Member Reviews

Stars: 1.5 out of 5

I didn't mesh with this book at all, unfortunately. Part of it was because the ARC was horrendously formatted, making it almost impossible to read and follow the story. But my biggest problem was with the protagonist.

I hated Lilith from the first pages of the book until the very end. She has no redeeming qualities. She is self-centered to the extreme. She is cruel and disparaging to anyone she feels is below her in social status (spoil alert, it's everyone in her eyes). She hates all men, and she even repeats that several times during the book. Mind you, she doesn't have a much better opinion of women either. I mean just look at the way she treats her one night stand in the first chapter of the book. It's cruel, it's shameful, and it's uncalled for.

Add to that the fact that Lilith is a half-alien with superpowers, and we get the typical trope of the Chosen one that can do no wrong. When she acquires those powers, there is no learning curve, no mess-ups, no time to get used to them. She knows how to use them from the start and does it with frightening efficiency. Unfortunately, that also kills the tension in the book. Why worry about the characters if Lilith can make all the problems go away with a wave of her hand? She is literally like a Terminator against a mob of medieval peasants with pitchforks by the end of the book - overpowered to the extreme. Which makes the end of the book boring as fish.

My other issue is that Lilith says several times that she is only attracted to women and that hates all men after a certain traumatic event that happened in her past. So the insta-love, or should I say insta-lust, between her and her partner comes across as forced and unnatural. Also, why? This love line wasn't needed in this book.

Oh, and this book could have been at least 100 pages shorter without loosing any of the story. The first 15% of the book is basically an infodump with Lilith talking to various unimportant people about things that should be self-explanatory in their world, but since the reader doesn't know them, they have to be spelled out. Which makes the other characters look dumb and Lilith sound pedantic and condescending. This is also rookie author mistake 101. 

PS: I received an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This is a book that will appeal on many levels and to readers of different kinds, especially fans of global conspiracy theories. The book’s poised ending concludes this one nicely, while promising even greater intrigue in the sequel. I very much look forward to reading more in this series.

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The End of Sleep by Vyvyan Evans, I struggled getting into this book, and it just didnt live up to its appeal for me. I do think others will enjoy. Thank you for giving me a chance with this book.

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“What are you?” the Monster whispered. Finally, he was truly afraid.
“Your worst nightmare,” I replied coldly.

- Review without spoilers -

Lilith had always known she was different. Attitude to burn, for one thing. The strange chanting in her head dela since she was seven, for another. And then, the Aura, the sensory disturbance that makes her sick to the
her pit of her stomach, seemingly coinciding with the new, strange apparition that's haunting her. She also
she has the ability to solve crime through touch alone.

Reading The End of Sleep was a fun experience at times, I really enjoyed some parts of the story, but it was a bit confusing.

I really liked some characters and how the author delved into the main character's story. Lilith is a powerful character and it was amazing to accompany her in this book. I'm looking forward to a sequel, I need to see more of it, because it was definitely the strong point of the book.

All in all, it was a good read, but not one of the best. Many points could be changed in this story, the author could have explained some things better in relation to the universe of the book. The End of Sleep has a lot of potential, I would like to read more about this universe in future sequels.

Thankyou to netgalley for providing me with an

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The End of Sleep is a quick and easy read. This book has a lot of potential, but I found it to be a bit confusing. I did enjoy the world building and the main characters.

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I love the cover, the book… Not so much. this just wasn’t my cup of tea. I’m sure many people would enjoy this book, but I unfortunately didn’t.

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This book has wrist chips and holotabs that you can use to communicate with flying hover-cars and intelligent virtual digital assistants and has a bright and sassy protagonist, Lilith King. A mix of quasi-biblical, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Space-Time travel, good and evil, politics, sci-fi & fantasy, and a world-building make it worth the ride. It is well written, and all that goes on fit the explanations. It will also add the series to your TBR list.

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This was one of those books where I’d look forward to my lunch time, or the end of the work day, so I could read some more. That is to say, I enjoyed it! I liked Lilith and the world-building, especially pondering the concept of the language chips. I found the writing a bit of a slog at the beginning but it lightened up fairly quickly. I also found some of the time jumps between chapters a little confusing but that didn’t detract from the reading experience overall. I look forward to reading other books in this series.

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This is a really fun book if you like Bladerunner, Asimov, or scifi noire detective books. Lilith has always known she had psychic powers like her father, but as an orphan growing up on her own she's struggled to find her way in a futuristic tech society. Reading minds isn't always a gift as a dectective. After a fun night drinking, she's called into a murder case in while random low-level members of society seem to be dropping dead from insomnia at a school. She teams up with a doctor, Kace, and the two race to solve it as the bodies pile up. I won't spoil the ending, but this is a fun read. Great if you like classic scifi with a modern twist.

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A solid sci-fi thriller with interesting characters and an engaging plot. The author is a science writer, and I believe this is his first novel. Although this is certainly a different type of writing, he did well. I enjoyed the characters and the premise, and I hope he continues to write fiction.

I really appreciate the free ARC for review!!

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4-4.5 stars.

I loved this book. I’ve already been recommending it to a few different people. I think it would make a great comic book or movie. I loved how unique the story was and I’m so glad I was able to get a hold of it early.

The way technology was woven through this and the concepts surrounding language were so interesting. It definitely makes you think about what the future will look like. It addresses sexism, class and is perfect for fans of conspiracy theories.

I’m hoping it releases in hardback so I can go buy a physical copy!

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* Thanks to Nephilim Publishing and Netgalley for an advance copy for review purposes *

In a not so distant future, the world is overpopulated. The biggest technological change is that people rely on implants on their brains and ear to stream language packages directly from the internet - nobody learns a language anymore, since you can comfortably speak any language your package supports. In most of the world, society is segregated in classes based on IQ tests, with the lowest class being unemployable due to automation and AI, and living on guaranteed basic income. Lilith King, a security officer, and Kace Westwood, medical expert, embark on an adventure to identify the source of a pandemic that affects only the unemployable Unskilled class, with symptoms that mimic fatal insomnia.

The world building on this book is fantastic; it is not too hard to imagine how the tech companies would acquire that kind of power based on where we are trending now. Character building was great too, Lilith has experienced a lot of traumatic experiences, which have shaped her into a highly competent, self reliant individual with trust issues. Kace gets less development - while he has stakes in the mission, we don't really get to experience much of him, although that may have more to do with the story being told from Lilith's perspective, and Lilith does not open up much to other people. Lilith also has some secrets, and as they unfold, they turn this into a completely different story than what the plot summary would suggest.. I really liked Lilith, and enjoyed watching her overcome many obstacles <spoiler>in spite of Kace doing his best to get caught every single time</spoiler>, however, by the ending, she is so overpowered that there are little stakes any more. I thing with the developments near the end of the book, she may be facing bigger foes that actually represent a threat in the next book.

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“𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐞. 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐰, 𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐲, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐨 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞.”

Lilith always knew she was different. With just a touch, she is able to sense feelings, actual events and experiences. With the help of Dr. Kace Westwood, they venture to find out what is causing a deadly insomnia pandemic across the nation.

The world building is amazing. I felt immersed in the story as I read. I wished that I lived in a futuristic city, with virtual assistance to help drive me around and a wrist chip that acted like a phone, but better. The classification of someone’s worth in this story is an interesting concept and I’d definitely like to delve more into it.

Right from the start of the story, it goes straight to the point. The only reason why it’s rated a 3 is because some of the chapters felt misplaced? And it got me confused. I reread the chapters three times and still couldn’t wrap my head around it. Maybe it was just me reading too fast. There were also a few words that I had to look up constantly because I did not understand the whole context and it broke the scene so I’d have to reread the sentence again. Other than that, The End of Sleep is a quick and easy read.

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