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Tough Justice

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Tough Justice pits an ER doctor with a hate on for the DEA and a DEA agent who doesn’t trust doctors the each have reasons for their distrust. They both hate the “gray death” on the streets that is killing people enough to work together. They find that maybe they can trust each other and maybe more.
This story takes on the fight against the opioid epidemic the country is facing with a story ripped straight from the headlines. With a love story thrown in that will make you smile.
GSD Thor will steal your heart.

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Tori is an ER doctor who doesn’t trusts DEA agents, Deck is a DEA agent who distrusts doctors. They decide to work together to stop the new drug that’s taking over the city.
Tough Justice is a romantic suspense that has you hooked from the start. This book has it all - a love/hate relationship, superb suspense, amazing friendships, a twist you will not see coming and some super hot chemistry. And above all Thor, the K-9 partner who will definitely make you want to get a dog yourself.

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Tori and Deck meet when she treats his DEA colleague for drug exposure in the ER. Based on their family backgrounds, both of them have a deep distrust of each other's profession. But Deck persuades Tori to work with him to try to track down the source of the new and highly deadly opioid on the streets.

I really appreciated that the book featured a family making a decision to donate their loved one's organs. And the book does an even better job describing the opioid crisis. Both of these are important public health issues that were well addressed within the romantic suspense.

It took a bit for me to learn the names of all the doctors and agents as well as the law enforcement acronyms. But the suspense was well done with just enough hints dropped. And the balance with romance was also well done.

Thank you to Entangled and NetGalley for the advanced reader copy. These opinions are my own.

TW: depression, drug overdose

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"Tough Justice" by Tee O'Fallon
And the Suspense Just kept building
Oh, WoW, boy did this story grow in intensity. When you read this story pay attention to the little details. You will see just how important they are. Just you wait and see. Have you guessed by now that I grew to love this story? Oh, there is a bit of steam, there for those who need it. And, will you figure out who the ultimate villain is before the author lays all bare? Hope you enjoy this story as much as I did. Happy Reading ! !
NOTE: I received an ARC of this story from the publisher via NetGalley.
This review expresses my honest opinion.

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I loved this story - this book has everything a romantic suspense lover wants in a story. The author threw everything she had into the creation of this amazing story and it kept me turning page after page. This story has suspense, great friends, and twists you won't see coming. Another great story to enjoy by Tee!

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An Absolutely Spectacular Suspense Romance .
I volunteered to read and review an advanced readers copy through Netgalley of Tough Justice . This story is well written and all out sensational . This is the first book in the new k9 special Ops series . DEA K9 agent Adam"Deck"Decker finds himself counting on the beautiful ER Doctor . Tori Sampson to save one of his men who comes in contact with the deadly new drug while serving a warrant . Deck and Tori find themselves working with each other as bodies are dropping from overdoses of the drug . As their attraction grows secrets are revealed but the danger is closer than either of them realize . Deck and his K9 must come to Tori's rescue when things become more deadly .
This story is action packed and Suspenseful , definitely off the charts . I really enjoyed reading this story . I highly recommend taking the time to read

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I just loved this book. It’s fast paced and full of mystery, suspense and romance. I really loved Thor the K-9. Deck and Tori are opposites, but as they say opposites attract. I was rapidly turning pages to find out what was going to happen next. It was a fantastic read. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced free copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley.

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Really enjoyed this one. Torie is a sassy, driven doctor with little use for the DEA in general, and Deck in particular. She has a weakness for his canine partner Thor. There is a rash of deadly overdoses in the ER of her hospital, heart breaking for Torie . The frustratingly elusive dealer is always a step ahead. Torie and Deck team up to stop the cycle. The ending was a total surprise, the character development fantastic, and I loved the ancillary personnel.

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My first Tee O’Fallon book, and may I say “WOW”. Action packed front to back, this book has it all. Romance, mystery, small amount of angst, action and bad guys. It ends with a. HEA but the journey is an exciting, event filled read. Do not miss this one.

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Tough Justice is a book that I really enjoyed. The lead characters are equally strong and skilled in their jobs but not without a character flaw or two. Tori, an ER physician, and Deck, a DEA agent, are both committed for getting a new drug off the streets. They have a very rocky start but move towards a tenuous collaboration fairly early on. Tori, although whip-smart, has a moment that stops just short of being TSTL. She occasionally made statements that had me scratching my head, and while they gave me pause they weren't horribly out of the realm of possibility. There's not a thing wrong with Deck. Not a single thing.

The intimate moments are well-timed (not too fast, not too slow) and well-written (hot but not over the top.) The secondary characters, including Deck's fellow agents who I hope get their own stories) add humor and elements of unbreakable brotherhood. The identity of the mastermind behind the drug operation didn't become clear to me until shortly before the big reveal; the author pointed to a couple of other possibilities before indentifying the bad person. Worthy of 4.5-stars and I recommend it.

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I really enjoyed this book by Tee O'Fallon. It was very well written and I would definitely recommend this to anyone.

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Having never read this author before, I was impressed with how action packed and suspenseful the story was. The character interaction was exciting as well.

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Excellent romantic suspense! This book has plenty of twists and turns, mystery, intensity, and chemistry.I found it hard to put down and I look forward to the next book in this series!

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I was absolutely impressed by Tori and Deck and their near-miss at love. I mean, there’s a lot more going on also, but the fact that these two couldn’t seem more right AND wrong for each other at the same time while still feeling perfect together was quite a feat! She’s got bitterness toward the DEA, he’s got bitterness toward doctors. They both have to unite to find out how to stop the tsunami of ODs in Denver. And even with all of that working against them, these two finally figure it out. It helped that communication and compromises were part of the answer, and I’m always a sucker for communication in a book.

Not only did I enjoy the slowish burn and struggle to work past old biases for Tori and Deck to find love, but the number of suspects and the twists about who could be the real problem made me wonder a few times along the way. So get ready for a mystery coated in danger and topped with the love that both Tori and Deck never saw coming!

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Denver experiences an unusually high number of drug overdoses, many ending in death. When a DEA agent suffers an overdose just by inhaling a few particles during a drug raid, DEA agent Decker and his unit call out war on the drug lords.
With the reluctant help of ER doctor Tori, who has her personal reasons to distrust the DEA, agent Decker and his loyal K-9 Thor join the fight.

While these two strong characters team up, they start to overcome their initial dislike for each other.

This is a well written suspense story with a strong female character and an alpha male with a lot of heart.
Unfortunately, Tori came over as borderlined bitchy at times, and Deck was a bit too hallmark-y kissing babies and puppies to convince me. I always find it disappointing when authors are so blatantly superficial instead of giving their characters the intended traits by smart actions (female) or emotional involvement (male) without grabbing for the good ol’ puppy scheme.

Nevertheless this story is one of the better romance suspense stories I’ve read and highly recommended for lovers of the genre!

General writing style: 4 stars
Story line idea: 4 stars
Story line execution: 3 stars
Plot: 3 stars
Narration: 3rd POV alternating Tori and Deck, past tense
Main Location: Contemporary Denver, CO
Main protagonists: Dr. Tori Sampson, ER doctor, Adam “Deck” Decker, DEA K-9 unit, both mid 30s

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I really liked this book. It had a great story line. I loved how you should really be looking outside your box because if you don't you may be missing the best parts of your life.

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DEA K-9 agent Adam “Deck” Decker doesn’t trust doctors or the medications they prescribe. He has his reasons. Dr. Tori Sampson doesn’t trust federal agents, especially DEA agents, no matter how hot they might be. Deck’s K-9 partner, Thor, forms an immediate attachment to Tori, which doesn’t thrill Deck at all. Although they get on each other’s nerves, they realize that working together might help reduce the number of overdoses happening because of a new drug on the street.

As the overdoses and deaths continue to rise, the race is on to find the source of the new drug and stop it. Action, suspense, danger, twists, turns, friendships, family dynamics, bad guys, kidnapping, surprises, and more! There is profanity and a lot of steam, but the story is great.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I wasn't sure what to expect when I started this book, but I got 100% engrossed in the story. Tee O'Fallon is a new author to me, that they used to be a federal agent makes the details and story so much more interesting. The opioid epidemic is brought into vivid clarity in these pages. Hearing or reading stories on the news is one thing but getting the perspective (albeit fictional, based on reality) of a DEA agent and an ER doctor makes it much more real, more urgent, more heartbreaking.

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Great book by Tee O'Fallon. This was my first time reading this author and I thoroughly enjoyed the book. Adam "Deck" Decker is a DEA k9 agent with a strong distrust of doctors as he perceives them as being part responsible for the opioid crisis due to them prescribing pain meds. When one of his colleagues is brought in to the hospital emergency room with an overdose caused by coming in contact with "grey death" a new street drug he meets ER Dr. Tori Sampson. Tori has a strong distrust of DEA agent due to a past history that occurred with her family. This is a nice slow burn romance with plenty of suspense. I loved Deck K-9 dog Thor. He was wonderful. I smiled every time he was mentioned in the book. I was really surprised at the end as I was unsure who would end of being responsible for the distribution of "grey death". Highly recommend. i will be reading more of Tee O'Fallon's books.

I received this book for my honest review from Netgalley.

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Tori is an ER Doctor who distrusts the DEA. Deck is a DEA officer. They meet in the ER and immediately clash. There is a deadly new street drug that is killing people and Deck needs Tori’s help to try and find the source of the drug. This is a fast paced action filled romantic suspense book. This is my first book by this author and I will definitely read her again. Thank you to net galley for an advanced readers copy.

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