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The Lucky Ones

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Not really sure how I feel about this one. It was kind of short. It was also kind of far fetched. I did find that there were parts that made me want more & to figure out what actually happened to their families 5 years ago.

Some things I thought were off were 5 adults staying together when they got the notes. And none of them had their lives together. The ending also seemed rushed. It wasn’t as twisty as I thought it would be.

I don’t really like stories that couldn’t actually happen. I did like the narrator. It all together was just ok. Ellie was ok, not horribly unlikeable. This was just meh for me. Something to pass the time. Normally I like Kirsten Modglin & her stories a lot.

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2.5 stars

The Lucky Ones is yet another recent read that I initially thought had a lot of potential, but left me wanting more.

The concept where a group of survivors struggling against a new threat is one that has been done many times before. Modglin pretty much sticks to that formula, but I felt like I didn't get enough time to learn about the initial murders or where the survivors were in their lives when the story started before the introduction of the threat came. There is a somewhat singular focus on hitting certain story beats over developing the characters beyond a certain level, which detracted from my enjoyment of the book.

The mystery itself also had potential, but it did contain one of my biggest pet peeves about thrillers. I am not the biggest fan of twists that come out of nowhere without any earlier support in the text. I never felt like we built up to series of big reveals that happen about 55%-60% of the way through this book. They felt ham fisted into the storyline just so we could get to the really big reveal at the 90% mark. I love a good twist, but they really have to be handled well for me to personally enjoy them.

Even though I was a bit let down by this book, I can tell that Modglin has a keen eye for this sort of writing. I just don't think that this particular outing was the one for me. Hopefully, after reading a little more of her work, I will find something in her backlog that will really thrill me.

Thank you to NetGalley and OrangeSky Audio for an ARC of this audiobook in exchange for a fair and honest review!

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Kiersten Modglin’s The Arrangement was one of my favorite books of the year! I was so excited to read her next book. However, I feel like this book fell short of my expectations.

The first half of the book left me on the edge of my seat. A few more pages and a couple twists later, my excitement became disappointment. I was not a fan of the twists and I thought the last chapter wasn’t necessary.

On a positive note, I listened to the audiobook and thought the narrator did a great job of conveying the story.

Thank you to Netgalley and OrangeSky Audio for this advanced copy

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This book was exactly what I expect from Kiersten Modglin. Slightly unbelievable twists, but kept me on the edge of my seat regardless. If you’re able to suspend belief and just sit back and enjoy the wild ride, then this one is for you.

The premise sucked me in immediately. 5 years after a mass murder in a small development that took the lives of 4 sets of parents, the “Fallen Oaks Five”, which are the 5 kids that survived that night, get letters saying they are being targeted next. Although they want to forget about the worst thing that ever happened to them, they need to reunite to figure out where to go from here and if they really are in danger.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ALC in exchange for my honest review.

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They were supposed to die.

That line grabbed me right there. Ominous, foreboding, and compelling.

Five years ago, there was a massacre. People were murdered in their beds. Only five survived - all children who are now linked, dubbed the "Fallen Oaks Five. I don't know about you but that is not something I would like to have in common with someone.

Now grown, they have all tried to get on with their lives, leaving behind that horrible night and the pain that was left in its wake. Then the Fallen Oaks Five begin receiving letters letting them know that it's not over yet! So, they return to the scene of the crime, and are reunited with the demons of their past.

This is a twisty tale, but it never fully wowed me. The pacing was nice, and it kept everything moving but when the reveal occurred, it felt more like a whimper than a bang. But I did enjoy it and I enjoyed the narrator as well. But for some reason, even though I knew they were young adults, at times it felt as if they were all much older. I don't know if it was the narrator's voice or the author trying to show how tragedy matured them, but I had to remind myself that they were much younger.

This book begins on the strong side which grabbed my attention. There are quite a few twists, a few secrets, and quite a few characters. I appreciated that that author created very distinct characters and it was easy to keep track of them and nothing was ever confusing.

Overall, an enjoyable book even though it did quite pack the punch I was looking for.

Thank you to OrangeSky Audio and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I was intrigued by the premise of this one a lot. I listened to the audiobook and did enjoy the narrator. I thought her tone matched the cadence of the thoughts of the narrator (which was at times a little awkward, but it worked for the character). I liked the twists and as usual I saw some coming while others were more of a surprise. I did think there were some parts of the plot that were a little far-fetched for me, but over all it was an engrossing thriller that kept me interested and I enjoyed immensely.

Five years ago the Fallen Oaks Five, Ellie, her little sister Cassie, Gray, Cole, and Monica survived the brutal murders of everyone in their subdivision. The case was never solved but the five of them have stumbled along surviving. Fast forward to the present, right before the 5th anniversary they all get letters threatening that someone is coming to finish the job and that their luck has run out. The five of them are determined to figure out what exactly happened so that they can finally be safe.

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A quick, twisty thriller that’s perfect for fans of Lisa Jewell or Ruth Ware. I binge listened to this one in less than a day!

MV rating: 6.5/10
•After a brutal mass murder happens in their neighborhood, and kills their parents, five people receive anonymous threatening letters on the anniversary of the event.
•Rumors of a curse, and a revelation regarding their family secrets will cause everyone to become a suspect as the crew tries to stay alive.
•the story itself is a bit of a comfort listen - the characters are familiar and not terribly complex, and the story itself is a bit predictable.
•Everything is wrapped up in a little bow by the end of the audio, which is nice!

Thank you to NetGalley for the early access to this audio!

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Love Kiersten Modglin's book
Always excited to see one come out and get approved. Thus was my very first audio book I wanted it so bad I took.the plunge. I didn't love the narrator took away from the book for me.
The characters and twists were spot on as usual.
Never a letdown reading her books.

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A fast paced suspense thriller that will have you reeling from the very first chapter. Kiersten Modglin writes a compelling mystery and keeps me guessing. And as always, she entertains me with interesting characters that create more mystery and suspense. I especially love listening to her books. The narrator Linda Jones was excellent for this and I highly recommend it.
Thanks OrangeSky Audio via NetGalley.

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3.5⭐️ I liked the concept of this however I wish it was more developed! This could have been better with more background detail. I loved the characters and would of liked to know them better.

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Genre: thriller
Audio pub date: 1/11/22
In one sentence: The Fallen Oaks Five have moved on after their families' murders - until the killer lets them know they haven't escaped yet.

This thriller started off with a bang - a brutal crime spree in a quiet suburb leaving five children as the only survivors. I was immediately invested in the mystery, and a few early twists had me hooked. Unfortunately, the plot became a bit complex and far-fetched in the last 25%. I did enjoy Linda Jones' narration, and I appreciated that this was a fast-paced thriller.

Thank you to OrangeSky Audio for providing an ALC in exchange for an honest review.

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This is my fourth novel by author, Kiersein Modglin; she became my fav author in June 2021 when I read [book: Just Married]. Now I am now binge reading her novels!

‘The Fallen Oaks Five’ are lucky as they survived
Story starts with what seems like a home envision ~ only the intruders are not interesting in robbing but of murdering the occupants the residents in the entire subdivision. Five children are able to escape.

The children (now all are adults but Cassie the younger sister of Ellie) return to Fallen Oak on the fifth anniversary and want to know the truth as to what happened. However, when they all receive a letter threatening them ~ the killers’ state they aren’t finished with them; they are thrown into a panic.

Ellie our protagonist along with the other ‘Fallen Oaks Five’ discover their home as well as the complete subdivision has been flattened. Understandably no one wanted to buy a home where such terrible murders occurred. The five also discover talk that there was a curse on the subdivision land and the builder was warned that something terrible would occur.

Once again author, Kiersten Modglin does not disappoint and always delivers a story with twists and turns. Yep I am a fan. There is no doubt this is good ~ all four have been great however, this probably ranks #4 compared to the others.
Want to thank NetGalley and OrangeSky Media ~ for this audio eGalley. This file has been made available to me before publication in an early form for an honest professional review.
Publishing Release Date scheduled for January 18, 2022

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This is the second book by Kiersten Modglin that I have read. Like the first, (Widow Falls, I am a bit conflicted.

One night, an entire neighborhood is murdered. Five children survive. Five years later, they all receive a threatening note. Can they find out who is behind it all and safe themselves?

While far fetched, I very much enjoyed the first 90% of this book. It was fast paced and different. And then, we got to Cassie's letter at the end. It tore giant plot holes into the book, at least from my perspective. I was going to rate this 4 stars, but the end bugged me so much, I can't.

[I am referring to the revelation that Dave reached out to the four older survivors with his "offer". This would have made them completely unsurprised to receive the letter. And nearly all of the events during the trip to Fallen Oaks don't make sense if they all (or even just Ellie and Cole) knew what was happening. One person with knowledge, sure. But multiple- possible all- it just doesn't work. (hide spoiler)]

Anyway, out of the two Kiersten Modglin books that I've read, both had unnecessarily complicated endings. Endings that actually made me like the book less. It is a shame because I enjoyed both books- especially this one.

I listened to the audiobook. Linda Jones did a good job. I did read it at 1.25 speed and it was not distorted, so I was pleased.

I received a copy in exchange for an honest review.

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While this wasn’t my favorite thriller from Kiersten Modglin she can do no wrong and I will literally read any book she writes.
We follow The Fallen Oaks Five after their parents were murdered. They all receive letters telling them they’re next. The Five go back to their home town to try to figure out who killed their families and how to stop them from killing them.
If you read a lot of thrillers you may be able to predict this one a little. The main twist wasn’t a shock to me but the story developed well and had a good pace. If you enjoy a neighborhood thriller and don’t mind some gore this is for you! Thank you netgalley for my listening copy!

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Love this author and read most of her books! Five years ago, the residents of the Gerbera subdivision in the small town of Fallen Oaks were brutally murdered in their beds. The only survivors, now called The Fallen Oaks Five, were children—practically strangers at the time, forever connected by the weight of all they witnessed.

Now grown, the anniversary of their families’ deaths approaches and the Fallen Oaks Five receive letters of warning: the killers are still out there and they aren’t finished with them.

In a race against time and murderers who remain both faceless and nameless, the Five must return to their old homes in order to piece together the events of a night they’d all rather forget.

Their old town is riddled with secrets, and every person they come into contact with is a suspect.

With everything at stake, can the Five solve the mystery and finally learn the truth about the night that cost them everything? Or will they find themselves victims of a fate they should’ve succumbed to years ago?

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I absolutely love KMod, so I was thrilled to be approved for the Lucky Ones audiobook. As with all of her other books, this one is bingeable and once you start you won't want to stop. The book is very unique and while I guessed some of the ending, I'll never truly be able to guess the entire twist that she delivers - her twists are truly a masterpiece each and every time. I'll be thinking about this one with a book hangover for days to come!

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Unfortunately, I have found that Kiersten Modglin is a hit-or-miss author for me. The Lucky Ones was just ok.

What I did like: the twists and turns

What I didn't like: the characters and the narrator

I might have liked this one more if I read the actual book rather than listening to the audio version.

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The Lucky Ones by Kiersten Modglin is a semi good read. I liked the plot well enough, but it was so farfetched and started with too much of a bang. I was confused for most of book. I did not connect with any of the characters. They all had too much quirky and selfish behavior. But I like Kiersten Modglin's books, so even one I do not particularly care for is still a good book. Narrated by Linda Jones, it was easy enough to get through and I would listen to this narrator again.

***** I received an ARC from NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for my honest review. *****

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"Two Little daisies, ready to pluck.
We're coming for you, daisies, don't count on your luck." (The Lucky Ones)

"The Lucky Ones audiobook by Kiersten Modglin (narrated by Linda Jones) begins with a massacre in the Gerbera subdivision in Fallen Oaks. The only survivors are 5 children. They became known as "The Fallen Oaks Five". The killers were never caught and the case remained open.

Five years later, close to the anniversary date of the murders, all of the survivors receive a letter triggering suspicion that they are still in danger. The killer has found them. Together they decide to face their fears and go back to Fallen Oaks to get help solving the case, but who can they trust? Will the police help them?

This novel is a huge game of cat and mouse. Modglin is a master of plot twists. I believe this book had the potential to be a best seller, but it was a bit unrealistically written in parts.

Thank you NetGalley and Orange Sky Audio for this audiobook. " The Lucky Ones" will be published January 11, 2022.

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The Lucky Ones, by Kiersten Modglin, is part psychological thriller, part family drama. I didn't find any of the main characters very likable, or all that interesting. There were plenty of details so I was able to visualize much of the action and the different locations. Unfortunately, there were a lot of plot holes which made the overall story rather confusing. Linda Jones does a wonderful job of narrating this book. She was able to draw me in, keep the story moving and make it interesting.
Five years ago, almost all the inhabitants of the neighborhood of Gerbera were slaughtered in their homes. Only five of the children were able to get away. Now they'll always be connected by their shared trauma.
For the anniversary each of them has received a letter that threatens their lives. They decide that they must work together. They believe that solving the twin mysteries of who commited the heinous murders and why is the only way they can try and to protect themselves. So they travel together to their hometown only to come up against one mystery after.

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