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The Housekeeper

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I've been a fan of Joy Fielding for longer than I can remember. Some of her books are misses, but more often they are hits. Her latest, The Housekeeper, was definitely a HIT for me.

Jodi feels absolutely overwhelmed. Between caring for her aging parents and trying to stay on top of her own life, she is, quite frankly, drowning. Elyse Woodley seems to be the answer to her prayers. But is Elyse as good as she seems? Or is she too good to be true? This was a fun, fast read and I really enjoyed it.

I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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I will read anything joy fielding writes and this one was no exception. In her usual vein of thrills this one kept pace and threw a few twists that had me shocked. Solid book by a solid go to author.

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Honestly, this book was okay. Nothing groundbreaking and the story was alright. The characters were just okay and not very memorable.

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I am a huge fan of this author and this book was no different. Well done and full of character. It was an easy and enjoyable read.

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I am a big fan of Joy Fielding so I am sad to say I did not love this book.

Because of previous Fielding novels I expected more, perhaps my expectations were set to high. I think the problem for me is the characters did not resonate. I did not like any of them nor did I identify with anyone.

It was easy enough to finish this book and I was entertained but it was not up there with my other Joy Fielding reads.

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The Housekeeper, Joy Fielding's 30th novel and the one written during the pandemic, is a fairly predictable story of a family who hires a housekeeper to care for their ailing mother and their 79 year-old-father. Elyse, the hire, turns out to be too good to be true and disrupts the family's life. Recommended for Fielding fans.

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Joy Fielding does it again!

One of my first, favorite thriller authors, The Housekeeper is a fast paced, gorgeous novel that you won’t be able to put down.

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The Housekeeper is written by Joy Fielding This is the first book that I have read by this author. It will not be my last. I was drawn in within the first few pages. The story is packed full of twists and turns. Jodi is desperately trying to hold her own family together while keeping a close eye on her aging parents. She felt that hiring a housekeeper would help to alleviate every ones stress. Jodi's parents are not pushovers by any means - so when her mother starts to deteoriate and the housekeeper is wearing her mothers jewelery she starts to suspect something is going on.

Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for allowing me to read a copy of this book - all thoughts are my own.

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I love Ms Fielding's books. I started reading books by her several years ago. This one is no different and will keep you on the edge of your seat!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review.

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This was my first book by Joy Fielding. It was very predictable and didn't have a wow factor. It was interesting enough to get to the end and just mindless enough to listen to while completing some filing.

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I don’t know if it was just me but this book was kind of depressing. You know from the beginning things aren’t going to go well and it kind of makes for a sad start. Maybe just not for me. Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for this copy in exchange for review

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Jodi basically is abused by everyone in her life from her husband, her father and her sister. However, Jodi takes care of everything for her family even though she’s the baby sister. Jodi hires a housekeeper to take care of their mother to give her father some time. It all seems perfect and that the housekeeper is a dream. Things go from great to a little fishy. Jodi starts to look into things, but no one will listen.

The storyline hooked me and I wanted to know what happened to the whole family. I did feel bad for Jodi because she tries so hard to please everyone, but not herself.

Thank you #NetGalley for the advanced copy

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This book was so implausible that I just couldn’t finish it. I never felt engaged with any of the characters and it felt silly to me.

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🚩🚩Book Review:
Title: The Housekeeper
Author: Joy Fielding
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/4 stars

I really enjoy Joy Fielding's books! I was so frustrated by the "housekeeper" in this story! Arrrghh! How dare you try to replace her mother like that?! Gold diggin bleep!!!

Jodi Bishop needs to hire someone to help with her aging parents, Vic and Audrey. Unfortunately, Audrey was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease years ago and her condition is starting to decline fairly quick. She interviews Elyse Woodley for the position and realizes she's exactly what her family needs.

Although she has one thing checked off of her list, she has a million other things and people (including her immediate family) that need taking care of. Thinking that she will now have some time freed up, she soon learns she made a dire mistake. This housekeeper is making Jodi's life more difficult. But Elyse isn't going to go away that easily.

Thank you to @netgalley and @randomhouse for this ARC in exchange for my honest review

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The reader knows from the onset that there is going to be trouble with the new housekeeper. The story unfolds from there. It mostly moves along at a decent pace, but there were some points where it dragged a bit. Most of the story was rather predictable. Overall, an entertaining read, 3 stars ⭐️

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This is a super fast paced book. It’s really well written even though some characters weren’t really likable. You won’t be able to put this one down. This is my first book from this author and i can’t wait to read more of her books.

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The Housekeeper by Joy Fielding is a gripping and suspenseful novel that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. Fielding is a master of the psychological thriller genre, but this book fell a little flat for me..

Jodi may be the younger daughter, but she’s the responsible one. Her ageing parents’ care falls more and more on her, so she finally hires a housekeeper to help look after them. At first, Elyse seems perfect. She manages to charm Jodi's cranky father and she’s the perfect caregiver for her mother with Parkinson's.
The book is written looking back in time.

I felt that the story wasn’t original, in fact, I found it very predictable. I guessed all the big twists before they occurred. Having said that, the book is entertaining enough to read through.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for sending a digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a great thriller with many twists to keep you guessing! I liked the writing style & storyline.

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4-star read! The Housekeeper by Joy Fielding is a domestic suspense that kept me engaged the whole way through. I recommend this book to fans of domestic suspense.
Thank you to Joy Fielding, Random House-Ballantine, and NetGalley for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Jodi hires Elyse to be the housekeeper for her elderly parents: her mother who is struggling with dementia and Parkinson's, and her father who is nearing 80 and is finding it harder and harder to care for his wife alone. Everyone loves first.

I decided to listen to the audio version of this book and it did pull me in, but from the very beginning I found that I hated (seriously hated) ALL of the characters, but especially the male characters (Jodi's husband and Jodi's father were almost unbearable). Jodi had to put up with these two horrible men in her life and really does nothing about it, except to complain or talk back to them in her own mind. Jodi's sister is in her late 40s and acts and talks like she's a spoiled 20-something. Jodi's interactions with all of the people in her family were so very frustrating. No one, I mean NO ONE, listens to Jodi when she has concerns for her father about Elyse.

The plot twists in this one were pretty predictable but the last hour or so of the book made up for it. I really did like the ending but I'm wondering if the last hour made up for the other 10 hours? This is my second book recently by this author and I'm wondering if I don't enjoy her writing or if I don't like domestic dramas in general.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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