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American Royals III: Rivals

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I adore this series. I loved that rivals became friends. I loved learning more about daph and nina . I loved sam and Beatrice too. I want the washington girls to succeed. I had a feeling that daph was going to play that way in the end. I loved that nina actually called jeff on his relationship of going back and forth. I liked the new villain of Gabrielle. I can't wait to read the next book the series and I really liked the friendship of nina & daphne.

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Thank you to Random House for a gifted copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

I've been fooled. I thought this was the last book of the series but nope ... another cliffhanger ending! Grrrrr!
We got introduced to some new characters, different government structures around the world, and discussed sexism and race in America. While it's fun to see the different perspectives and relationships develop, I definitely have my favorites (ahem Nina). I am looking forward to see how this will all play out!.

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Just as expected, this book is wonderful. I reread the first two books before starting this one so I could refresh my memory on what had happened. This book seemed a bit slower than the first two, but then the last 25% was nonstop. I couldn't put it down. This book felt like it had a lot more character building than the other two did to me, but not necessarily in a bad way. I was still very much invested in the characters and their story, and loved seeing the growth from them all. I seriously can't wait for the next book to come out so that i can know what happens next with all of them!

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I enjoyed this book. The plot was well paced and the characters were well developed. I would enjoy reading additional works by this author.

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rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
romance: 💖
spiciness: 🌶

the Washington siblings return in the third installation of the AMERICAN ROYALS series, RIVALS, as Queen Beatrice finds her footing in her new role as head of state, Samantha faces a decision between love and duty, and Jefferson heads to college but remains a Hot Mess Express™️ in a seemingly never-ending love triangle (/square?).

I’m not quite sure what to make of this series! AMERICAN ROYALS was one of my favorite reads—I adored it and its overall concept. but books 2 and 3 just haven’t hit the mark for me. RIVALS felt especially messy, first because the world-building is all over the place. part of what set the first book apart was its intriguing spin on American history and its cascading effects for Western democracies and the world as we now know it. This isn’t to say that the concept has ever been very thoroughly explained in the series, but I thought the idea was creative and the drama kept it fun. it now feels like most of the actual development of this alternate reality has been discarded for some occasional country name-dropping, a renamed Paris Climate Accord, etc. I can’t say I’m here for this supremely YA rendition of geopoliticking. and, of course, the American *monarchy* is now socially progressive?

the most difficult element to deal with is that the romantic relationships in this series have all flip-flopped so many times that I don’t even know which ones to ship. 🤯 I didn’t find much of a spark in any relationships in this book, and I’m not entirely sure I care what happens with any of them at this point.

some small silver linings: Daphne’s development in this book was wild, and THAT CLIFFHANGER 🤭 somehow, these two things alone have convinced me to stick around for book 4 in the series.

thanks to NetGalley and Random House Children’s for an ARC!

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LOVED this third book in one of my favorite series. These books are so cute, so fun and have the best characters. The latest in the Series, American Royals III, is just as great as the first two. Highly recommend reading in order.

Thank you to net galley for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

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A great follow-up to the semi-closure of the second book, though we hope that the balance of who is featured in this will give more depth to some of the background characters for the fourth book if it is to be the finale - we've watched these characters grow, and need a satisfying ending with the leads they're eventually choosing in order to feel the closure. Well-painted scenery yet again, and great setups.

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After devouring the first two books in Katharine McGee's "American Royals," I was completely stoked to learn a third sequel was in the works. And let me tell you: It completely lives up the hype of the Washington sibling's regal world that I first fell in love with from the first books in the series. I am so grateful for this ARC, because, let's be honest, I just couldn't way another minute to find out what was next for Queen Beatrice, Princess Samantha, Daphne and Nina. While "Majesty" let me down slightly after watching my beloved Connor+Bea ship crash and burn after the first book, I am pleased to return that my fandom has returned in full force with this one.

Here, it's a meeting of the monarchs as Beatrice (fresh off her canceled nuptials to Teddy from the last book) is set to preside over the prestigious Legions of Kings meetings for global regents. There, she's representing America at the convention and desperately trying to get her first initiative past, all while balancing her fragile relationship with Teddy (whom she did postpone their wedding after all!) and meeting a glamorous international French princess who invites her into her elite inner circle. Meanwhile, Princess Samantha and beau Lord Marshall are still going strong (eeep, for me!) but navigate difficult future plans considering the title differences. Then, there's Daphne and Nina who are forced to (gasp!) team up to take down a new rival in town, equally vying for Prince Jefferson's affections.

True to McGee's style, this book brings her signature witty and engaging language that had me both yearning to find out what happened next but also wanting to savor every last morsel of text and storytelling. Told in 4 points of view, I'm quickly drawn into each leading lady's head and become so desperate to learn what would happen next. And seriously, I just didn't want this book to end!

It makes the perfect addition to the "American Royals" series, and selfishly, I hope it's not the end of this series because I have so many questions left after that ending. Basically, I just need more content, like, right now. Or I'll just re-read it, one, two or ten more times in the meantime.

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A satisfying pick-me-up from a somewhat disappointing Majesty. Finally, some Daphne and Nina development. Reading the American Royals series always delivers exactly what I want… sweet, fun reading without too much stress involved!

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Hands down this has to be one of the most fun and most original book series I’ve ever read! Also the book I most want to see turned into a television series or movie. A perfect continuation in the series, it follows our favorite royals + royal adjacent ladies: Beatrice, Samantha, Nina and Daphne as they adjust to a world with the first ruling queen of America. Filled with Katharine McGee’s trademark drama, intrigue, secrets, romance- it was impossible to put this one down. And that ending!! What a cliffhanger. I love the intricate relationships between characters and the exploration of what duty to country and family really mean.

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Thank you for the opportunity to read this book. Since this is my third time with the Washington family I really feel like I know them. Beatrice and Samantha are still my favorite characters. It seemed in this book they were more sisters than ever before which was great. What wasn't so great was all the Daphne/Nina chapters - just too many for me.

Overall a decent third book and a great cliffhanger for a forth installment (which i'm sure will happen).

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I was so excited to see the continuation of this series. I love the premise of American Royalty. This book felt like it did not focus on one particular couple, and I loved getting some of all of them, but felt like we didn’t get deep with any of them. Cannot wait for the next book. A wonderful series.

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Thank you NetGalley for the early access to Rivals. I love this series so much, and Rivals met the hype of the first two. Love following all four leading ladies, seeing how they are growing into their own, how they manage their decisions and relationships, some you love, some you love to hate, but it's all so fun and creative. Loved the intro of other International Leaders and how they mixed in to the lives of our main group. Can't wait for book 4!!

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Every book that Katharine McGee writes gets better and better! I finished this book only a few hours ago and I already want a 4th. Beatrice is representing America at the greatest convocation of kings and queens in the world. She's trying to find her place as Queen but begins to buck to the norms when she becomes friends with several younger monarchs from around the world. While Bea is tied up with the convention, Samantha is just returning from her world wind tour around the America and her relationship is continuing to heat up with Marshall but are they really on the same page? Daphne, Nina and Jefferson are all at St.Georges and Daphne and Nina are working to protect Jefferson and themselves from a newcomer on the scene.

I am literally counting down for the prequel and book number 4

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We continue the trials and tribulations of the Washingtons, America’s royal family, in the third installment of the series. Beatrice, now queen and affianced to Teddy, hosts a “NATO” of sorts - except imagine high schoolers and Instagram influencers - and you will understand how these royals behave based on the authors description. That part was particularly eye-rolling, as though a 28 year old is playing fuck, marry, kill among heads of state. Then we have the ménage a trios of Jefferson, Daphne, and Nina - still a veritable throuple. Still no true conclusion to their throuple-dom. Sam’s story was the least annoying, mainly because she’s the only character who has shown real growth and actually acts like a semi-adult instead of a stereotype. I do believe I’ve outgrown this series and it’s probably time for me to move along.

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Rivals: American Royals III - 4.5⭐️

Rivals: American Royals III jumps right back into the America we know & love from Katharine McGee. Beatrice is getting ready for the League of Kings conference, Sam + Marshall are enjoying their fake dating turned to real dating with a few road blocks & Daphne and Nina are realizing quickly they should work together against a common enemy.

This book had all the drama, twists and turns - it was everything I’d hoped it would be and crossing my fingers hardddddd for a book 4!

Read if you love:
-this series already: it felt like book 2 left things open & this one feels so satisfying to know how some of those stories continue
-multiple perspectives: one of the many things I love about Katharine McGee’s books are her chapters from seceral different characters perspectives - this one had a bit more overlap between two characters (iykyk) and I was here for itttttt
-Sam+Marshall - LOVEEEE THEMMMM - we get to hear more of their story
-surprisingly daphne turned a corner for me - she felt more human in this book & her layers were peeled back & I loved watching it unfold

Thank you to NetGalley, RandomHouse Childrens & Katharine McGee for this e-arc.

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After falling in love with the first two books in the series, I was thrilled when I saw that a third book was going to be released. I felt that Majesty ended with too many loose ends. I think this one, Rivals, adds a lot to the storyline. We have characters developing into their own and we meet a lot of new royals and monarchs. Sam and Beatrice are still the main characters of the story. Also, Jefferson, Daphne, and Nina. The twist with Daphne and Nina I didn't see coming. I enjoyed it though.

I thought Teddy's storyline was a bit lacking, although I'm not sure what I was expecting. I just felt like he was on the sidelines and he wasn't really involved much. Which, was a complaint even his character felt, ha. I'm hoping for more on his character with the next book.

Sam and Marshall. YES! I am rooting so hard for them.

Overall, great story. I'm happy that the series is continuing! I can't wait for book 4!

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I enjoyed the latest in the American Royals series. I assumed this would be the last one, but the ending certainly leaves the author with material for a 4th. In this story, the characters are moving toward being their authentic selves and embracing love, which was lovely to see! I particularly enjoyed the development of Nina and Daphne's characters, as well as the inclusion of some new, fun royals from elsewhere in the world.

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🇺🇸 American Royals III: Rivals 🇺🇸

“That’s just the version of me that I want the world to see. I’m not actually that brave.”

Oh. Em. Gee. Katherine McGee never fails to bring the drama, and the third installment of American Royals did not disappoint.

Beatrice is entering the world stage as the first American Queen at the League of Kings where she’s working to make her mark as a female ruler and her first big move as Queen, while navigating her relationship with Teddy as he tries to understand his role as the first King Consort.

Sam is learning to navigate her new role as the Heir, supporting Beatrice and navigating the pressure her role as Princess puts on her life and anyone in it - especially Marshall.

Jefferson, sweet Jefferson, is living the college life, rushing a frat, going to tailgates, and completely oblivious to the drama surrounding him from the women vying for his attention. Nina and Daphne are teaming up against a new mutual enemy, who is trying to sweep Jefferson away.

I loved following along with each of the characters as they develop and grow.

Check this one out if you’re looking for:

🇺🇸Relationship drama
🇺🇸Family tension
🇺🇸Multiple storylines
🇺🇸Gossip Girl for Royals
🇺🇸Powerful women rulers who own their place in the world because, “I’m sorry means that you made a mistake, and you cannot admit to that. The world will forgive a man, but rarely a woman. Certainly not a woman in power.”

This book nails it 👏🏻 The end packed a punch so let me know if you’ve read it bc DANG I have thoughts. Thank you to Netgalley and Random House for the ARC!

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Rivals picks up where the last American Royals novel left off: Beatrice is settling into her role as queen while navigating her relationship with Teddy, Sam is facing challenges in her relationship with Marshall, while Nina and Daphne team up to take down a new character who poses a threat to both of them. While I've always enjoyed this series for its unique and strong main characters, I was a little disappointed because I felt the concept of American having a monarchy never really played a huge role in the book. In this installment, where Beatrice is meeting with other royals in the League of Kings, you get more a sense about how America's decision to maintain a monarchy impacted the rest of the world in this fictional universe which I liked. I also loved the budding friendship between Daphne and Nina. Overall, this was a solid addition to the series and I'm excited for the next installment!

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