Member Reviews

Carlota, Dr. Moreau’s teenage daughter, lives with the doctor, their housekeeper and other staff at Yaxaktun, a hacienda cum plantation on the Yucatán peninsula in Mexico. Moreau’s patron, Mr. Lizalde arrives at Yaxaktun with Montgomery Laughton, a candidate for the job of mayordomo. Laughton is a damaged man and “all men to him were worse than dogs and he reviled humanity.” However, he is deep in debt to Lizalde and since he doesn’t much care what happens to him, he takes the job.

Flash forward several years. Laughton is still drinking, but is doing a good job. Carlota has blossomed into a beautiful young woman. One day there are rare visitors to the compound…Eduardo Lizalde, son of Yaxaktun’s owner and his cousin, Isidro. And the lives of everyone intersect in only the worst ways.

I’ve never read or seen “The Island of Dr. Moreau” but obvious I’m familiar with the story and it continues, with a slight twist (at least in the way that I understand it) here. The idea has always turned my stomach a bit and while there’s a small part in this book that does too, overall the……am I giving anything away? Isn’t Dr. Moreau pretty much part of the lexicon and if you read this book you know what you’re getting? Patients are just a piteous lot, and in no way frightening. The book is well written and I thoroughly enjoyed it, though most of the characters acted as I expected they would there were also some surprises. Heartily recommended.

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A character driven novel is usually an automatic 5 star for me because it is an art to drum up psychological tricks to make your readers develop empathy. But in this case, the characters and author failed. I disliked everyone. Even my empathy for Carlota faded fast.
Where this did succeed was in the setting and details. A secluded lab where a mad scientist makes creatures short of humanity to a daughter who is awakening but is limited in the number of people she interacts with. You can feel the humidity seep into the villa's walls as the clothes stick to Carlota as she learns there is a world outside her home.
But all in all, it failed and became way to slow in the middle as it tried to be Frankenstein meets Wuthering Heights.

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I love this author and I really enjoyed this book. This is not her best work but it was still so good. I loved Mexican Gothic by this author. The themes from Mexican Gothic were similar to the themes in this book. I read Wells’ The Island of Doctor Moreau years ago and forgot a lot of details from the book. This author’s book is much more memorable. I liked this book a lot more.

This book is not really scary. It does get pretty violent towards the end. However, the hybrids weren’t gruesome or grotesque, which I think was done intentionally. The hybrids were very human-like. This aspect of the book reminded me of Frankenstein. In Frankenstein, readers question who the real monster is. In Garcia Moreno’s book, I felt like the true monsters were not the hybrids.

I loved the underlying themes in this book. The story is simple but has a lot of depth. I feel like I could write a really long essay on this book (but I won’t do that here). I appreciated the Afterword included at the end of the story. It taught me about the history of the Yucatán during this time period. I kind of wish I read the Afterword first before reading the story.

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Actual Rating 2.5

Carlota has grown up spoiled and safe in an isolated state in the Yucatán peninsula. Her father is Doctor Moreau, a man who is either brilliant, mad, or somewhere in between. Montgomery is an Englishman who was hired to be the overseer of the Moreau estate but also struggles with consuming large amounts of alcohol. But life has been relatively peaceful, until an unexpected guest arrives and upsets their balance. Neither Montgomery nor Carlota realize that this guest will reveal secrets and tension that will cause their lives to become upended and force them to make some difficult and dangerous decisions.

The author’s writing style is quite lovely. She created an immersive world and did an excellent job incorporating history into this book. I enjoyed the setting and its descriptions, as well as the time and place she chose to set this story in. However, I disliked the large amount of overlap that was present between the two POVs. This kept the already slow story even slower and became repetitive, especially for the first third of the book.

The characters were just okay. I did like that there was some evident growth for Carlota’s character. But there was no real connection to the characters, and they lacked any emotional pull for me. Also, I hated that we had to go the romance route – it wasn’t believable, and a more sibling-like relationship would have made for a much stronger and more compelling read. As it is, the romance only served to take away page time from things that could have made this read much more interesting.

Unfortunately, from almost the beginning of the work, I knew what the twist was going to be. It wasn’t as dramatic a reveal as I would have liked, and it felt like we spent a long time getting there. I wanted more from this read. Despite several aspects that were good, nothing was great. Things felt surface level and lacked the depth and emotions that I’d hoped to encounter. It’s certainly not a work of horror, but rather historical fiction with a very light sci-fi aspect.

If you enjoy historical fiction with a hint of sci-fi and are looking for something set in a well-written historical Mexico, then you’ll likely enjoy this one. My thanks to NetGalley and Random House Publishing for allowing me to read this work. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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The premise is promising but some combination of the elements here makes this a difficult read. As a reader I did not feel invested in the characters, and the writing was very tell-y in a way Moreno-Garcia's other work has not been for me. The experiment angle is somewhat interesting but isn't convincing enough for me to suspend my disbelief. The pacing -- molasses at times, whiplash at others -- also left me feeling really disconnected from this book. I think many will love this book, but for me it was almost painful to get through.

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I have never read The Island of Doctor Moreau, so I approached this spinoff tale without any preconceived notions or expectations about the plot. It tells the story of Moreau's experiments with vivisection and his creation of human-animal hybrids, and of his daughter, who suffers from an ailment for which he's been giving her mysterious treatments since childhood. It's set in a remote hacienda on the Yucatan peninsula, and I liked the setting against the backdrop of 1870s Mexican history.

The premise is intriguing, and while it starts off slow, the story kept me engaged as the tension rose, and I absolutely LOVED that the author chose not to go for a traditional, expected ending. The characters are messy and memorable, and felt genuine. The writing is picturesque and vividly descriptive. In a few places the prose seems to stretch a little bit higher than it can reach, with some occasional odd word choices or clumsy phrasing, and at times the dialogue reads as more modern than contemporary for the period, but these are slight stumbles on an otherwise very enjoyable journey. I was beginning to anticipate feeling a little bit annoyed/disappointed at a direction one narrative thread seemed to be heading, but I was happily surprised that it didn't end up going in that direction at all, and I was delighted with the conclusion the author chose instead.

I had a great time reading this book, and I'm thankful to the author, the publisher, and to Netgalley for the opportunity to read a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest and review. I will be buying a physical copy to add to my bookshelf for future re-reading.

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This compelling narrative revolves around the life of Carlota Moreau, the daughter of the renowned Dr. Moreau, as she comes of age amidst the lush backdrop of the Yucatán peninsula. Dr. Moreau is known for his groundbreaking work in creating hybrid beings, melding elements of both humans and animals, resulting in creatures that oscillate between endearing and monstrous. The story unfolds through the alternating perspectives of Carlota and Montgomery, Dr. Moreau's dedicated overseer and assistant.

Intriguingly, the destinies of these characters are inextricably tied to the Lizaldes, the powerful and enigmatic family who own Dr. Moreau's residence and finance his daring experiments. When Eduardo Lizalde enters Carlota's life, the narrative takes a dramatic turn, setting in motion a chain of events laden with conflict and consequence.

The author's undeniable talent shines through in this narrative, weaving together a vivid and immersive tapestry of imagery that transports readers to the heart of the Yucatán peninsula. The prose is nothing short of brilliant, with the author's skillful storytelling and evocative descriptions painting a rich and captivating world. Through a masterful narrative pose, the author skillfully delves into the complex web of relationships, morality, and ambition, making for a truly mesmerizing reading experience.

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Maybe I went in with my expectations a little too high but I was a little underwhelmed by this book. It was a nice and enjoyable read, but that's also all that it as for me. The pacing was nice and it read away easily - after the initial confusing and vague start of the book and the switching povs that threaded back events from the previous chapters but in a different pov - but the story didn't really pull me in. It all felt a little flat. Outside of Lupe and Cachito I didn't really like any of the other characters until much, much later in de book.

Maybe I'll revisit this book some day and re-read it, but maybe this one wasn't entirely for me.

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This was a solid three-stars for me. The title is intriguing, as is the original HG Wells story. I enjoyed it overall but couldn’t find a way to connect with the characters - I found them to be relatively 2D and I wish the author had invited us to know them better. Also I think the plot could have benefitted from a bit more complexity - I found much of it quite predictable. All in all it was an enjoyable read but not one I would jump to recommend

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Thanks to Silvia Moreno-Garcia and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine, Del Rey for the early reader copy of this book in exchange for an independent review.

This book is nominated for a 2023 Hugo award and deservedly so. The story is built upon The Island of Dr. Moreau but presents new ideas and characters. The story is well written, and the pacing is good. The characters are complex and well developed. An enjoyable read.

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I thought this book sounded so cool and it absolutely was. It was my first Silvia Moreno-Garcia book and I was not disappointed. The setting is beautiful. I loved the descriptions of the hybrids. They're so varied and personable and it makes you feel for them. I grew connected quickly to the characters. I liked the relationship between Carlotta and Lupe as it felt like a realistic sister relationship where they fight all the time but are also there for each other. While it was a slow burn, I was intrigued the entire time and didn't feel like I was bored. I respected that the author included real history and adds the science element while tackling huge real issues like colonialism, racism, enslavement of indigenous peoples, medical experimentation, and misogyny. I thought the characters were incredibly realistic.

My main complaints were that I wanted more dialogue from the other hybrids besides Lupe and Cachito. I also would have loved if it leaned a bit harder into the horror element. I gave this book four stars. I really enjoyed reading it but it didn't have the feeling I get from a five star read.

I'm definitely going to go put more of Silvia Moreno-Garcia's book in my TBR!

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I absolutely love Silvia Moreno-Garcia's writing, and this is a fantastic horror novel, with a lush setting that you can absolutely sink into. Really good commentary, really good writing, everything I could want, once you just get into the plot, as it does take a while to start. Also, my grandmother has actually read this book, and she also adored it, so it's definitely good for a wide range of people.

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This was not bad at all.

I have read Mexican Gothic by SMG and I had liked it. I don't remember how I rated it but it stayed with me for long, I can still remember snippets of it. And as far as I remember I didn't like some parts of it but overall a different and a good read.

The daughter of Doctor Moreau feels same, written in a distinct style it makes for an unique experience set in Mexico. Inspired by the Island of Doctor Moreau by H. G. Wells, it is retelling of the same old book, executed quite well. I haven't read the classic but I knew the premises.

First half of the book is slow paced and it took me time to get into the story, I did not find it interesting. But as I crossed about 30% of the book, the story takes up a pace and gets quite interesting.

One thing I found in common with Mexican Gothic is the characters of Virgil from Mexican Gothic and of Eduardo from the daughter of Doctor Moreau felt almost same. The Same enchanting character in the start, going in 360 degrees transformation.

I liked Lupe and Montgomery more than Carlota. The plot twist was good but predictable. It wasn't really a shock got me. So Overall a good read.

Thank you Netgalley and Random House publishing group for the ARC.

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One of my favorite authors wrote a book inspired by one of my favorite modern classics novel? SIGN ME UP!

As soon as i saw this i knew I would like it, and i did. I devoured this in one sitting. I’m truly obsessed. Highly highly recommend!

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The Daughter of Doctor Moreau is a coming-of-age story about a doctor’s daughter, Carlota, growing up in a secluded home in Mexico. As she starts gaining her own independence, she has to negotiate the pressures of her father’s and society’s expectations for her. Added to this, her unique siblings add complexity and a touch of magical realism to the story.

This story was a touching one about a woman’s search for her true path in life and what truly matters.

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The Daughter of Doctor Moreau by Silvia Moreno Garcia was a beautifully written, new take on an old tale. This genre-bender (fantasy, sci-fi and historical fiction) will delight you. So well done.

I received a review copy of this book from the author/publisher through NetGalley for my honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.

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A lovely update to the original tale, which was quite misogynistic and racist. SM-G delves into the after effects of eugenics and, in her hand, they are magical.
Highly recommended.

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3-3.5 stars

This is the second book that I’ve read by this author, and I love her writing style. It’s incredibly immersive with lush settings and rich descriptions. She really knows how to transport you to these imaginary worlds, and her stories easily play out like a movie in my mind. I love learning about Mexican culture and tradition, even though I have a hard time with her use of Spanish words. I don’t always know what they mean, which can make understanding the story a little more difficult. But it doesn’t take away the mood and atmosphere that she creates in her stories, which are superb. They are creepy, eerie, and alluring in the best ways possible!

This is a re-telling of a classic book that I can’t remember if I read it or not. If I did, it was way back in high school, and I don’t really remember it. I have seen the 90s movie, but it’s been a really long time, though I remember it not being very good and pretty disappointing. But overall, I am familiar with this classic story. I appreciated her nod to the original while creating this new concept. I thought it was very creative and fun to be in this world. She had an interesting interpretation of this tale.

The story itself had a lot of potential, unfortunately, it fell pretty short for me. I loved the concept but the execution needed some work. I wished more happened and was flushed out a bit more because it was a tad on the boring side. I wished there were horror or fantasy elements. It’s another slow burn and doesn’t pick up pace until about 60% into the story. I enjoyed the last third of the book more than the first two thirds. Once we get the plot twist, which I didn’t expect, it starts to get good. This is the same thing that happened in Mexican Gothic. However, I enjoyed that story a lot more than this one.

As for the characters, the bad guys were easy to dislike, but the good guys weren’t always easy to like. I definitely felt compassion and empathy toward the hybrids and even Carlotta and Montgomery at times, but the two main protagonists had their flaws and made some bad choices and acted in certain ways that annoyed me. I found myself not caring as much as I wanted to about the main characters. I couldn’t really find them relatable. However, I did appreciate the growth and change we see in both of them over the course of the story. I also liked that this story is told from their two POVs. It helped put things in context better. I wish the side characters were fleshed out a bit more because they were a little bland and boring. However, I really enjoyed the found family element with all the characters.

Even though this wasn’t my favorite book of hers, I will absolutely read more by this author. She’s a very talented author, and I love her beautiful lyrical writing.

Would I recommend this novel? If you like a mix of historical fiction/sci-if/fantasy, slow burn stories that focus more on characters than plot, and don’t have high expectations going into it, then you may like it. But personally, Mexican Gothic was better, and I absolutely recommend that one.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. These are my own thoughts and opinions.

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I really enjoyed this book.
There is a lot of sci-fi/fantasy mixed with historical fiction which I really appreciated. I think this book was beautifully written & the author really brings each of the characters to life with her writing.

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It´s fine.
The idea, setting and characters are innately compelling, I just think the story isn’t told in an especially exciting or unique way. In theory, I like that a lot of the book is quiet and character focused, but what is presented isn’t complex enough to justify that. Still, the book never made me lose interest and Silvia Moreno Garcia really has a knack for coming up with the most enthralling premises.

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