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The Guest House

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Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

This was a suspense novel about a young couple who book a weekend getaway at a countryside B&B to relax and celebrate their final days before parenthood. Victoria is in her last trimester of pregnancy and while she and her husband Jamie aren’t expecting for at least a few more weeks, things go horribly wrong once they arrive at the guesthouse.

The beginning of the story started off a bit slow but, as other reviewers have mentioned, things are not entirely what they seem. The ending revealed unexpected twists I didn’t see coming and although the story was well written, I had difficulty coming to terms with the practicality of the general premise.

Without giving too much away, I can’t see a person going to this extent instead of exploring more reasonable options. Otherwise, the story was suspenseful and I’m sure it will be enjoyable for some but unfortunately it just wasn’t for me.

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Holy crap this book 😱 I devoured this in less than 12 hours it was SO GOOD!! I 100% was caught off guard by the twist and I was just floored. Wild ride from start to finish!

I loved the alternating narrators and the dual timelines until everything finally meets up. Absolutely recommend this for a twisted psychological thriller!

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This book has a lot of potential & im sure a lot of people will love it.. that being said, it wasn’t my favorite. It was well written but the content/subject matter made me feel, with lack of a better work, icky. Still not a bad book by any stretch, just not my favorite.

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This book was creepy, atmospheric and unique. It started of strong and had me hooked pretty much from beginning to end. I had no clue where it was going but I was there for the ride. I rooted for the characters and thought the plot twist was decent.

The Guest House is available September 13, 2022.

Thank you to Netgalley and Poisoned Pen Press for this arc in exchange for my honest review.

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Jamie & Victoria are on a weekend getaway, just before Victoria is due to have their baby. In a quaint house in the countryside, they realize they’ve been locked in by the owners and cannot escape, even when Victoria goes into labor. Fiona and Barry, the homeowners, proceed to keep them there and a nightmare unfolds.

This book was really fun! A truly twisted ride and I fully was not expecting where the story went in the final act.

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Honestly, I do not even know what to say about this book!

It just seemed so convoluted, and repetitive, with such weird timing and pacing, I mean I guess the idea was good, but gosh, the execution was not to my liking at all.

I also take an issue with the primary two personas' character-defying bits being cerebral palsy and big, red curly hair. I mean... nothing else about them is with mentioning? And it was repeated multiple times throughout the whole book, it really got on my nerves.

I did finish this book in a couple of hours, but it was because I skimmed through so much.. not worth my time and even with that, I got the whole picture easily.

The best part is the book cover, honestly.
Just a big no from me.

Thank you, NetGalley for the ARC!

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I finished this book a few days ago and just had to process everything, its haunted me, but in the way a good thriller is meant to.
I was anxious, tense and just when I thought I knew the story.. everything was flipped!

Do you believe that one event can make or break you as a person and completely shape you and your future?

Without giving too much away I despised one of the characters and could not relate to them at all, but I feel that was the intent.

Another character showed so much compassion and strength and I had empathy for them and could relate to them far more despite vast differences. I loved how Robin Morgan Bently used his own story in the character Jamie, and is bringing awareness of Cerebral palsy it's awesome to read a refreshingly real character.

This book had an unfathomable event and created a tense, crazy and gripping story I couldn't put down.

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Wow what did I just really????

A couple that is just 3 weeks away from giving birth really going to a remote getaway??? Like that would NOT happen in real life...yes I know this is a fictional book but come least make it somewhat realistic.
I actually made myself finish the book and I really don't know why. It was hard to connect with the characters. Victoria is a mess and Jaime, whom I felt bad for because of his limitations due to Cerebral palsy and being out in the middle of is he suppose to help his wife...
The whole story just fell flat and I found myself skimming through it...which when I did I really didn't miss anything..
I'm sorry to the author but this was a hard story to read.

Thank you to NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for an advanced digital copy for an honest review.
I actually feel bad leaving this review

I won't be leaving a review on a retail site so that it won't hurt the author's ratings...

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The book starts off very slowly and the characters make VERY dumb decisions. I mean who goes on a trip a few weeks before you are about to give birth? So that kinda annoyed me. And there were some parts I forgot coz I read the few chapters and coz I was so bored I put it down and didn't pick it up for a while.
But decided to continue and it went okay. The twists caught me off guard and when the first twist came I was shookkk, didn't expect that.
I must say tho I am not a fan of the direction the book went in coz u have to suspend your disbelief quite a bit.
But overall a good read:)
Check tw pls coz it deals with some very heavy topics surrounding babies. And those parts were very hard for me to read.

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The Guest House is a fast-paced page turning thriller with great twists! I really enjoyed the dual POV's of Jamie and Victoria throughout the book. This is my first book by Robin, but I would definitely read more!

Thank you to NetGalley and Poisoned Press for the ARC!

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Thank you to the author, Poisoned Pen Press and NetGalley, for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This thriller about a weekend getaway gone massively wrong doesn't deliver on its promise. Part of the problem is the parallel timeline, i.e. weekend and two months later, plus the changing POVs, which takes a lot of the suspense away and makes the twists and turns too foreseeable. The entire tenor of the story is overwrought and way too unbelievable - I found it impossible to connect with the story at any level.

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Imagine you're pregnant having one last holiday when you wake up unexpectedly in labour in an isolated BnB... but all the doors are locked... and your phones are missing...

I mean, that's a gnarly premise, right? If there's one thing you wouldn't expect from this book, it would probably to be... well... bored!

This book utilises the classic "then and now" to and fro narrative structure so popular in suspense novels, and unfortunately I felt that in this case, it basically took all the suspense out of it. Because we see Jamie and Victoria in the present without a child, then the scenes in the BnB lose all sense of tension, because we already know they aren't escaping with the baby, even if we don't know the particulars. And I found myself just really unable to care about the particulars.

Even though there are some theoretically big twists in this story, the foreshadowing was clumsy enough that I could see a lot of them coming a mile away. The middle of the story got bogged down in the lives of the two main characters and because I just couldn't find it in myself to give a crap about either of them, this just felt dragged out and boring. Even the scenes in the guest house that should have been stressful lacked impact.

I was honestly bored enough by 30% in that I wanted to just put it down, and by the end I wished I had, as it didn't redeem itself from there for me.

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Robin Morgan-Bentley really knocked it out of the park with this book, and thank you to NetGalley for an ebook for my enjoyment. You will be hooked from the very first chapter - truly a fun read. Thank you Morgan - and let's have more!!

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What really happened at the guesthouse? That's the mystery of this thriller that moves back and forth in time between that weekend and today, a month later. Jamie and Victoria, who booked the retreat in anticipation of the birth of their first child, both offer their stories in alternating chapters. It seems to simple to get out of the house but it's not- won't tell you why or what they do when they can't,. Thank to Netgalley for the ARC. A page turner.

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WOW! What an amazing suspenseful read. I could not put this book down. It kept me immersed in the story from the first to last page mostly on the edge of my seat AND what an ending. I thoroughly recommend this book but be prepared to let everything else go by as you won’t want to leave this book alone until it’s finished.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in return for an honest review.

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Book Review:

The Guest House by Robin Morgan-Bentley

I've read a lot of thrillers that pit husband and wife against each other from different angles of whatever the situation--someone's in the wrong, someone's being manipulated, but this one is so far beyond that.

The story is told both in alternating POVs but also past vs. present, so you are seeing something happen and the. Seeing the fallout without knowing the rest. Once the big reveal is made you will not be able to put this book down!

Make sure it's at the top of your fall TBR! The Guest House releases Sept 13!

Thanks @netgalley and @poisonedpenpress for this advanced reader!! 💕

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A could not put down thriller! Easy read - dual timeline/point of view but very easy to keep track of.

Very thought provoking, well written - definitely a "I can't wait to the end" read!

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A psychological thriller that will make you think twice about staying in a guest house (or AirBnb). Jamie and his wife Victoria schedule a weekend getaway just a few weeks before Victoria is due with their first child. When they wake up and discover doors locked and their keys missing, things turn from bad to worse. Then fast forward about a month and we discover that they are 'childless' and covering up a big secret. What exactly happened at the guest house? What happened to their child?

The story is told from both Jamie and Victoria's POV, past and present, so the story slowly unfolds. The secrets this couple is keeping from each other and from others it tearing them apart. The real mystery is what exactly happened at the guest house. I can't say much more than that without giving away the plot. It's one of those stories that keep you glued to the pages, as things slowly unfold. It's a twist I didn't really see coming. These people are truly damaged! The final reveal is a killer!

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4.5 STARS!

This was an intense read and I loved everything about it. I loved the dual timelines going from the past to the present, the two POV from Jamie and Victoria, the character development, the major twist, everything! There were times when I was reading it, I was getting slightly annoyed and scratching my head asking so many questions. Why didn’t they do this? Why didn’t they do that? How could this be happening? Then the reveal hits and it all makes sense. There are some heart-wrenching chapters that really pulled at my heart strings. I could literally feel Jamie and Victoria’s pain. Overall, I thought this was a well written, domestic thriller and I was fully immersed in the story from beginning to end.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for my e-ARC.

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I enjoyed this thriller read - it was twisty, well-paced and flowed well. The first part of the novel was very atmospheric and tense in keeping with the pregnant couple’s isolation in a remote house.

It was wonderful to see one of the lead characters (Jamie) be a person living with a physical disability- that diversity in this genre is much needed. The disability was used to great effect in the plot and also served to educate and inform the reader about the disability (cerebral palsy).

This novel was very easy to read, was told from two different points of view, there is a good twist towards the end and the epilogue added another reveal! I would note that there was one plot thread that was wrapped up in an unfulfilling way (to me). Quick read that kept my interest.

Thanks to Poisoned Pen Press and Netgalley f0r an advance copy of this novel. All opinions are my own.

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