Member Reviews

A very nice book for both kids and adults who wants to learn how to play the ukulele. I had a lot of fun learing

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I really liked this one! Such a fun and entertaining reading. Definitely would recommend this to everyone.

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This is a wonderful book for kids who want to learn to play the ukulele. It is suitable for complete beginners. This colorful book will appeal especially to younger children. It contains simple instructions on how to begin. But even older or even adults who want to learn quickly could like this book. There’s no unnecessary reading and theory. It contains simple instructions and many pictures.

Includes instructions for chords and strumming, practice charts and more. Kids will have fun learning 30 simple songs.

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This book is a wonderful introduction to the ukulele for children! It will inspire children to learn new songs and maybe even compose their own. I'll definitely be using it in my classroom.

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Loved this book! Three of my kids play the ukulele and we run a free community arts center out of an old church where we have musical instruments for kids and adults to use. This book is really well written and makes it all fun and easy. I planned to recommend the book on one of my websites but the digital ARC self deleted before I got a chance. Otherwise I would have happily reviewed and recommended it online.

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I have been following Emily Arrow for a while and using her music at various library programs. I was looking forward to her book and it does not disappoint. It's easy to read, colorful, fun, and helpful for a beginner. She inspires me to pick up a ukulele. There are also little ways to make this book your own - a coloring intro page and how to write your own songs at the end. I would recommend this book for children and adults who work with kids. The songs that are shared are mostly traditional and classic children's songs. I was thrilled to see Books! Books! by Emily Arrow and Grace Kelly in the book as well because it's one of my favorites on Emily's Storytime Singalong CD.

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A book with bright easy to follow pictures and explanation!

My kids got ukuleles for Christmas and this book is a wonderful introduction to learning the notes, tuning, the parts or the instrument, and some simple songs.

The best part of this book is the easy to follow pictures. My kids could easily follow the different songs in some of their first ukulele playing attempts.

A perfect book for little beginners!

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for providing a copy of this ARC for my honest review.

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The Kids Ukulele Song Book is a solid, comprehensive beginners guide to learning the Ukulele.

The book opens with a brief introduction to the instrument itself, a bit of the history the anatomy, and what to DO with it before diving into playing. The book covers 8 basic chords, muting, strumming patterns and picking to get the reader playing, fast.

The songs start simple (open downstrums) but do progress to more complex tunes and patters as it goes along. Some are well-known children's songs and rhymes; others are original compositions by the author.

The songs are laid out with chords/strum marks/lyrics initially, but progress to tabs in the later section of the book (useful for learning picking)

And finally, the book ends with a guide to composing one's own songs, with plenty of pages to write them down.

I picked up the ukulele during lockdown, and admit to being more than a little obsessed. This book is an excellent beginners guide to learning this awesome instrument, and I could see it would be a useful text for the music classroom.

Personally I would have liked it to include a traditional stave and introduce kids to reading music as well, but giveythe age group this appears to be aimed at (younger primary, 5-7ish; older kids may not be engaged with the songs), I understand why this was not done.

I look forward to hearing my kids learn along with this book.

~Many thanks to Netgalley for providing a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review~

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This is such a fun book! My kids looked through it all weekend and learned a couple of the tunes! We'll be buying it in print for sure.

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This book is a great introduction to playing the ukulele. The book teaches the reader how to play eight easy ukulele chords as well as different basic strumming patterns. The majority of the book consists of songs using these chords and strumming patterns. There is also a brief history of the ukulele and a section at the end for kids to write their own songs.

I was hoping this would be a good purchase for the library, but it’s too much of a workbook for that to be possible; kids are told to check off the songs that they’ve played, write their own songs in the book, and more. However, it would be a great option for someone to buy for a child who is interested in beginning to learn this instrument.

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Ukulele is a musical instrument which is gaining popularity day by day. It was inspired by an instrument called Machete, introduced in Hawaii Islands by Portuguese migrants. It is very similar to guitar and is easy to handle. As the popularity is rising, so is the demand for a good ukulele teacher. When it comes to adults, they can learn from easily from serious masters and can practice on their own, but with children entering the equation, it becomes a bit difficult to handle the situation.

This book by Emily Arrow is going to be a really good guide for the children who are interested in learning this instrument. Even I being a grown-up was amused by the way she has designed the book. I am also a beginner at Ukulele learning, so I can assure you by experience that it was a fun tutorial to read.
The design and writing style of the book is reader friendly. It begins with giving us quick overview of ukulele and its history. Then the minute details about the parts and he proper way to hold it are explained by the author. It really was a good point of beginning as most of the learners are quote unaware of the origin and basic understanding of the instrument.

After the basics are done, the author moves forward to strum and chords. The diagrams with fun illustrations and detailed descriptions will be a great help to learner who is trying to learn it on its own through this book. This does require a lot of practice to ace this instrument, but with fun activities and the adorable manner in which the book is presented, it won’t feel like a task to practice. Children can be immersed in this book for hours and they won’t realize it. The involvement of the children in the form of check boxes and stars are sure to make them feel grown up. The more they invest their time and energy in this, the better there is a scope that they are going to learn it.

The book is not only limited to the basic. It also teaches the students to mix their leanings with a few songs. The playing of a song will give the children a boost and an inspiration to learn more. The author also presents simple sentences as the lyrics. This was a new type of activity that I enjoyed and practiced myself. She has also discussed the techniques of fingerpicking in ukulele. It might seem difficult in the beginning but slowly as we progress; it becomes less daunting and more entertaining.

This book provides tutorial for playing melody of songs as well as creating your own tune. It is a full package to understand the working and basics of the ukulele. After finishing this book and practicing diligently all the instruction and lessons of this book, you will be able to lay ukulele, strum the favorite melody or fingerpick it and also write your own songs. The flashcards at the end of the book will help you keep the basic chords at the tip of your fingers.

Overall, I enjoyed learning ukulele from the help of this book. You can also pick it up and learn ukulele right from the basics. So whether you are a child or an adult, this book is going to help you in leaning both ways.

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This is a great book for kids just learning to play the ukulele! My son is just starting out, and it's perfect for him! It's a great starting point, and it has really easy to follow instructions. I would definitely recommend this one!

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This book is a comprehensive, helpful, and fun book that makes it very simple for children to learn to play the ukulele. I think it's best suited for younger children, as my 11 and 14 years olds found it too "kid-ish" for them and didn't play the songs listed in the back more than once. That said, it was a great introduction and great practice for them, and gave them the confidence to search out other songs of their choosing online and be ready to play some basic things. The teaching portion was clear and easy for children to follow independently, but I do think that children younger than 6 or 7 might struggle with some of the hand movements and holds required to play the ukulele. I was happy with this book and would recommend it!

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The Kids' Ukulele Song Book looks like an excellent book for beginners, especially for kids! I loved that there is the history of the instrument, thorough explanations for tuning and strumming and charts to encourage practice and song writing too. I looked at her You-Tube videos and she has fun engaging songs and her website has more resources for beginners. I was interested in looking at this as my young adult son has taken up ukulele, so hoping she considers writing for adults too!

I was easily able to read the book in the NetGalley reader, but for some reason the format wasn't right for my Kindle and it was cutting the pages in half. I tried to change how it was formatted, but couldn't figure it out. Hopefully this issue is fixed in the final product.

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I received a ukulele for Christmas and was honestly struggling so hard to learn how to use this. Well apparently a kids guide was what I needed because this makes everything so much clearer and makes much better sense for how to read the music and play the chords! I’m so glad I found this

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YES!!! What an absolutely adorable book! At the beginning of the pandemic, I bought a Ukulele because who has ever heard uke music and felt sad!?!. No one, ever! The surf shop that my husband grew up going to in Va Beach offered a limited edition, engraved Kala and we were fortunate enough to get one before they sold out.

However, sadly, I''d never taken music lessons in my life. I'm middle-aged and I had no idea where to start. I watched 1000 YouTube videos and then finally took private music lessons, once a week for 6 months.

Had this book been available, I would've totally soaked it in! Emily, you should write a brief guide for adults as well!

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Adorable! Such a great, easy-to-read instructional for children (and learning adults!) to get the basics of ukulele playing. I enjoyed the musical choices, the variety of techniques, and the colorful layout. I also really liked that the book encourages practicing and provides a way for your child to track progress! So neat! My only challenge was having to look up some of the songs, to hear what they “should” sound like (I was unfamiliar with some of the Canadian kids songs).
This would be an ideal companion book for any ukulele gift.

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