Member Reviews

I am, 100%, the target audience for this book. Like the main character, Gemma, I'm a thirty-mumble-something New Englander. Like Gemma, I've decided I want to have a kid, and, since a partner isn't in the offing, I'm doing it solo. Like Gemma, I'm going through IVF, and like Gemma, I'm getting a little…uh… genetic donation from a friend.

So I should have loved this book. I should have loved seeing a story I know so intimately reflected on the page.

I've long thought, after all, that this whole solo motherhood process would make a perfect romance-novel setup: you have two people who are doing something deeply intimate together. Even if the actual merging of egg and sperm is done in the clinical setting of a lab rather than the more, uh, traditional manner, it's <em>inescapably </em>intimate. As I know full well. Before getting to conception, you talk, and talk, and talk. You share intimate family details, mental and physical health histories, plans and boundaries around parenthood and romantic relationships. You're tying yourself to another person, inextricably, even if not romantically. Forced intimacy is a trope for a reason, after all. So: I can easily imagine this as a setup for romance, and it's one that I should love.

Unfortunately, I… didn't. I tried! I wanted to like it! But I didn't.

That's not to say others might not really enjoy this book. It's perfectly light, pleasant, and at times funny; it's well-written, too, so there's no kludgy writing to throw you out of the narrative. It reminded me of nothing so much as Bridget Jones' Diary, that kind of frothy, humorous no-surprises romance-novel setup that promises stumbles and problems but ultimately a happy ending. So if you're looking for a contemporary romance, an easy beach read or post-New-Year's book to curl up on the couch with, you might enjoy this. It's a perfect exemplar of the genre, is what I'm saying: it's a good example of those books marketed (so nauseatingly) as "women's fiction" with a cover composed of bright Instagram-friendly colors and a couple illustrated in line drawings, so if you like those, you might like this.

I, however, did not. I'm perfectly willing to acknowledge that books like this require some suspension of disbelief: that's part of their pleasure. The hunky hero moves to the small town and falls in love with the heroine! The plucky heroine runs into her handsome neighbor in the city and they hate each other but fall in love! Etc. etc. But in this case, probably because I know too much about the entire process of solo motherhood, there was just too much disbelief for me to suspend—as it were. I know, I know: these books aren't meant to be <em>realistic. </em>But when Gemma was able to get an appointment with a fertility specialist a) online and b) within a few days, my eyebrows went up: I had to wait three months for my initial appointment, and that was only because I called often enough they fit me in with a cancellation. And the way it seems like she made the solo-mom decision immediately, without any of the "can I do it? should I do it? what happens if I do it? what happens if I <em>don't </em>do it?" deliberation— or, at least, not that we the reader see? I just couldn't do it.

So, I didn't finish this. Not to say you might not like it, but: it wasn't for me.

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This book was a pleasant surprise to read--so much so that I finished it in one day. Sarah Ready does an excellent job setting the scene for her main character Gemma and gives her such realism that most books seem to lack these days. Gemma deals with infertility and decides to go the IVF route. Infertility is a reality for a lot of women and there is a lack of representation in fiction, that isn't something super depressing, that highlights that in a way that normalizes it like this book does. Without giving too much away, Gemma is your quintessentially oblivious female lead to her male lead's desires. I feel like this is super common in rom-coms so let's say that's okay. Josh also plays the job of supportive yet romantically elusive partner really well. Overall, the story was nice, it was well-paced. I felt for the characters in their ups and downs and I thought that was the ultimate success of the book. My only qualm for not giving the book 5 stars is regarding Gemma's boss and how his story unfolds. It is wayyyy too convenient, cookie-cutter even, as to how he relates to everyone in the story and felt a bit like a cop-out which was kind of upsetting considering how hard the author worked to stay true to real life situations. I still enjoyed the book and appreciated it for what it was.

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This book was delightful! I needed a good laugh and this book was perfect for it! I couldn't stop laughing at Gemma's antics and I love how sweet Josh's character was too. This book was a unique one, there's the baby trope but in a upside down topsy turny kind of way, and it was fun! It was super fun to read and to see how the characters navigated the path of IVF and love too.

The only thing I will say is that I wish Josh would have communicated more with Gemma and that Gemma was a bit too quick to judge and decide she's made up her mind about someone.

If you're looking for a good laugh and some mini illustrations and lots of inspirational quotes, pick this book up!

Thank you to NetGalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing for the earc in return for an honest review.

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3.5⭐️ maybe? I could not put this damn book down. JOSH AND GEMMA MAKE A BABY is an adult rom-com about a single woman who convinces her brother’s long-time best friend to have a baby with her via IVF following her endometriosis diagnosis.

I highly recommend this story as an audiobook: Erin Mallon’s performance is delightful!

What I Loved:
- Josh. If you like cinnamon roll heroes and the “boy obsessed” trope, Josh is your man.
- Female friendship. There were some really great supportive platonic relationships, and the female side characters were hilarious.
- Though a little corny at times, the writing was captivating and I was hooked from page one.
- The balance between humor and more serious topics. I enjoyed both the fun banter and the poignant discussions around infertility, motherhood, and grief.

What I Didn’t Love:
- Casual unchallenged fatphobia. This got a little better as the book went on and the MC stood up for herself, but I think the negativity could have been addressed better - especially considering we are led to believe that Gemma is “midsized” or curvy and not fat.
- Gemma, at times. Part of her character arc was that she had to unlearn the misconceptions she had about the people around her, but yikes. She was surely sympathetic and endearing at times, but I would not recommend this book if you don’t like slightly unlikable narrators.

I would highly recommend this book to fans of THE FRIEND ZONE by Abby Jimenez. JOSH AND GEMMA MAKE A BABY was a captivating read to kick off 2022 with!

TWs: infertility, miscarriage, death of a parent, cancer, casual fatphobia

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I’m absolutely obsessed with this book, and I will definitely be treating myself to the paperback version!

This is everything you want in a romance. It’s laugh out loud funny, relatable characters and a storyline that will make your heart sing.

Gemma wants a baby, but she isn’t in a relationship. So she asks her brothers best friend, and also the man who she lost her virginity to, to be a sperm donor for her IVF

Activate hilarity and chaos.

But the message behind the book is also beautiful and heart wrenching. Struggling with infertility is a common thing, and this book addresses it well and handles it perfectly. It shows the way different women cope with infertility and how it affects relationships.

I adored this book more than I can say, and I actually cried towards the end. I’m a big fan of Josh, that’s all I’m going to say!

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TW: Infertility

After a disastrous divorce, limited dating pool and a heartbreaking infertility diagnosis, Gemma Jacobs has come up with her New Year resolution: Have a baby. All she needs is an egg, some sperm and IVF. When she thinks of the perfect donor she thinks of Josh Lewenthal, her childhood crush and brother's best friend. Gemma knows Josh and knows he would be the perfect candidate, when she approaches him with the idea, a contractual arrangement no relationship, just a baby to her surprise, he agrees to it. As Josh and Gemma go further and further into the process, the harder it is to keep this arrangement professional with long subdued feelings threatening to emerge.

This was a heart warming love story that, beneath it's humor, shows the story of Gemma and her struggle with infertility and journey with IVF. In the beginning I was growing so frustrated by the characters surrounding Gemma, all they seemed to do was beat down her self esteem and it was hard to read as she just took it and sometimes even contributed herself. But it was amazing to read of her growth by the end of the story and how she accepted things she had done wrong while also standing up for herself to those around her, particularly her family. There was also A LOT that could have been solved with communication, a lot of ".... never mind" moments where I feel like everything could have been solved which was also frustrating. Gemma's journey was a roller coaster of emotions to read with moments where I laughed out loud and even teared up.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an eARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review. This title will be released on January 25th.

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This one was such a nice and cozy read. I began my new year with this book. Gemma was funny and Josh was a sweetheart.
Overall the perfect book for a weekend.

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Absolutely loved this despite really not expecting to. I'm not usually a big romance reader but I got totally swept up in this. I've seen other people comment on Gemma not being particularly likeable but I enjoyed experiencing the growth she goes through over the course of the book. The connection between her and Josh in the middle of these slightly uncomfortable and highly emotional circumstances is actually lovely to read.

The whole thing was more emotional than I expected so my only heads up would be for people who are likely to be upset by a story of fertility issues. I found it quite refreshing but it won't be for some. The best part was that the chemistry and backstory between Gemma and Josh felt well developed. Too often romances don't really make me care about the two people together enough but this one earned it. Would definitely recommend it to friends.

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This book is filled with lots of poignant moments, but full of lightheartedness and laughter . Written with wit and humor Gemma, a 32 year old divorcee whose husband cheated on her is not trusting men anymore!! However she is bound and determined to have a baby - simple she doesn't need a man - she only needs a sperm! The journey she finds herself on is fraught with job expectations and old teenage memories that bring unexpected desperate and creative moments. A book that was a delight to read!

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Loved this book from the start to the very end! Great story, many unexpected twists that melted my heart! Definitely would recommend this book to anyone who wants to get lost in a book for a few hours!

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Thank you the Netgalley, Publisher and Author for this audiobook arc copy.
This doesn't affect my review at all.

I just loved loved loved this book.
The writing is soooo good.
The emotions are on point.
I've laughed, I've cried, I've felt awkward but more than that I've felt like this is such a comfy book with so much goodness.
The main characters are so nicely flawed and make you wish for more.

The story is practical, of a working lady in her early thirties, which is nice or I'd have had gone all cynical on that but at the same time manages to fit in fairy tales effect and I love it, don't even mind it. What she went through and became I'd say is human nature. Everything didn't fall into her lap and she had to work for it, that I really liked. She felt human; the love, the strength, the anger she felt, the way she realizes and who she is, is just amazing.

About the hero, he is too good to be true. He is fictional I know but hear me out, he shows so much emotions and for a minute I was like damn, if only that were true but things started falling into place eventually. I really like his nature, he is a brilliant character and someone who knows how to live life.

This book made my day happier, made a smile appear on my face and filled me with positivity.

I think this is a really sweet book to end or begin your year with.

My review has ended, I just have to say if Sarah you think for a minute too, do write the story of Carly and her husband, please do, I'd really love to read their story!! Much love.

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Josh and Gemma Make a Baby was an emotional read about the struggles of infertility and learning to trust others with your heart, after having it broken more than once by those you loved.

I really loved Josh and his unconditional love and friendship for Gemma and although at times I was frustrated by Gemma's actions and her obliviousness to Josh's feelings, I have to say that when she got it, she got it.

I loved the growth Gemma experience throughout the story, and I was so glad to see her get her happy ending with Josh.

Josh and Gemma Make a Baby was the first Sarah Ready novel I have read, but I look forward to reading more of her work.

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This was actually really cute! I received this as an ARC through netgalley. I loved josh. He was such a swoon worthy hero! I also loved the comic aspect. I figured out josh had feelings for Gemma early on. Gemma was a bit selfish and focused only on herself but came around and redeemed herself. All opinions are my own.

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Wow! I was definitely not expecting this book to completely wreck me! I absolutely loved it. I found myself laughing and crying and it brought out ALL the emotions! Struggling with infertility and still wanting a family after her divorce, she decides Josh (her brothers best friend) is the perfect donor. After he agrees, we follow their slow burn journey to HEA.

This was a great beginning of the year read as some of the story revolves around resolutions. This was my first book by Sarah Ready and I adored Josh and Gemma's story!

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I very much enjoyed this book. I read it in less than 48 hours and could not put it down.
Things I liked:
- Josh is one of the best romcom heroes that I’ve read in awhile. He’s perfectly imperfect. I love that Gemma remains confident even though she is fat-shamed and told she’s not good enough
- This book had some very, very funny scenes/dialogue
- The full-circle moments were improbable but sweet (i.e. Josh’s journal, his comics, NY resolutions)
- I know books with fertility issues as the central plot always catch a lot of grief but I think the author did a pretty good job with the subject
- A heroine who wants to have a baby independently (even though obviously she ends up with a guy at the end) is admirable
My issues:
- Gemma’s mom’s behavior towards her was horrific and Gemma FINALLY stands up to her and her mom just sort of half-heartedly apologizes and all’s forgiven. Her mom repeatedly fat-shamed her and divorce-shames her and fertility-shames her (don’t know if that’s a thing but it should be) and I quote “no one wants to date a mid-thirties chubby divorcee with questionable fashion sense and a bum uterus” and “sweetie, you’ll never attract a man if you dress like this. Honestly. You look like a lumpy cucumber”. This, from her MOTHER. Honestly, this toxic relationship was the hardest part of this book for me.

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On New Year’s Eve, I read a rom-com featuring New Year’s Resolutions. Josh and Gemma Make a Baby by Sarah Ready was the perfect slow burn romance to welcome in the new year. Gemma wants a baby, but she is divorced, single, and has stage four endometriosis. But she is an avid self improvement believer. She even works for a self-help guru and as her boss would say, “anything is possible if you put your mind to it”. So she makes an appointment with a fertility clinic and decides that the perfect sperm donor is her brother’s best friend Josh. He has been a part of her family since forever, so it make sense. She plans to ask him at her family’s annual New Year’s Winers and Wine party. Lots of talk about IVF, infertility, and baby making. Could be triggering for some. But I loved the story of Gemma and Josh. I want this to be the next Netflix Rom-Com book adaption and I want Mindy Kaling to be involved somehow. Honestly, I kinda pictured her as Gemma even though the characters are not South Asian. The story could easily translate to a modern Desi romance.

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I absolutely loved this book. It wasn’t the typical romance book, but was such a sweet love story. This novel discusses infertility, which 1 in 8 women suffer from, and shows you a glimpse of what it’s like for some of these women. Sarah Ready does a beautiful job depicting her scenes and at times I thought the gold unitard lady and her ham arm husband were in the room with me! I could feel Gemma’s happiness, sadness, and elation throughout. One of my favorite things about this novel is how well it all comes full circle. At the end, things click into place & makes your heart do a little happy dance.
I also loved the illustrations & inspirational quotes throughout the novel. Absolutely wonderful & now on my way to binge read all her other novels.

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This was a quick read and the book that put me over the 50,000 page mark in the last few minutes of 2021, but unfortunately, this book just wasn't for me. This story follows Gemma who has decided to pursue IVF 10 years after a surgery for severe endometriosis that left her infertile. Enter Josh, her brother's best friend and her ideal sperm donor. From there we follow their journey to a baby while they figure out what feelings they have for each other.

I thought this would be a cute read with hopefully some nuanced discussion about infertility. There were a few sweet moments between our two main characters, but most of the time this book was either way too cheesy or Gemma was just acting like a complete dolt. She did a minuscule amount of research before pursuing IVF, was confused why Josh didn't want to be treated like a sperm bank when he's been a family friend for years, and turns around and says the most hurtful things imaginable to the only friends she has. I also didn't like how Gemma's mom (as well as other people around her, but I think speaking about one's child in this manner is the worst offense) continuously calls her a fat divorcee and emphasizes how undesirable she is to men. Then, she's surprised when Gemma finally reveals that it hurts her feelings! Honestly, I guess this shows where Gemma gets her ignorance from.

I liked Josh for the most part, but we really don't know too much about him. Though we eventually learn a few more details about him, I didn't feel like Gemma or the reader actually KNEW him. I think a dual perspective with him would've been great, as I would've really liked to know what he was thinking throughout the whole process. On the whole he just seemed like a nice guy that kept his feelings bottled up.

And after all that, we don't even get to meet Gemma and Josh's baby! I ended up feeling pretty apathetic about this book by the time I finished, but if you're someone who like self help gurus, maybe you'll have better luck with this one than me.

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I have never felt so emotionally attached to a book in such a long time.
Thank you to NetGalley andSwift & Lewis Publishing.
Josh and Gemma make a baby kept me hooked from the start. I absolutely loved the chemistry and relationship between both Josh and Gemma. The development of their relationship was on point and it hit the right spot. The romance and Gemma’s relations were linked to the plot and that made it all the more better.
You can say that the title says it all, but it truly doesn’t.
Josh and Gemma make a baby brings awareness about infertility and IVF which was really nice.

I really enjoyed this book by Sarah Ready. It was a hooking read that was cute and fluffy. Enjoyable for a chill and relaxing read that you can get through in a day, much like I did! I love Josh and Gemma. The ending was so cute and I absolutely loved this book by Sarah Ready.
You should definitely read it!

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Gemma is tired of waiting for Mr. Right. She wants a family & decides that with IVF, she can do it by herself… that is, with a little help from her brother’s best friend Josh.

Josh is the perfect candidate to donate sperm to Gemma. He’s nice, good looking, and he’s pretty much already part of her family. Plus, there’s no danger of them falling in love. Or is there?

As someone who has been through IVF, I was immediately drawn to this book. I was very curious to see how Ready would depict the process, and she nailed it. The hope, the stress, the crazy emotions, the endless appointments, she perfectly describes it all. I also really liked how she made it a point to share different infertility journeys and pointed out that this journey was unique to Gemma.

She handled the topic with insight, delicacy, and delivered a story that tugged at all of my heartstrings.

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