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A cast of youth are sent to a magical school to learn how to care for magical creatures, but one of them holds a key to the mysteriously injured animals turning up. This reminds me of a darker Hex Vet. It was fun and I’m looking forward to the second one.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for letting me read an early copy of this graphic novel!

Sadly I missed the window of reviewing this right after it got published so I had to borrow a copy from the library at the time and somehow didn't write my review down. The illustration style reminds me of some of my favorite webcomics, the setting of a magic school is always fun for me so getting to see a new take is great. The mystery alongside the day to day events was intriguing but the reveals felt like they were missing something, but knowing that there's a sequel makes sense for those plot threads to be left out.

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This children's book is an absolute gem that transcends age boundaries. As an adult, I found myself enchanted by the captivating descriptions, endearing characters, and a plot that whisked me away to the magical Island of Vorn.

First things first, that cover! It's a magical masterpiece that immediately sets the tone for the enchanting world within. Kudos to the artist for creating something so visually captivating.

Now, onto the meat of the story. Sorceline, our cryptozoologist-in-training, is a character to root for. Her journey to tame mythical creatures, including her own inner demons, is both relatable and empowering. The topics touched upon in the narrative, from friendship to self-discovery, make this children's book not only entertaining but also a valuable read for young minds.

The plot is a delightful mix of mystery, magic, and personal growth. As Sorceline navigates through the challenges at Professor Archibald Balzar’s school, the story takes unexpected turns, keeping readers of all ages hooked from start to finish.

Even as a five star read, some may find the pacing a tad brisk, but given the target audience, it ensures an engaging read for young readers. As an adult, I still thoroughly enjoyed the journey.

This is a five-star read that I wholeheartedly recommend. Parents, get ready for an adventure with your kids, or dive into it yourself. Sylvia Douyé has crafted a magical world that's a joy to explore.

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I thought that this book was hard to get through because of the writing. I also wasn't a big fan of the art, but the plot will get the kids wanting to read this book

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Beautiful story, that makes you have a good time, a lot to know and a world to discover.

Being a graphic novel makes the story more impressive, in it we see the path of a little girl immersing herself in a new point of view, which is to relate to other children just like her.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for giving me free access to the digital advanced copy of this book.

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My favorite thing about the fantasy genre is the creatures. This graphic novel was like being a kid in a candy store. The illustrations are absolutely beautiful, the story was interesting and engaging, and the characters were fun. I absolutely loved seeing all the different characters in this book, and learning about new ones that i have never seen before. i will definitely be looking for the others in this series and adding them to our home collection.

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This was a gorgeously illustrated middle grade graphic novel filled with magic and adventure. Sorceline was a very quick and engaging read instantly drawing me in with beautiful visuals and intriguing characters, magical beings and dynamics between them. Im very excited to read more from this series in the future. As always special thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for my advance review copy of this title!

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If Sorceline was around when I was a kid I would have made it my entire personality. What is not to love about a school that teaches cryptozoology? There is nothing about this middle grade graphic novel that I don't absolutely adore. I feel like I could step into these pages and feel at home. The characters and their voices and their troubles all feel real. Kids are going to relate to Sorceline and her friends and want to go to school with them. I can not wait for the next volume!

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'Sorceline' by Sylvia Douye with art by Paola Antista is a graphic novel about an island full of magical creatures.

Sorceline finds herself on the Island of Vorn with other students. She is there to study cryptozoology, but there are other mysteries to solve as well. Someone or something is turning students and creatures to glass. Also, Sorceline may be tied to that as she discovers she doesn't know her past.

The book doesn't complete here. I liked the characters, the creatures and the mysteries. The art is nice as well.

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Fun and entertaining! It's a perfect blend of mystery, magic and love. Definitely would recommend this to everyone.

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A gem of a graphic novel, for fans of fantasy, action, and a side of mystery. Readers will soak up the gorgeous illustrations and I can't wait for the next chapter in this story.

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I came across this book on NetGalley and I was at once fascinated by that cute cover. Plus I love fantastic creatures and stories so of course, this book was right up my alley. Sorceline is a young girl who wants to study cryptozoology and when she gets into Professor Archibald Balzar’s school, it’s a dream come true. Now, if she could only get chosen as his apprentice, it would be icing on the cake.

The storyline wasn’t as exciting as I’d expected it to be. Some of the plot twists were quite obvious and there were plot holes as well that needed to be dealt with. That said, this book has a lot of potential. As it’s the first book in the series, I sure hope the storyline gets better. The dialogues felt a bit stunted at first but it was a nice surprise when I did get some witticism.

Now, quality of drawings—Graphic novels are such a visual medium rather than imagining the scenes in your head like with the written word, so the quality of the drawings is a deal breaker for me. I’m glad to say I loved the graphics in Sorceline! The drawings were beautifully drawn and made this book well worth it.

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Sorceline is enrolled in the cryptozoology program on the Island of Vorn. She has a talent for fantastical beings. All children want to be chosen as an apprentice by Professor Archibald Balzar, who will select one from among the top students.

This was a wonderful middle-grade fantasy graphic novel. It resembles a cross between Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts, in my opinion. As somemone who enjoyed  HarryPotter reading this was an enjoyable experience So, if you enjoy those two series, you might a this. Beautiful, young-appealing illustrations with lovely colors are depicted in these works.

Vol. 1 of this graphic book (of 4). Before I started reading it, I was unaware of that. The graphic novel features a sudden finish and an open conclusion. I'm eagerly anticipating volume 2.

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A solid concept here. I like that the connection with the creature requires more than just magic. There's something innate in these characters that they can't learn. The line by line writing is a little rough but the art leads the plot well.

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Although the art is stunning, I didn't quite find the plot compelling enough to hold up to the dazzling art of the graphic novel.

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Such a lovely story. I fell in love with it right away and was transported into the universe where I was able to experience this story in such a unique way.

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Sorceline’s world is vividly drawn with stunning magical creatures. The atmosphere harkens to many classic favorite magical school stories with its own twist. I enjoyed the mystery element along with the coming of age aspects of the story. However, the pacing was a bit off for me and made it harder to connect with the characters.

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I'll be honest and admit while the premise sounded good and the illustrations were incredible and engaging- this was TOO similar to Harry Potter in so many ways that it really brought down my enjoyment of it.

I also found that when I turned the page I was almost confused as some scenes ended quite abruptly and I felt that I missed parts- which I apparently didn't- and that disconnect was large enough to take me out of the story. With that being said, it was a struggle to get through and follow and I'm so disappointed because I was truly excited for this read.

I would love to see more depth of characters, a better flow to the scenes and some major and crazy differences to show that this isn't basically a HP retelling with Cryptids and a female MC.

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Sorceline, written by Sylvia Douyé and illustrated by Paola Antista, is a middle grade graphic novel that is the first in a series. Welcome to the Island of Vorn, where mythical creatures roam free and only the brightest students are invited to study them. For as long as she can remember, Sorceline has had a knack for the study of mythical creatures. Now a student at Professor Archibald Balzar’s prestigious school of cryptozoology, she’s eager to test her skills and earn a spot as one of Balzar’s apprentices. But for all her knowledge of gorgons, vampires, and griffins, Sorceline is mystified by her fellow humans. While she excels in her studies, she quickly clashes with her classmates, revealing her fiery temper. When one of her rivals suddenly disappears, Sorceline must set aside her anger and join the quest to find her. But the mystery only deepens, leading Sorceline on a journey far darker and more personal than she expected.

Sorceline is a beautifully drawn graphic novel with some fun twists and turns, layers of mystery, and characters with potential for great growth and challenges. I enjoyed the story on several levels. First off the art work is wonderful, and I thought the use of cursive writing for Soceline's thoughts was very well done, but might throw some readers that have had less exposure to it. I thought the school themes of friendship and rivalry, and relationships in general was well done, but left many loose threads that will need to be looked at again in upcoming volumes. I liked Sorceline's personal journey of trying to figure out the mysteries surrounding her, and her own story and skills. II did think there could have been a bit more character development and world building, just a bit more set up, but I think it all still came together well and I trust there will be some questions answered along the way. thought everything was well balanced and highly engaging. I was left wanting more, and will be on the look out for future volumes.

Sorceline is a stunning read, both in artwork and story. I think many readers middle grade and older will greatly enjoy it.

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