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I absolutely loved this book. The characters are all lovable and good in their own ways. Not to say they don't have their flaws, they do. I knew from the beginning where the love story would go but getting there was a roller coaster ride. I loved every minute of the ride. I would highly recommend this book. It is full of good clean romance, pranks, and true love.

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Summerhaven by Tiffany Odekirk, 272 pages. Covenant Communications, 2022. $17.
Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG; Violence: G
Hannah is thrilled to receive an invitation to Summerhaven, the home of her late mother’s friend and her best childhood memories. Sure that the invitation means that her friend Ollie is finally ready to marry her, Hannah spends the carriage ride imagining the man he must have become and the happy future they are sure to have together. The first disappointment comes when Damon is the brother to greet her instead of Ollie, and the brothers’ actions only get more confusing.
Watching Hannah, Ollie, and Damon trip over themselves to try to keep up with their feelings was agonizing. While I was worried about the characters being wishy-washy and inconsistent, most of the time their actions felt real as they struggled to understand their own emotions and desires. They were just trying to do what they thought was best, and they kept getting in each other’s – and even in their own – way.
Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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I'll be honest. My sister and I started this as a buddy read and I left her in my dust. I could not put this book down. I already loved Tiffany Odekirk's contemporaries, and I was unsure how she'd do with a regency. I had absolutely no reason to worry.
This will easily be in my top 5 regencies of the year and it's only January. I can't wait for all of you to fall in love with Hannah, Damon, Ollie, and Amelia!
So, enjoy some of my thoughts in no particular order because I'd hate to spoil this book for you!

Oo fake dating 🙌 with a bit of a brothers love triangle... I am intrigued!
Hannah is so dang sweet
Chess ♟️
Lavender sprigs and garden walks
I absolutely love Hannah and Amelia's friendship
The ball
Banter! That is both flirty and meaningful!
Candied ginger 😍
Horse back rides
Picnics and childhood memories
My heart is actually broken
Oh, the awkward painful stuff at this dang house party
That love letter though

If you haven't pre-ordered Summerhaven, this is your sign to go do it!

Thank you to NetGalley and Covenant Communications for my e-arc of this book. All opinions here are my own.

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Beautifully done! I was captured from the very beginning and loved every page. Tiffany Odekirk built up the characters so well that I couldn’t help but feel all of the emotions.

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I LOVED IT! What more can I say? The author’s style of writing draws you in right from the start. I appreciated the fact that I didn’t have to wade through a slow beginning before getting into the story.

This book covered nearly all the tropes and developed them all very well! If you like friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, fake relationships, love triangles or second chances you’ll find them all here.

This book was a joy to read! I couldn’t put it down! It’s the best book I’ve read all year! I would highly recommend it to anyone who loves a good clean romance. Thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review an advance copy. I’m looking forward to reading more from this author

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#summerhaven #netgalley #tiffanyodekirk

Such an amazing book! I loved the storyline and the characters, they were fantastic! This book kept me turning pages long into the night, not one to give up on a good story. Loved it!

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This book stressed me out. It made me smile, I may have teared up a bit, I had to take breaks for the stress of it but I was so invested, I couldn't bear to break for long.
Second chances, enemies to more, fake relationship, love triangle, best friends brother, forbidden romance- this book has it all. Just read it. Count down to Valentines day for a delightful romantic read.

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This is a Regency story with well-known tropes of enemies-to-more and fake relationship.

The setting is well done and it hits all the beloved points of a good Regency romance, pulling the reader in until the end.

Hannah is a bit inconsistent at times, but she grows through the story and learns to accept what is best, letting go of childish dreams.
Damon turns out to be the perfect compliment to her, flaws and all, and him being older is what she needs.

I received a copy from the publisher via NetGalley and this is my honest opinion.

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A sweet read!

Liked both Damon and Hannah.

In spite of being skeptic about the trope - pining for wrong brother, make him jealous by faking, I ended up liking the book. Predictable yet refreshing.

Looking forward to more books by this author.

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Wow! This was my first book by Tiffany Odekirk, and I loved it! I was immediately engaged in the story line. I laughed out loud at parts and felt the deep emotions of longing in others. I loved Hannah and Damon, as well as the secondary characters. The author was able to capture the romance in so many ways throughout this story and I loved it. She did a great job of showing and not just telling. I look forward to more books by Ms. Odekirk in the future (as well as reading her already published contemporaries!)

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I always enjoy a romance where there is a plan to pretend to court someone! This book had a sweet love story, a little bit of angst due to hidden feelings and enough witty banter to keep me entertained. Damon was the absolute best! I love a misunderstood hero! It’s just the best and Damon was charming, flirty, and had a secret heart of gold! My heart just aches for Damon and Hannah to be able to find a happily ever after! There was a lot of back and forth between Hannah, the brothers, her feelings, and their circumstances. By the end of the story I was ready for things to settle down, and I was very happy with how things concluded. I would happily read more from this author! This was my first read from her, but I really liked her characters and flute dialogue was engaging! She also knows how to really build chemistry between characters!

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Summerhaven by Tiffany Odekirk is a regency romance about a woman, Hannah, who thinks she loves one brother but ends up in love with the other. When Hannah spends the summer at Summerhaven, the country seat of the Jennings family, she goes with the intention of fulfilling romantic dreams of marriage with Ollie, the second son of the Earl of Whitfield. Once there, Ollie is inattentive, so she and his older brother Damon decide to enter a fake courtship in order to rouse Ollie’s jealous. What happens next is predictable; Hannah and Damon eventually fall in love, only to face their own obstacles on the path to happiness.
The first person narrative is jarring, and I’m unsure if it was the best choice to portray this time period, as Hannah’s voice sounds far too modern to the reader. Without being able to gauge the author’s direction for Hannah’s likeability, Hannah comes across as naive, sulky, and really, maybe not so worthy of Damon. Summerhaven is readable, even considering these criticisms, if you enjoy clean regency romances that have a lot of teenage angst.

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I really enjoyed reading Tiffany Odekirk’s contemporary romance novels so I was excited to see that she had written a regency romance. Summerhaven did not disappoint. It was every bit as good as I was hoping it would be.

Summerhaven is a wonderful story with some really great and relatable characters. I especially loved the character of Damon. He is mischievous and fun. He is also sweet and thoughtful. He is the perfect hero for this story.

I loved the plot of this story. I always enjoy a good enemies to lovers story, and this one was a lot of fun with some great dialogue.

I strongly recommend this book. It was sweet and thoroughly entertaining. A great read!

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Summerhaven reminded me of a true Jane Austen novel and I enjoyed it immensely. I also read it really quickly and stayed up much too late.
Hannah who has no prospects and recently lost her mother has finally received an invitation to Summerhaven for the summer. She has fond memories of Sumerhaven playing with Oliver her childhood romance. Hannah has high hopes that Oliver ow intends to make good on his promises (as a 12 yr old) to marry her. Unfortunately for Hannah he has no such plans and the older brother and title holder Damon steps in to help her win Oliver back. It's too bad she hates him for all of his childhood antics to ruin her life. Or does she...

Well written and sweet. Definitely clean read but does have some kissing. (why else do we read these ladies?)

I received a free copy from Netgally. My options are my own.

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Summerhaven is adorable! It is my first Tiffany Odekirk read and I hope to see more of her. There is a minor exception to my enjoyment of Summerhaven, which I will get to in a moment. Let me first share what I loved about this romantic tale. The main characters are so real and believable in their roles. Hannah was kind, strong, loyal, loving and just a good person. Damon was the quintessential heir to the earldom, raised to be who he thought his father wanted him to be, even when he disagreed with his father. Oliver was charming, apparently really good looking and boyish with his teasing and fun. Yet, at times, he did not seem to appreciate his relationship with Hannah as he should.

The relationship between Hannah’s mother and Lady Winfield was a beautifully close one to have allowed Hannah so much time at Summerhaven while growing up. This provided all of the closeness and fun times between the three friends. I enjoyed the way Ms. Odekirk’s writing style brought you right into the story making you feel as if you were in the room, riding with the group or participating in the house part with the characters.

The part with which I am not quite comfortable: It seemed to take Hannah a bit too long to really ‘see’ Oliver and his confusing stance on their relationship. Nor did she see the real Damon even when he explained the circumstances in which he hurt her when they were children. It is almost as if Damon was not one given to explaining and, therefore, ended up looking like the villain many times. Also, the ending was a bit too much and could be a bit more realistic. Romantic, yes, but over the top.

I appreciate this romance for being a ‘clean’ read. Still giving Summerhaven five stars for being such a good read!

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This was my first experience with a novel written by Tiffany Odekirk and I am sold! This is a wonderful story. The characters are engaging and relatable. Odekirk's writing style allows the reader to feel as if they are there, invested in the outcomes of her characters. I laughed, I cried, I sat on the edge of my seat, waiting for Hannah to see Ollie and Damon for who they really are and to discover what love actually is.

Hannah believes she knows what love is. She has loved Ollie all her life and now she has the opportunity to rediscover their lost closeness with a summer at him family's estate. But the Ollie she knew all those years ago, is not who meets her at Summerhaven. He is despondent and inattentive. Wanting to turn his head, Hannah enters into a ruse with Damon where they pretend to court. It seems like a win/win. He gets avoid the marriage mart and she gets to make Ollie jealous and, hopefully, turn his attentions towards her. Hannah's summer spent at Summerhaven changes her entire life.

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I’m in love! ❤️😍 This is the kind of book that leaves you with a smile because you enjoyed it so much.
I loved Summerhaven more than I would’ve ever expected. It surprised me in the best possible way. The first book I read in 2022 is a 5 star. I believe that’s a good start.☺️

I loved this book. I loved the setting, the characters, the writing, and the story— I loved all of it!
First of all, I love that it’s written in first person. I was able to connect with Hannah so much better this way. I was invested in her story instantly. I love that the main plot of the story, Hannah going to Summerhaven, happens at the very beginning of the story. Sometimes the main event can take a while to happen in books and can make for a slow start, but Summerhaven captured my attention instantly and my heart soon after.

The characters were wonderful! I quickly felt like Hannah and I were friends since she would rather be in the company of a good book rather than in big social event. In a lot of ways I connected with her. She was such a great main character! I really liked her. And then the Jemmings brothers came into the story and I fell in love with them, particularly Damon. He was one of the funnest heroes I’ve read in a while and it was so much fun! Literally. He was a perfect mixture of mischief and fun while also being kind and thoughtful. He makes mistakes but I loved how human he was. His flaws made him lovable and feel real. I loved him! He made me sigh, he made me smile, he made me grin, and he made me swoon (and I rarely use that word!) He was an amazing hero.
I can say that for all of these characters. They all felt real and had their flaws. No one was perfect, and that’s what made them so interesting and lovable.
I liked the side characters- Amelia particularly. I felt sympathy for her, but I’m hopeful for her own happy ending. I think that could make an excellent book two. I would read it for sure.😉

The love story *sigh* it was beautiful! These two… they were perfect. I love the enemies-to-lovers, fake-relationship, and friends-to-lovers tropes so this was perfect. It combined all of those. It was clean and it was sweet which I appreciate so much! I could possibly fangirl about their story for a really long time but since that would be a short story in itself, I’ll leave it at I loved them.❤️ They stole my heart.
Also, this is the type of love triangle I really like. I could feel the tension, I liked both brothers but I was totally rooting for Damon. (I mean, how could you not?)
I absolutely love stories about childhood friends who reunite when they’re older and this one did it so well! It was the perfect childhood friends-to-lovers.😍

I loved the setting so much. It was the perfect England countryside aesthetic set during summer. It would be a perfect book to read on a picnic under a big shady tree during summer.😍

In conclusion, I loved Summerhaven and will be adding it to my favorites list. This made me want to explore more regency romance. I’ll be keeping my eyes open for more of this author’s books in the future! I was getting Pride and Prejudice vibes which I LOVED! It’s a beautiful summery, historical romance set during the early 1800s.

*Thank you to the publisher for an ARC in exchange for a review. All opinions are my own.

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If you are interested in friends/enemies to lovers, this book is for you. The Author did a good job with developing the main character. This was my first time reading a book from this author. I‘m interested to read more of her books. The main characters were interesting. However, there were some conversations that I find lacking, just could not pinpoint what it was. I give this book 2.5 stars. It wasn't so bad and it has so much potential.

Thank you to Covenant Communications for allowing me to give an honest review of this book.

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This is a nice little romance. Hannah has always been in love with Oliver and ever since some childhood pranks has hated Dameon. Hannah goes to visit there home after a long absence and finds both brothers changed. This was a good story and well set up. The characters were my issue with this. They were very changeable and I just felt a little out of character often. Oliver does a complete 360 midbook and I never bought into the reasons he changed so drastically. Hannah is inconsistent throughout. She sometimes is strong willed and speaks her mind and other times gets completely run over. A good sit down conversation would have solved issues in this book. Overall a nice read that did keep me engaged.
Proper romance with a kiss and no religion.

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This is one of the best historical romances I’ve read. It was sweet and gentle, and featured characters that I was drawn to. What especially impressed me was how the author took a few common tropes and completely upended my expectations with her use of them. I kept being surprised by the depth of the story, despite the fact it never got angsty.

My only slight complaint was that sometimes it was hard to keep track of the change of speakers in sections of dialogue. However, this may have just been an issue with the formatting of the digital advance copy I had.

I look forward to reading more by this author, especially if she gives some of the side characters their own stories.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC!

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