Member Reviews

Darcy Burke’s Indecent starts off with a bang – literally – as the novel’s heroine, Prudence Lancaster, finds herself in a coach with a sack over her head and smacks her head against the side of the coach in question. She learns quickly that she has been mistakenly kidnapped by Bennet St. James, a viscount who is down on his luck and had intended to nab a rich heiress to marry and restore funds to his title. Alas for Bennet, Prudence is merely the companion to his intended victim, and has no dowry.
Although the kidnapping scheme initially gives the impression that Bennet is a scoundrel of the worst order, he quickly apologizes for what he explains was a move made from sheer desperation. While Prudence is not inclined to forgive, his self-castigation and overwrought apologies soften her toward him. When the two are forced into several days of close proximity in a tiny inn due to bad weather and carriage malfunctions, they quickly form a friendship and attraction.
For regency readers who prefer hijinks to angst, this novel has a lot to offer. The narrative does not linger on emotional turmoil and inner debates; even when Prudence and Bennet are stuck at the inn, the series of calamities that keeps them there—terrible storms, a fallen tree, a crushed carriage—keeps the plot tripping along. It is a relief, too, that despite a preponderance of familial complications for both Prudence and Bennet, they realize their feelings for one another fairly quickly, though formal declarations of love take a little bit longer to arrive.
This is the fourth book in Burke’s Phoenix Club series, and it is likely that some of Prudence’s backstory is introduced in earlier books in the series, though this is the first one that I have read. While it may not be advisable to start with the fourth book in a series, there is something enjoyable about reading a series out of order–the book was clearly populated with couples from previous novels, whose stories I will look forward to going back and discovering. And there are promising side characters who deserve their own novels—in particular, Lucien Westbrook, the proprietor of the series’ eponymous Phoenix Club.

I loved Prudence and Bennet’s story; this one clicked into place in the first chapter and the whole book was such an entertaining read.
I read this one as slowly as I could manage since I was enjoying it so much. Ms. Burke layered this one with realism, charm and heat and it was utterly fun - that’s how I would describe the entire series as well and I can’t wait to read more.

Bennet, Viscount Glastonbury, desparately needs money to save his estate and take care of his extended family. His solution is to kidnap an heiress. Unfortunately his plan goes wrong. The ruffians he hired kidnapped the wrong lady. Prudence is the paid companion to a Duke's daughter. She has to work as a companion to make a living. At a small inn several miles from London, a broken down coach and unrelenting rain force her and Bennett to be together for six days. Something unforseen happens. Complications pile up and no hope is seen in sight to grant what two hearts want.
Even though Bennett starts out on the wrong foot, he is really a nice guy and deserves love. Another winner in the series. VERY STEAMY!!!
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book.

If Bennet St. James, the Viscount Glastonbury, doesn’t find a bride with a sizeable dowry, he’ll be in the poorhouse along with his interminable number of female relatives—all of whom he loves but are a drain on the negative fortune his father left when he died of a broken pocketbook. Desperate, he hatches a scheme to snare an heiress only to be foiled by a most vexing and alluring—and unfortunately equally destitute—paid companion.
Prudence Lancaster is single-minded about finding her mother and filling in the missing pieces of her life. But a villainous viscount interrupts her plans, and his surprising charm and understanding tempts her in the most indecent ways. Soon, she’s dreaming of the future instead of wallowing in the past. But when Bennet shares a dark secret, her hopes are dashed. For he won’t break the promise he made to his family, even if it means losing the greatest love he’s ever known.
If Bennet falls in love and marries he is frightened that the problems of his aunts might be inherited.
Prudence feels like she has trapped him into the marriage.
Will Bennet and Prudence find the way to each other?
Darcy Burke has written another winner!
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and NetGalley. This in no way affects my opinion of this book which I read and reviewed voluntarily.

Coming off the previous book, I expected Pru and Bennet to have developed a relationship in the past. However, we quickly find out that Bennet has accidentally kidnapped Pru, expecting to have kidnapped someone else. Oops. With that comical set-up, we see Pru and Bennet get to know each other while stranded at an inn. I loved how they were able to ignore their problems momentarily and start to care for each other. When they're in a sticky situation, Bennet doesn't hesitate to save Pru. Loved it!

The opening chapter captured me, no pun intended, and I liked Prudence right away. The idiot viscount was going to need to do a lot of groveling.
I loved how straightforward Prudence was and how dialog heavy this story was. A kidnapping plot gone wrong could have been strung out with misunderstandings but these two talked from the get go and we had a nice intro to Prudence and Bennet without any heavy info dumps. These two share a bond after what happens as well as an honesty between them that makes them fall hard and fast but it’s entirely believable.
Their forced proximity was enough to spark an interest, but family secrets and personal insecurities get in the way of the financially desperate viscount and the lonely companion finding their inevitable HEA.
I’m always a fan of books where I can believe the LI have an attraction and then it lays the ground for me to believe they have something more. I love how much page time they have together even as the have to overcome their own shame and show a little if that resilience they both have. I haven’t read the other books in this series but that didn’t stop me from enjoying the cast of supporting characters.
I received and ARC from NetGalley

Prudence is so understanding of Bennett's needs. It's as if she doesn't believe that she deserves a life that he could give her so why try. Twist and turns lead's us to another outcome.
I laughed and cried while reading Indecent, sometimes during the same page.

This is definitely my favorite book in the series so far. It was so interesting seeing Bennet go from the smarmy bad guy in the previous book to the good guy you root for in this book. His character is complex which makes him more interesting. And, of course, I couldn't I've been wanting to know what was happening with Prudence since Cassandra read her letter toward the end of the previous book! How great Bennet and Prudence are together was a little bit of a surprise given previous events and his bungled kidnapping, but they really suit one another quite well. Bennet's family add some levity to the story and they are just so genuine that you can't help but love them. It would have been interesting to get more information on what type of mental health disorders the family had - I'm assuming bipolar by some of the descriptions - but that's just the psychologist in me. And the way his great aunts rally around him when things get rough for him and Prudence was so sweet. I liked that Prudence's reaction to finding out about Bennet's past wasn't about not accepting him and his family, but more that she was just so overwhelmed by everything that had occurred in the past few days that she felt she had to escape. If in the span of just a week I had found out I was pregnant, discovered the identity of my biological mother, gotten married, and found out my husband's family almost all had mental health disorders I may have fled the situation too. Their reconciliation is also really sweet - these two are just so perfect for one another!
Looking forward to getting Ada's story in the next book!

If Bennet St. James, the Viscount Glastonbury, doesn’t find a bride with a sizeable dowry, he’ll be in the poorhouse along with his interminable number of female relatives—all of whom he loves but are a drain on the negative fortune his father left when he died of a broken pocketbook. Desperate, he hatches a scheme to snare an heiress only to be foiled by a most vexing and alluring—and unfortunately equally destitute—paid companion.

This is the fourth book of the Phoenix Club series and definitely my favorite so far, together with Impassioned. I was intrigued by the end of the previous book and looked forward to seeing what Cassandra’s companion was up to… And I found out immediately at the start, poor girl! Well, but maybe Prudence is not to be pitied so much after all, because Viscount Glanstonbury is surprisingly one of the sweetest and most endearing male characters that I found in an historical romance book so far. He wasn’t exactly a pleasant character in the previous book, so we have Darcy Burke’s writing skills to thank for the utterly believable change that we see in him and the thoroughly pleasant experience of getting to know him better. And Pru is a treat as well! Seemingly cold and unemotional, she’s hiding a passionate nature that I enjoyed watching come to light. I picked up this ARC with great expectations and every one of them was fulfilled: I couldn’t put it down until I finished reading! Five stars will never be enough!
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

He is a Viscount with no money to spare and he kidnaps the woman who will eventually help him . When the men bring him the woman he realises they brought the wrong woman . She is the companion and very feisty . They have to stay at the in for few days because of the bad weather . While they spend time together they become lovers . Both of them agree they don 't want marriage or children . What will happen when everything goes wrong ? I loved how much Bennet loved his female relatives and that he never compaint about them . He always put them first and him last . Both of them were real people with problems and insecurities .
I received this book from net galley and the publisher as an ARC. Thank you! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

As usual, this book by Darcy Burke is light and entertaining. Title is a romance story with a bit of a difference but as is normally the case it has a ‘happy ever after’ ending. A good read for a cold winter’s evening.

What a great series. Prudence and Bennet’s story, these two are made for each other but he needs a wealthy heiress and she is a companion with an illegitimate background, yet they overcome these obstacles to find true love. Well written.

I really loved this book and the journey Bennett and Pru took to their HEA. Bennet was desperate for money to care for his relatives, pay his father's debts and take care of his estate. He needed an heiress but he got a paid companion. Pru had shoved her feelings so far down so she didn't feel the loneliness that was her life. She was also searching for her birth mother for answers. These two come together when Bennet kidnaps the wrong woman.
I love how Pru saw beneath the surface and didn't hold Bennett's actions against him too long. She came to know that all he cared about was keeping his family afloat and not about money to spend on gambling or stuff. Bennett saw beneath Pru's icy exterior to the warm, loving woman she always was.
I have not read the previous books but the secondary characters were also great and really helped the MC's find their happiness.

Bennet is in a dire financial situation and needs to marry a woman with a sizable dowry, which is why he plots to kidnap an heiress. However, his plan is foiled when he kidnaps the wrong woman. Instead of the wealthy heiress, her paid companion is taken. Prudence is furious when she is taken, but her anger quickly dissolves as she gets to know the burdened Bennet. As the pair grows closer, neither can deny their feelings, but their future seems impossible. Will secrets, money troubles, and more keep this pair apart?
I was so excited to read Prudence’s story, as she has been a secondary character in all of the books in the series. She has a complicated past which becomes even more complicated as she finds out the truth of her parentage. Prudence is strong and resilient, and I love that she slowly lets down her walls and embraces her feelings. I also love how supportive her friends are. She is surrounded by a strong and loyal group of people who are more like family than friends, and their unequivocal support of her shows how respected and loved Prudence is.
Bennet wasn’t the most likable character in the last book, and I was curious to learn more about him and see how he could redeem himself. He totally did. His story is compelling, and there is definitely more to him than meets the eye. He has a lot of responsibility and is burdened by the financial mess his father left. Like Prudence, he doesn’t have a lot of choice in his life, and he often acts out of duty than of desire. Though he does several unsavory things, he has a strong sense of duty to his family, and he shows regret and growth throughout the story, which endeared me to him.
Prudence and Bennet have a great forbidden romance. Since he takes her against her will, they start off as enemies, but the dynamics of their relationship quickly change. Both characters work so hard to emotionally close themselves off and protect themselves, yet that changes when they are together. They have a special bond, and their chemistry is fantastic. However, they have a difficult path filled with secrets, lies, lack of communication, complicated family and social situations, and more. It’s interesting to see how they work through everything.
Of course, I was delighted to see the major characters from the other books in the series had secondary roles in this book. I loved learning what the other characters were up to and how they influenced the growing relationship between Bennet and Prudence. The Phoenix Club also continues to be a place that connects all of the characters, which is fantastic. And Bennet’s aunts are fantastic additions to the story. I love how these women, who are often considered mentally unhealthy and less than, are some of the wisest people in the story. They offer Bennet and Prudence such sound advice and observations, and they are so fun and funny. Their perspective is refreshing, especially as they help Bennet deal with his fears and help him win over Prudence.
I thought this was a great addition to The Phoenix Club series! The characters and story are great, and the romance is lovely. The next romance is hinted at in this book, and I’m super excited to read it. I also can’t wait to have more of Lucien’s story. I find his character so intriguing, and a bit mysterious, and the more I see of him, the more I want to know!! Thanks so much to NetGalley and the author for providing me with a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.

Will their hidden shame come ultimately between them …
The previous book left us wondering about Prudence’s disappearance. Here we get all the answers.
What a lovely tale this story is, I loved the main characters with all their flaws and misconstrued actions.
Prudence by her will and some sheer coincidence was able to find employment among the city’s society. But she knows she is soon to look for new employment as her last charge was soon to be married. She just not expected to be kidnapped in place of her employer.
I loved how resilient and thoughtful she is, not one to panic nor have temper fit, she acknowledges her circumstances and decides on her new path. Being alone in the world makes it easier for her to consider her next action.
Bennet is quite the opposite, he let circumstances and his temper rush him to a rash decision. One he immediately regrets, even more when the wrong woman is delivered to him, one he can not marry. So he tries at every turn to repair the damage he might be the cause if they were discovered.
While he was not presented under the best light in the previous book, Bennet is a good and kind fellow but dire straits and anger at having his plans thwarted made him irrational. When all he does is to take care and protect his brood of relatives depending on him.
I just loved this book and sure, even if they keep their secrets well guarded for far too long, especially Bennet, it was to protect themselves and Bennet’s relatives from the ton’s scorn. With reason.
The author with this beautiful story gives her main couple real time together to get to know one another, to revise their judgment of their characters and see past society’s strictures and dictates. After it is only life reclaiming its rights to meddle and unsettle them. Up to them to get beyond their own fears and schemes and decide what is worth facing, a lonesome future or some of their peers disdain.
A moving tale of resilience, forgiveness and love beyond restrictions and expectations.
5 stars
𝗦𝘁𝗲𝗮𝗺 𝗹𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗹 over three onscreen lovemaking scenes.
I have been granted an advance copy by the author, here is my true and unbiased opinion.

"Indecent" by Darcy Burke
A FUN Regency Romp
Sometimes the 'heart' is so much wiser than the 'brain'. And, sometimes that is a really good thing. I did so enjoy my time with Prudence and Bennet as they learned what was truly important to them. Hope you like this story as much as I did. Happy Reading ! !
NOTE: I received an ARC of this story from the author.
This review expresses my honest opinion.

Bennet is desperate so he hires people to kidnap a wealthy heiress he knows. When he discovers they kidnaped her companion, Pru, he tries to get her back to London with no one finding out. Stuck in the country by bad weather, they spend several days together and find themselves most compatible. However, Pru is not an heiress and she does not want to marry. Forced to marry anyway, they must learn to live with their own secrets. I received an ARC from NetGalley and Zealous Quill Press for my honest review.

4.5 stars
Prudence is accidentally kidnapped by Bennet, he was trying to kidnap someone else but when the men he hired deliver Pru instead he is instantly remorseful, but then they are trapped in a tiny one bedroom inn for 6 days by a severe storm, and the innkeepers believe they are betrothed.
This was a nutty but fun start to this book.
Prudence is trying to find her real birth mother but she has to be sly about it. She found out she was adopted from the woman she always believed was her mother just before she died, leaving her a ring with a family crest as her only clue.
Bennet has a history of mental health issues in his family that resulted in his father leaving the family destitute so he must marry rich, but when they fall for each other instead of accomplishing their individual missions it brings everything to a head almost at once.
This was a busy book with an emotionally constipated heroine and a try and look on the bright side of things hero that was an all around good time.

I'm a huge fan of Darcy, and especially this series. Still, I was skeptical going into this book because I really did not like Glastonbury after the previous book. But I was quickly won over after getting to see the real him. I seriously loved finally getting to know more about Prudence and her connections to all our favorites from the series. Darcy knocked it out of the park again!