Member Reviews

Never Have I ever read a book by Carissa ann Lynch and not been Totally wrapped up in the book her stories pull you in.. I read this book in 2 sittings it's a fast read.

All small towns have secrets..
Some are more hidden deeper than others some are darker than others. things you don't think are there. hidden deep below in the trunk. Just like family you can never tell whose dark secrets are gonna come to life..

Natalie was only 9 years old. The night Jenny's murdered body was found in the field outside her house.. The whole town thought her family was the culprits...

Chrissy Cornwell, Goes to prison for 30 years for murder she committed or did she..
Now she's being released because she's done her time for this murder..

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i loved this book, it was a very slow start for me but throughout the book it picked up, that also might have been personal preference. This book and the twist was amazing and very unexpected!

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This storyline may be similar to many other but trust me, this is one that you so not want to pass on. It will shock you, leave you wanting to keep reading, and have you questioning so many things. Written so wonderfully and intriguing. The ending will make you gasp

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I wasn't expecting that ending. Good story and the characters were well written. Will check out more of her books.

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When bad girls lie, good girls die. A young girl was found dead in a neighbor’s field.
A fourteen-year-old who confesses. Just a child herself, could Chrissy Cornwall really be a cold-blooded killer? Years later, the murderer is getting out and Natalie Bryers, unable to forget the night of Jenny’s murder, still has questions. Did Chrissy lie then or is she lying now? Did she kill Jenny? And if so, will she kill again?

When Chrissy gets out of jail, Natalie decides to finally use her degree and write a book about the truth. She knows there is more to this story and wants to uncover the truth; the truth being a theme throughout the story. And Chrissy delivers, showing up at Natalie's door claiming that she is innocent.

This was a fairly quick read and the book keeps you wanting to know more. The end had one big surprise that I could not have predicted. The characters were relatable enough. I really enjoyed this book and the pace at which is read!

I rate this book as 4.25 🌟!

I'd like to say a huge thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for an ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review

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Wow, I enjoyed the intensity and pacing of this so much! This was my first book from this author and definitely will not be my last. From the first page to the last, I was absolutely hooked and had to know more about what happened, who killed Jenny, and never once did I guess what was going to happen by the very end. I definitely recommend if you want a quick but intense read!!

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When a young girl is found dead in her family's field, Natalie is horrified when she sneaks into her brother's room and looks out the window through his telescope. As an adult, she is consumed with the need to know for certain why the teenage Chrissy confessed to the murder and what was her motivation for killing. She is haunted by the scars left on her family in the aftermath - her mother leaves, her father disengages and eventually dies, and her brother commits suicide.

Natalie is a frustrated author and when Chrissy is released from jail as an adult and offers to tell her the real story of what happened, Natalie jumps in feet first. While she is still not sure of Chrissy's innocence and more than a little scared to be in the same room with her, she braves some sketchy circumstances in order to interview her.

I loved the portrayal of Chrissy, and her manipulation of Natalie. The last third of the book takes off and the ending made for an interesting plot twist. This was a quick read, and a real thrill ride!

Thanks to NetGalley and One More Chapter for an advanced reader's copy for review.

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It’s always hard when you go to write a review for a book and you’re torn, because on one hand the plot is pretty darn cool and the characters are interesting, but the execution of both plot and character just falls flat.

This is the case for me when it comes to “She Lied, She Died”. The plot, which centers around a would-be writer who still lives on the farm where a teenage girl was found dead when she was a little girl and the just-paroled woman who was imprisoned for the crime who is now proclaiming her innocence even though she confessed to the crime when it happened, is actually an interesting and compelling subject manner to start out with. Both of them are outcasts in their town: the would-be writer because the body was found on her family’s land, and the just-paroled woman because, well, she was paroled for killing a teenage girl when she was just a teenager herself and was considered white trash by the rest of the town.

This book could have been an awesome opportunity to explore the themes of poverty somehow still being an acceptable prejudice in this country, of how disadvantaged teenagers are always prime targets for law enforcement, of how media values the beauty of a victim when it comes to crime, and how everyone loves a linear narrative when it comes to violent crime in small towns.

Sadly, this book veered off course. Instead of sticking with our two central characters and unraveling the truth in a more intimate and intriguing way, Lynch runs with just our protagonist as she all of a sudden needs to see her great aunt and her childhood best friend. And all this for a pretty lackluster ending.

This book is mildly diverting, but it didn’t live up to its potential.

Thanks to NetGalley and Harper360 for granting me access to this title.

As per personal policy, this review will not appear on any bookseller or social media website due to the 3 star or lower rating.

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This was such an intriguing read! It was quick and the ending was so surprising. I wished there had been more clues leading up to the ending. It seemed so sudden of a revealing. It would have been fun to get close to the right conclusion before the big twist!

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"Pretty truths or ugly lies, which one do you choose?"

Fourteen-year-old Jenny Juliott was found dead decades ago on the field at the Breyas farm. Chrissy Cornwall, a girl from the wrong side of the tracks, just a child herself, confessed to her murder and was currently being released from prison. But now Chrissy was claiming her innocence in Jenny's death. Was she lying then or is she lying now?

Natalie Breyas lives at the farm and gets the opportunity she's been waiting for to launch her writing career, the chance to write a book telling Chrissy's side of the story. With a town strongly opposed to Chrissy's return, Natalie sets out to uncover the truth in a somewhat risky endeavor. Who can she trust as she tries to unravel this complicated web of lies?

"Is it better to administer the truth in small doses, or inject it all at once? I used to think I knew the answer, but I know nothing anymore."

As Natalie learns more about what happened that fateful night, she finds truth and lies tangled in the shadows of the past with hidden family secrets at every turn. How well does she even know her own family? And what would she be willing to do to protect them?

Captivating, thought provoking and well paced with plenty of twists, She Lied, She Died kept me engaged in the story throughout. Atmospheric descriptions and brewing thunderstorms added to the eerie setting and the secrets and evil hidden within its depths. I couldn't see, however, what made Natalie so trusting of Chrissy, enough to let her spend the night in her own house, other than simple intuition that there was more to her story. Initially, I also found some of the characters to be unlikable but I understood them better and became more invested as the plot unfolded.

Ultimately, this was a story about young love, jealousy and revenge, asking what lengths you would go to follow what's in your heart. With an interesting look at family dynamics and a path of lies hiding the truth, this ended incredibly with an unexpected plot twist that blew me away completely. And it leaves the reader with one final thought. Is it better to learn the truth at any cost or to remain oblivious in the lies of the unknown?

"They say that the truth will set you free. But sometimes truth is the prison."

** Special thanks to Harper 360, One More Chapter and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this ARC. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. Quotes subject to change at time of publication. Available November 8, 2022. **

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She Lied She Dies
By: Carissa Ann Lynch
Publication Date: November 8, 2022

Who killed teenager, Jenny Juliott? It should be easy to know since Chrissy Cornwall already confessed and has done her time in prison. Chrissy went in a teenager herself but is now a middle aged woman who wants to make the truth be known, she didn’t kill Jenny. Natalie Breyas now lives on her family’s farm where Jenny’s body was discovered. Her family was split apart from this tragedy and now Natalie is just the person to write a book to tell Chrissy’s side of the story. Is Chrissy telling the truth or will Natalie be deceived by a convicted killer?

I’ve become such a fan of Carissa Ann Lynch her thrillers are well written, suspenseful and always a quick read. This one is no different. I loved the family secrets and small town gossip. So many book these days are too long and drawn out with unnecessary details but Carissa always manages to keep the story suspenseful and to the point.

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She Lied She Died by Carissa Ann Lynch

A gripping small town murder mystery book that keeps you on the edge of your seat!   This book was very well written, from setting the dark atmosphere of a gloomy small town, the captivating characters and a story line that keeps you guessing.  I would highly recommend this book.


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Another great read from Carissa Lynch! I've read every one of her books, and this is one of the best. You could cut the tension with a knife in this suspense novel. This is one of my favorite authors, and I can't wait to read more of her books.

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I liked this thriller and found it to be an enjoyable story. The narrator had an interesting perspective - what would happen to a child whose property was where a body was discovered? Natalie grew up with the shadow of that crime over her, but the murder was caught and quickly convicted because she confessed, then 15 year old Chrissy. Chrissy has served 30 years of her life sentence and has now been paroled. Chrissy has claimed she was innocent and aspiring author Natalie decides she wants to tell their story, whatever the truth may be. I did like the twists, but I thought the end of the story came very quickly and it could have taken a little more time for the story. That being said the ending was good, just very quick.

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She Lied She Died definitely kept me invested throughout the entirety of the book. The writing style was really engaging and easy to get into.
Long story short, a convicted murderer is released after serving time, but claims she is innocent, …. Despite her confession. A would-be author with a strong connection to the case investigates and finds the truth and much of her life unravels as she does.
I found this to be a fast and easy read. Even when I thought I knew, I was wrong. Recommended for those looking for a quick thrill and surprise.
Many thanks and much appreciation to NetGalley and Harper Collins UK/ One More Chapter for sharing this digital reviewer copy with me in exchange my honest thoughts.

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I love the books that grip you right from page one. It was consistently good and built to a fantastic ending. Thank you!

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3.5 rounded up. This should have been a 4+ star read, but the ending left much to be desired.
I really enjoyed this thriller. The premise was interesting, the characters and setting well developed. I was drawn in from the first pages.
When the mystery was revealed in a dramatic twist, I literally gasped out loud. That does not happen very often. I was completely surprised. This happened about 70% into the ebook. Then the book ended too abruptly. After all of that suspense, the truth was revealed and the story ended with very little wrap up or exploration of consequences. I felt as though I had fallen off a cliff. There should have been more. Maybe this was intended to leave an opening for a sequel. Anyway, the ending felt very unsatisfying.
The author may have included previews or other information for the next 25%, but I did not venture beyond the last page of this novel.
Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Harper 360 for allowing me to read and review this book.

She Lied She Died is the story of how lies can add up and tear apart lives (and entire towns). A childhood tragedy, a false confession, and years of secrets all comes to a head when Chrissy Cornwall is released from jail. Natalie Bryers, our main character, is left to untangle the threads of the tragedy that happened quite literally in her backyard.

The voice of the main character is very strong throughout the novel, and roped me in immediately. I would have liked to see a bit more development and growth of other side characters to fill the world out a bit more, especially because I think those details are what really allows that small town feel to come to life. Overall a solid page-turner with a pretty interesting twist.

Crossposted to goodreads at:

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“There is more than one way to kill a person. Not all of those ways involve death.” A teenager’s dead body is found in a field, and her teenage killer confesses to the murder. When the killer is released years later, the true mystery begins. Was the right person convicted, or did the real murderer evade the law? Some secrets are better left in the past. This fast paced, character driven thriller proves that ignorance can definitely be bliss. Who is the real villain in this twisted tale? “When bad girls lie, good girls die.” The question is, who is the liar? Thank you NetGalley and One More Chapter for my copy.

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Thank you to Harper, One More Chapter, and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

She Lied She Died by Carissa Ann Lynch is a terrifying thriller that is not for the faint of heart. The story revolves around Natalie, who is haunted by a murder that happened years ago. Jenny, a young girl, was murdered and found in a field in a small town. A fourteen year-old, Chrissy, confessed to the murder and went to jail. Now, she's getting out. Did Chrissy really murder Jenny all those years ago? Can Natalie figure out the truth before the murderer strikes again?

Here is a chilling excerpt from Chapter 1:

"I was nine years old when the murder happened.
Old enough to taste fresh-found fear in the air; young enough to feel unscathed by it.
Alone in the farmhouse, I squatted on my haunches in front of my brother Jack’s bedroom window, eyes peeping over the ledge as far as they dared, faded binoculars shielding my face.
Jack would have killed me if he knew what I was doing because: 1. I was never allowed to enter his room, uninvited. 2. I’d gone through his trunk, which contained his “private things” (if you consider pics of naked girls with hairy bushes, and a pair of binoculars, “private”) and worst of all: 3. I’d borrowed those precious binoculars."

Overall, She Lied She Died is a scary thriller with non-stop twists and turns. One highlight of this book is the Prologue, which was absolutely terrifying. If you're a typical domestic thriller reader, this book might be too intense for you. If you enjoy dark thrillers though, this book will be just right for you. I did take off 1 star though, because I am tired of the "small town" setting. It just didn't appeal to me, but I'm sure many readers will enjoy it though. If you're intrigued by the excerpt above, or if you're a fan of thrillers, I highly recommend that you check out this book, which is available now!

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