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Special thanks to Simon and Schuster and NetGalley for the ARC of this book!

I loved this book and feel lucky to have received it. I will really recommend this, most especially to book clubs. They say there are two sides to every story, well, I don't think anyone will argue with that and may not see the twist coming here. Well, that's not true. Some might, maybe a lot but it was just so good.

I really can't tell much without giving away the story. I'd say just read it, its a winner.

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A twisty domestic thriller told from multiple perspectives so you never know just who to trust. I really enjoyed the suspense layered throughout the first half of the novel, the author sets up each dynamic relationship brilliantly, but was a bit disappointed with the ending. The neat and tidy ending ties together the plot all too well, I wish there was a bit more ambiguity. Infertility being a core conflict in this novel may turn some readers off to this one.

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This is a bendy little tale where nothing is quite what it seems. Marisa and Jake appear to be the perfect couple, until difficulties in their financial situation force them to take in a roommate. Enter Kate, a young and fun loving woman, who appears to be absorbing Jake’s attention a little too easily. Soon Marisa begins to fear that Kate and Jake are having an affair right under her nose, a fear seemingly confirmed by text messages Marisa comes across. Determined to hold her life together, Marisa vows to confront Kate. But is this version of the story real? They say there are two sides to every story, and there is no case where that is truer than this one. Layered with multiple different narratives, this is a dynamic story built on manipulation and the complexities of mental health. This is a story that goes to prove just how dangerous lack of communication can be, and how desperately wanting something can drive you insane. Review posted to Goodreads, Amazon, Litsy, LibraryThing, Facebook, and Instagram.

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A searing examination of how one attempts to fill the potentially devestating fissures in one’s life.
Many thanks to Simon & Schuster and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Full of twists and turns; you'll think you know where this story is going, but you are wrong! I really loved reading the story from two points of view because it added another layer of unreliability to the plot. It's hard to give any more information without spoilers, but it's a good read!

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I wish that novels would not use conception and fertility struggles as a source of conflict in relationships. It is so common both in books as well as in real life, and I am just over that being used in literature.

Unfortunately, these feelings put a bit of a pallor over Magpie for me. It was written well, and did keep me engaged. However, my heart just breaks a little when it comes to tales of infertility.

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Talk about twists and turns! The basic story is about a young couple who are not able to have a baby on their own and decide to use a surrogate. The action centers around the interplay between the couple, the surrogate, the man's parents and the surrogate's best friend. And the good guy/bad guy flips flops among them all so you're never sure until close the end who is going to end up being the bad guy. I loved this book and would highly recommend it.

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Wow, now this was one book that really grabbed my attention.. Reminded me of Alfred Hitchcock and the way he wrote with such creepy suspense.. I held my breath through each chapter and twist and turn. A great read for all you thriller/suspense lovers

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I really enjoyed this book! I liked the final twist in the story, one that I didn't see coming(but it was a good one)that gave me the satisfying ending that I was looking for. The story surrounds a couple that is trying to have a baby and they invite a complete stranger into their home to act as a surrogate. Everything seemed to be going well, but then again things don't always go how we would like. A power struggle ensues in the household of the two women with the husband, Jake, caught in the middle. The first half pulled me in, but the second and last half really had me thrown for a loop(twisty-turny in a good way). I would definitely read another book by this author and look forward to her next release!

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*Thank you to Simon & Schuster, Elizabeth Day, and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review*

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Magpies are birds known for their bold personality and intelligence. They are also well-known for their calls and songs. Many birds have a song or a few calls, but magpies chatter, whistle, trill, and warble. These birds have even been known to mimic sounds around them such as wind chimes or a dog’s barking.

Marisa has always had trouble with relationships. Abandoned by her mother and sister when she was seven, she clings on and when the man pulls away, she displays more disturbing behavior. When she meets Jake on a dating app, she can’t believe her luck. He is tall, handsome, and interested in her. After three months, he wants to start a family with her! They rent a home together and she becomes pregnant after a few months. Because Marisa isn’t making money, Jake suggests they take in a lodger. When Kate moves in, they all seem to get along until it seems Kate knows everything about them. Marisa becomes suspicious and possessive, even following Kate to work. Three might be a crowd, but is there really a cause for alarm? Are Kate and Jake having an affair when they seem to be too close for comfort, in Marisa’s opinion?

I went into Magpie thinking I had the entire book figured out by the 20th page. It seemed like it would follow the basic formula of a girl getting pregnant, husband having an affair, Mother-in-law is evil precedent, but I will admit I was very wrong. In that sense, this book is clever. I believed it was leading me one way, but it actually wasn’t. It was something else entirely, which still seems implausible to me in the way it was delivered. It keeps the reader in a sense of unease and tension, not knowing what is going to happen, but knowing it is not what you expect. Each character is multi-layered except Jake, who honestly seems clueless most of the time. Marissa is a ticking time bomb with emotions ranging from anger to docile to insecurity. Kate comes across as a regimented, type A personality who excels at manipulation. Annabelle, Jake’s mother, is passive aggressive in the very worst way. The author writes sensitively about some triggering issues including mental health, infertility, and miscarriage.

Magpie was almost two novels in one, and that made it less enjoyable for me. There is a first part and a second part. To be clear, the first part is a thriller, but the second part is about a pregnancy with mental health issues, where there is no mystery or thrilling moments. There are definitely some predictable plot points and the ending was a little too clean cut. I wish the first part had been the entire book. I enjoyed Magpie, but it was not the five-star read I wanted it to be.

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I thought I knew where this thriller was going, but it ended up taking me by surprise. There were some creative twists in the plot but there was one major conflict with an unconvincing resolution. And the ending was a bit of a let down. Infertility is a tough subject matter for a summer thriller. This one struggled to strike the right note—it was not quite fully dark and macabre, yet it was a little more than slightly creepy. It was just OK for me.

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I really wanted to love this book. Maybe my hopes were too high going into it? I didn't know anything aside from the jacket blurb but I was expecting a twisty thrill ride of a story. Instead it was maybe 1 twist and unbelievably neat happy ending. A disappointing ride. The writing itself was well done. I didn't take issue with character development or any of the actual writing it was the storyline that just fell flat for me. It was a good idea that just didn't work in my opinion. I would definitely try another book by this author but this story just wasn't memorable and I can't give it more than 3 stars for the actual writing. I recieved my copy free for an honest review through NetGalley.

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This is one that is hard to put down! Definitely a HUGE domestic thriller!
Despite Marisa and Jake not knowing each other for too long, they decided to move in together and take the next step and try for a baby. Like most people who start looking into having a baby, Jake starts seeing how tight their budget is. Jake suggests that they take in a lodger to help stretch their budget slightly more. Thus enters the scene, Kate. Now Kate has this type of personality that she just takes over the house and makes Marisa very uncomfortable. Then to make things worse, Kate is very overly interested in Marisa's pregnancy. Now, I can't give anything away but boy was this one good! The twist and turns of the story are absolutely insane! I love how the author writes! I definitely recommend it to anyone who enjoys an excellent domestic thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat! Thank you Netgalley and Simon Schuster for the extraordinary opportunity to read and review this book!

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A hallmark of the suspense genre is the jaw-dropping twist. A surprise you didn't see coming that completely changes everything that you just read. If you love having the rug pulled out from underneath you, allow me to introduce you to Elizabeth Day's new novel Magpie, about an expectant couple who take on a lodger to help make ends meet as they await the arrival of their new baby.

Marisa, a children's author and illustrator, is expecting her first child with partner Jake. As Magpie opens, she shares details with us about her life prior to meeting her perfect lover, including her childhood with a mother who abandoned her, and the boarding school that raised her. We get to know Marisa and Jake as a couple, and how their love and relationship has grown and bloomed over time. And we also get to know Kate, the woman Marisa and Jake take in as a lodger to help cushion the cost of bringing a baby into this world. Right from the start, Marisa doesn't like Kate, who she feels borders on stalker-ish, but why won't Jake believe her when she says that Kate gives her the heebie jeebies?

Magpie starts out as a quiet, unassuming novel that moves at a languid pace, following Marisa through her peaceful days as she prepares to become a mother. However, don't get too comfortable as you settle into this book because the twists will soon sneak up on you as this once contemplative novel takes on a more ominous and sinister tone. Magpie is a book about which it is easy to say too much, so I won't give away its secrets; however, I can verifiably say that I never knew where I stood as I read this novel, not knowing where to look or who I could trust.

SPOILERS AHEAD ... With that being said, I was incredibly disappointed by this novel's ending! What happened to this otherwise gripping story? I totally was not expecting this book to wrap up so neatly. As I neared the end of Magpie, I saw several equally delicious ways this story could go, and I kept waiting for one last twist that unfortunately never came. Such a letdown after a highly entertaining read.

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#Magpie is a wonderful mystery. By author #Elizabeth Day, for fans of Gone Girl and The Perfect Nanny. About the danger's of getting what you ask for. She has quite the twist.....
Thank you for the advance copy,
#Netgalley and # Simon & Schuster 💜🐾🐾

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I could not get into this book. Normally I find something positive about every book, but I actually ended up not finishing this one.

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This book was so good! I want to see more from this author in the future!! I couldn't put this book down. What a page turner!!!

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Overall I really enjoyed this novel.. There were enough twists to keep me intrigued to keep reading. 4/5 stars.

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To read anything too in depth about ‘Magpie’ will give away the brilliant plot twist that occurs just about midway thought the book!

What began as a wonderful domestic thriller beautifully segues into themes of infertility and a woman’s role in society. Marisa is a 28 year old children’s book illustrator who has met her wonderful boyfriend named Jake, about 10 years older and keen to start a family. When Marisa becomes pregnant, they are both overjoyed. She had a difficult childhood and realizes how precious and beautiful her new family unit is.

”Marisa felt, with unexpected acuteness, the fragility of everything, the ease with which it could all be taken away from her.”

Jake and Marisa live together in his beautiful home, and she seems to have finally found the stability she has craved. Yes, Jake has an overbearing mother, but doesn’t everyone have some kind of family issue to deal with? Marisa is very happy with Jake and their stable life together. Things become a little more complicated when they decide to take in a lodger named Kate to help deal with some of the household expenses.

Kate is the opposite of Marisa: dark haired, glamorous and very confident. Marisa feels stirring emotions of insecurity but Jake is such a wonderful and stable partner that she overlooks certain incidents. Is she just being paranoid?

The amazing British actress Tanya Reynolds narrates the audiobook with intelligence and thoughtfulness.
She delivered the simple plot twist with perfection! Everything I assumed about this book was turned upside down.

The gripping narrative moves back and forth between the past and present, building towards a very surprising conclusion that I thought was handled with sensitivity and care. This was my first book by Elizabeth Day and I absolutely loved it!

Thank you so much to Simon & Shuster for my gifted ebook copy.

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A couple, Jake and Marisa are expecting their first baby and have just moved into a lovely new home when they suddenly decide to take in a boarder to bring extra money that will help defray the extra costs of and expanded family. The boarder (Kate) seems to overstep her boundaries right from the beginning and she also begins to get a little too cozy to Jake which starts bringing excess chaos and jealousy to the surface. Marisa's moods are getting darker as time goes on and she begins following Kate not really knowing what she expects to find out but soon Marisa's actions will lead to the most explosive and unexpected confrontation where life will unravel for all three people involved but not in the way any of them could have anticipated.

"Magpie" was a book that was very different than my expectations. I thought I knew where the storyline was headed but at the halfway point the book started taking a completely different path. The book was well-written and will have great appeal to many readers although I was let down because it wasn't the genre I was looking forward to. I was expecting an exciting psychological thriller and when the story unfolded into a twisted climax at the halfway point, I said to myself "Here we go!" But, No! The exciting and mysterious thriller turned into a women's book that was more of a drama about the deep and hearfelt pain and emotions of a a woman who struggles with infertility. I'm sorry to say the book just didn't work for me but I would still recommend the book to other readers so they can base their own opinions on the subjects of pregnancy, infertility and surrogates and the Biggie "Mental Illness".

I want to thank the publisher " Simon & Shuster " and Netgalley for the opportunity to read this novel and any thoughts or opinions expressed are unbiased and mine alone!

I have given this book a rating of 3 UNHAPPY 🌟🌟🌟 STARS!!

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