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A Brush with Love

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Member Reviews

I really liked this one!! I listened to the audio version and the narrators were great at bringing the characters to life. The storyline itself was cute, the setting was different but I especially loved the friendship and dynamics between the friends. I will definitely look for more in the future by this author!

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I really wanted to like this but just did not at all. The book begins with a heavy dose of insta-love, which I just find unbelievable. Harper was deeply anxious all of the time and her roller coaster of emotions was hard to follow and made her hard to root for. She was so self-destructive and I honestly wanted Dan to walk away after the way he was treated. Dan was the best part of this book and I enjoyed watching him find himself.

I listened to the audiobook and thought that the narration was very well done. I liked having two narrators who switched off with the different perspectives, it brought the characters to life in a fun way, even if I didn't particularly like the characters...

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for a copy of the audiobook in exchange for my review.

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Unfortunately this one didn’t do it for me. I thought the setting was original. Started out cute enough. But went downhill. I think it might be partly due to the narration but the characters seemed very immature. I kept catching myself rolling my eyes while listening to their dialogue. I didn’t feel invested enough in the characters to stick around and finish.

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A Brush with Love was a lighthearted, enjoyable read (or listen, in my case). I enjoy stories with a specialized setting, which in this case was dentistry. Harper and Dan are dental students who meet in school and fall in love, but each is carrying their own burden into the relationship; he, the weight of his father's legacy to carry on a career that he doesn't love, and she the crippling weight of generalized anxiety disorder.

I enjoyed listening to the story, but often found myself rolling my eyes at the cliched side characters. Harper and Dan's best friends seemingly exist solely to encourage their friends to hook up and make extremely unsubtle comments about sex.

I did appreciate that the main character dealt with anxiety. It's a disorder that's hard to depict in writing, since it is often so physical AND mental. It is also so often irrational, which makes for more believable conflict between the two leads.


Teresa's Book Rating Scale
⭐️- absolutely loathed/crossed a line or included a hard limit of mine (cheating, &c.)
⭐️⭐️ - read it and didn't like it.
⭐️⭐️⭐️(don't recommend) - I found it interesting or worth reading at the time, but I wouldn't pass it along to a friend.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ (recommend) - perhaps not a literary masterpiece, but light and enjoyable! You should read it.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - wonderful, almost perfect but perhaps missing something/containing some element I did not like.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️- fantastic, must read, I would die for this book, bury me with this book.

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I listened to A BRUSH WITH LOVE by Mazey Eddings ahead of its publication date of March 1, available everywhere then! I ended up rating this steamy romance 3.5/5 stars!

Dr. Harper Horowitz is ready to graduate dental school and join the ranks of maxillofacial and oral surgeons at a prestigious hospital for her residency. She certainly does not expect to - quite literally - bump into Dan, a first year dental student who would rather be anywhere else. The two form a friendship, then a romance... which Harper decides to end in favor of her studies because deciding to be 'just friends' has worked well for romance heroines everywhere. What's pitched as a light-hearted romance covers really difficult topics like the death of a parent, grief, anxiety and panic disorders, and how to love someone.

Trigger warning for death of a parent, sexism, on-page panic attacks, and minor violence. I liked this book okay. A couple things didn't work for me personally, but I don't have any doubt that it's an enjoyable read. First, Harper is deeply ashamed of her anxiety. For anyone reading this who has gone through or is going through similar feelings, this may make the book hit too close to home. Second, I don't like Dan. He does some very chauvinist disguised as a white knight things, like shushing Harper by putting a finger to her lips (gross, 0/10), calling an uncooperative and sexist patient names (interrupting while Harper while she was handling the situation like a boss) and punching a man who insults her (maybe excusable but violence isn't good). But I loved the female friendships in this book. At first, Harper's girlfriends seemed immature, but by the end of the book, they were my favorite characters. And, of course, she has a cat named Big Booty Judy. The banter is delightful and the steam is for sure there. If you decide to read this, make sure to read the Author's Note which was really well done and makes me want to read more of Edding's work!

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It’s only February and I can already tell this book is making it to my top 10 reads of the year.

I listened to the audiobook, which was amazing because it was laugh-out-loud funny and I could scream and gasp and feel all the feels without people judging me lol.

I appreciated the way this author was but delicate and honest about the struggles with mental health, and especially anxiety/panic disorders. Eddings was respectful with her trigger/content warnings in the authors note and I really appreciated that.

This book had a pretty diverse cast, with the FMC being Jewish and the MMC being part Muslim along with a few other side characters. I wish there had been a bit more queer representation, but I didn’t find the book lacking because of it.

Eddings had me relating to the main character within the first chapter. If you came for the love story, you stuck around for lovable, quirky and even raunchy best friends that made some of the best side characters I’ve read in a while.

Not gonna lie, Dental Dan is my new book boyfriend. He showed one toxic trait, and then Harper put him in his place about how she was strong and independent and the rest of the book was perfect. He paid so much attention to the little things that he was able to care for her even before he knew about her suffering from claustrophobia and panic attacks. I squealed so much during his chapters. He was awkward and charming and when he was direct, he was so hot.

This book examined guilt, loss, grief, control and love in such a profound way, while still achieving that hopeful and positive feeling I crave from my romance reads.

Sink your pearly whites into this must have romcom for your TBR. 10/10 dentists and 1/1 me’s approve of this book.

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The writing is really witty. The book managed to shed light on living with anxiety in an accurate way without bringing you down. The dental aspect was a new twist and I actually learned some things! Eddings worked in a lot of different aspects on all relationship fronts, not just the main romance, making the characters and story feel more well rounded.

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1.5 Stars
This book really didn’t work for me. The mental health and dental aspects were well represented, but everything else was a struggle. I would have stopped at my "do-or-die" 30% mark, but felt the need to give it more of a chance since it was an ARC. Instead of the story getting better for me, it only compounded the reasons I didn't care for it. It goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway. Reading is subjective and the following opinions are all based on my personal reading tastes.

First, the humor felt forced and the romance felt awkwardly paced. It was an odd mix of a rushed romance with a painful push/pull between the H/h. Their lusting after each other got old, especially with Harper's habit of suddenly shutting it all down because she was determined to stay in the “friend zone.” This happened numerous times and it led to the inconsistent pacing.

Dan was a nice book hero and I really felt for his familial backstory and what he felt he needed to do for his mom. The emotional manipulation by his parents was horrific and yet, I’ve seen it in real life. That got to me. His was definitely the stronger of the two narratives.

Harper didn’t appeal to me at all. There were definite positives to her character, but as a heroine for Dan, I didn’t see it. Maybe as a desperate grab for something in his life that wasn’t self-imposed drudgery, but not as a legitimate love interest. I admired Harper's scholarly and occupational drive, but that only made me more frustrated with her character when she battled back and forth with herself and Dan. Overall, she was extremely hot and cold. Not a favorite trait in a book heroine.

Another thing I didn't care for was the dialogues and internal monologues. Some of the dialogue made me cringe. Especially during the intimate and playful scenes. Who calls their young 20-something soon-to-be boyfriend their “lover” while in the midst of the grand gesture? Ugh, no. I just couldn’t embrace some of their dialogue during their supposed romantic moments and their love declarations were too fast in light of everything else.

The only things that felt original in this book were the dental school setting and the mental health depiction. As it was, I struggled through humor that tried too hard and a romance that I wasn’t at all feeling.

Audiobook notes: A few of the more dramatic scenes concerning Harper felt overdone and I’m going to put some of that blame on the audio narration. The female narrator had a tone with Harper that verged on melodramatic. If I considered the same scene with my own interpretation, it sounded better in my head. As a whole, I don't think the audio did the story any favors.

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This book had some cute moments, I like the way the relationship of the two main characters unfold and I actually really liked all the dentist talk , I actually thoughts it was fun to hear all about it. My main complaint was the audio part for some reason the male voice when he would say things that the women character did , I couldn’t stand his voice pertaining to be here it made it very hard to stay in the moment of the book for me.

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I was really looking forward to this one. Alas, it was a miss for me. However, the problem wasn't the writing style, but the characters. The writing style is solid, and I'll definitely try others by this author. Unfortunately, this story didn't work for me.
The heroine is a doctor studying to be a dentist. It's set in modern times, with tons of feminism shown in her interactions with staff and patients. Yet for all that forward thinking, she doesn't go to therapy or medicate her debilitating anxiety. This left me feeling that the author wanted disability rep, but chose something like anxiety because it's sometimes seen as 'a light mental health issue'. Well, I have anxiety. The description on page is accurate, and makes me want to shake her. Take meds. Go to therapy. Take care of yourself. As an enlightened MEDICAL feminist it's utterly baffling that this character doesn't take care of herself in the most basic sense. Take a chill pill. Literally.
As to the hero, he's pushing really hard to come off as a 'good guy'. But when, after 1 or 2 beers while out with her friends in a low key bar/brewery, she relaxes enough to flirt with him, he 'cuts her off' because he says she's a lightweight. That reads as condescending AF.
She's safe. She has transportation. She's surrounded by her friends in a known environment. And most importantly, she's a grown adult and he has no say in how much she drinks while out with friends.
Sorry, but I have to put this one down and walk away.

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I wanted to enjoy this one. I loved the premise and the story line (dental school and mental health issues in a relationship). I think Harper and Dan have a super meet-cute star, but they have a lot to unpackage and the journey to get there was painful. I think I just did not care for Harper very much. Dan has his own set of issues as well, but Harper was more abrasive in my opinion. I don’t mind descriptions of physical longings and desires, but this book felt over the top for me. There was a lot of focus on the sexual tensions and many of the descriptions made the characters seem pretty immature. Others may appreciate the level of steam, it just ended up being a turn off for me.
I did like the narrators and thought they did a good job of carrying the pace and the tone.

I received a complimentary audiocopy from the publisher via NetGalley and all opinions expressed are solely my own, freely given.

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A goofy, slow burn with equally flawed main characters. Harper was a perfectionist with deep seeded trauma from her past. Dan was living his life for someone else. But together, they became different people entirely. I really liked them together!

I wanted to love this book but the sexual tension was too drawn out and I honestly couldn’t relate to either of the characters. The amount of dentistry specific details was a bit overwhelming. I struggled with the way mental illness was depicted in such a negative light in this read. That rubbed me the wrong way, as someone who’s dealt with mental health issues and isn’t ashamed of them.

Overall the story was cute and well written but it was much longer than it needed to be, especially with the super rushed ending that was wrapped up in a pretty bow.

I listened to this book on audio and the narration was excellent! The characters were really brought to life by the two narrators.

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Thanks to Net Galley and Macmillan Audio for the ARC of A Brush With Love 🎧

Mazey Eddings debut novel is oh so sweet 💕. It’s coming out early next month and it’s definitely worth the read!

The portrayal of Harper's anxiety throughout the novel was so well done. I think the angst she feels in her relationship with Dan as well as the stress brought on by a demanding academic program is so relatable.

I also really enjoyed the way sexism was dealt with in this novel. I was right there cheering Harper on as she explained the realities of sexism in the workplace to Dan👏.

The romance between Harper and Dan gave me all the warm fuzzies. You can’t help but smile throughout this one. Watch for it to hit the shelves in March.

This was a delight to listen to. I especially loved ❤️ the narration by Emily Lawrence.

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I think I would've loved this book so much more if it had different narrators. I couldn't really stand the narrator for Harper and how she voiced her best friend either. Harper and Dan's relationship was straight up adorable and I loved their connection, but the narration really killed it for me. I'll definitely be picking up a physical copy to read it in a new light, but I wish I could've loved this version much more than I actually did.

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Let it be known upfront, I was given an advance copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review. I was entangled like ivy with budding romance with all its thorns from the very beginning, of course they didn’t realize two worlds had just collided on the back stairs of their dental school Dan,an undergrad and Haley a totally consumed senior awaiting news of her oral surgery residency match. First choice NewYork.She will allow nothing to take her mind off her goal. Everyone tells her, you are top of the class, take a second to enjoy life, live a little. No, she was very adamant, but Dan was different, though he was driven too. To prove to his father wrong he would become a doctor and come home to run the family business. Even though this isn’t the life that speaks to him. He already had a job doing what he loved in finance and he showed great talent in i he was already set on the ladder to success in finance. His father was totally disappointed in his son for not becoming a doctor and to run the established family business. He was only becoming a doctor to feel like he earned his fathers respect. Although his father has died by now. Haley’s mom had died from facial injuries caused by a car accident. Haley is working through anxiety because she knows if she would have had the best skills she would have been able to save her mom. She is much like a hamster on the spinning wheel in a cage. Working hard with no outside distractions. Until Dan he took everything slow and wanted to be considered a trusted best friend. His plan works and romance is slow to follow, but that is the fun part the slow boil. Boil it does. Then of course they break it off. It is for you to find out if they are together in the end Yes I absolutely loved this audiobook with its narrator. Thanks to #NetGalley,#MacmillanAudio,#ABrushWithLove, #MazeyEddings for allowing me to listen to an advance copy. I look forward to reading, or listening to more of her books. Yes I would definitely recommend this book to anyone wanting a fun read or listen. Spring break take along or a summer beach read.This book is just what I needed, a straight up fun read!

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This book earns 2.5 out of 5 stars from me, so I’m rounding up to 3 stars. There were several things I liked: the story concept, Harper and Dan (they’re backgrounds and the dynamic between them), and Judy. There was a lot of flirty banter, especially at the beginning of the book, that I enjoyed. Also, the narrators for the audiobook are fantastic. However, this book was steamier than what I prefer to read. The innuendos were constant and all the characters (with the exception of Judy) were super horny. This book wasn’t my cup of tea, but may be a better fit for a different reader.

*Thank you to Netgalley, the author, and the publisher for an advanced copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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Harper and Dan have my heart.
Harper is mere months away from reaching her dream of becoming an oral surgeon when she, literally, bumps into first-year dental student Dan who is strugggling through all of his courses. Are either of them in a place to be in a relationship?! Yes! No! Maybe! Yes! No! Yes!
Without giving spoilers… both characters have a pretty heavy past as it relates to their families. The author navigates these struggles beautifully!!!!
AND THE FRIENDSHIPS. The girls encourage and root for one another while also saying what needs to be said.
A BEAUTIFUL debut by Mazey Eddings.. looking forward to what’s to come!!
Thanks to NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for providing a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
***I have no experience with anxiety and, therefore, cannot speak to the portrayal. I do appreciate the author including and highlighting the stigma of mental illness!

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Loved, loved, loved this book! Harper and Dan are just your average dental students dealing with life’s problems and Harper literally falls for Dan and the rest is history. I loved this book’s exposure to people who deal with anxiety and severe anxiety triggers. I loved the “finding your place in this world for you” journey from Dan, and I absolutely adored the ending. 🥺 This was a perfect, feel good, happy ending rom com. Thank you NetGalley for my opportunity to read this book early!

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5/5 ⭐️ thank you very much netgalley! I loved it a lot, it was amazing and it dealt with anxiety really well in my opinion, I loved how the relationship developed, it was honestly amazing and I would definitely reread it, which says a lot about how much I liked it :D

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A Brush with Love tells the story of two dental students who quite literally fall for each other! Dan and Harper are such sweet characters that I really found myself rooting (pun intended) for! While the romance is wonderful, the shining star of the book was truly the realistic discussion of anxiety and panic. It was handled so perfectly all around.

Read it if you love:
🪥A great meet cute
🪥Insta love to friends to lovers
🪥Sweet, patient, selfless hero
🪥Incredible mental health focus
🪥Great steamy scenes🔥
🪥Fun friends and a big cat
🪥Insider dental scoop

🎧I was lucky enough to be able to read and listen to this one and my only issue with the audio was that I didn’t care for the male narrators voice for Harper… otherwise the audio was great!

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