Member Reviews

Upper East Side rich girl Phoebe isn't ready for Tickled Pink, Wisconsin. She's not used to small town life and not having her luxuries at her fingertips. When she meets hardnosed single father Teague Miller they butt heads and she ends up in the lake ruining her fancy shoes. This only insights her more because she is determined to do as her Grandmother wishes and become a better person. I absolutely loved this book, the small town vibe, the characters and of course the romance. Being from Wisconsin myself I felt that Tickled pink was like many of the small towns throughout Wisconsin and could relate. Wonderful read!

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I am a huge fan of Pippa Grant, and was a little bit apprehensive about a new series set apart from her usual 'Pippaverse' - though I needn't have worried.

Welcome to Tickled Pink, a small town in Wisconsin where an Upper East Side matriarch exiles herself and her family to become better people. Ahem. Mayhem, small-town shenanigans and much hilarity ensues.

The heart of the book is finding your best self and who you want to be. The main characters, Phoebe (Upper East Sider) and Teague (Tickled Pinker) are drawn to each other despite their differences and secrets being kept. Phoebe quickly becomes a relatable person though she is challenging in the beginning!

Amazing side characters and lots of laughs, typical for a Pippa Grant book!

Can't wait for more in this series!!

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Pippa Grant hits it out of the park again with this novel! Phoebe Lightly and her family definitely had is easy and live in their own world not grounded in reality. That reality check comes when the matriarch of the family (Gigi), gets it in her head that they needs to save their souls and moves them to Tickled Pink, Wisconsin based on a movie she watched. The cast of characters in the family and the town bring many "Schitt's Creek" vibes to mind. Phoebe meets Teague Miller, her antagonist who seems to be the ringmaster of the town. She is bound and determined that she will get our family out of this town and his hair with or without his help. While Teague sold the real estate to the family, he wants them gone and out of his town. Pippa brought her standard of humor and crazy situations that are just believable enough to draw you into this town. I want to visit Tickled Pink, watch a Snowshoe Baseball game and meet the people who have drawn me in!

Sibling bonding, building restoration, family secrets are revealed and barriers are brought down, Many mishaps and life lessons happen along the way, can this family be redeemed or do they end up back to old tricks on the Upper East Side?

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This ARC was provided to me via Kindle, Montlake and by #NetGalley. Opinions expressed are completely my own.

A different romance I found quirky and entertaining. Cute, whimsical characters who are fun and entertaining.

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Okay y’all. I’m reviewing the books I read because I – love – to – read. So we’re starting off with our first post!

This book is by one of my all-time favorite authors (not just for Romance, bt-dubs). She is funny, witty, I love the internal dialogue of the characters, and her books tend to switch perspectives between both love interests. I absolutely love this format because I get to know both characters and therefore, the story, even more.

The One Who Loves You is the first in the Tickled Pink Series (other series include the Copper Valley Thrusters, Bro Code series, Copper Valley Fireballs, The Girl Band, the Misfit Brides series, and The Officer’s Ex-Wives Club (M.F.B and O.E.W.C. originally written under pen name Jamie Farrell).

The reason her books are so funny is that Pippa is able to convey (through that fabulous internal dialogue and multiple POV’s) such relatability. Her females are normal – they are insecure about things, they have a little bit of crazy (or a lot), they are good-hearted, and so. damn. funny. Same with the males. She has a nice mix of different types in every book. This book is about Teague and Phoebe. They are thrown together because Phoebe’s grandma (Gigi) has decided her wealthy family need to grow souls. They do this in Tickled Pink, where Teague lives.

Honestly, she did a little too good making me not like the female in the beginning, so it took me a little to get into the book. Throughout the book, though, so many themes are addressed. This includes important issues like being transgender – although she does it without getting political. I love that.

Ultimately, this is a solid(ly awesome) romance. Solid intimacy scenes, so much build-up in the attraction, solid connection between characters, fun easter eggs for whatever comes in the next book, and of course, the all-important HEA (Happily Ever After).

Read it. Read it now. Then read all the other ones. You won’t regret it.


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I'll start by saying I've read everything this author has ever published, including her titles published under the name Jamie Farrell. I'm a huge fan and was ecstatic for the ARC opportunity.

The first chapter of The One Who Loves You made me very, very nervous. What was this...Pippa was serving us spoiled Manhattan socialite? Sure, I've read a ton of books that began that way and enjoyed them, but I expected a lot more from Pippa.

Holy cow...I should have known better. Of course The One Who Loves You isn't the typical socialite book. Yet again, Pippa blew me away with her unique brand of steam, hilarity, and heartwarming moments. The only thing I didn't love about this book was that I have to wait so long to read Tickled Pink #2!

"Here lies Phoebe Lightly, a woman on a mission to get her life back when it was cut short by her wireless headphones serving as the lightning rod to take her out of her misery."

Phoebe Lightly thinks she has it all. That is, until she doesn't, and she finds herself in Tickled Pink, Wisconsin, her life being ruled by her controlling grandmother. Tickled Pink, a washed up town old Hollywood fame, is allegedly the place to go to find the pathway to heaven. Fortunately for Phoebe Lightly, it becomes the pathway to finding her chosen family and her truest self.

"You're gonna have to figure out who you are and what you want on your own. Nobody else can do it for you."

Teague Miller thought he'd figured out who he was and what he wanted. He'd made friends with his ex-wife, co-parenting a teenager in the tiny town of Tickled Pink. He seems happy with his life, until Phoebe Lightly and her crazy family come in and shake everything up, which causes Teague to risk having to expose the skeletons he's kept so securely in his closet.

"What matters is realizing that who you are is who you want to be and that you surround yourself with the people who help you get there."

Fans of Schitt's Creek will love this book. Similar to the spoiled David and Alexis Rose, it takes a bit of the storyline to endear the reader to Phoebe Lightly and all that she is and can be. But Phoebe is worth sticking around for, and as always, Pippa wove together a spicy (and yet also hilarious) romance with some incredibly thought-provoking themes, ones I'm still thinking about days after reading the final pages.

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Truly a Slice of Heaven

Phoebe Lightly is forced to move to Tickled Pink, Wisconsin, after her grandmother has a “near death” experience. Her immediate family is there, too, and sentenced to a life in town, well away from her socialite life in New York, because Grandmother Lightly has declared they all need to be better people.

Teague Miller is a Tickled Pink resident who lives in a literal treehouse, has a teenage daughter who has a better sense of self than anyone I know, and is friends with his ex-wife and her wife.

Phoebe and Teague have an interesting start to their relationship and the journey Phoebe takes is wonderful to see. It’s not easy seeing yourself and the life you’ve been living when the rose colored glasses come off. Phoebe starts out placating her grandmother the best she can, until she realizes that she needs to be a better person. It’s not easy at all, but Phoebe isn’t a quitter. Teague is her lighthouse in the storm, offering guidance and a safe harbor, but not making it easy on her.

There’s so much to this story. I’ve fallen in love with Tickled Pink and look forward to more stories in Pippa Grant’s new town. Is it possible for a reader to become a better person by the end of a book? I hope so, because I want a piece of Tickled Pink to always stay with me and make me reach for that better me.

I received an ARC of this book through the publisher. This is my unbiased opinion. In all honesty, I’m a little bummed that I got to read it in advance, because that means I will have to wait even longer for the next book in this series.

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This book gives you so many feels. So many feels. It is such a heartfelt story. I just love how accepting and loving the town is. I really want to move to a small town some day. Even though I know it will never have the character like this one. Pippa did an amazing job bringing you into this story and feeling like you are right along with them.

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I've been wanting to read a Pippa Grant book since forever and I finally got the chance!!

This book was very fun, super entertaining, the story grabs you and won't let you go! The Lightly family have all been forced to go to a small town to become "better people" after their grandmother almost dies. This family is as rich socialite as it can get. Think Schitt's Creek, but they still have money when they get to this small town, but are cut off from it until they're better people. You can see how this story gets very enjoyable, very fast!

We follow the POVs of Phoebe Lightly and Teague, a man who lives in Tickled Pink, and is a single dad, lumberjack, and banter buddy to Phoebe. And there is so much banter! And humiliation too for the Lightly family as they get used to this small town life to make it to Heaven.

Now do you believe me when I say this story is fun?? Along the way, you see character development, there are secrets revealed, there's blackmail, there's the desperate need of WiFi, there's a treehouse with goats and Louboutin's in lakes, living in an abandoned high school, there's everything in here, trust me. You'll enjoy it.

Thank you to NetGalley and Montlake for the earc in return for an honest review.

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Holy carp. I just adored this book. I love the main characters and the side characters and the town and just want more books from Pippa Grant about these people. I just want everyone to love these characters as much as I do. A couple of signs of a good book to me is putting it down because you don’t want it to end and then picking it up as soon as you finish the book just to meet these characters again. I did both with this book.

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This isn’t your typical pippaverse book but has Pippa Grant’s signature all over it (funny, witty, love, and support). I’m not surprised at all that I enjoyed it so much.

It takes some time to warm up to Phoebe. You see bits of her being funny but you’re hesitant to like her. Teague seems like an all around nice guy but is closed off.

Pippa wrote the Tickled Pink townsfolk as country, maybe even redneck, but didn’t go with the typical “they’re all stupid” as so many authors do. I appreciated that so much.

I felt it was slightly more SJW (for lack of a better explanation) in the first part of the book than Pippa normally does. And while I don’t agree with some of the themes presented, it doesn’t mean I didn’t learn from it and enjoy it. Compassion is important. The capacity to show empathy is important.

I did not expect the first surprise. I was shocked and loved how it was used to push the story. I fully expected the second surprise/climax.

I think Teague said some really hurtful things that you can’t really take back and he should have had to gravel more. But maybe Phoebe’s a bigger person than I am.

Of course, it wouldn’t be Pippa without some type of animal(s) being a character. I also loved the nods to Pippaverse.

I received an ARC for my honest opinion.

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Really enjoyed this book and am now anxiously waiting on the next book in the series! Pippa Grant always knocks it out of the park!

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Pippa does it again with a whole new cast of characters! She brings them all to life with heart and hilarity! From the spoiled upper crust of society to the grumpiest of tree dwellers, no one is too good to have a crisis of identity. And with friends like the ones in Tickled Pink, everyone has room to discover who they were meant to be!

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I found myself getting through this book so fast I didn't even realize it was over yet. It was so enjoyable. the Main characters and supporting characters were fantastic. It had a great comedic aspect to it that kept me smiling throughout.

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A wonderful start to a new series. If you've enjoyed other Pippa books, then you'll enjoy this foray into the Lightlys and Tickled Pink. This book has all the laughs and feels. Phoebe's growth as the book progresses is a wonderful journey. The side characters are phenomenal and I really hope we get their books too.

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The One Who Loves You was a feel-good romance. Pippa Grant excels at writing slightly quirky characters, hilarious situations, and swoon worthy romances. This book had all three of those things.

Phoebe grew up as a wealthy New York socialite who cared little about those she stomped on living her life. When her grandmother forces the entire family to move to a tiny town to become better people, Phoebe (and the rest of the family) is a fish out of water. She's forced into an unfamiliar, uncomfortable way of life and the town wants nothing but to see her and the entire family fail. It was fun(ny) to watch Phoebe struggle and learn about herself as she was forced into a different kind of life. 

No one wanted to see Phoebe fail more than Teague. He couldn't wait for her and her family to leave Ticked Pink. He was her first enemy and willing to do anything to get her out of town. Until he wasn't. They may have started off as enemies, but you know what they say about the thin line between love and hate. Teague's love for his family was sweet and admirable. I loved what he was willing to do to keep them safe. He and Phoebe made a great pair whether they were fighting, sabotaging, or loving each other. 

I've mentioned Phoebe's family a couple of times and they were...interesting. They were definitely wealthy people who needed a little eye opening. It was fun to see them get that. The townspeople and Teague's family did a great job welcoming them to Tickled Pink. I especially loved Teague's daughter, Bridget.

The One Who Loves You was a great beginning to what's going to be a fun series. There were so many great characters that I can't wait to see what book comes next in the series and who stars in it. I have no doubt I'll love it just as much as I loved reading this book.

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I've always been terrible about leaving reviews consistently (I'm working on it!), but when the opportunity to get an early copy of Pippa Grant's new book The One Who Loves You crossed my path, I could not resist. I'm a Pippa junkie and broke my no-ARC rule to have it. It was totally worth it.

When socialite Phoebe Lightly's grandmother nearly chokes to death at dinner one night, her fear of going to hell leads her to uproot her New York family and bring them to Tickled Pink, Wisconsin. Her goal? To force her spoiled progeny to become better people and earn their way into heaven by following the plot of Pink Gold, the 80's movie about a woman finding the gates to heaven that she's become obsessed with.

Phoebe's Tickled Pink experience leads her to cross paths with Teague Miller, fisherman, goat farmer, real estate salesman and single dad. Teague is not a fan of the influx of Lightlys into his small town and is determined to hate them all. Phoebe, set on trying to figure out a way to change her grandmother's mind and send them all back to New York, convinces Teague to team up to try to find ways to undermine Grandmother Lightly's plans. Working together, they slowly grow closer and succumb to the undeniable chemistry between them until a secret from Teague's past is revealed that threatens to ruin their burgeoning relationship.

I loved Phoebe's realization that she didn't like the person she was and her determination to change, and Teague's awareness and admiration of her struggles and progress. His family, daughter Bridget, ex-wife Shiloh and her wife, along with all of the inhabitants of Tickled Pink were delightful, and I'll be very happy to revisit them all in future books.

FYI - Most of Pippa's previous books happen in a shared world, and while there are one or two Easter eggs that clue you in to the fact that this is the same reality, none of her other characters appear here, so if you are new to the Pippaverse, this is a safe place to start.

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Absolutely loved this romance!! Puppy Grant is a new to me author and I will definitely be going through her back list. Romcoms aren’t my go to, but I just had to give this one a try after reading the synopsis. From the family drama, to the silly side characters and the spicy times.. I highly recommend this romance!

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This is a masterful tale of enlightenment and growth sneakily wrapped in a romcom. It is story full of swoons, quirky townspeople, love, absurdity, drama, sweet moments, strong families, dysfunctional families, sexy times, painful pasts, and love. And while the book is funny, it is also a deeply emotional book. At its heart, it’s a story of stunted, damaged and bruised but not broken people who find their way together by owning their choices, recognizing their scars, embracing life, and deciding to be the best version of themselves. It’s a story about the power of choice. Phoebe Lightly is a workaholic socialite with a middle management position in her family’s company whose main goal is to be the CEO one day. She is not a very nice person and her family is all kinds of dysfunctional. When her grandmother, Gigi, the matriarch and tyrant of the family, almost chokes to death, she decides the entire family needs to move to Tickled Pink, a small town in Wisconsin, which is home to a famous movie so that they can become better people and save their souls. Teague Miller is a divorced single dad who lives in a tree house in Tickled Pink, owns goats, sells real estate, fishes, and has secrets. Phoebe’s relationship with Teague starts off with falling in the lake during negotiations so it can only go up from there and up it goes into something much deeper and much more meaningful. The book is well written, has characters with a lot of depth, plenty of witty dialogue, hilarious moments, and an engaging storyline. The book hooks you in from the first word to the last and the transformation of Phoebe will give you all the feels - snort laughing, crying, swooning, gasping, cringing, teeth gritting, and cheering. I have read and loved every one of Pippa Grant’s books but this is my absolute favorite book, one I will read multiple times. I am also super excited to read the next book in this series.

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You know those books where you crawl into bed and open the pages into a new world that you don't want to leave? This is that book! Pippa builds the world and the characters so well that you feel like you are right there with them. Laughing at the good parts and hurting with them through the tribulations. Do yourself a favor and find your new best friends in this book! The only regret you'll have is when you finish the book and wish there was more to come!

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