Member Reviews

I can’t get enough of this series and this was a great addition! I just love the world created so much and wow, did this end in cliffhanger! Is book four out yet?!
Huge thank you to @randomhouse and @netgalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review

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I didn’t enjoy this one as much as the previous ones.

The thing that made the others so entertaining for me was the angsty hot mess drama of all of the romances. This one had little to no focus on romance at all.

Instead it focused more on catty girl fights, ridiculous schemes and trusting the wrong people. The way these characters grew over the previous two books, it felt like they should be moving beyond that.

While it may have left me disappointed, it’s still an addictive series to read and I’ll definitely pick up the next book.

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I love the American Royals series and this one did not disappoint! Thank you Katharine McGee for another amazing story that surprised me and made me fall in love with the characters all over again.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Random House for the eARC!

Here’s the deal. I really enjoy this series. It helps me tap into my former teen girl. I would’ve absolutely devoured them as a youth. It’s truly such a fun concept. I’m glad we got a third, and I’m glad that there will be a fourth. However, this one wasn’t my favorite. It definitely took me a long time to finish. There was a lot packed into the end of the book, but it took its time getting there. The relationships in this series are so tumultuous, which makes sense for a YA series, but it also doesn’t entirely make sense since most of the characters are actually “new adults”. After all is said and done though, I think Katharine McGee is a talented author, and I will obviously keep reading these books whenever they come out.

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Wow. Apparently I wasted my time preparing myself to finish the American Royals series, because that was not an ending. Am I mad about another cliffhanger though? No not really.

In the third installment, we leave off right where the second one ended but this time we have new friendships, new enemies, and new sides of people we’ve never seen before. The parties, the glitz, the glamor along with the scheming and deception. I love it all.

They may be royals but they’re still very relatable. What teen (or adult, honestly) can’t relate to want their parents’ approval, not living up to expectations, and grappling with doing with what’s expected of you.

If it wasn’t obvious, this book must be read from the beginning but you won’t regret sinking your time into this deliciously devious series.

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I wasn't able to finish this book, unfortunately, and I don't think I'll. continue the rest of the series. I was ultimately just disappointed by the lack of character development and the direction of the plot.

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Katharine McGee has done it again. I'm always hesitant about reading books in a series as they're released, because typically stories can't hold my attention over the span of several years. Not so with American Royals, my friends! Is it just me, or should the U.S. consider reinstating a monarchy? Give me allllllll the drama and intrigue that comes with a royal family ruling the States. Reading these books is like reading the Daily Mail from a first-person view, they're THAT tasty and full of drama. I loved diving back into Beatrice's world, and reading more of her story along with Daphne's and Nina's. Dare I say the best book in the series? Cannot wait to read what comes next.

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I was so, so sad to think that this series ended with book two, and so I was elated when I saw that McGee was coming out with another book in the series!

I missed this alternate world that McGee dreamed up, and I was so happy to be back in it. I loved the new characters that were introduced in this series, the unexpected team of Nina and Daphne, and some of our favorite couples (Beddy? Tea?) continue to figure out what life looks like for them with Bea's new position. I need a serious reread of the whole series, but I definitely will be reading the final book of the series when it's published!

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for sharing this book. All opinions are my own.

If you suffer from contact anxiety, beware this book! Rejoining with Queen Beatrice, her consort-to-be Teddy, Sam and Marshall, and Jeff and his unknown love triangle of Daphne and Nina, the story line never rests in a comfortable place where everyone and everything is FINE. Bea is stepping into her new role, but finding the line blurred between friend and peer as America hosts all the world's regents and heirs. Her earnest personality can conflict with her titled role, and decisions have complicated aftershocks. Nina and Daphne strike a tenuous accord, feeling like they have a common goal and shared antagonist. Sam and Marshall have big decisions to make about their joint future together. Each character has moments of victory and defeat, and the ending was a cliffhanger that will hopefully lead us into a book 4! I've really enjoyed the escapism of this alternate universe, and my favorite detail of this installment was that Hawaii maintained it's own sovereignty and didn't recognize the diplomatic status of other royals.

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I loved being back in this world that McGee created! This series has been such an escape over the last few years. In this installation, we meet new international monarchs, we see Bea and Teddy's struggles as she continues to adjust to her new role, and Teddy adjusts to his lack of role. We also see Daphne and Nina become friendly. I enjoyed all of the perspectives this time around and overall really liked this one better than the second. I cannot wait for the fourth and final book to publish!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

I am sad to say I was disappointed by Rivals. The first two books in this series were very good and I loved this concept with all of the different cast of characters but this third book just didn't do it for me. At first I was happy to be back in this world with these characters but about half way through, I just got bored. The book, in my opinion, was a bit too long. I will still read the next book when it comes out because I want to know what happens to these characters. I just hope its a little more fast paced than Rivals.

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When I thought this series was going to end with book 2, I was devastated. I love the freshness of this third book in the American Royals series, the world expands with introductions to a slew of new international monarchs, we get to see Teddy and Bee struggle with his lack of role in the monarchy, and we get a very unlikely team up between Nina and Daphne! And the ending!!!! The author went full soap opera, and let me tell you….. I did not mind. I'm already so excited for the fourth and final installment of this series.

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Having read the other 2 in the series, I was excited to get this new book. Unfortunately, this one didn't work for me. I enjoyed parts of it but felt like it moved too slow and there was a lot of unnecessary drama that didn't add to the characters or story line. I ended up finishing it and of course it ended in another cliffhanger. I'll likely read the next one but the other 2 were bigger hits for me.

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Yay! I was so happy to be back in the Washington Family drama! I’m always drawn back into their world and their stories. I love that there’s more than one story line going on. I feel like each chapter is a tv episode! I finished this within 48 hours of starting. These books always end with a good twist! So excited for the next one!!!

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This was fun and quick to read, but it lacked of something. It also felt very long. It was a lot of drama for almost nothing and I feel like the author could have resumed this story to a fewer story lines because it sometimes felt messy.

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(4.5⭐️) Full of drama and scheming with an heaping dose of fun! I completely devoured this book and am already on the hunt for the next installment.

Book 2, Majesty, left me with so many complex emotions... I was completely besotted with the dishy storyline and sensational characters. But I hated that it was an ending (to the at-the-time 2 book series). I wanted more. I needed more. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one because, like a ray of sun shining through the grumpiest of storm clouds, Rivals appeared on the scene. And let me tell you… it did not disappoint!

This book has everything I’ve loved in the other books. But with the majority of the book taking place at the worldwide League of Kings summit, the stage is broadened, and we are introduced to a slew of other monarchs, which richened the plot. The Princess of France, Princess Louise, plays a particularly large role, and I enjoyed seeing how she impacted Bea.

While there are many rivalries in this book, the standout pairing is with previous arch enemies, Daphne and Nina! Their plotting and conniving led to an unlikely friendship <gasp> that I couldn’t get enough of.

While keeping the storyline fully entertaining and fun, McGee also touches on some important themes with finesse. Themes of friendship, racism, gender roles, and power & privilege are all interwoven with subtlety and skill.

That ending!!! MAN oh MAN. McGee really did that to us. And I’m conflicted as to whether I am mad about it or I love it.

Ultimately, I think I really love that it ensures another book. So now I must begin my “persistent nudging” of both her and the publisher to get my hands on book 4!!! In the famous words of The Temptations, “ain’t too proud to beg!”

This series is best read in order. Each book picks up right where the previous left off. But you’ll find it a worthy investment.

Considering how heavy the political landscape has been lately, escaping to McGee’s alternate reality was a very welcome reprieve from real life.

The audiobook narration by Brittany Pressley was superb. It was easy and seamless to go from the voice in my head, as I read the physical copy, to the voice on the audio.

Many thanks to @getunderlined @prhaudio for the #gifted copies.

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I love the American Royals series by Katharine McGee, and Rivals did not disappoint! I enjoyed seeing how the characters were forced to mature throughout this novel. I did not like how this book ended on a cliffhanger, and now I need another book to continue the story ASAP! I cannot wait!

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From the first paragraph, I knew this book would be a good one. I immersed myself into the book from the first chapter and I cannot say enough good things about this book! Honestly amazing! The writing is incredible and the plot is just one to die for. I am absolutely obsessed with this book. My favorite part would have to be the character development throughout the book. Character development is something I look forward to and this book did not disappoint.

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Another cliffhanger?! Ugh Katharine- what are you doing to us! I loved seeing Beatrice grow more in her relationship with Teddy. Of course I still love Sam and hate Daphne. Cannot wait for what’s next!

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Essa é uma série que reúne drama de gente rica, problemas de adolescentes e realeza. Não tem muito mais o que pedir né? Infelizmente eu descobri que tem sim.

Depois de assumir seu lugar como rainha da América, Beatrice terá que ser a anfitriã do maior encontro de monarcas do mundo. Enquanto tenta provar seu valor, ela se aproxima da Princesa Louise, regente da França e seu círculo íntimo de herdeiros do trono ao redor do mundo. Acontece que enquanto Beatrice tenta achar seu lugar, Teddy fica cada vez mais distante dela. Samantha está vivendo seu amor de forma livre. A princesa e Marshall estão cada vez mais apaixonados. O problema é que por serem um casal biracial, eles são um símbolo e par ficar com ela Marshall tem que desistir de tudo. Nina terá que se aproximar de Daphne para derrubar um inimigo comum: Lady Gabriela Mardson. É, parece que o clima vai ficar tenso para a realeza.

Essa virou uma das minhas séries adolescentes ricos preferida do momento, mas infelizmente esse livro meio que não funcionou para mim. Acho que meu principal problema foi a dinâmica entre Nina, Daphne e Jefferson. A relação dos três beirou a total falta de noção e isso me irritou bastante.

Beatrice cresceu bastante, mas esse livro veio para nos lembrar que ela ainda é bastante jovem para comandar um país e que vai cometer muitos erros ao longo do caminho. A história dela com Teddy acaba esbarrando na questão do monarca e seu consorte que acaba não tendo um papel definido.

Já Samantha, foi a única personagem que não teve um grande drama. Ela é o príncipe Harry dessa história. Ela é Marshall tiveram que fazer escolhas difíceis, mas que podem funcionar.

Já a dinâmica que me decepcionou foi entre Nina, Daphne e Jefferson. Primeiro preciso dizer que eu não gosto do príncipe Jefferson, o personagem mais pau mole do livro. Ele fez o que fez com a Nina e agora quer voltar a ser amigo dela e quando a Daphne não corresponde ao que ele quer, ele corre de volta pra Nina. Já Nina e Daphne acabam se tornando amigas e eu a dinâmica entre as duas e foi a melhor coisa que já aconteceu nessa série, mas que foi estragada pelo príncipe.

Não preciso dizer que o livro termina com um super plot twist que vai mudar tudo no próximo livro. E eu espero que a autora consiga ajeitar as coisas que ela fez nesse livro.

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