Member Reviews

A very enjoyable read that showed us, through the author’s story, how to gain strength and positivity and look at things a certain way. As is generally the way, you can take little nuggets and gems away from this to help you with your life but I think for people who are struggling with positivity they may find it hard to reconcile some instances that might be more good luck. Thanks for the book in return for an honest review.

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A book that intends to show how to be more intentional with your life. Urges everyone to reflect on what they really want to do with their life and seize every opportunity.

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As much as I wanted to be energized by this book and be positive, I found it to be somewhat overwhelming. The power of positive thinking is difficult when one is surrounded by real struggles that can't be overcome with good thoughts. Positive thinking doesn't always put food on the table or a roof over your head. Some of the suggestions are reasonable and I'll incorporate them into my life.

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This is an inspiration book about learning to live each day with purpose. Stop living your life on auto-pilot and go after your dreams and live with purpose. Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for an ARC.

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Great book that keeps your attention from start to finish. I loved the way the author wove the words together into a great story. Perfectly done.

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Useful content offset by oversharing

Noor candidly shares a lot of her personal life as examples to support the ways of finding our purpose and making the most of our lives. There are some pearls of wisdom and I admire her tenacity. Her honesty is refreshing but at times felt that she overshared and that this was distracting and even detrimental.

I was given this book from the author via netgalley only for the pleasure of reading and leaving an honest review should I choose to.

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Wasn't really sure what to expect with this book. It was good. Appreciate the concept and examples. I can't help but feel like I was looking for something more / different?

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thanks netgalley for the chance to read this book early! i've been on a journey to better myself and this book helped me realize alot of things. i enjoyed this book alot.

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I received a complimentary copy from the publisher and all opinions expressed are entirely my own.

This is my first Noor Hibbert book and I was attracted to the book by the title. You Only Live Once is self help book perfect for fans of self help books and non nonfiction readers. The book's overall message was about the relationship between thoughts and emotions. The book also touched on how law of attraction works and how it can help one get the life of their dreams. I recommend this book to fans of law of attraction and manifesting.

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I did not finish the book as I thought it would be more informative on things to do and try rather than the author's life story, which I understand parts of may be relevant but there was too much focus on.

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Okay, so it took me two months and a half to finish this book but I must say I'm glad I read it slower. I started this book before an event that could decide my life. And it kinda did. I didn't "woke up" when I finished this book, but it did helped me in some way. It reassured some of my beliefs and I can say that I will remember some of the things I read here when I wanna have more self-confidence.

I think I highlighted a lot of phrases and paragraphs because they were inspiring or informative. I wasn't interested in a lot of chapters, but I can really say that I extracted something from most of them.

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Living “on purpose” is enormously powerful and this book guides you through the tools and techniques available to implement the process.

Bottom line? Don’t settle for what everyone else is doing. Wake up to the possibilities of this one life you are living – start with becoming aware of who you truly are.
“The answer you wanted and the key to changing your life has always been right in the palm of your hand.”

However, this book is only for those who see mindset and spirituality as part of “one quantum field, that huge ocean connected by invisible energetic threads.”
Many of the techniques also use “the spiritual algorithm” to manifest a better life.
On a personal level, the author has/had serious mental health issues and there is an enormous amount of whining about how unfair life is when other people do not accommodate her anxiety. For example, the author had to work a day job and found it intolerable that she could not take holiday when she wanted, and she was expected to work when she was pregnant.

Not for me.

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Great book, full of positivity, which is exactly what I needed.

Thank you NetGalley for my complimentary copy in return for my honest review.

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You Only Live Once is an easy to read and palatable self help book by Noor Hibbert. I love a self help book especially about changing our thoughts and how your thoughts and emotions are connected, it never hurts to read more about that and changing your mindset. This book however also delves into Laws of Attractions which does not speak to me as much as the other concepts. I think trying to manifest the life you want is vital and important but with action and changing mindsets. I am glad it worked out for the author but I would like more concrete steps and more action oriented messaging; or a bigger admission of the work she did to get where she is with her accomplishments.

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This book is life changing! I recommend anyone who is struggling to read this book. Thank you so much for the arc

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Full of tips, tricks and examples, this book urges you to reflect on your goals, and what you can do to make it happen and make the most of life. Thanks to NetGalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review

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Thank you to the publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to read an early readers’ copy in exchange for an honest review.

I went into this book really wanting to like it after I read the description on Netgalley and while I was reading others reviews on it from good reads, but after a few pages in I wasn’t even sure if it was a self help book or a memoir to be honest. 🤷🏻‍♀️ A good chunk of the book is the authors background story on her upbringing. I wasn’t even sure why that had been brought up for a self help book in the first place. 🤭 The chapters are small (like 2-3 pages) and there is little to no substance given in them. If there is it’s just common sense and straightforward information anyone could have thrown together. She recites a lot of the same methods straight from other self help counselors. Although, I did end up liking this book better than Rachel Hollis’ self help books. I liked that the author Noor included questions at the end of each mini chapter that were thought-provoking and that she didn’t come off as arrogant to her readers’. Only thing I did find intriguing from her book was the chapter on how gut health whether short or long term can be related to ones emotions. Otherwise I really didn’t get anything out of this book.

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#NetGalley #YouOnlyLiveOnce

THIS BOOK IS 🤯 I am genuinely in awe of this book. I read it in one sitting. Incredibly written from real life experiences, I’m speechless and I can’t find the words to say besides you NEED to read this book when it is released!

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This book is for all who want to learn the basics of law of attraction. In my opinion is for younger audience, because it is based on Noor's experiences as a young adult (alcohol, drugs, first love etc.).

In some moments we realize that we are lost and feel stuck in life and this book helps us to wake up. We have so many possibilities, yet we feel helpless. Most people are living in survival mode, not creation mode – they are living at an unconscious low-level state of stress, which means their body is out of balance. We have to live, not just exist. We can actually attract and manifest what we want in our lives.

Noor Hibbert introduces manifesting method; decide what you want, uncover the beliefs you have in regard to your desire, reprogramme your mind, tune into universe FM and take inspired and guided action. It takes practice and commitment to master the steps. When you let go of trying to manipulate the outcome, the universal flow of abundance with everything you want can flow straight to you. The Universe knows what you want.

Finally, our lives will transform and we will become healthy and happy and see that life is for the taking, when you decide to take it.

If you like to read simple and easy self-help books, then You only live once is just for you.


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Thank you NetGalley and Teach Yourself for the advanced reader copy; all opinions are my own.

Out February 22, 2022

Finding your purpose in life, begs the question “who am I?” This can be explored in an infinite amount of ways. There were also multiple powerful quotes, such as: “We are way more powerful than we will ever give ourselves credit for”. However, there’s not much substance to support these great quotes. I loved the concept, but it at times felt more like a resume and didn’t seem to tackle anything with depth. I like the idea of exploring and finding your purpose, I just don’t think this delivered on what my expectations were.

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