Member Reviews

I loved the premise. I thought it was creative and well-thought out. It had a couple of twists I wasn't expecting, which is always appreciated. All in all, I enjoyed the ride and would read more from the author.

I received a complimentary copy of the novel from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley for an ARC of this book.

I requested this book because of the amount of great reviews it has and I'm so glad I did. This book completely surpassed my expectations in so many ways and I wish I already had the physical copy of it to put on my shelf!

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Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for providing an ARC of this book.

Loved this book and fell for all of the red herrings about who the murderer was!

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Absolutely my favorite by her so far! Mary received a journal as a gift, which seems unremarkable at first. Until she realizes it's a possible murder list. Was it given to her by accident or on purpose? Lots of fun reading this! Interesting characters and full of twists & turns!

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I've emailed books by kabler before and this one did not disappoint. Plenty of twists and turns to keep your attention throughout. Really loved this abs can't wait for her next book!

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Thank for ARC

This is a story about a woman named Mary who for Christmas receives an agenda/diary, having forgotten about it opens it a couple of weeks later realizing it contained a list of four names and the date they would be murdered on. The first death having already passed , the second one coming up shortly and the last name on the list is herself.

Such a good read , kept me interested the whole way along , would not have guessed the ending.

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Mary receives a journal and doesn't open it for a month. When she does, she realizes it's not blank, but instead has a list of names....


A woman named Lisa was murdered in Oxford on the 1st of this some kind of joke?

Mary must solve this mystery before it's too late!

This fast paced thriller was a fun read. It switched characters and kept my interest .

Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for the opportunity.

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An enjoyable summer read with plenty of twists, turns and an unexpected outcome. I am looking forward to reading more from this author.

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This was a crazy one! The synopsis looked intriguing and the book held strong with the twists and turns.

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Wwwwwwow! This book was so exciting from chapter 2 that I couldn't put it down. And oh boy, was I wrong. My serial killer wasn't who I thought it was. I love it! It's a great thriller, exciting to the end and the plot is great and unexpected. I can't wait to read more books from this author.
Thanks @netgalley and @officialjackiekabler for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

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I am so pleased to have found this author this year. Their books are incredibly addictive and just keep getting better and better and the murder list is no exception. I was hooked from the first page and couldn’t put it down and pretty much read in one sitting. If you love mystery and psychological thrillers and are looking for an escape from reality for a few hours then you need to read this authors books as was totally transfixed and not thinking about or aware of anything else while reading.

This book had lots of twists and turns and gasp out loud moments
And just when I thought had worked it all out then bam something else
Came into the mix. This was definitely an edge of the seat read.

Looking forward to this authors next book.

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Thank you Netgalley, Harper Collin’s and One More Chapter for the advance copy in exchange for my honest review.

Once this grabbed my attention, I was completely hooked and into it! This premise was unlike anything I’ve read before and I appreciate that when a book is classified as a psychological thriller.

All in all this was a solid read with an ending that I liked but didn’t love.

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The Murder List grabbed me from the start and kept me interested the whole way through. I thought I had it worked out, twice, and was thinking, it's pretty obvious - but boy was I wrong. Plenty of twists along the way to keep things interesting. I started distrusting everyone. The story alternates between Mary's point of view and the police departments - of which there are 4 working together to try and solve their areas murders (or upcoming murders). Great entertaining story which kept me on my toes.

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This book started with a good storyline but then it sped through the first three murders without any insight into the victims. There was nothing personal shared about them beforehand so I couldn’t feel much for their deaths.

The twists weren’t even inserted into the storyline in a good way so it was easy to tell they were intentional and not a real possibility.

Then the ending ….. disappointing. Perhaps I just read too many murder mysteries but this one left me feeling flat when not feeling invested in the end results.

I thank One More Chapter for the ARC of this ebook via NetGalley.

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I received an ARC of, The Murder List, by Jackie Kabler. Wow this was quite a psychological thriller, it kept me guessing until the end.

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Mary is a freelance crime writer, following in her late fathers footsteps. Just before christmas she receives a gift of a diary and during a tidy up in january decides to donate it to charity. Having a quick flick tbrough she finds an entry on the 1st of the month, up to april. It gives a name and town of a person to be murdered on that day. The 1st of april identifies her as the victim.
As one by one, these murders occur the police are no further forward in identifying the murderer. Mary is determined to catch the killer, and with the help of the police, her house is used as the bait for the killer.
However, mary also holds a long time secret which she is hoping to use to prevent her death.

Fast paced, gripping story with such an unexpected twist towards the end. Highly recommend.

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I was immediately hooked. A fast paced, effortlessly quick read where the pages just turned themselves and I was engaged throughout, mission accomplished. Whirlwind of a thriller! I loved it. This author has a knack for writing the perfect thriller and delivering it at the perfect pacing. I am immediately identified with the main characters.

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When Mary receives a blank diary as a present, she thinks nothing of it. Until she opens the diary and sees that it's not blank after all.

1st January MURDER Lisa, Oxford.
1st February MURDER Jane, Birmingham.
1st March MURDER David, Cardiff,
1st March MURDER Mary, Birmingham.

Is this some kind of sick joke? But it's the end of January now. And a woman named Lisa was murdered in Oxford on 1st January. Does this mean there really is a killer out there., planning to commit murder on the 1st of each month? And is Mary due to be killed on the 1st April her?

This fast paced read has me hooked from the beginning. It's cleverly written and full of twists. I had no idea who the killer was. The characters were complex but believable. This creepy and tense read held my attention throughout, even though there were many questions going round my head whilst reading - is Mary really the Mary on the list? Will they find the killer before they get to her? I couldn't put the book down until I had turned the last page.

I would like to thank #NetGalley #HarperCollinsUK #OneMoreChapter and the author #JackieKabler for my ARC of #TheMurderList in exchange for an honest review.

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I would like to thank Netgalley and HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter for an advance copy of The Murder List, a stand-alone thriller set mostly in Cheltenham featuring journalist Mary Ellis.

Mary is clearing out unwanted Christmas gifts when she comes across a diary sent to her anonymously. She opens it to see if the sender has left a note and they have, not just the one expected. On the first of the first four month is written, Murder, a name, and a location and the first victim is already dead. When two more people are murdered it only leaves one entry, Mary, Cheltenham.

I had not read this author’s work before, so I didn’t know what to expect, but I thoroughly enjoyed The Murder List. It has an interesting premise and follows through on it with an absorbing read.

The idea of announcing murder in advance is not new, but the author does a great job of it in her own way. The information is vague enough to be useless in any preventative way and at the same time builds pressure on Mary as time ticks away. I really liked the narrative style where it alternates between the police task force and Mary. The task force perspective concentrates on investigating the murders that have been committed and trying to prevent any more. Mary concentrates on impending panic and how to avoid death. The comparison between the two is striking when they want the same result. It’s very moreish.

The final showdown is great. I had my suspicions throughout the novel of the killer’s identity, but the perpetrator never appeared on my radar. I didn’t find the motive overly convincing, but by then it didn’t really matter. I had a great journey to that point with plenty of speculation on my part, while living through Mary’s tension and suspicion. You see, Mary is also keeping secrets , which are gradually revealed in the second half of the novel. I didn’t guess them correctly either.

All in all The Murder List is a good read with some very unexpected twists and turns that off the reader a lot to ponder, there I have no hesitation in recommending it.

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Thank you to Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

First off this book wasn’t 100% for me. I love thrillers but I really struggled with the pacing on this one. I did enjoy the book but not to my usual page turning, need to know now standards. That being said I did like and enjoy it.

The concept is really interesting though and that is what initially drew me into wanting to read this. The book is about Mary a crime writer who stumbles upon a book that is full of names and the city location of people to be murdered. Even her name is in there! I would be terrified and probably in denial from seeing that. But Mary jumps right into action.

What I did enjoy:
- the concept feels original and interesting
- The twists were fun and a few I didn’t see coming
- The different POVs. You have Mary’s POV and the police investigating
- The book was very well written! I just couldn’t deal with the pace. But that could just be a me thing.
- Trying to figure out who did it! The mystery of it all kept me intrigued

Overall this is a fun thriller for any fans of murderous, twisty books. I would give this one 3.5 stars for originality, and it being well executed as for the plot lines. I just wish the pacing didn’t have so many ups, and downs.

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