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Things We Do in the Dark

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What a read! Once I started I couldn’t stop! Jennifer Hillier is a master in the Thriller genre. This book has everything and more! Flawless character development combined with enthralling storylines that combine together in a neat finished package, you really couldn’t ask for a better read,

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Thanks to Netgalley and Minotaur Books for granting me this book to read.

I've read several books by this author and I must say she always delivers a great story.

Can one ever really run from the past? And if you can how do you learn to live with it and forge a new identity?

Paris Peralta must answer just those questions as her life takes on a will of it's own. Coming home from a Yoga conference she finds her much famous much older husband Jimmy dead in the bathroom. Was it an accident? Was it murder? Paris has no idea but the police find her on her knees, covered in blood and holding the murder weapon. All the signs point to murder. A nobody Yoga teacher marries a much older celebrity who is worth millions and let the story begin! Paris knows one thing for sure she didn't murder her husband but she does have secrets and she will do anything to keep them hidden.

I'm always really entertained by Jennifer Hillier's books. They are well done, fast paced and always keep me guessing. Hillier does an excellent job setting this book up. Just when you think you've figured out the plot it completely changes and you catch your breath. I will continue to read any book by this author because I just love them

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Paris Peralta, wife of famous comedian, Jimmy Peralta, came home from a weekend away to find her husband dead. Being a much younger wife, she is accused of his murder. Paris enlists the help of Jimmy’s long time best friend to be her lawyer, but things aren’t looking so good. Also, Paris has secrets in her past that she’s afraid will come out. Someone from her past has been blackmailing her, threatening to tell the world what really happened 20+ years ago and who she really is.

This was a fantastic and twisty thriller. I knew from the first page that I would be hooked on it. The writing was so great and I loved how everything came together and made sense in the end. Joey was such a wonderfully written character and I just wanted great things for her. I have to say I did predict the first “twist”, but the rest of the book was a surprise! Paris was a hard character to figure out and I really liked that mystery. The ending was crazy and it was the perfect conclusion. What a great book!
Thank you to NetGalley for the eARC. Look for this one on July 19, 2022.

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This was my first book by this author and I was really impressed by the complexity of the characters and the storyline.

Paris has many secrets that she wants to keep hidden but can she? And who killed her beloved Jimmy? In this roller coaster of a thriller you will learn all about Paris and then some. Hold on to your hat folks, you're in for a wild ride! You'll be trying to figure it out at every twist and turn.

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This is the first book I’ve read by author Jennifer Hillier, but it will not be the last. This story grabs you right away and never lets go until the end. Paris Peralta is charged with the murder of her husband after she is found holding the murder weapon while next to his body. But all is not what it appears. You can leave your past but it never really leaves you. Paris isn’t who she says she is and there is a wake of dead bodies in her past. Her abusive mother is in prison for murder but is getting out and knows all Paris’ secrets and will keep them for a price.

Do not miss this book. Thank you NetGalley and St. Martins Press for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for my review.

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I like dark and creepy and am a big psychological thriller fan. This is my fourth author, Jennifer Hillier novel.
I read " The Butcher", "Jar of Hearts, and "Little Secrets" all were GREAT!
Story starts with Paris Peralta arrested in her home, in her bathroom covered in blood holding a straight razor. Her billionaire, celebrity comedian husband is dead in the bathtub.

Certainly a lot of subplots with twists and turns ~ ending was a surprise but not shocking.

Want to thank NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press ~ Minotaur Books for this eGalley. This file has been made available to me before publication in an early form for an honest professional review.
Publishing Release Date scheduled for July 19, 2022.

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In THINGS WE DO IN THE DARK, Paris Peralta is accused of murdering her much older, celebrity husband. Paris is in a whole heap of trouble and not just because she's lost her husband or because she might be going to prison. Even more terrible than both of those things is the very real possibility that now, people might go digging into her past. The last thing Paris needs is her past being dragged into the light.

THINGS WE DO IN THE DARK is electrifying. Every page crackles with tension. I knew I was going to need to set aside time to read this properly because once you start a Jennifer Hillier book, the only thing that will stop you from finishing is a natural disaster. This book was no different. I finished it in twenty-four hours, and it was the best sleepless night I've spent in ages. Hillier carefully and masterfully unpacks Paris Peralta's shocking past. Each new revelation draws you in deeper and deeper until you never want to leave the pages of this incredible book. As always, Hillier is masterful. The plot is clever and twisty, each and every secret from Paris's past revealed with perfect precision and a punch that will make you gasp. The characters feel whole, real, and heartachingly authentic. Right up to the very last pages, Hillier has you wondering how is this going to end? You won't be disappointed. Enthralling, superb, fascinating, and brilliant, this book will consume you, and you'll love every second of it.

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All sorts of things can happen in the dark...good and bad.

Jennifer Hillier is a favorite author of ours and she writes some the of the best thrillers. This one does not disappoint.

Paris is arrested and charged with her celebrity husband's murder, but not everything is as it seems. Her past may become a problem while defending her presumed innocence.

Timelines bounce back and forth from her earlier life but doesn't hinder the storylines. Many suspects, dark pasts, murders, and blackmail are the focal points of the story.

This is one to keep an eye out for. It's due for publication in July 2022. Thanks to #netgalley and #stmartinspress for this advanced copy.

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Wow, this was a fantastic popcorn thriller from start to finish! I enjoyed this one a lot. I especially liked the differing POVs and differing timelines. Sometimes this is jarring and confusing in books, but I felt the pacing was very well done to flip flop between it all. Excellent!

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Paris is married to an older, wealthy man. But despite what people think, she truly does care a great deal for her husband. So when Paris is found bloody and holding a razor next to her dearly departed, the story more or less tells itself—at least on version of it. Through flashbacks, we learn about Paris’s background, her imprisoned mother, and the ex-roommate who wants nothing more than for Paris to open up to him. Although there were lots of twists and turns, this was an easy read with a good pace. Definitely something to pick up when you’re looking to pass the time; snowy night or otherwise.

Special Note: Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for allowing me to read this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Shoutout to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC copy of this book in exchange for my honest, completely unbiased review.

This was my first read by author Jennifer Hillier, and I will check out her older books because this book was fantastic. Well, once I got past part one. (Was I distracted? Or did it just not pull me in? I don’t know which but I struggled with the first bit.) Maybe it’s because part one was basically a retelling of the synopsis? I was sure this book was going to be a meh.

When you got past the synopsis part one, you come into part two, when other players are introduced. Okayyy. Who are these people and where are we going with this. I’ll read on. And what do you know-parts three through six had me staying up late reading on my kindle like I didn’t have responsibilities the next day.

TL;DR: Book is amazing after part one. Read it for yourself and you will see exactly what I mean.

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I received this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Jennifer Hillier, you're one of my fav. thriller author. Each time when I thought I have a favourite book whether i'ts Freak, Creep, Little Secrets, Jar of Hearts, she pleasantly surprises me with something even better. This time it's Things We Do in the Dark.

Jennifer's books always have an Asian or part Asian strong, willful female character, they're never saints, they have flaws, make mistakes, does conniving things for self- preservations, and so well- written.

Shoutout to all the shoutouts- Toronto Star, Old Mills, Brass Rail, Second Cup, etc.

The story was suspenseful, and a page- turner, 1/ 3 way through, I thought I figured out the connection between Ice Queen and Paris, and then my jaws dropped with the next reveal. Such a great story. Jennifer Hillier, you out did yourself once again.

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Wow, wow, wow, ANOTHER AMAZING READ BY HILLIER! Jennifer Hillier is one of those authors that write in such a gripping, suspenseful, twisty, and fast paced way! The character development is superb! One heck of twist as a pretzel, roller coaster thrill ride! I’m a bit hungover from this one, which I love and hate, but know it’s an absolutely great thing to get a hangover from a book! This is a must read for my fellow thrill seekers! Highly, highly recommend not only this book, but making Hillier an one click purchase author!

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Things We Do In The Dark was engrossing, sad, and packed with secrets I couldn't keep track of. A gripping drama about vengeance, secrets, and a woman who will go to any length to keep the secrets of her past life buried. I highly recommend people to go out and purchase this book on July 19th, 2022. Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press, Minotaur Books for the advanced copy.

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Wtf did I just read ? For starters thank you st Martins and Minotaur for my complementary E Arc. I've read multiple books from Jennifer Hillier and she never disappoints. This wasn't any different although I sorta figured out the who dun it a bit early. But kept figuring it out between two people. I was stump on the two but had a hunch. Just when you think you figured out one twist ... geez you get a few more thrown at you with this one . It was one of my most anticipated books , so I started it in a day and finished in a few hours. I was so invested in Paris life . This book should be a movie because Holy Moly its wild .

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I went into this expecting a solid psychological thriller and ended up getting so much more. It’s absolutely a gripping psychological thriller, but it’s also a story about generational trauma, regrets, violence, and the plight of sex workers in the early 90s. I did figure out the “twist” about 35% of the way into the book, but at that point, I was so engaged in the story itself that I didn’t care and just wanted to see how the plot progressed. This was a brilliantly-written and well-told story.

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Another winner from Jennifer Hillier! She is one of those authors I can’t get enough of, and I finished this one in one sitting. The back and forth in time worked really well for this story, and the characters were fully formed and believable (I especially loved Drew). One of the author’s key strengths is her ability to create dark, gruesome twists, and Things We Do In The Dark was no exception. Twisty and thrilling, with compelling characters and an innovative plot, I highly recommend Jennifer Hillier’s latest, and can’t wait for her next one.

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Buckle up! What a ride this book was. So many twists. Loved It. The characters are great. Love the writing style. The book is written in 6 parts. The story was so good and I was surprised at the ending. You will not be disappointed! Enjoy!

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Overall I found this to be a pretty good book, as are Jennifer Hillier’s others. There were a few things that were a little predictable, which I don’t usually like when reading thrillers, but the story was still engaging and suspenseful. What Joey and Paris go through is just so hard to imagine happening to anyone.

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First off, this should be classified as mystery not thriller because there certainly weren’t any thrills. And it is a slowwww burn kinda mystery. It took forever for me to get into and there were many times where I just wanted to abandon it. Overall it was an ok read but was lacklustre in my opinion.

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