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Husband Material

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*I received an ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thanks for the free book.*

I enjoyed "Boyfriend Material" because it was very much over the top, overly dramatic, and verging on ultimate cringe. "Husband Material" is just like that but turn the emotional angst and drama up to eleven, which was not so enjoyable. I think my main issue is that I don't see why people need to get married a) in the first place, b) after 2 years of relationship (???), c) care so much for what other people think. This is also why I kinda disliked the ending of the novel, it did not feel like it was worth it. Had the two of them done away with their immense expectations and also learned to really talk to each other when not in emotional distress or just stress, much drama, hurt, and heartbreak could've been avoided. Additionally, I did not like that all characters are cardboard characters, that people are reduced to having children. I also did not like how one character hated on one baby, geez, I don't want a kid, but why so negative? Having a kid is a hardcore deal, of course, and it changes people. And being an asshole about your friends changing is not cool.

Nevertheless, the novel was in parts hilarious and I enjoyed parts of it a lot.

3 stars

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I read 55% of this book and although entertaining off and on, I was struggling to want to keep picking it up. I loved the first book, but this one seems redundant. If you love sequels then you’ll probably like it. I might try again, but for now I have no desire.

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I found the main character kinda annoying. Everything he thought was very negative and he had a big self-destructing attitude. I really wanted to like the relationships, but they didn't seem like anyone really cared for each other. While this was not the book for me, I hope others enjoy it.

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If you wanted more of Luc and the shitshow that he is, this book is for you. It's ridiculous and over the top, but also fun and endearing. The ending made me so happy, if you're read it you know. While i didn't enjoy this as much as the first book it was still enjoyable. ⭐️⭐️⭐️💫

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Thank you for the eARC provided by Netgalley and the publisher.

I was such a big fan of the first book but this didn’t really stuck with me so much. Not a bad book at all, just not the best I guess.

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This was a strong sequel to an enjoyable first book. I loved diving back into Luc and Oliver’s life and I can’t wait to read more from Alexis Hall!

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Perfect. All of the stars, and glitter, and balloon arches, and high fives for this book.

1000000/10 would still let Oliver throw me onto a busy highway if he truly wanted to I'd do anything for that angel and I'd do it with a god damn smile on my face.

Being back with these characters has made me so incandescently happy that I am just in this giddy little bubble and I love Oliver so much and I am just so in love with how this was done I will never get tired of spending time with these dumb muppets I love them I love them I love them.

I laughed. I cried. I felt personally attacked. I just... UGH I love them so much.

I will never shut up about these books.

[Thank you to Sourcebooks Casablanca for my review copy]

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Husband Material is my most anticipated book of 2022, and when I opened the email to find an advanced copy - well, let's just say that I was deceased for a little bit.

And Luc and Oliver's second book did not disappoint.

I just loved everything about it. It was swoony, and lovely, and funny. Luc and Oliver are relationship goals really. I liked that they didn't have everything go smoothly, that they had to fight for what they wanted at times, but mostly that they stuck it out, they love each other. I want to be their friends.

I had forgotten how funny Luc's workmates were. Alex and Rhys had me in fits of laughter - they are so darn clueless it is adorable.

I don't want to spoil anything for anyone going in, but just know that if you loved Boyfriend Material, you are going to really love Husband Material

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This sequel to the Boyfriend Material is just as funny as the first book in the series. Hall highlights the problems of a modern gay couple trying to navigate a series of high-stress group public & family events. Highly recommended.

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I really enjoyed this one! It’s definitely a strong followup to boyfriend material, looking forward to more from Hall in the future

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This was such a fun follow-up to Boyfriend Material! Loved the humor and emotion and the bad jokes (so many wonderful bad jokes) - it was a great pleasure to spend time again with Luc and Oliver and their group of friends.

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I couldn't wait to get back with Lucien and Oliver, but somehow this book wasn't what I imagined for them. I have mixed feelings about this one becasue there were scenes I liked and loved, scenes where I laughed or giggled, and there were some where I couldn't believe I was reading the same book from the same author. I was bored sometimes and the biggest problem: I missed Oliver so so much. He was there, of course, but I felt him a bit distant. We didn't get into his POV this time either, but in the first book it wasn't that big of a problem - but now. He was a side piece to Lucien. Lucien dragged him along to any and every wedding (there were 4 of them in the book!!!). I missed some Lucien and Oliver alone time (there was only one, but that one was perfect!) And by alone time I'm not about the sexy times because they don't need it that much, but just be cute together.

I know it's hard to write a love story after they got a HEA or a HFN, it could be boring to read about the lazy days when nothing happens... and yes, it was boring sometimes. Sometimes I just wish this book didn't exist and I could be happy just knowing the first book. I don't know... I'm not mad but a bit sad, I thought it would be better :( I had high expectations, sadly.

3 and a half stars for me

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Luc is still a hot mess express and Oliver is still his steady rock. The friend group is as crazy and tight knit as ever. I loved revisiting all of these characters again!

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After falling in love with "Boyfriend Material" when it was published, I was looking forward to reading the second book in the series, "Husband Material", which was my most anticipated read this year. I am not exaggerating, I had it marked down in my calendar and a countdown set for its release date. I was THAT excited.

"Boyfriend Material" has been my comfort read for quite some time now. There are only a few books which hold that special place and status in my heart. This book has been my go-to read when I need to find a place of comfort. It is filled with so much humor that I find myself laughing during so many scenes. I always cherish the little moments filled with social awkwardness which are totally a mirror for my own self. I see myself represented in it and I honestly can say that I have found comfort in Alexis Hall‘s books and voice.

I have been counting the days for the release of "Husband Material" and I never once worried about what it would be, or how it would be. I truly trust Alexis Hall in this. A voice of comfort which will never disappoint me. It felt like I am reconnecting with old friends, with my comfort zone. Therefore, I had extremely high expectations - and after reading it now I can honestly say that I loved every single moment of this book.

In "Husband Material", the book focuses on true love. In the first book, the two main characters pretend to fall in love and then suddenly realize that they are actually in love. So this book now therefore starts with the real love perspective. They have fallen in love, so what is next? Oliver and Luc have been dating each other for quite some time now, have experienced the ups and downs together and now are planning their own wedding which leads to even more chaos than you can already expect from both of them.
This book has been a true masterpiece for me, like the first book in the series, but I expected nothing less than a true masterpiece. It focuses on different really important topics - expressing yourself as a queer person when you cannot identify yourself with everything rainbow-colored. When you feel like you are part of something that does not feel like coming home. Social norms and the pressure that comes with it. But also just being loved while being flawed and messy. The first book felt flirty and sexy. "Husband Material" feels more personal, mature and domestic. I absolutely loved every single sentence I have read, all the characters involved into the story, the humor, the laughter, and for me, the coming home. The writing style was as phenomenal as expected and the end had me screaming since I did not expect something like this to happen AT ALL! Also, how can it end here and now I have to wait and suffer while waiting for the next book?

Hands down, "Husband Material" has been my most anticipated read this year and I was not disappointed at all. Instead, it became one of my favorite reads this year and deserves more than 5 stars (but unfortunately this is the limit on here). It was truly amazing and I will keep recommending it to everyone!

Thank you to Sourcebooks Casablanca and NetGalley for providing me with an arc (for my most anticipated read this year) in exchange for an honest review.

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First of all, a big thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing this ARC.

I would firmly put this in the 3/5 stars category.

This review will have spoilers.

I love Alexis Hall's style of writing. I've read his other books and always find his wit biting and his characters compelling. However, I was sad to finish this and find that the bones of what made Boyfriend Material so great were... missing here. I wanted character growth, but i found that both Luc and Oliver were (still) terrible at communicating, especially about major life decisions, and seemed to resolve most of their disagreements by just apologizing and refusing to talk about it. This evidently leads to (almost) disaster and it could just be me, but i truly dislike miscommunication/ or lack of communication as a trope.

The pacing of it was also rather slow, and I found myself having to force myself to finish it. The last bit ended without an epilogue and i was left feeling stunned and without a satisfactory conclusion.

I am still looking forward to reading the next book in the series, but i will not have my hopes overly high.

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𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: 2/5⭐️⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
𝗪𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐝: The humor in this book is, unfortunately, the only thing that kept me reading. I really enjoyed where this picked up and the continued dynamic of the friend group, CRAPP co-workers, and Luc's family. The one-liners are SO DRY/cutting and, like the first book, I found myself cackling out loud throughout.
𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞: This is going to sound borderline mean but…I wish that Boyfriend Material would have stayed a standalone without this sequel. I had seen not-so-great reviews before starting it and I even adjusted down my expectations—yet my original gut rating of 3⭐️ (when I finished it) felt too high the more I sat with the book.

First, it didn’t help that I couldn’t care less about any of the weddings they attended, ESPECIALLY Miles’. Oliver completely faded into the background at every single wedding and felt like an afterthought despite being Luc’s boyfriend for multiple years and not just some random +1.

While there were moments in the story that were fun and light, it overall felt exhausting. A large portion of the book is just Luc and Oliver bickering, and when it came to actually communicating about larger issues—they brushed it off. I couldn’t help but feel like their relationship had run its course in the two years since we last saw them, and I can’t really say that I walked away from Husband Material hoping they would stay together. It just felt like they each had very little character development since the first book.

I wanted more romance, and while I get that their relationship was no longer in the “honeymoon phase” that is central to all romcoms…I can’t help but assert that these types of books take place in that phase for good reason. It’s hard to care about the mundane day-to-day of anyone’s relationship once the will-they-won’t-they wears off.

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Thank you for the opportunity to review this new novel.

Finally I get to hang out with Lucien and Oliver again! 🥰

I have waited since I loved them in the first book, Boyfriend Material.

People around them are getting married and maybe they should too? Is marriage what they want though? Well, read it and see for yourself!

I can't recommend this book enough because Oliver and Lucien are adorable ❤️

4,5 stars

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After reading Boyfriend Material I was excited to see the continuation of Oliver and Luc. They have so much relatability with marriage, family struggles, and how you handle live changes within your friend group.

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So it was great, but for me completely different that the first one ☝️
Oliver and Lucian show us that relationships often is hard thing. And it shouldn’t be in the way that someone else want it, it’s something that should work for each of us in completely different way. I really think that this book make us think, not only laugh and have fun.
I highly appreciate what author show us, characters really work with their problems and insecurities and this is so healthy!
Yes, it’s not traditional romcom, but who said that it should be.
I really don’t quite understand what the third book will be about, but I have a thought that author will surprise me one more time. Can’t wait, by the way 😀

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First of all, I received this ARC in both ebook and audio format and I broke my long standing rule of trying not to start a series in the middle. Granted, this is only the second book, but never the less, it should be noted that I did not read book 1.
As I mentioned before, I didn't read the first book so I got to meet Oliver and Luc as an already established couple. I immediately liked Oliver, but Luc was a bit harder to get a handle on. Honestly, he wasn't a great boyfriend - the word frenetic is a word that comes to mind. Oliver seemed like the more stable and laid back of the two and I think their differences were part of what made them work (again, I'm not sure how they got together but they were truly opposite personalities). It becomes apparent pretty quickly that Luc has commitment issues and he tended to run hot and cold in the relationship. I was surprised when he asked Oliver to marry him (even though by the title of the book I had already assumed the story arc) and it felt like Luc was not really emotionally prepared to take the next step even though he did ask the question. I really felt for Oliver with the way Luc kept trying to make him feel bad about the fact that he didn't really associate with the over the top end of the spectrum in the LGBTQ+ community. Everybody is different and I couldn't understand why that was such a sticking point with Luc.
I had several problems with this book and the main issue was probably that I just really didn’t like Luc. He really was an awful boyfriend, and honestly, he had issues outside of his relationship with Oliver that showed a lot of immaturity. But, in these stories, we often see the protagonist learn and grow. They start at one point and by the end of the book we can see the growth. Unfortunately, that doesn’t happen in this book. Luc never grows. I never saw him get any better, or stop to think about a different perspective other than his own. He even made the death of Oliver’s father about HIS feelings. Then, to top things off, the book’s ending is AWFUL. Why the heck did I take the time and effort to read all of this crap to have it end the way it did? I wasn’t happy. It didn’t show any growth. In fact, there was NO closure. Not an epilogue to show how their actions were received, what the effect of their decisions were….nothing. So honestly, after I read/listened to the last word, I felt like it was just a complete waste of time. That RARELY happens to me so when it does, it means something.
The other thing that I felt while reading/listening to this was that it felt “preachy”. I felt like the author was trying to beat me (and Oliver) over the head with the “proper” way to feel about the entire LGBTQ+ community. That was something new. I am a huge fan of this genre and some of my favorite authors write in this genre. T.J. Klune comes immediately to mind. What makes his books so completely amazing is that he gets you to where he wants you to go in a way that eases you into a place that you didn’t even realize you were going to. The character development and the story arc are so seamless that you do not even realize that you are at the end until you reach the last page and you are devastated that it is over. This book however was a challenge to continue, to keep reading/listening to and I found myself constantly looking to see how much longer I had until it was over. To me, that more than anything told me I was done. I will not be continuing with this series.

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read and listen to this ARC. The opinions above are mine and mine alone.

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