Member Reviews

Silvia always sets the scene and this historical sci-fi is no different. You’re transported to Yaxactun and the home of doctor Moreau. This wasnt my favorite of her titles it took about 2/3 of the way through for the actual plot twist which I was becoming suspicious of. What I loved most were the hybrids, montgomery and Carlotta’s relationships. How close and protective they all were. All in all I was still captivated

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A wonderful retelling of The Island of Dr. Moreau with a feminist point of view. A new gothic vision has made this a read that was hard to put down.

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I'm a big fan of silvia's stories. Her story telling. I always feel like I'm there or can easily picture everything in my head. I love her characters and always want to know more about them. This book starts off slow but once you're in you are in.

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An interesting spin on "The Island of Doctor Moreau" that could have been great, but somehow got lost.

I would recommend this book to: fans of the original work, dark fiction lovers, and sci-fi fans.

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This was my first Silvia Moreno-Garcia book and honestly I didn’t love it at first. The beginning was a bit too slow for me at times and I felt close to DNF it because of the world building. I know now that it was necessary to include for the reader to truly understand but the first half was bit hard to pick up. Once I got over the slowness I really enjoyed the second half! I’m not a usual science fiction reader but I was intrigued with what was going to happen to the hybrids. I also really enjoyed the ending and didn’t see the twist coming at all! Overall I’d recommend this to fans of Moreno-Garcias work and will be reading more of her work in the future.

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I am now a Silvia Moreno-Garcia fan. Thank you NetGalley for the ARC! The Daughter of Doctor Moreau is a great atmospheric read. A bit of gothic fantasy. I really enjoyed the read. When one specific thing was revealed about a character, I sat the book down stunned. I should've seen it coming, it was obvious, but I was surprised and loved it. The romance between the MC and the one she SHOULD be with was perfect. I love the things said between them.

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Another fantastic book by Silvia Moreno-Garcia! An immersive story full of suspense told from dual perspectives that I gave it great pacing. Will be highly recommending SMG as always!

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This was a fascinating retelling of the Island of Doctor Moreau set in the Yucatan in the 1800s. Carlota and Montgomery were both fascinating characters and while I remembered the basics of the original story, it was interesting to see how Moreno-Garcia wove in different details and changed the perspective of the original. She is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me early access to this title in exchange for an honest review.

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Next to Mexican Gothic this book looks very sub-par. Thats not to say it’s not a decent read, because it is fine. Yet it’s so far away from the quality and faced pace I loved in Silvia Moreno-Garcia’s first book I read, Mexican Gothic, that it’s hard not to be disappointed. From the twist being much too obvious (in fairness I knew the basis of it from the original Island of Dr Moreau story; but still…), to the characters being fairly flat (do I really want to read about a useless alcoholic who barely redeems himself by doing (mostly) the bare minimum), to overall poor pacing.

Maybe if you read this without knowing the Island of Dr Moreau it would shock you and you’d be more engaged. But then who doesn’t know the premise of Island of Dr Moreau? Additionally, the introductory pages scream at you that something is wrong; and eventually it becomes so obvious it’s almost painful.

If I had wanted to read a straight up version of Moreau I would have gotten out my beautiful illustrated edition. So I can’t knock that Moreno-Garcia made this story her own in her way. The change of locale to Mexican, the change of timing to during a war, and, of course, the inclusion of Moreau claiming to have a daughter. And for that I do commend her. The ending of The Daughter of Doctor Moreau wraps up beautifully. It didn’t play out quite in the cliche I expected; which was a nice surprise.

Overall, if you don’t know the story of Doctor Moreau I think you will be captured by this. Even with its lull halfway through. If you do know the story of Doctor Moreau and are intrigued this is worth a read. Just maybe be prepared that it’s not as clever as you might have hoped for (especially if you’ve read Mexican Gothic and experienced its retelling magic). Hence, three stars, it’s worth a read; but will not make my top books of the year.

Please note: I received an eARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. This is an honest and unbiased review.

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Having finished this book, I’m going to NEED to read everything Silvia Moreno-Garcia has written! I am absolutely blown away by how much I enjoyed this book. This was definitely a slow burn type of read, so I can see how this wouldn’t be for everyone, but this story & these characters just worked themselves under my skin. I really appreciated how unique this was, too—it defies genre, which was so nice for a change. Not to mention, I think this would make an excellent book club selection because there’s a lot that can be unpacked that would make for excellent discussion. Between all of that and the exquisite writing, I’d highly recommend this one!

Thank you to NetGalley and Del Rey for the free digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.
All opinions presented here are my own.

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Unfortunately, this was a DNF at 26% for me. While I loved Silvia's previous books, this one didn't do it for me. It didn't draw me in at all, and it was very hard to be focused on it. I completely lost track of what was happening, which made me decide do DNF it. Maybe the audiobook will work better for me.

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3.5 stars. I love how atmospheric it is, clearly this is and has been the author's strength. The two main characters are quite engaging. Lots of themes explored here, from colonisation, colorism, gender, etc yet I wished there were more exploration on scientific ethic on (making) the hybrids. Lupe could have been an additional good POV character, she seemed interesting enough. I think some parts could be shortened but at least the ending was satisfying enough.

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"The Daughter of Doctor Moreau" is Silvia Moreno-Garcia's latest novel, which, in the vein of her genre-hopping narrative style, takes the reader on a journey back to 19th-century Mexico. Drawing from the wellspring of H.G. Wells' "The Island of Doctor Moreau," Moreno-Garcia weaves a tale that is both a nod to its source material and a work that stands firmly with its own identity, reflecting contemporary sensibilities​​.

Set against the lush and distant Yucatán peninsula, the story unfurls around Carlota Moreau, a young woman insulated from strife by her father's secluded estate. Dr. Moreau, her father, is a man of science consumed by his experiments, creating hybrids that are part human, part animal. The tranquil balance of their world is disrupted with the arrival of Eduardo Lizalde, whose presence begins a series of events that awaken secrets and desires​​.

The book is celebrated for its action-packed narrative, which, despite a gradual build, delivers a second half that is full of excitement and pays off the slow burn of its initial chapters. This pacing strategy is crucial, as it sets up the dominoes that will fall in rapid succession later in the book, leaving the reader with a gratifying experience​​.

Critics have praised Moreno-Garcia for the ingenious adaptations she has made to Wells' original story, integrating the Yucatán Caste War as a backdrop, which sharpens the political and colonial implications of the hybrids' existence. This historical context adds layers to the novel, allowing it to comment on issues of otherness and the consequences of colonialism in a way that resonates with contemporary readers​​.

The narrative employs alternating perspectives between Carlota and Montgomery Laughton, the estate's overseer, whose own demons and penchant for alcohol make him a deeply complex character. Their stories unfold in a world that is seemingly at peace but is brimming with undercurrents of unrest and rebellion. The novel is a tribute to the grandeur of 19th-century literature while also addressing the moral implications of Moreau's experiments, making it a piece of historical fiction that speaks to modern audiences​​.

"The Daughter of Doctor Moreau" has been earmarked as a highly anticipated book, with its release eagerly awaited by fans of Moreno-Garcia's previous works. It has been recognized as a story that is both a dreamy reimagining of a classic and an original narrative that stands on its own merits, showcasing Moreno-Garcia's ability to transcend genres and create a unique and engaging reading experience​​.

"The Daughter of Doctor Moreau" by Silvia Moreno-Garcia is a multifaceted novel that captures the imagination with its gothic undertones and rich historical backdrop. Moreno-Garcia's talent for crafting stories that are both evocative of their inspirations and fresh with new insight is on full display, offering a book that promises to enchant and provoke thought in equal measure. This novel is a testament to the author's growing repertoire, solidifying her place as a versatile and compelling voice in contemporary fiction.

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This is such a satisfying read from Silvia Moreno-Garcia. She is a solid recommendation and I am always happy to steer peoples to her.

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Interesting story which I enjoyed reading from the start. I like the way author wrote characters, not 'paper' but complicated, full of emotions, growing up, finding their way. Great storytelling style.

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I had read several other works by Silvia Moreno-Garcia and had enjoyed all of them. I know that the weight of expectation that comes from knowing an author's previous work can be heavy and I am not sure how much that affected the reading of this story. But I did find that the story did not draw me in as much as her other works and I was longing for something more nuanced about the characters. The setting was wonderfully laid out, the ideas very creative, I just wanted a bit more emotional connection with the characters. Despite this, it is still an entertaining and enjoyable read

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I am becoming quite the fan of Moreno-Garcia! Not really horror per se, but moody gothic greatness. What fun!! I always finish her books feeling a little melancholic but a small smile on my face, wishing the story wasn't over.

Thank you Netgalley for my copy of this book. My review is my own and unbiased.

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I really enjoyed both Mexican Gothic and Certain Dark Things so I was pretty excited for this book. I was expecting a slower start and that’s absolutely what I got. I know some have struggled through this part, but I didn’t mind the history and world building.

About half way the book picks up but I still wasn’t drawn into the book as much as I’d hoped to be. I enjoyed *all* of the hybrids, Carlota and Montgomery but just didn’t feel super excited about the story overall.

It was still very well written and interesting and I would absolutely recommend to those into historical fiction.

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Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for providing this ARC. Silvia Moreno-Garcia is a treasure. She took a classic H.G. Wells novel, added her literary flair and twist and has created a delightful read. Carlota is a fierce, independent character that shines throughout this novel. Massively enjoyed this read. Can't wait to see what Silvia creates next. Highly recommended.

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Not my favorite Garcia book but I liked this better than Mexican Gothic. The characters in this are well-developed and complex, as with all of Garcia's works, each carrying their own secrets and motivations that keep you guessing until the very end. The protagonist, a compelling and flawed figure, finds themselves entangled in a mess that slowly unravels as the plot progresses. The supporting cast adds depth to the narrative, with each character contributing to the overall sense of mystery and tension.

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