Member Reviews

The book lacked a good portion of depth, not my favorite read. Had a good storyline, just not something I enjoyed.

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Not my favorite. Took me awhile to get through. Willing to give the author another shot. Needed more depth.

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In the heart of an Arkansas town, teenagers with newfound special powers find themselves entangled in a battle against mystical beings, striving to save their community. Alongside the challenges of their everyday teenage angst, they must navigate the pursuit of secret agents determined to capture them. The narrative introduces a shape-shifting god, resembling a rabbit unless it has assumed the persona of one of the Freaks. With its gripping storyline and elements of supernatural intrigue, this book is a must-read for YA enthusiasts, seamlessly blending the trials of adolescence with a thrilling supernatural adventure.

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This was an interesting and enjoyable read. I went in knowing very little about the story, therefore not really having large expectations. The writing style was easy to get into and I was surprised at how quickly I was able to complete. While some of the characters may be familiar, how they handle being in the different situations made for a good ride. Looking forward to reading more by this author.


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Now high school sophomores, the self-styled “Freaks” are back in class in quiet Quapaw City, Arkansas. They grapple with the ordinary challenges of everyday teen life: cliques, cars, and crushes. While everything appears normal on the surface, looks have rarely been more deceiving. A secret government task force—fully aware of the unusual powers the Freaks have acquired—is determined to capture them. Even as the mysterious Baltar Sterne shares ancient wisdom and offers hope, a new menace silently emerges in the woods outside of town. Clever, inexorable, and far more lethal than the Freaks’ first superhuman foe, this traveler from another world possesses powers that can only be described as godlike. The Freaks and their town will be tested in horrific ways they are powerless to predict or even imagine.

I liked this book but I didn’t love it. I think that Riley is on to something here with this series with the main concept being this group of kids accidentally releasing entities into the world and gaining super powers. There is great characterisation and I really have an affinity for the majority of the characters in the book, but it’s the monster in this one that I had an issue with. I thought the whole ancient Indian entity was a little strange and incongruous with the rest of the book and it’s style and for me it didn’t resonate and I didn’t get its role as the ‘bad guy’ making the whole build up to the face off a bit meh.

For me, both times in this series, the book felt like it needed better editing as there were parts which dragged and didn’t add anything to the plot. Nevertheless I will be keeping my eye out for the next book because as I said, I am on this journey with the group now and I need to see how it ends.

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As a fan of the first book, this book was even more enjoyable to me. The writing felt more polished and refined, I thought the character dialogue was a lot smoother and felt more natural too. Even the pacing of this book felt more even and more well rounded. My one small complaint is there is very occasionally redundancy when using the same word over and over again in close proximity, but that only happened a handful of times and never took me out of the experience. Overall I'd definitely recommend this book to my friends and I'm excited for the next installment. This book also had a lot of moments I found almost fun to read, like the opening where we see the 4 characters take down the 4 armed brute. Very well done!

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I thought this sequel to Freaks was really good. We follow the same characters, who are now fighting a carnivorous huge bunny rabbit. They all stick together and some new romances start. If you liked the first book, I think you will like this follow-up. I want to thank the author, the publisher, and Netgalley for giving me an e-copy of this book, in return for an honest review.

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I did not realize this was the second book in the series and I did not read the first book. The middle section of the book felt like it dragged a little bit but there was plenty of action at the end. I found the writing to be pretty good and the story was easy for me to catch on.

I am not going to lie though it took me a long time to realized that the cover was a bunny and not a butt...

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A YA story with a mix of fantasy and sci-fi. The second book in the Freaks universe. We continue the journey of the Freaks as they find a new antagonist and this enemy is more dangerous than the last one. The Freaks go against the Travelers. An exciting story with original characters. This is a riveting YA story.

Disclaimer: Thank you to NetGalley and Imbrifex Books for this review copy and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I rated book one in this series a 3.5, and Travelers sits in the same range.

This is a fun YA series, a group of teenagers find themselves with superpowers and now hide them, whilst protecting their town! This instalment of the Freaks series gave me Buffy vibes (even having a character nicknamed Giles), and I loved it. There was no 'middle book syndrome' with this, as the character development was solid, as well as the big bad of the book.

These are just an entertaining read all around, I recommend and look forward to book three.

**Thank you to Netgalley and Imbrifex books for allowing me to read to this book. All thoughts are my honest opinions.**

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When I first got this arc I was confused. Then I figured out why. This is the first work I’ve read by this author. I did not realize it was the second and the series. I think I would have enjoyed it more if I had read the first book in the series.

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Personally, I enjoyed the first book better, even though I had hopes that I would like this sequel more and get many questions answered. But I judt couldn't connect completely with the story

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I really enjoyed being able to get inside the head of the "monsters", and am intrigued by the path Micah seems to be taking. I read this shortly after Freaks, so everything was still fresh in my head. I feel like this would be an excellent recommendation for fans of Stranger Things, and will need to get a copy for my shelf posthaste!

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Thanks NetGalley and Imbrifex Books for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

Unfortunately, this book wasn't for me. I didn't know that this is a sequel, so I didn't understand a lot of things. I really did give it a try, but it just didn't grab my attention. I loved the queer rep, though, and the premise looked promising. But I should really read the first book first.

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Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for giving me a copy for review!

I enjoyed this superhero novel set in Arkansas (a place not given much attention to). I appreciated the LGBTQIA+ representation especially for a book set in Arkansas. I do plan on continuing with this series.

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Well! I am among the NetGalley reviewers that didn't know that this was a sequel when I requested it - and I requested it after I got duped into reading a few double-digit series books so I *know* I checked!

All that aside, I really enjoyed this book! The characters are likeable, their social struggles are believable... heck, even their struggles as newly-minted "freaks" are believable! I'm definitely going to check out the first novel of this series when my TBR is a little lighter, but I really enjoyed this and would recommend this series to anyone looking for a nice change of pace (which I was!)

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Fantastic follow up to the book Freaks. I really loved the original book and this one was just as good. Fast paced and interesting! Loved it!

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This is the second book in the FREAKS series, an absolutely wonderful series for anyone who needs an escape from everyday drudgery. As our intrepid super heroes work together to save their hometown, they must keep one step ahead of the "government" agencies that would love to run tests on our Freaks. Brett Riley has done an excellent job of keeping the Freaks world building running smoothly while adding to the depth of the characters and giving them a life outside their heroic efforts. All in all, this is a great series for any and everyone.

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Ever drive through Southeastern Arkansas and wondered why there are no trees? It's because the Freaks have returned to play havoc with the forests. This time they're aided in their woody eradication by gloop-shooting FBI agents.

At least the Freaks are a little nicer to each other than they were in the first novel, Freaks. They can still be catty to each other, but there is romance in the air and being snarky doesn't improve one's love life. They are insulting to the weird uncle, but heck, who wouldn't want a creepy, kookie, altogether spooky uncle who does magic and drives a Lexus?

This is the fourth book I've read this year with icky, villainous rabbits. Are itty-bitty bunny rabbits the new monsters in books? Bitsy bunny did make for a cool cover for Travelers.

If you can get past the wanton treeicide, it's a pretty exciting book. Some good, scary monsters in addition to criminal bunnies. Thanks to Netgalley and Imbrifex Books for allowing me to read and review an eARC of Travelers.

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Thank you to Imbrifex Books and NetGalley for the free e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

This second instalment of the Freaks series offers a strong opening and a deeper look into characters who were perhaps not as heavily featured in the first. However, that is much of the positives for the title.

After the first third or so, the book begins to taper off and offers no real hook like the first did. Ultimately, the creep/horror factor lacked and this, coupled with poor pacing, left this a lacklustre sequel to an intriguing novel.

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