Member Reviews

This was such a cute and simple story about friendship and taking care of others and the planet. I love the illustration style of this book. I think my kids will enjoy this quick sweet read!

Many thanks to Net Galley and Flyaway Books for the advance copy!

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This is a cute, if overly simplistic, story about a character who lives in a lighthouse and befriends a whale. The point is well made, if rather heavy-handed, that we should protect marine life from plastic. Nice illustrations and cute friendship story.

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This is a really lovely, cute book on the surface, but it tells a really important story. It is all about plastic pollution in the oceans and the damage this is causing to sealife. It also discusses simple changes we can make to reduce plastic waste. With minimal words, the beautiful, simple illustrations really help to tell the story and emphasise the dangers of plastic waste. I think this book is a must-read for all primary ages, as although it is simple, the message it portrays can be explored in much more detail by older children.

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This is a quick read for young kids to teach the perils of polluting our oceans. It’s an important topic and I think it was written nicely for young kids to understand. The illustration was great and really helped to convey the lesson.

Thank you to NetGalley and Flyaway books for access to this ARC.

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In this time of critical climate change it is more important than ever for children to understand the relationships in their environment. I love how picture books help children understand big concepts with simple text and illustrations. This book was about a little boy (lightkeeper) who is rescued by a whale during a storm only to later discover that the whale is the one who needs help. The author also provides ideas for simple things people can do every day that will help keep the oceans clean.

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I love You, Blue is a poignant portrayal of life endangering effects plastic pollution has on marine life. When our little sailor caught in a storm yells for help, a friendly whale named Blue comes forward and saves his life. This act of kindness sparks a heartwarming friendship. One day Blue disappears without any prior notice. His disappearance prompts his little buddy to dive underwater to find his friend's whereabouts. He discovers that Blue is gravelly sick as he swallowed plastic waste from ocean mistaking them as food. This time the boy comes to Blue's aid and gets rid of the plastic bags ensuring a better environment for his friend. The book serves as a gentle reminder that living beings are interconnected and interdependent. So we should refrain from causing harms to beautiful creatures with whom we share our beloved Earth. The story takes a strong stand against plastic pollution and raises awareness in a tender way in less than 50 pages. The illustrations are vibrant and adorable. My heart is so full right now. Heartiest thanks to Netgalley and Flyaway Books for providing me an E-copy in exchange of honest and unbiased opinion.

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The illustrations in this book are amazing, and the story is just as good. I love that it had a "save the ocean & whales" message with it.

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This book was about how we need to take better care of our oceans and the animals that live there. When the main characters’s boat is about to sink he is saved by Blue. Later, he gets to repay the favor. This is a good topic to introduce to children. Young children love animals and it’s a perfect time to teach them how taking better care of our planet can benefit them. I disagree with the review that said this topic is too advanced.

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This is a well illustrated book which points out the damage humans are causing to whale populations. My problem was that based on the words per page this was aimed at preschoolers but I’d think the message would be better appreciated by older children. I thank NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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This book is about a lighthouse keeper who is out sailing on the ocean and gets caught in some rough waves. A whale named Blue comes to the rescue. Another day the lighthouse keeper has the chance to save Blue. Turns out Blue has an upset stomach because of all the plastic waste in the ocean.

This book is cute! The story is a simple one of looking out for others and returning favors. Also, a gentle introduction to the problem of plastic waste in the ocean. The illustrations are adorable. I love whales and sea creatures for kids.

Thanks to @netgalley and @flyawaybooks1 for an advanced copy of this book. This will be released on 3/22/22.

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Thank you to the Flyaway Books and NetGalley for the advanced electronic review copy of this book. This book carries an important message about conservation ( protection ocean creatures and reducing plastic waste) and friendship (between the boy and the whale). The illustrations are fun and colorful. This is a great book for young readers.

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I Love You Blue is a very good books to help teach children the importance of keeping our oceans clean for all people and sea life.
The illustrations were a perfect match for wordings in the book.
Thank you NetGalley, Barroux and Flyaway Books. This is my personal review.

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Simple and effective. The joy of the lighthouse keeper in his job and his friendship with the whale is heartwarming. This will make a wonderful addition to a K-2 lesson on the environment and the importance of putting trash where it belongs.

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One day a little boy is out sailing when a storm comes and threatens to wash him away. A whale saves him, and the two become friends. When the boy discovers plastic pollution, he realizes it's up to him to save the whale in return.

I just started reading a much more grownup story about plastic waste, and while I appreciate knowing the science, the research, and the details, I love the way I Love You, Blue sums up plastic pollution in under 500 words, yet it made me care. Plastic waste is one of the biggest problems humanity has ever faced, in conjunction with related and dependent concerns, and I am so glad that authors like Barroux are giving children the framework to understand this at a very young age. Hopefully together we really can save the whales (and our planet along with them).

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC

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The artwork in this book is extraordinary. I could look at these illustrations all day. Blue is a great book to engage our very young in thinking about the environment and our relationship to the world. Additionally, I think I can use this book as an opening for my graduate students when introducing the Anthropocene and theories surrounding it. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to share.

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Beautiful, colored illustrations & a wonderful story line about protecting the oceans, presented at a level that children can easily understand & remember.......this is a story for everyone, all of the planet! The note from the author at the end should definitely be read too! Highly recommended for every library!
I received a complimentary e-ARC from publisher Flyaway Books via NetGalley for review purposes. This is my own fair/honest review.

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Cute story about a boy and a whale! A great start to talk about the impact pollution has on our oceans and marine life. Would definitely read with my younger students.

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A simple and lovely way to teach kids about ocean pollution that is filled with love? Yes, please! The message is simple but executed wonderfully. The imagery is captivating which pairs well with the repetitive narrative. 10/10 recommend for all early educators classrooms. To parents, please get this book and have conversations to your kids. This is a great book to do that with!

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Such a lovely story which helps little ones understand the environment and the effects of waste (plastic) as on Whales, Blue (whale) represents all the different whales, This story shows children the disastrous effects this has oceans. In a very child friendly way. which is beautiful illustrated throughout.

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A short, sweet book about being conscious of the effects our plastic waste has on the ocean environment and saving the whales. The illustrations were fun and colorful. A great book for young children.

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