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Josh and Gemma Make a Baby

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Thank you to NetGalley, Swift & Lewis Publishing, LLC and Sarah Ready for this book.
Josh and Gemma make a baby
by @sarahreadyauthor
Here i am going into 2022 as this book as my last read book for 2021. This was an unplanned read but it had me hooked. I LOVE THIS book so much! this is one of those book where you would be crying one second and laughing the other. I loved Gemma and her tiny group of friends too but Josh has my heart!!

Gemma is a divorcee who is on the brink of facing her thirties all alone. however, she is also a positive thinker with quotes as an answer for almost any problems. Gemma also wants a baby and she doesn't want to wait for a Mr. perfect anymore so why not get a donor? but not just any donor.
insert Josh Lewentha, her brother's bestfriend and the man who fulfills all the criteria's she needs in a donor. they have nothing in common but he's always around like a houseplant, a permanent fixture in her life. would this baby making business work or will all efforts go down in vain?

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This was such a fun read! I went into this with high hopes because I really enjoyed the "Soul Mates in Romeo" series and I gotta say that I wasn't disappointed! I loved Josh so much and whew when I tell you my heart broke those last few chapters but that ending was so cute. I really read this in one go because I could not stop reading. Sarah Ready, you have done it again!! I can't wait to read more books from this author.


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I thought I was going to have a mixed review about this book. But, after finishing it, I have to say: I LOVED IT!
First off, I usually dont like to see "Book 1" when I am choosing a book. I like to finish it and move on. However, I like these characters and would look forward to reading more stories with them in it.
Also, I thought some spots of the book were a little too PG when they should have been R rated. I mean, come one, it's New York. But other spots of the book were perfect!
I thought i knew what the plot of the book was going to be. But that wasn't really it. and im happy with that surprise.
Great book!

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I felt like dueling parts of myself were reacting differently in reading this story- and that's because the topic of the story is quite personal for me. Many of Gemma's experiences in health, family, insecurities, and aspirations have been my own, so I knew going in that either I would feel validated, seen, and hopefully inspired by the handling of the subject matter, or that it might be emotionally triggering for me. And, truth be told, it was a bit of both.

The romance loving, HEA junkie in me found this story, for the most part, to be charming. There were twists and unexpected elements, and even though we only have on POV (not my preferred narrative approach), I was charmed by both characters. Obviously, I related intensely to Gemma and her desires and experiences, and I felt a lot of resonance with her emotionally. And Josh is quite lovable as the hero- he's kind, sweet, and a big ole teddy bear of a leading man. Despite the sensitive nature of some of the storyline, for the most part this story is sweet and charming- not too heavy.

But then there's the other side of me, the side of me that had a hard time removing myself from Gemma's journey. Her relationship with her body, the way she's treated by others, her heath and frustrations are all so close to home, and I did find its hard to read- in part because I wanted to see a more optimistic and fresh perspective on my struggles (and at times didn't) and in part because the juxtaposition of the light and sweet with topics that are deeply painful is just a hard contrast to swallow...for me, personally. I do want to see this "side" of myself did not impact my book rating, more so I want to note that if you have struggles or triggers around fertility or reproductive health, then parts of this story might pick at wounds, even if the intention is genuine and sweet.

All in all, I'm excited to read more from this author!


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I adored this book! I was excited to read this book and am glad that I did. While Gemma was not necessarily one of my favorite characters from the book, I did find a new book boyfriend in Josh Lewenthal. If you are a fan of slow-burn romances and a second chance at love trope, this is the book for you. All in all, I can't wait to read more Sarah Ready books in the future!

*ARC courtesy of the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. I want to express a thank you to the valued author, the publisher who took a chance on the author, and Netgalley for providing a copy.*

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I really enjoyed this book, it was a fairly typical romance. It was easy reading and touched on serious topics but in a gentle manner.

I would read this again and have already recommended it to a friend.
Looks forward to reading more books from this author.

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When I started this book I wasn’t sure what to expect. This book started off slow but by the end I couldn’t put it down! The second half of the book was like an emotional roller coaster and I loved every second of it! The relationship between Josh and Gemma was amazing and the journey they had was inspirational!

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4.5/5 stars

I did not expect to love this book as much as I did.

I devoured this book and I could not put it down. I love the discussion of infertility, and I really enjoyed the group of friends that she met.

I hated Ian and had a hard time dealing with him throughout this book.

I also had a problem with the so called “love triangle” and thought that it could have been better written.

Overall, I think this is a heart-warming read and I really enjoyed myself.

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ARC provided by NetGalley!!

So, I am a huge fan of pregnancy/kids in books. Ask any of my friends and they will tell you just that. But I’ve never read a book involving pregnancy where it was planned, so this was something so different!

It was more than just a rom-com, it dealt with harder topics, such as miscarriage, IVF, familial death, grief. It was also so well written! I was a little confused on the random drawings throughout the book, but then I realized what they were and I just wanted to sob!!

I think the ending was a little fast paced for my liking, but it was very sweet. I also feel like he did not spend as much time grieving his dad as I expected him to? And I found some small editorial mistakes (possibly), but besides that I am IN LOVE with this story. It was cliché, but not too much to where it feels like you’re just reading a Hallmark movie. Though, It was a bit predictable and i found myself getting annoyed with this main character because of her obliviousness, but that really doesn’t change how much I loved this😭

I really adored Josh & Gemma’s relationship, though. I like how it wasn’t a “I’ve been in love with you since we were younger” and more a “I realized I loved you two years ago and fixed my act so we could be together” which is different and I enjoyed that!

Last thing: I loved the reality of IVF and infertility in this book. It was a happy rom-com, but with real hardships that I think a lot of people can relate to. I know nothing about IVF, but the detail into each session shows that the author did extensive research to make sure she knew what she was writing, which is so important when writing about something you haven’t gone through yourself. Absolutely adored this book and will be purchasing a paperback when it releases in January!

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The book was very good. I enjoyed it a lot. The author clearly has skills. I only have one gripe that takes this from 5 stars to 4 stars. The fact that Ian knew her brother and Josh should have been a bigger plot device. Honestly I feel like this book didn’t need the Ian aspect at all it actually distracted from the book. The book works without Ian. It’s the Ian subplot that takes this down a notch. I’m excited to read the rest of the series.

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Gemma wants a baby and has chosen her older brother's best friend Josh to be Dad. He has, after all, got many positive traits and characteristics - not least a distinct lack of any romantic spark with her.

This isn't a new theme but the route the story takes is rather unusual. Gemma is unable to have children without medical assistance and we follow her journey from her initial appointment at a fertility clinic through to the eventful follow up ones - and of course, her regular meetings with Josh once he agrees to help her achieve her goal of parenthood.

This was a thoroughly entertaining story with two very likeable lead characters. It is a pleasure to discover a new (to me at least) author and I look forward to investigating her previous works.

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I don't know that I've ever read a book like this before. Obviously, there are some familiar tropes that happen here, but this is my first read that really dives into the world of IVF. At this point in my life, I can't relate to that experience, but I feel as though I learned a lot.

The titular characters - Josh and Gemma - have known each other for roughly 25 years. Josh is Gemma's brother's best friend (you know how that goes). They have a slight romantic history that they, as adults, choose to ignore. However, that changes when Gemma makes the decision to undergo IVF. Quite a few factors lead her to this path -- 1) her mother is consistently setting her up with incompatible matches, 2) she has endometriosis and was told by a doctor in her youth that natural pregnancy was unlikely, and 3) she has always wanted to be a mom. She finds herself on the receiving end of quite a few rude comments and ridicule from family, friends, and neighbors. No one seems to believe she has her life together.

Enter Josh. When prompted by the IVF facility for a partner name, his is the first that comes to mind. Though initially reluctant (given that this journey was sort of sprung on him), Josh ultimately agrees to be Gemma's donor.

Obviously, this is a romance novel. So, there's quite a bit of "will they, won't they?" with a problematic love triangle on the side. However, what I appreciated about this book most was the inclusion of Gemma's fertility support group. Admittedly, I haven't really thought much about what that process might be like or how society treats women that struggle with getting/remaining pregnant. I'd like to think that some of the insensitive comments made by medical professionals and those in Gemma's periphery were hyperbolic. But the reality is that there likely are a lot of people who treat this topic insensitively. I think the author did a nice job of showing that fertility struggles can impact anyone, regardless of wealth, status, or age. More commentary could have been made on gender and sexuality (felt like a bit of a missed opportunity, what with the support group), but I realize that not every book can cover every topic. I also did not love the bit about the golden unitard couple. While the banter and dynamic between Josh and Gemma was (mostly) enjoyable to read, that part felt out of place and ridiculous (serving very little purpose in the grand scheme of things).

I did really enjoy that Josh was a comic book author/artist. As someone who enjoys reading comics and graphic novels, that element of the plot was interesting to me.

The pacing was also well done. I would definitely give this author another read in the future!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Swift & Lewis for providing an e-book copy of JOSH AND GEMMA MAKE A BABY to review.

Content warning: Infertility and miscarriage

I read this book in one day. It grabs you instantly with a bit of a Bridget Jones Diary feel to it - Gemma is a divorced 32-year-old whose mother keeps setting her up with losers.

Then the book turned to a serious tone when we find out she's unable to become pregnant because of endometriosis and the comments her family made about that - ughhhh, not cool.

From there, she asks childhood friend, Josh, to be her surrogate and the real plot begins.

This book had a lot of humor to it, but it was heartbreaking at times. There were also things I did not like about Gemma and her original feelings for Josh, but of course, she needed to grow over time. The two needed to push each other to become their best selves.

It was very hard to read about Gemma and the ladies in her infertility support group struggles - YAY for the author including Gemma finding an unbiased place to talk with others in the same situation.

The romance plot is superb - there were little snippets of what Josh was feeling that were unknown to the reader (I can't say what because of spoilers, but when you read, you'll know and want to cry happy tears).

I'm giving this five stars because while there were a couple of issues I had with the meanness of Gemma's family, this book had me so focused on the plot and what was going to happen. I had to know before I went to sleep how the book ended.

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Rating: 4/5

This book follows Gemma who's in her thirties and divorced. She's tired of being treated by her family like damaged goods and wants to have a baby. On the other hand, Josh is a comic book artist who she's known since childhood. Gemma decides to ask him to be the father of her child. And of course...sparks fly.

This was a really cute book but also at times really hard to read. Gemma's family and especially her mom are unnecessarily cruel to her and keep setting her up with older men she doesn't find attractive and who take her for granted because they pity her for being a divorcé and having infertility issues. They also give harsh criticism on her body, the way she dresses, the quality of her life, etc. I found it hard to forgive Gemma's mom for these comments.

Moreover, this books deals with sensitive topics and Gemma herself is in one instance cruel to other women in a fertility support group because she's upset. So keep that in mind when you're reading this book.

With all that in mind, this is a very enjoyable romance novel and I thought the drawings on the page were so cute and a nice addition. It was so nice to see Gemma grow and learn from her mistakes.

Overall, would recommend, just make sure you know what you're getting into.

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Ending my year with a surprising five start read.
I requested this book through NetGalley because it had an audiobook option and it looked sweet and simple and oh boy was a in for a surprise.

This beautiful story is an ode to infertility and womanhood in the most beautifully written way. Having been one in eight myself, I was so engrossed in Gemmas journey and all the ladies and how beautifully and realistically all the emotions were portrayed.

Add in a charming handsome hero and a slow slow burn, this book has become one of my favorite reads.

There’s so much I could say but just know this book is worth the read, it’s worth the journey it’ll take you down, and even all the character flaws and Bridgette Jones- like silliness.

I will be reading more from this author for sure !

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Not a bad book at all, but I thought this would be a lighter read and that's on me for not checking content warning and triggers first. I'm sure this will be the perfect read for many others.

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Omg! I’m speechless. This was my first book by this author but most definitely won’t be my last. I couldn’t but this book down! Everything was wonderful! I love how the author approached difficult topics such as miscarriage, infertility, and endometriosis with such a raw emotion to it. This book was a roller coaster of tears but I highly recommend!

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This was my first Sarah Ready book but certainly won’t be my last.

I read this book in just a few hours and for the majority of the time, I had a smile on my face.

The book was beautifully written and I also loved the tasteful but silly illustrations and captions throughout it.

This book showed cased Gemma’s personal journey of self-love, self-discovery and growth. Gemma’s character was real, relatable and perfectly imperfect when it needed to be. I enjoyed the evolution of Gemma’s and Josh’s relationship throughout the story and it will remain with me for a long time come.

It’s important to note that I also appreciated the way the author addressed such sensitive topics- infertility, miscarriage, loss of a parent (TW)- with such grace and warming reader’s hearts with a story filled with love and hope.

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Binge reading this in 2 days really shows how much I enjoyed it. Super cute, emotional and funny and Josh is adorable. Go read it!

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What happens when you want to have a baby but don’t have a partner? You will keep turning the pages to find out as Gemma and Josh’s story unfold. Many different twists and unexpected turns until it finally feels right. 4.8 out of 5!

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