Member Reviews

This book was enjoyable. It is full of action, suspense, and romance. I have read this author before and looked forward to reading it. Nolan is trying to figure out it he should leave the SEALS and falls in love with his neighbor, Lyla. He keeps his distance until he notices something going on with Lyla. Lyla never stays in one place to long but stays because of a friend. However, her past comes to find her and puts her in danger in the form of a stalker. Luckily Nolan is there. I like the supporting characters. It is a good read. I will be looking for other books from this author.
**I recieved this book free from Netgalley.

I received this book for an honest review.
Here you have an artist Ilya Dunsmoore leaving Miami for a job in Carolina at a hotel. While she is there she also meets a police officer who she knows likes her buts she tells him she is not interested since she will be leaving shortly. She does not tell him where she will be moving to. She also does not go into being left at the alter and still working through those feelings as well.
When she is done and moves away to Virginia she moves next door to Nolan “Judge” Lockmoore. When the mover leaves they destroy his mailbox and she goes next door with his mail to explain what happened. She is surprised when she sees him in his outdoor shower. After talking shortly she hurries home only to find herself drawing him, with his muscles and lines she ends up drawing many images.
The story goes along and the two of them begin to get to know each other, only to have everything become scary for her when the police officer she meets in Ashville North Carolina has found her and followed her to Virginia beach. He transferred because he wants them to be together. The last half of the story picks up with the officer becoming more of a threat, No; and having to go on a mission, and finally, his whole team becoming involved in her rescue. Another very good story.

I couldn't figure out if Iyla was just dumb or very naive or a combination of the two.
I really enjoyed Judge and seeing how the rest of the team was doing. But seriously Iyla should have seen all the warning signs about Dillon when she first met him. She definitely should have sat up and taken notice when she found out that he followed her when she moved. I just could not connect with Iyla's character. so that is why this book is only getting 4 stars.

Escapeproof by Jo Chambliss was an exciting book!
It is full of action, suspense and romance.
The story of Iyla and Judge, there is chemistry between them from the get go.
Iyla is moving on from being left at the alter and Judge is questioning his career.
As they grow closer, they deal with a stalker and things get crazy.
This was a great book. I could not put it down
I received a free copy by NetGalley for my honest review.

Iyla is a woman who was left at the alter and now getting a chance to explore life. She is taking art jobs and enjoying every bit of traveling and seeing anything other than Miami. While in Asheville, on a job at the Biltmore, she meets a city cop at the park. They have a friendship that is different but works for Iyla. When she moves on to Virginia and buys her a house she meets her new neighbor in the most shocking way. She is beyond embarrassed but also appreciates the site. Nolan is a Seal who would love to find the woman who makes him finally feel like he is in love and ready to settle down. When he meets Iyla his new neighbor he has an instant feeling. Things start to develop but nothing is ever perfect for long. Trouble is ahead and they are going to do everything they can to make it out alive. I was given an ARC through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is book seven in The Waterproof : Navy Seals Series and it is Iyla and Nolan's story and it is definitely a must read. Iyla is a artist but when she was left at the altar she moved away as far as she could from the place that left her humiliated, angry and not wanting another man in her life for a long time due to her now having big trust issue's. Nolan is part of a navy seals team and he had just got back from the latest mission dirty, tired and in need of a shower and sleep only to find out that he has a new neighbour in the most unconventional way as she condemning naked in his outside shower. The more time that Iyla and Nolan spend together the stronger there feelings for each other grows even though Iyla had been through a lot things are starting to settle down until Iyla has a stalker who is a cop and who will not take no for a answer and then things start to become very dangerous but will they all get out alive only time will tell what the outcome will be for them all. I absolutely love this book and series so much and the characters and storyline pulled you in right from the start and kept your attention throughout the book and I couldn't put it down as it was so addictive and a real page turner and I can't wait to read more books in this amazing series. I definitely recommend you read this book and series and you will not be disappointed.
I Voluntarily Reviewed a Copy of This Book.

If you have been following this series then you have probably been waiting for Judge's story and what a story it is. A fast paced read that pulls you along a t a break neck speed though it did take a little longer to get going than most of Jo's books do. Judge is instantly attracted to his new neighbour Iyla Dunsmore but she is very withdrawn after all she is trying to lick her wounds after been dumped at the alter with no explanation from her fiancé while she lived in Miami. Slowly he works his way into her life but Iyla has a stalker and he takes his chance while Judge is overseas on a mission Can he and the team rescue Iyla in time and will he finally have a future with her.

Read this book! A true energizing, exhilarating scary ride, which does not leave you hanging and provides more than thrills and chills. Our creep, our stalker, is one scary dude. His profession and band of brothers makes it worse. It is a scary thought all in itself. Judge is already wondering if he should transfer out and had back to JAG. When Judge asks "what do I bring to the team" my heart did a little stutter. The commanders response made me fist pump in the air. This was a first book that starts with such an in depth look into our female protagonist, Iyla. Jo Chambliss always writes with grit and heart I was a little lost. As I read on I understood the depth it provided the acceptance of where Iyla is coming from. The relationship is a win, the starts, the stops, a flat out win! The deployment scenes are not just alluded to, you par take in them. Laughter bubbled out when Iyla got her knickers in a twist and let loose with her Scottish accent. Her strength and ability to see what Skin is facing made me love her more. Skin, my heart is shredded, I have faith. I know it will be a hard row but you can and will survive. I freely volunteer my thoughts and opinions and appreciate the arc from Net Galley, Author 30 Collective and Hover Press.

I want to encourage readers to stick with this book. I had a hard time getting into it. I tried, closed the app, tried, closed…saw 5 star reviews, tried again…you get the point. What was wrong? The introduction just wasn’t doing it for me. But 5 stars. Five stars means something. I re-opened the app.
I kept reading, and I found that the story became more interesting. I realized that part of my irritation with the story wasn’t the writing, but instead was the close set spacing. I still think a good editor would help, but when would a good editor be a bad idea for anyone, right? So readers, if you like military romance with lots of drama, this is a book for you. I think you may like it!

Escape proof is an extremely exciting read. ‘Judge’ is a navy seal, committed to his team mates and their missions. Lyla is his new neighbour, she has moved to North Carolina to lick her wounds after being jilted at the altar with no word of explanation from her ex.
This story of their developing relationship moves swiftly, from judge going on a dangerous mission putting his life on the line and Iyla having a stalker that has followed her from the city, with Judge and his team going all out to protect her. The other seal members add much depth to this story and I look forward to reading each of their stories in the other books. In this series.
The descriptions of the dangerous missions are tense and very well written as is all of this book.
My thanks to net galley and publisher for the opportunity to review this book honestly.

Definitely 4.25 stars for this NTM author. I really enjoyed this book. Iyla has an interesting background. Also, a very interesting meeting with her new neighbor "Judge". And then Uh oh.

Jo Chambliss does a really great job with this series.
The action and 'mission' parts of these books are detailed, compelling and show both the vulnerability and strength of her characters. She pairs this with hot romances. The series has a little bit of everything. Sometimes the romance is part of the broader mission. Sometimes the romance and suspense are separate from the Navy SEALS' work the characters do. Some are insta-lust and some, like Escapeproof, have a more emotional start.
Judge, a quieter member of the team and currently questioning his future, both in the team and what he wants from life, have a meet-cute moment with the new neighbour. We already know Iyla by now, although some more information is still to be revealed. Given that we know some of Iyla's backstory, I was chomping at the bit for the two neighbours to connect. That this was handled as a friendship first was great, but the way Judge put Iyla's feelings and comfort above his just melted my heart.
The danger surrounding Iyla heats up and Judge is not always around to protect her. I liked that the protagonist was clever, manipulative and not easily dissuaded by either a show of force or logic. The possible resolution of this issue was not clear and straightforward. This element brought much-needed depth to a book that may otherwise have just been another save the girl from the stalker trope.
The side characters are great and Leo, whose book we will have next, broke both Iyla and my heart.
*I received a copy of Escapeproof from Net Galley and Author Collective 20 in exchange for a voluntary and honest review. My opinions are my own and not solicited in any way.

This was a really fast moving enjoyable romance. It could be read as a stand-alone but I did wish I had read the rest of the series as the stories of other SEALS sounded as though they would have been great reads too and would have added to the story. I would recommend the romance. Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for allowing me to read an early release of this story.

Another winner from Jo Chambliss. I so love this SEAL series. It provides it all for me. Some action, suspense and romance all rolled up in one great book. This is Iyla's and Nolan's story. Simply fantastic. I did feel sorry for what happened to Leo. It just made the book more realistic as I know things like that do happen in the real world. I would highly recommend this who series!
I received an advanced reader copy and I'm leaving this review voluntarily.

*I received a copy of Escapeproof from Net Galley and Author Collective 20 in exchange for a voluntary and honest review. My opinions are my own and not solicited in any way.**
Escapeproof by Jo Chambliss
This is the seventh book in the authors Waterproof: Navy SEALs series and is well worth reading as I enjoyed reading this new edition to the series. This is Judge and Iyla Dunsmore's story of escaping a heartbreak and stalker and Judge will question his position within the team.
Iyla Dunsmore is a wonderful artist who can take a photo or design and make it into a advertising campaign for the Biltmore estate and several top corporations. But she's just been left at the alter and wants to start a new life with stops in North Carolina and then Virginia Beach. What she doesn't count on is a stalker who doesn't understand the word NO and that he'll do anything to change her mind. When she meets Judge her new neighbor her life will soon be changed because he'll do anything when the stalker tries to take on not only Navy SEALs but also kidnap Iyla while he's on a mission. Can he find her in time with the help of his friends?
I can't wait to read Skin's and Commander O'Reilly the final two books in the series each book just gets more exciting as the men find their HEA.

I do adore this series and have looked forward to learning more about Judge since the beginning of the series. The quieter member of the team, little has really been revealed about him prior to this, though he has been a constant steady presence for his teammates when needed.
Well it’s fair to say he certainly reveals more of himself in this book (hehe!)
But before we get to that, I loved how this book moved on pretty much directly from Inks story initially to lay ground work but then time was passed really well whilst giving Iyla an in-depth and comprehensive back story. I think we learnt more about her than any other female character and I really enjoyed how the building peril element of the story had some real tangible background you could reflect on in the early part of the book.
I found it refreshing how once Iyla trusted Judge so much with her safety, even when they were both pretending to themselves that they weren’t falling for each other, she listened to his advice and didn’t stray into “too stupid to live” territory, despite her nativity initially about certain peoples intents.
I liked how honestly genuine Judge was in his pursuit of Iyla, some bare chested posturing never goes amiss with this group (*wipes brow*) and his willingness to give her the space and time she needed to really come to terms with her feelings for him went a long way in this book.
I find this authors strong draw for me is the detail and inclusion of deployments and missions with detail rather than in passing. Some authors use this trope as a facilitator but seem to skim over the intensity of battle and what can come from that, which is something this author never shys away from and it makes the books a little more real for me. She also includes conflict within the teams, greater than simple fall outs she explores the doubts and fears these men have and exposes some of their inner demons that relate to the team and not just their feelings about getting a hea. None of these men are perfect, and those moments are crafted to humanise and make these people, whilst undoubtably special, individuals who are at times simple men who do extraordinary things. It has also really pulled me in how in the last few books the “last men standing” have been so open with each other about their feelings about being alone and what they hope for in the future for themselves, these conversations always tear at my heartstrings.
Again I find my heart aching for Skin, though for a different reason in this book, and I can’t wait to see what happens next with him.
Arc provided from netgalley in exchange for my honest review

Jo Chambliss does not disappoint in delivering another magnificent book. From the meet cute, to the final scene, you will fall in love with Iyla and Judge. The suspense is just twisted enough to keep you turning the pages, even though we know the culprit. The bad guy is stunningly creative and smart, so much so it makes you wonder if this will actually end happily. And the scenes when the SEALs are on their missions are intense. I can't wait for the next book in the series and am keeping my fingers crossed for a series about another SEAL team.

Iyla Dunsmore is an artist who is struggling to trust again after being left at the alter in Miami. She moves to the Biltmore Estates in North Carolina to work on a commission piece that will take her several months. While out at the park she meets a police officer who she becomes friends with but he wants more and she has to push him away when he won't take no. She finishes her commissions pieces and moves to Virginia Beach. She meets her new neighbor Nolan "Judge" Lockmore in a funny, naked way. He catches her interest but she is too scared to move forward from being hurt in the past. Judge is interested but backs off and accepts her friendship but secretly hopes for more. They start to move forward but a stalker from her past keeps trying to break them up and terrorize them. This is my first time reading Jo Chambliss and I was impressed. She is officially on my list of authors to read and I have already gone back to the start of the series. This book can be read as a stand alone. Great suspense and slow build for romance. I really enjoyed and recommend.
I received this book from Netgalley for my honest review.

This book was a great read. I really enjoyed it. This was my first book from this author, and with being a book in the middle of a series, there was enough backlog in it that I did not get confused. I really liked the mix of the artistic background from Ilya and the Navy story with Judge. It was a good combination with plenty of details to make the reader get swept away. It reminded me alot of Nicholas Sparks Save Haven story but with plenty of differences to make it enjoyable and distinct. I can't wait to read the rest of Jo's books now.

I received an arc from NetGalley and this is my honest opinion.
Iyla an artist who was left at the alter finds herself in a predicament when a man she thought could be her friend turns into someone way more lethal.
She moves to a new community for a fresh start and has a welcome surprise when meeting her neighbor Nolan. Nolan and Iyla become friends and he begins to help her open her heart but trouble is in store for them when her previous friend, that couldn’t take the hint she wanted nothing to do with him, follows her to her new community.
Dillan thinks Nolan has moved into his territory with Iyla. Nolan informs his Navy Seal buds that danger is lurking and they band together to protect Iyla.
Lots of action packed romance in this book and Nolan is the perfect protective SEAl for Iyla.