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That Cowboy of Mine

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Dillon is a proud ranch owner that somebody wants gone. She suspects her neighboring rancher Hank Stephens. One day she finds Cal Bennett passed out on her property and immediately thinks he was sent by Hank to sabotage her property. Cal is not there to do her harm and ends up protecting her from the person taking shots at her. They agree to work together to find out who the culprit is. After all the danger and secrets are revealed will they end up together?
A good story if you enjoy cowboys and suspense.

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This book grabs you right from the start. It’s a fast page turner. You know from the beginning who the bad guy is but it doesn’t take away from the story or the action. Cal and Dillon were great together but it takes time for them to figure it out. I enjoyed this read very much.

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Trust is risky and for some needs to be earned...

Dillon Young is dealing with many issues. Taking over her aunt’s ranch and making it her own against outside pressures to sell which has now taken a dangerous turn beginning with the theft of a recently acquired prized stallion. Those who want her gone have escalated their attempts to ruin her business.
In the search for her horse, she finds a surprise, an unconscious drunk on her property.

To trust or not to trust? That is the question Dillon Young faces often throughout the book. After refusing to sell her ranch to a wealthy neighbor strange things began occurring. The coincidence of finding a drunken cowboy passed out on her property, a bull rider who failed to qualify for the latest rodeo, is suspicious, yet the man then saves her life from a sniper’s bullet. Would he have done that if he was involved in a plot against her? There’s an instant attraction between the main protagonists that complicates things for Dillon who is relying on instinct to trust the man, he seems sincere but for how long can she risk trusting him with all that is going on, the more since he came on the scene.

Cal Bennett is at a crossroads in life, losing a spot in the upcoming rodeo has him feeling lost but waking up on someone’s ranch after a night of binge drinking with no memories of how he got there is a wake-up call. Meeting the beautiful sexy Dillon was a breath of fresh air. Working on her ranch has given him a new lease on life but how long can it last? The more he learns of the missing night in his memories the more he will have to atone for. His honor is all that he is and it’s being sorely tested.

The blurb provides a good idea of what this book is about. This is romantic suspense with a cowboy flavor, the storyline was weighted more toward the suspense than the romance. The main characters are likable and relatable. There are multiple points of view including for those up to no good. The plot is convoluted with multiple pieces of a puzzle to solve and a few unexpected twists. The instant attraction did become love quicker than preferred but all in all, this was an enjoyable story though lighter than this reader’s normal suspense reads.

An advanced reading copy was obtained from the publisher via NetGalley.

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Donna Grant brings the intrigue and betrayal to her latest cowboy romance. Cal and Dillon are not without their issues but the romance was there. While I enjoyed the story and the beginning had me drawn in, I just didn’t feel the connection that I would expect from the main characters. They just seemed to be going through the motions. For this reason, I gave it 4 stars.

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Happy pub day 🎉 to this little book that I accepted from Netgalley after quite a bit of wine! 🤣🤣🤣

Y’all know I love me a cowboy so obviously the synopsis scooped me up on this one. Admittedly, I’m not a huge fan of the cover but I was surprised to like this story SO MUCH more than I expected!

I really loved the main characters (& absolutely wish I could have another daughter so I could name her Dillon), the twists, the romance & the small-town feel. It definitely did give me a little bit of Yellowstone vibes with some of the drama, but don’t expect any Beth Dutton to keep you on edge. On a scale of 1-Beth, Dillon was only about a 2. 🤣 Even still, I really really enjoyed this one!

If you like western romance/suspense, you would probably really enjoy!

Thanks @netgalley for my copy in exchange for my review!

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Dillon Young is a woman under attack. Mysterious accidents and thefts have plagued her ranch. Cal is a guy in the wrong place at the wrong time. He is determined to prove that he isn't a part of what is happening on Dillon's ranch. Along the way, Dillon has to learn to trust Cal as their relationship grows into something more.

Great story with a surprise ending.

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That Cowboy of Mine captured my attention and imagination from the first page and held me captive until the final ending sentence. While the story blurb tells you all you really need to know before picking this one up, it doesn’t show you the intensity of the story or the complexity either. Dillion is right to believe she can’t trust anyone… and that means absolutely anyone within her world. But for right now, it’s Cal who she wants to believe yet so many things just don’t add up. Too many questions and the intense attraction between them will result in a push/pull relationship where trust can so easily be misplaced… if it’s even given at all.

The chemistry between Cal and Dillion is sizzling and practically leaps off of the page. But, while I enjoyed their interactions immensely it was the suspense part of That Cowboy of Mine that kept me glued to page after page. There are some obvious vile villains here… but there is too much going on for there not to be a hidden agenda or more involvement than is obvious to Dillain or the reader.

I don’t intend to give away spoilers, so I’m simply going to say that Cal and Dillion kept me focused on their story without a break until I knew the answers to all the secrets in their world. There were surprises, intense emotions, and a story that I didn’t want to see come to an end, even though I needed answers to those questions. That Cowboy of Mine is one of the many reasons that this author is an auto-buy (or request an ARC) for me. The story is intense, complicated enough with hints and possibilities galore but you won’t know it all until the final pages. If you love a good story, puzzle pieces to fit together, a couple that is believable in everything they do… then you’ll want to grab this one, fast. I was hooked from the start and actually sad that there wasn’t more when the ending appeared (not that it needed more but that I wanted more).

*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. The opinions expressed in this review are my own – good, bad, or indifferent. I was not financially compensated for this review and no expectation of a positive review was promised.*

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Enjoy the writing style and of course, I’m loving the cowboy aspect! Sweet and steamy romance! Love the setup for this story too; Dillion inherited her aunt’s ranch, but someone keeps causing problems for her. Luckily, she finds an ally in cowboy Cal! Sweet and passionate chemistry between these two! Like the danger element too! Love the whole protective vibe the danger brings out in the hero. Overall, an entertaining, fun romance!

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After inheriting her aunt’s ranch Dillon is determined to make it profitable despite the offers to purchase the property. Suspicious activity seems to be happening on her land and now she finds a sexy cowboy passed out on the land and her stallion has been stolen which not only puts her life in jeopardy but the future of the ranch as well.

Cal isn’t sure what transpired the night before as he has never gotten that drunk before but he is intrigued by Dillon’s feisty personality. It isn’t long before he realizes she is in danger, and he is determined to protect her, but will he be able to convince her that she can trust him?

Suspense, surprises and steam as Dillon and Cal look to uncover the truth before it is too late. The performance of the narrator ensured that each character was an individual and it was easy to distinguish each point of view.

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This book is filled with suspense and two main characters who are both strong in their own rights. Cal could really use a break, boy did he just need to have a good day.
I wish the last few chapters had just a little more.... something in them, but all in all, an enjoyable book.

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Any book by Donna Grant is a definite read in my list and her latest, “That Cowboy Of Mine”, is another captivating romance with two heartfelt souls finding a future with each other.

Running a ranch is hard work and Dillon Young wants to protect her family legacy from falling into the wrong hands. But finding Cal Bennet unconscious on her ranch was not in her plan nor is offering him a job, considering she doesn’t know him at all.

Waking up to the barrel of a gun in his face, was not what Cal Bennet was looking for when he comes home. But then neither is Donna Young and the sparks of attraction amid a series of accidents aimed at her.

Someone definitely is after Donna and her ranch and posing as lovers is one way that Cal can help Donna keep the ranch and at the same time, protect her while digging out the people behind the attempts. And Donna adds a twist to the finale as secrets come to light, and of the spark between them is strong enough to withstand the fall out and get their happy ending.

Another western romance from Donna Grant, captivating her readers with a story of redemption, hope and love. She’s one author who does tremendous justice to paranormal as well as romance with an ease of mastery.

Received an ARC from St. Martin’s Press via NetGalley for an honest review.

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I really enjoyed That Cowboy of Mine. It's about Dillon Young & Cal Bennett. I really liked them both. Right away you saw how well they worked together and interacted. Right from the start, the suspense rules the story.

I both enjoyed that and wished that the romance didn't take a back seat to it. I did like the suspense and enjoyed how fast it made the book feel. Once I started it I didn't want to stop.

I was happy for Dillion to inherit her aunt's ranch. Sadly someone else isn't as happy as I was. Someone keeps trying to get her to leave and they don't care who gets hurt while they did it.

Cal is a great hero. He's there for Dillion and does everything he can to protect her. He also lets her be the strong, capable woman that she is.

They both work so well together and I liked how their relationship progressed. If you love romantic suspense you'll love this book but if you want a story with more romance it might not be as strong of that front for you. As a whole, it's a very good story.

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Dillon and Cal have an unexpected first meeting that leads to so much more. For Dillon, she never expected her Aunt Dolly to leave her ranch to her but she has always loved the property and has found her purpose working the ranch. When strange things start happening after she refuses to sell, she finds herself needing help on the ranch and maybe some protection. Cal is frustrated when he doesn’t qualify for the next round in the rodeo which leads to drowning his sorrows. Waking up on someone else’s ranch wasn’t part of his plan. What he does find is a new job working Dillon’s ranch that has him finding a new direction. When he realizes Dillon needs protection, he doesn’t hesitate to step up even though she doesn’t trust his motivations. I enjoyed the suspense and mystery surrounding Dillon as Cal gives me all the sexy cowboy vibes. I voluntarily read an ARC of this book and this is my honest review.

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Someone is after Dillon’s ranch….and they’re willing to kill to get it.

Dillon's ranch is her life. Nothing will make her give it up, not even the exorbitant amount of money the neighboring rancher has offered her. But since declining his last of!er, there have been some curious incidents on the ranch.. When she finds a strange man passed out on the outskirts of one of her fields, and her new stallion missing, she is understandably angry and suspicious.

After drinking away the disappointment at his latest rodeo loss, Cal woke up to the sight of a pissed off woman holding a shotgun in his face. He doesn’t know where he is or how he got there and he sure doesn’t know anything about a missing horse. He does know enough to be wary when the forested area around him goes quiet, and he recognizes the pop of gunfire.. He barely gets Dillon out of the way before the second shot sounds.

Suddenly, Cal is working on Dillon’s ranch, acting as bodyguard and searching for the stolen horse. His slowly returning memories of that drunken night lead to more questions than answers, but he doesn’t like the direction they are leading. As the attempts to scare Dillon off the ranch become more frequent, and more deadly, Cal is determined to find both the reasons and the people behind the threat, no matter what .

Donna Grant’s latest stand alone cowboy novel starts with a bang (literally) and never looks back. It's the story of two people fighting greed corruption and power. Dillon wants to trust Cal, but she doesn’t trust herself and Cal just wants to prove he’s a man that Dillon can trust.. The tension builds with each turn of the page. Though we discover early who is pulling the strings, we don’t know why, nor do we know who are the puppets at the end of the strings. There are many twists and turns, the foreshadowing is subtle and the clues plentiful, but the answers are still a shock. This is a fast moving read I didn’t want to put down.

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What an intriguing read this proved to be
With romance, suspense and a huge mystery!

It starts when Cal Bennett in a strange place
Not only that but there's a gun in his face.
He has no memory of how he got there
Or how his hangover will cope without good care.

Dillon Young is the gun toting rancher who
Is wary of this drunk stranger so what should she do?
When bullets fly her he jumps to protect her
Should she trust him? Will he care?

Someone is out to take over her land
She's unsure just what they've planned,
But whatever it is, her life is in danger
Can she put her trust in this total stranger?

With attraction building between this pair
Dare she trust him or should she beware?
The suspense builds rapidly in this action packed read
With twists and surprises aimed to mislead.

I thoroughly enjoyed this page turner book
And highly recommend you give it a look.
For my complementary copy, I say thank you,
An intriguing read and this is my honest review.

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That Cowboy of Mine is Donna Grant’s newest release. I have to admit that I feel like each time I pick up a book by her, it’s a bit of a gamble. I’ve loved some of her books, and I’ve not cared for some, and it seems to be true in about equal measure. However, her last two books have tipped the scale more in her favor (i.e., I’ve really enjoyed them). It was enough that I came back for yet another story of hers, and it was absolutely worth it.

The main characters were impressively strong, moral, and ethical. Dillon is a strong female protagonist, but she’s not so strong that she doesn’t realize what she’s facing is too much for her to handle alone. She’s also intelligent and beautiful (despite being unable to see it in herself). Cal is determined to make amends and do right by Dillon and determined to prove he’s trustworthy. With likable main characters, questionable secondary characters to keep you guessing, and a stunning conclusion, this book is an all-around winner.

I’m more than looking forward to Donna Grant’s next romantic suspense book.

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After a bit of a slow start, the action picked up fairly quickly and became quite gripping.

Dillon Young is struggling to keep things afloat after inheriting her aunt’s ranch. And it’s not even her fault. Somebody is definitely trying to intimidate her into selling and she has a good idea who. When a drunk Cal Bennett suddenly shows up on her property, her suspicions rise to an even higher level. But she is left confused when Cal saves her life more than once.

Dillon and Cal had a boatload of chemistry right from the start. Things developed rapidly and it got very serious very fast. The only disappointing element for me was that they spent most of the story apart, during which time Dillon believed the worst of Cal. And only at the end did they make it back together and suddenly all was forgiven. Both were strong, interesting characters.

The whodunnit element of the story was partly known and partly not, and this was what made it difficult to put down. I kept wondering about Cal’s involvement and the reasons for terrorizing Dillon. The action moved fast once it got started properly. And I found the bad guys believable and human.

Overall, it was pretty exciting and I enjoyed it. I can recommend this if you like contemporary romance with suspense thrown in.

Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with a copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Solid 3.5

Cal is a bull rider that after a night of drinking, he wakes up to the sound of a shotgun held by Dillon, a rancher that does not know him and that is searching for her stolen stallion and now Cal is the suspect. After clarifying that he was blackout drunk and does not remember anything, together start the investigation about the horse and more attacks to Dillon and her ranch.

That Cowboy of Mine scratched the itch that I had to read a cowboy-ranch romance. It was entertaining and engaging, the supense was at a level that it wasn't super angsty but it was enough for me.

Forced Proximity
Small town

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*Thank you to NetGalley & St. Martin's Press for an ARC of this title.*

This was a Contemporary Cowboy Romance which starts with a horse theft and mystery and leads to a suspenseful team up.

I haven't read many contemporary cowboy tales lately, so this was a unique tale for me. I was very drawn in by the set up of this tale. Our hero, Cal wakes up hungover and in a compromising position. Our heroine, Dillion, has inherited her aunt's ranch and is very suspicious of the passed out cowboy on the edge of her land. When he saves her from getting shot, she reluctantly agrees to give him a job as thanks.

But that doesn't mean she trusts him, and he isn't completely sure if she should either. There is a lot more going on behind the scenes than either of them realize. When they choose to pose as lovers to find out answers, their chemistry will not be denied.

I liked the setting and the set up of the plot.

I didn't like all the outside forces in this one and it was tough to stay engaged at certain times. I didn't feel as much of the chemistry as I was hoping to.

Not a bad tale and I would read another book by this author in the future.

3 Stars
1.5 on the spice scale.

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This is my first time reading something by this author, and I found it to be a fun, enjoyable read. I don't usually read a lot of westerns, but I this one caught my attention and I was not disappointed. It's a romantic suspense and has plenty of action, drama, and danger to keep you turning the pages. The story flowed nicely and the characters were interesting and fun. Cal and Dillon were great characters and they had an undeniable connection. The story was engaging and held my interest all the way through, and though it was an insta-romance, there was still a bit of build to their relationship which was nice. I do enjoy a good romantic suspense and this one definitely fit the bill. I am a glad to have had the opportunity to read it.

I received a complimentary copy from Netgalley and am voluntarily leaving my review.

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