introduces the impact of plastic waste in the oceans and includes an author's note with facts about how whales and their habitat can be protected.

when i red this, i felt comfy, because of it tells us a story about the sea. even tho it was shorter and not my favorite of this year, well i guess so.


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The boy and his boat have a mishap on the ocean. A great whale hears his cries and saves the boy. The next day the boy finds the whale is ill and discovers that the problem is all the plastic that was swallowed. This time it is the boy who does the saving by removing the plastic. At the end there is a page for adults to read with anyone who will listen to the need to save our fish and oceans by stopping the use of single use plastics. Excellent! The artistry of the illustrations is simple and puts the sentiment in greater position.
I requested and received a free temporary e-book on Adobe Digital Editions from Flyaway Books via NetGalley. Thank you!

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I love this book. The illustrations the message it is all so perfect. I liked the tips at the end of the book and I think children can really get this message. Beautiful book everyone should read.

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I 100% loved this story and reading it with my son! We try to be sustainable and help clear our oceans, so this book was right up our alley! I absolutely loved the meaning behind it and how the little boy and Blue would help one another! Such a cute thing!

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"I Love You, Blue" is a cute picture book for toddlers. It introduces kids to ocean pollution with its very simplistic solution, which can be used as a perfect spring board to teach the little ones about the effects of plastic pollution on all ocean and shore animals and humans who consequently consume marine animals.

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In this sweet picture book with an important message, a young sailor in trouble in churning waters is saved by a big blue whale. The grateful sailor promises to visit the whale again the next day. After having trouble locating the whale, the sailor finds the whale deep in the water and feeling unwell. The sailor discovers that the whale’s belly is filled with plastic bags. He removes the bags, returning the favor to the whale. The story centers kindness and the importance of environmental stewardship. With its beautiful pictures and minimal but effective text, this will be a wonderful and accessible introduction to caring for the earth for young readers.

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"I Love You, Blue" is a beautiful and important book that teaches children about the terrible debris that pollute our oceans.

The book begins with a sailor that is enjoying time on his boat until a big storm hits. Thankfully a big and beautiful whale named Blue comes and saves the sailor and his boat. The sailor returns home with the promise that he will see Blue the next day but when he goes to see him he can't find him. When he finally locates Blue, he can tell that the animal is very ill and he looks inside his tummy and finds the problem. Blue's stomach is full of plastic bags and it's making him sick. So just like Blue saved him, he removes the plastic from Blue's stomach and saves his life.
This is a great example for kids on how to treat our oceans and the animals in them. National Geographic says there are over 5 trillion pieces of plastic in the waters of the oceans and it's killing so many precious animals. This can easily be helped by instead of throwing plastics in the ocean or in landfills that could possibly lead to a body of water, we should recycle plastic once we are done with it. This not only saves our animals but it is also good for us.

Thank you Netgalley, the publisher, and author for letting me read this ARC for free. All opinions are my own and the information on ocean debris came from the national geographic website.

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A good first introduction to plastic in the oceans and how it can impact whales. I would recommend this to primary teachers for their classrooms.

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I received an arc of this title from NetGalley for an honest review. This is a book about friendship and being good stewards of the earth. I have already used it for picture book share.

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I love you Blue echoes how our love for the ocean can be one sided. We love the majestic creatures of the sea but aren't willing to change our habits enough to give them healthy lives. The lesson here is a bit obvious and preachy with a "quick fix" at the end but is a good introduction to ocean preservation for young kids.

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