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How to Fake It in Hollywood

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This book in 3 words: Delightful. Insightful. Sexy. 

Ava Wilder coming in with a strong romance of the year contender! How to Fake It in Hollywood is all about Grey and Ethan, celebrities at different levels, in an arranged relationship to drum up some publicity. I do love a fake dating trope and liked the subtle stray from what we typically see in this type of plot. 

One of the best parts of this story is the characters . They're strong and enjoyable while being complicated and relatable. I loved how Grey and Ethan interacted with each other, right from the start. The dialogue is stellar and helps take this story to the next level. 

This book also dives into deeper, darker themes as well as having some solid representation of minority groups. How to Fake It in Hollywood touches on LGBTQ, size inclusivity, non-traditional families, feminism, loss, and substance abuse. 

I loved how this book felt familiar, inclusive, but fresh at the same time. I almost binged this entire thing in a single sitting! I had to force myself to close it and get some sleep. I recommend this one for anyone looking for a contemporary romance that strays from the most common plots and twists.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine for the ARC.

🌟🌟🌟🌟💫 4.5/5 stars

How to Fake it in Hollywood is a surprisingly emotional and deep romance about two stars who enter into a fake romance for publicity. Grey is struggling to get her career going after a 6 year stint on a popular teen soap. When her agent and publicist approach her about entering into a PR stunt relationship with disgraced Hollywood heartthrob, Ethan, she is shocked to see how different her teen crush is after a tragedy and a high profile divorce. The two have immediate chemistry and their fake relationship quickly turns into something more real than either want to admit.

I was fully expecting this to be a fun, banter-filled romcom set in glamorous Hollywood. While it does have those moments, this is a much more emotional read about two people trying to overcome serious issues in order to be in a healthy relationship. Grey and Ethan are both well-rounded, lovable characters with many flaws. You root for both of them separately and together throughout the book. There were times that this book leaned more towards A Star is Born vs. other Hollywood romance novels (e.g. To Love Jason Thorne, Meet Cute). It takes all of my favorite tropes and makes them it’s own.

Overall, How to Fake it in Hollywood is a swoony yet heart wrenching romance with two very memorable leads. I absolutely loved it and can’t wait to see what Wilder writes next.

ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Full review to be posted closer to release date.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Random House for this ARC! I absolutely cruised through this book, and I'm thrilled I got a chance to read it early. I might even hit it with a re-read?

- Characters (size diversity! legitimately discussing complex feelings! complex backgrounds!)
- Romance tropes (we love a trope within romance books, and this one does fake-dating SO SO well)
- Writing (listen - it can be a mixed bag out here in the romance world. The writing here is legitimately fantastic, and embodies a show don't tell approach)

Overall, I thought this book was a blast. It had hints of "You Had Me at Hola", and I think is a great book for anyone who obsessively checks DeuxMoi and who watched Pete and Miley's New Years Special and overanalyzed every comedy sketch.

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I read an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Wow, I did not expect to be thrown into the dark side of fame. It felt real and honest and a little scary.
The chemistry between Grey and Ethan was really well done. I thought once they got together it’d be straight forward, and it really wasn’t. So many different events happened after.
I really enjoyed the real relationship Grey had with Nora, and the messages that were hidden expertly within the story.
4.5 stars

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I adored this book—read it in one day. I'm not usually a big fake dating fan, but this was the best and most believable fake dating scenario I've read.

Grey and Ethan are two actors in different stages of their lives—Grey has recently wrapped up a TV series that she'd been on for 6 or 7 years and is trying to launch into the next phase of her career, while A-lister Ethan has spent years as a recluse following the death of his best friend and creative partner, Sam, and his divorce from his ex-wife, Nora. Grey and Ethan have the same publicist, who suggests a mutually-beneficial arrangement for the two of them: they date for publicity. Grey gets clout by association and will hopefully book more roles; Ethan looks like he's healthy and stable and ready to work again after being out of the limelight for so long.

What starts as a fun and exciting read becomes surprisingly heartfelt and moving as the two navigate their relationship, forcing Ethan to confront his past before it permanently ruins his future.

The writing was straightforward, the dialogue was believable, and the timeline felt natural.

If you've ever found yourself caught up in celebrity culture, if you love to theorize about which celeb relationships are for publicity (Ben Affleck and Ana de Armas, anyone?), or if you just want a good read that will leave you with a smile on your face and an ache in your chest, then this book is for you. I was hooked from start to finish. Absolutely recommend!

CW: grief, alcoholism

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3/5 for How to Fake It in Hollywood by @avawilderwrites

Grey Brooks was to take on Hollywood, but Hollywood won't take her on. People still treat her as a child star, not as a young woman ready to take the industry by storm. A PR stunt with one of the most reclusive men in Hollywood might help thou...

Ethan Atkins is that man, well, now was that man. After a personal loss, a divorce and drinking problems there is no way he can make a comeback into Hollywood, unless of course his track record becomes clean again. A certain actress may be able to help with...

I liked the ideas presented in this book. A lot of Hollywood stars not only struggle with the transition from child to adult star, but also fame in general. However, while the author's writing style was good, I simply did not like the characters. Character development was nonexistent for most of the book and I felt like the majority of the book was just whinnying. Like why did they not try to do SOMETHING. I was just very frustrated by the end. Grey was way too forgiving, that I felt like others were just taking advantage of her. The romance didn't really burn for me either. It still just felt like a convenience relationship at the end. What did really save the book for me was that this was realistic and gave me an almost "insider's" view. Needless to say, you won't be finding me in Hollywood anything soon.

Thank you to @avawilderwrites @netgalley and @randomhouse for the copy in exchange for an honest review!

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One of the few post-baby, pre-pandemic movie dates my husband and I got to go on was to see A Star Is Born. I went in knowing nothing about it and whew, what a downer. It left a little sad hole in my heart all these years, and I am glad to say it has now been mended by the wonderful HEA of Ava Wilder's HOW TO FAKE IT IN HOLLYWOOD.

Grey Brooks is an actress best known for starring in a now-over teen soap. Ethan Atkins is an A-lister screenwriter/actor/director whose life imploded after the death of his best friend and creative partner. When their mutual publicist suggests a fake dating scheme to get them both back in the public eye, Grey and Ethan realize they have very real chemistry.

The author handles Ethan's addiction issues so well, never falling into the trap of A Star Is Born and other similar narratives that puts the onus on the heroine to "fix" or "save" the hero. Their HEA is hard earned and well deserved on both sides, and the reader is left feeling optimistic that it will be a healthy and warm relationship going forward.

I am not a person who thrives on angst in my romances, and I think the author has done something amazing here that allows the reader to experience the full scope of emotions along with the characters without it becoming too heavy for people like me. A big part of that is her sense of humor, which shines through in Grey's POV especially. This isn't a romcom, but I definitely laughed a few times.

So if you were also personally victimized by Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper (or if you just enjoy well-written contemporary romance), this is the book for you.

Also, that cover! 😎😎

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I absolutely adored this book SO MUCH. At first I thought this would just be the 'Hollywood' or 'American' version of Act Like It by Lucy Parker (which I thoroughly enjoyed), but while the setup is quite similar, the issues the FMC and MMC deal with and the relationship progression tackles much darker and deeper issues and felt so much more raw.

The book starts off with Grey Brooks, coming off her teen drama, looking for new work to make sure her acting career doesn't end. Her PR person convinces her to enter in a fake relationship with once-famous Ethan Atkins to help both of their careers. Going in, Ethan has no plan to agree to the ruse, but once he actually meets Grey, he's charmed by her willingness to cut through his bs. As they learn more about each other's issues and problems, Grey and Ethan begin to realize they're no longer faking anything.

Both Grey and Ethan are such lovable and understandable characters dealing with their problems in such a realistic manner. The relationship that develops between them is so beautiful, and the sexual tension between them is 🥵🥵🥵 After (unintentionally) reading a bunch of closed-door romances, I'm so glad this provided the needed spice in my life. The perfect combo of both sweet and sexy, love and pain, this relationship hit all the right spots. (not to mention one particular ~moment def ranks in the top three sexiest masturbation scenes of ALL TIME 😫😫😫)

I found the ending to be so fitting for the character arcs, and seeing how each person developed and grew on their own was really a beautiful journey. For a debut novel, Ava Wilder really knocks it out of the park with this book, and I'm super excited to see how much further she'll go.

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Thank you to Random House-Ballantine and Netgalley for the ARC.

HOW TO FAKE IT IN HOLLYWOOD isn’t your typical fake dating story. First, it’s a romance between two celebrities, something I’ve had a difficult time finding even though I’ve been craving it! And second, Ava Wilder infuses the story with some tough topics including addiction, death of a close friend, and difficult familial relationships. Though all of those topics combined might result in a heavy story, there were also moments of humor and sweetness that made HOW TO FAKE IT IN HOLLYWOOD unlike anything I’ve read before.

Following Grey and Ethan, actors who agree to a fake dating relationship to benefit both of their careers: Grey is hoping to boost her popularity in order to get more jobs after wrapping up a long-running series and Ethan is trying to break back into the acting world after a tumultuous few years out of the spotlight. However, their arrangement becomes less pretend and more reality as they get to know each other better.

HOW TO FAKE IT IN HOLLYWOOD was so addicting—like the soapy teen drama Grey starred in—that for the first time in a long time, I had to stop reading so I wouldn’t devour the final chapters which included a completely satisfying epilogue. It was heart-wrenching and funny and the romantic moments were incredibly sweet.

I’ve already followed Ava Wilder on Goodreads and I’m so excited to see what she puts out next!

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What happens when rising starlet Grey and reclusive, former megastar Ethan are thrown together by their publicist into a fake relationship? Does it help their careers or hurt them? Do real feelings get involved? Do they get more than they bargained for? While Ava Wilder’s “How To Fake It In Hollywood” may seem like your traditional fake dating romantic comedy, there is SO much more beneath the surface. With every chapter, I watched another layer of this story unfold. It’s a brilliantly written BEAUTIFUL story, and while yes, the main plot points center around a fake dating scenario, the story also offers a window into the harrowing world of show biz, while providing poignant commentary on love, life, grief, and substance abuse. I never thought it was possible for a story to be both swoony and heartbreaking, but this is, and in the absolute best way possible.

TW: themes of substance abuse

Thanks to NetGalley and Random House for providing this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley, Random House Ballantine, and Ava Wilder for an arc in exchange for an honest review! How to Fake It in Hollywood is a cute and fun story that I devoured in one day. I absolutely loved Grey as a main character and I enjoyed that the book described her past as well as Ethan's to give us a more rounded look at their personalities. She's independent, sarcastic, and super entertaining to read about and I rooted for her the entire time. Ethan falls into the "lovable grump" category and it was sweet seeing their romance play out.

This book has some mature themes, which readers should keep in mind. One of the biggest themes is addiction (specifically alcoholism) so make sure you are comfortable reading about that before picking it up. However, it's done in a realistic way.

I really enjoyed reading this book and my 3.5 rating is due to a couple of reasons. First, their relationship did feel very insta-lovey, but it was still sweet. I feel like the middle dragged a little bit as well, but I absolutely loved the ending and how Wilder wrote it. The book reminds me a lot of "Funny You Should Ask" - if you enjoy this one I recommend picking that one up too! Overall, this was a good read and I'm thankful for the copy I was gifted. I recommend it for romance fans :)

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I reviewed an ARC for NetGalley:

This was a sweet fake relationship plot, with a little more depth. Ethan had a Ben Affleck feel and you rooted for him to overcome some demons.

Grey was wholesome and had some fire behind her character also.

Wilder did a nice job of presenting two actors’ backstories and motivations, before just throwing the characters together. There is some nice development for both Ethan and Grey along the way.

But, for some reason the romance fell a little flat for me. I couldn’t grasp any amazing chemistry with the characters and story. Hence my rating.

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"How to Fake It in Hollywood" is a fun and steamy romance by Ava Wilder! Grey Brooks is an up-and-coming TV star who is looking for her next big break after the end of her popular TV series. Ethan Atkins is a big movie star, who has recently become a recluse after the death of his best friend and the end of his marriage. What both of them need is another opportunity. Their PR agents put their heads together and decide to make them Hollywood's next power couple. Although this is supposed to be a fake relationship, sparks begin to fly and the chemistry is electric!

I appreciate that serious issues were tackled in this book, such as grief, depression, and addiction. This was a cute book and made an easy read. Overall, I really enjoyed it. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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CW: addiction, alcoholism, mention of child abuse/neglect, revenge p_rn

NOTE: Please don't let the content warning dissuade you from reading! How to Fake It In Hollywood is a mixed bag of pieces, but they fit together beautifully to complete the story.

Ethan is a reclusive former A-list actor. As many mega-famous stars are wont to do, he made a collection of poor choices that led to his demise both professionally and personally. His fall from grace happened publicly and he's made it his mission to keep his life private ever since - including cutting off family members and friends.

Grey is a former child actress struggling to find her place in the Hollywood scene. Short of a hatching a publicity stunt, she can't seem to break out of the mold she's been cast in. So when her agent approaches her about an opportunity, Grey is hesitant, but not completely opposed to the idea.

At the suggestion (and slight persuasion) of Ethan and Grey's shared agent, they agree to a six month contract (including a strict NDA) of "dating." The idea is to ease Ethan back into the spotlight and soften his image by showing him in a stable relationship with a "good girl" (Grey). Meanwhile, also boosting Grey's visibility by being seen on Ethan's arm, which will hopefully secure her more opportunities in the industry.

Aside from the fake relationship trope and cute banter between Grey and Ethan, How to Fake It in Hollywood is a hidden treasure of deeper truths. As someone who has dealt intimately with the crux of addiction, I can honestly say that Ava Wilder authentically portrays what it feels like to watch someone you love succumb to the disease. Through this story she shows the ways that addiction can seep into all aspects of someone's life and envelop their loved ones as well. The excuses, the justifications, the inadvertent enablers- it's all there. Not only does Wilder hit the nail on the head with the feelings of helplessness felt by those who love an addict, but she tenderly portrays the shame and despair that grips the addict and, thankfully, the hope that can be found in recovery. (I mean, HOW ABOUT THAT EPILOGUE?! *sigh*)

How to Fake It in Hollywood is not your cookie cutter forced proximity/fake relationship romance. The story is much deeper than your typical "boy-meets-girl-they-all-live-happyily-ever-after" relationship. I do have to say that I am glad the storyline took the direction it did (without mentioning any spoilers!).... there was a point in the book where I felt like the behaviors of the characters were so destructive and for a minute it didn't seem like they were going to be addressed - which would have been a serious disappointment and resulted in a much different review from me. Overall, this was a touching and sweet read. Definitely one that I would recommend!

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine, Dell for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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I just devoured this one. It was cute and fun, but, I also love the way author has handled the heavy topics like alcoholism in a way that’s not only raw and authentic but also effortless. So, overall, it’s a 4 stars read for me.

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4.5 stars
thank you so much to random house ballantine and netgalley for this early copy! <3 :)

'how to fake it in hollywood' follows our two MCs grey and ethan as they navigate a fake relationship. we see them get to know each other, eventually fall for each other, and navigate their ups and downs. although it's a rom-com, it does deal with heavier topics such as grief and addiction (alcoholism specifically) so i'd keep that in mind!

i finished this book in about two hours. something about wilder's writing just grabs the reader's attention. it flowed really nicely and i think she certainly has a great voice.

but i think the true stars are the characters (pun intended because they're celebrities). grey and ethan are so vivid, both together and by themselves. i especially adored grey. she was a great MC and i think people are going to love her. they're also going to love ethan, who's the sweetest grump ever. the two of them had great character development and i'm so happy to see that the problems they faced were solved realistically. they worked for their happy ending, it wasn't just handed to them.

this book is a must-read for those that love fake-dating and character-driven books. you get to know the characters so well and see them grow, both independently and together. not to mention the emotions that you'll feel when you read. wilder is definitely an author to watch and i'm looking forward to any new releases she might have.

this is a book you want to be on the lookout for. add it to your TBR nowwww.

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This was super fun and cute! I loved how funny it was, and that it was written by a wholigan. I didn't fully love Ethan's alcoholism and how the cure was seemingly Grey.

crunch crunch scarjo yummy pop.

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I devoured HTFIIH in one sitting; it was a very easy read. If you like a light-hearted romance with the fake dating trope, definitely pick it up. The novel follows actors/celebs, Grey and Ethan, as their publicists set them up to fake date to boost their popularity, which will result in them developing feelings for one another.

My favorite thing about this book is the writing style; it's really easy to follow and get sucked into the world of the novel.

To me, the only downside of the novel is that Grey and Ethan's relationship felt very insta-lovey. But if you love relationships that develop at a faster pace, this book is for you!

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This is a charming and creative read! Grey was the long-time star on a popular teen show. Since it finished, though, she has struggled to find her next project. So when her publicist she enter into a fake relationship with Ethan, a former movie star who has been little seen since a series of scandals derailed his career, she is open to the idea (and not because she had a huge crush on Ethan when she was a teenager and his career was just taking off). Ethan has essentially been reclusive since the death of his closest friend and writing partner caused him to fall apart. But he hopes to produce the last script he wrote with his friend, and he is convinced that the only way to do so is by rehabilitating his image via the fake relationship.

The plan seems to work perfectly at first, as the public cannot seem to get enough of the new relationship. But as Grey and Ethan spend more time together, they each begin to question if there is more between them than just a professional arrangement -- and whether all the public attention they are receiving is really worth it.

This is one you will not be able to put down. It is a great premise for a romcom, and the story more than delivers.

Highly recommended!

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This book was everything I wanted it to be and more. I don't normally read romance, but I kept seeing the author writing about it, and then when Ben Affleck and JLo made their reappearance, I knew I wanted to read it.

I was hooked right from the start--Fake dating? Only one bed? Let's just get it out of our system? Yes, please!

The characters were well crafted, the plot took me on a roller coaster from pining, to Finally!! to nooooooo to maybe? to Yes! to whaaaaatt?? to okay okay to whew, YES.

Can't wait to see what the author does next! Highly recommend this book.

Thank you to Net Galley for providing a review copy! All views are my own.

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