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Reservations for Six

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Great book. I enjoyed Reading it. The characters and plot were interesting life like and easy to connect with.

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This is a story about a group of friends. It is told from multiple POVs and it is done so well.
It is well written

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"Reservations for Six" by Lindsey J. Palmer is a novel that delves into the complexities of friendship, marriage, and the impact of a shocking revelation on three couples. While the book explores themes of infidelity, infertility, and relationship struggles, it falls into the realm of a three-star rating for several reasons.

The novel begins with the tradition of the three couples gathering to celebrate each other's birthdays. The narrative takes a significant turn when Nathan, the first to turn 40, makes a shocking announcement that alters the dynamics of the group and sets the stage for confessions and revelations.

The exploration of the challenges faced by the three couples is both candid and relatable. Palmer delves into the fault lines beneath seemingly stable marriages, addressing issues such as infidelity, infertility, and waning passion. The author does a commendable job in portraying the complexities of relationships, and the characters' struggles are presented with authenticity.

However, the pacing of the novel may feel uneven at times, with certain plot developments and revelations occurring rapidly. The transitions between different characters' perspectives can be abrupt, impacting the flow of the narrative. As a result, some readers may find it challenging to fully connect with the characters or invest in their individual journeys.

While the exploration of the couples' relationships is well-executed, the resolutions to their conflicts and crises may feel somewhat rushed and neatly tied up. The impact of the shocking revelation on the group dynamics is significant, but the aftermath is handled in a way that might lack the depth and emotional complexity readers would expect.

In conclusion, "Reservations for Six" offers an insightful exploration of the challenges within marriages and friendships. The novel has its strengths in addressing relatable issues, but its uneven pacing and somewhat predictable resolutions prevent it from reaching a higher rating. Readers who appreciate character-driven stories centered on relationships may find elements to enjoy, but those seeking a more nuanced exploration of the complexities of marriage may find the novel falling short of expectations.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Reservations for Six follows three couples in their late 30s through a myriad of relationship drama. I enjoyed the premise and the plot (although it was a bit far fetched at times) but the character development and story telling wasn’t great for me. A lot of things felt predictable and I found myself skimming through the narration until I got to some dialogue or narration. I could see this working as a mini series.

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Thank you NetGalley for this advanced copy of Reservations for Six. Unfortunately this was a big miss for me. The first couple of chapters started strong with the bombshell of Nathan wanting a divorce, but the.n it went downhill quickly for me. The only character I kind of liked was Abe - but not that much. I might give the author another chance. Thank you again.

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I really liked Reservations for Six by Lindsey J. Palmer. This book was completely in my wheelhouse: a group of friends from college, navigating life, parenthood, careers and couplehood.

The story begins with the 6 friends (3 couples) meeting at Giorgio’s Italian restaurant for Nathan’s 40th birthday. This is a ritual that the friends have done for all of their birthdays for the past 10 years. This year, though, when Nathan is asked to say his wish out loud, what he says upends their lives causing ripples in the relationships that the friends may not be able to overcome.

These characters stories are told from each of their perspectives. I enjoyed some characters more than others. But overall, this book was very comforting to me because these people were authentically written. They struggle with the same life issues that we all struggle with. They have child issues that I could relate to. They have work issues that I’ve also had. I felt like I knew and understood each of these characters.

The reason this fell short of 5 stars for me: there were a couple of plot points I didn’t love, and to justify them, there was a lot of repetitiveness with those characters narratives.

Overall, though, this is a very good story that I think is told very truthfully. It’s a great look at the ups and downs of life, especially in marriage.

Thank you to #netgalley and the publisher for the advanced e-copy of #reservationsforsix . I look forward to reading more by Ms. Palmer.

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This book was a delight! I almost felt like I was watching a movie. Palmer captured humanity very poignantly and I truly was captured by the characters. It was not necessarily a quick read but I was very happy to sit with it and digest it.

Would recommend to anyone who is a fan of Where’d You Go Bernadette or Oh William!

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As someone who’s never been married, I thought this was an interesting look into the messy secrets of marriage. Thanks for letting me check it out!

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3 stars...

Perfect for readers who love: women's fiction, chick-lit, & a little drama. I loved the premise of this. Interesting group of characters.

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𝙍𝙚𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙁𝙤𝙧 𝙎𝙞𝙭 is about a tight knit group of friends in their 30s who have a tradition that on everyone’s birthday the three couples gather to celebrate. Nathan is the first to turn 40, and when blowing out his candles he makes a shocking announcement, which makes everyone question their relationships and themselves.

I really wasn’t sure about this book going into it, but once I read those last words in the opening chapter I was definitely hooked.

There are a lot of topics that are discussed (some difficult) as each of the characters and couples start to question their relationships, lives and futures. You also can’t help but think of your own life as you immerse yourself with all that is going on.

The story is told in multiple POV’s with each of the characters. Usually I find reading books with POV’s with more then a few characters to be difficult to keep track of, but it actually works really well with this book.

I really liked the group dynamic between all the friends and how they stuck by each other no matter what revelations or things they go through.

Overall this is a great book that I enjoyed, it’s different from what I am normally drawn too. But do take notice of the trigger warnings as there are a few.

Thank you Netgalley and Wyatt Mackenzie Publishing for an advanced copy for an honest review.

⚠️ Infidelity. Infertility. Miscarriage. Adoption. Divorce.

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I really enjoyed this book! The way the author described what these characters were going through (even though they were all very different things) was so on point!

There is talk of infidelity, career upsets, open marriages, young children, infertility.. it basically covered it all in a novel, but it was not overdone.

I kept wanting there to be a fourth couple, like a fourth couple to shake things up more, but 3 couples was perfect and any other amount wouldnt have worked.

Even though this book was NOT a thriller, it WAS a page turner. I really wanted to know what happened with these characters!

There were no holes in the story, big issues werent simply "solved" in a sentence, and I felt closure with the characters. These are the things that make a book ending perfect (to me).

Thanks for the advanced copy!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an electronic copy to read and review.

This was so close to being a 5 star read. A few things kept it at 4.5 though. Shelley Long was not in Overboard - Goldie Hawn was. That error made me crazy. I also have mixed feeling about the ending - not quite how I imagined it and honestly, I'm not sure that I like it. To be fair - it was very realistic though. I loved the writing style and the characters with all their flaws and personalities. I will definitely be looking for the other books by this author.

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Three couples get together six times a year to celebrate each other’s birthdays. They go to the same restaurant and order the same food. Everything is well planned and structured. When Nathan blows out his candles and says his wish it stuns everyone. He has announced he wants a divorce! Nathan is having an affair with someone much younger which leaves his shocked wife to pick up the pieces of their shattered family. The other two couples re-evaluate their marriages and make important and also questionable choices. The characters are well developed and the story is intriguing. This book kept my interest and I was definitely surprised at times with some of the decisions each couple made. If you like character driven stories give this one a try.

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Reservations for Six is the story of 3 couples as they traverse married life and all the challenges faced by couples. The story opens at the group birthday dinner for six and the changes start there. At first I found it entertaining and interesting but as time went on I just didn't like most of the characters and therefore didn't really care what happened to them which made me less compelled to return to the story. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I really enjoyed this one! The characters were all pretty likeable and I looked forward to each of their chapters. It held my interest and I looked forward to picking the book up each time I went to read it.

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DNF at 20% unfortunately this is a case of wrong book, wrong time for me. I intend to purchase and try again at a later date because the description really had me hooked. For that reason, I'm going to leave the review at 3/5 stars.

Thank you to NetGalley and Wyatt-MacKenzie Publishing, Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), Members' Titles for providing me with an e-arc of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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If you love dysfunctional family/dysfunctional friend group stories, then this is for you! It centers around six friends, three couples, in their late 30s who are going through the many challenges of that age: possible divorce, young children, older children, work challenges, deciding whether or not to have children...

While there are some DEEPLY unlikely characters (one in particular), this book is entertaining and fun if you can get past that part. It will also especially resonate with those in the same age group or experiencing similar life events and decisions.

For fans of Good Company, The Ensemble, Musical Chairs!

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What makes a marriage healthy and successful? Where does one draw the line between compromising and not compromising to sustain a relationship? Do the people in a marriage stay the same throughout their lives? What can a person do if the other person in the relationship doesn't want the same things as them? The author Lindsey J. Palmer makes the reader contemplate these questions through the three couples Mateo-Mickey, Nathan-Louisa and Abe-Amy.

All these people have a long-standing tradition of celebrating each person's birthday at the Giorgio's for 10 long years. In fact, the story begins with Nathan's birthday celebration at the same place on his 40th birthday with one thing happening differently - while cutting his cake, he announces to his wife, in front of everyone that, he has met someone and he needs a divorce.

This incongruous occurrence becomes the catalyst for the unraveling of the other two pairs' relationships as well. Every one of them struggles with understanding the person each has become after all these years and figuring out what they want out of their relationships. Lindsey J. Palmer weaves an elaborate picture of the several intricacies and various nuances that can constitute a marriage. She portays to the reader an intimate and extremely empathetic view of the many expectations and different views a person can harbor.

However, the story is not without it's issues. I didn't understand Mickey's character at all - not where she was coming from nor where she intends to go. Her actions and motivations were a mystery to me. The story seemed quite lengthy too; I did feel the length wouldn't have registered if the story was as engaging as it could have been. While the author gives quite a detailed picture of relationships, I just couldn't connect completely with the characters and their troubles.

Overall, this book is for if you like to read something which makes you question whatever you thought you knew about relationships till now.

Thanks to Netgalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC and would like to state all the opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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A fun story that dealt with real life issues. I enjoyed the different points of view of the different characters and how their stories were different but at the same time fit together well.

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This one was okay... the friend drama was a little overdone & this felt like one big cliche. Might make for good book club discussion.

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