Member Reviews

The novel blends elements of romance and magical realism, using the time loop as a device for both humorous and introspective moments. Barrett’s dynamic with Miles evolves from reluctant allies to a heartfelt romance, with well-written banter and emotional depth. The book also touches on themes like trauma, self-discovery, and second chances, creating a story that is both entertaining and reflective

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‘i could wake up on the same day a thousand times, and every single one would be different because of you. every single one would be life-changing. because of you.’

Barrett Bloom is starting college with a disastrous first day with a high school nemesis as her roommate and a guy embarrassing her in the Physics 101 class. When she is finally glad to be done with this disaster of a day and have a fresh start the next day, lo and behold she wakes up to the same disaster that was September 21st. She is now stuck with living this disaster that was her first day of college again and again and realizes that our boy from the Physics class is also stuck in this day. So we begin a time loop romance where Barrett and the 'infuriating' Miles are trying to figure out how to get out of this day back into their real lives.

Rachel has been one of my favourite authors since Today Tonight Tomorrow and I was beyond excited to read this time loop romance from her. And to no surprise I enjoyed it so muchh, the friendship giving way to the romance in a beautifully done timeloop backdrop! The heavy themes of TW: SA, anxiety was handled so well along with the signature jewish rep in all of Rachel's stories.

Overall, this was such a fun read and very relatable since I also started college with a disaster of a first day, well except meeting the cute boy or getting stuck in a time loop with said cute boy.

Thank you to Netgalley for the ARC!

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I wasn't sure how I'd like a contemporary time-loop romance, but I should have known that Rachel Lynn Solomon would knock it out of the park. It's a fun one!

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Well, this is the last of the RLS books that I need to read and NGL, I’m a little sad that I don’t have any others.

I loved Barrett and Miles. They’re both so different and so alike and it was loads of fun reading them transition from acquaintances to friends to more more more. I loved how Miles made Barrett come at things in a different way and how Barrett made Miles let loose. Together they had so many fun adventures. There are a few other characters here, but the story is firmly about B & M.

Plot wise, it was interesting. I loved the way they worked through staying in the library for research to flying to adopting a pack of dogs. It was fun reading how they were going to decide to change things up for every same day that they were in. Of course, I nearly screamed at the last few chapters and easily could have done with an epilogue, but I’m probably just being greedy.

Overall, this was a fun take on time loops and it was way too easy to get invested in these two. I can’t wait to read whatever RLS puts out next.

**Huge thanks to the publisher for providing the arc free of charge**

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I really enjoy Rachel Lynn Solomon’s previous works, so I was thrilled to get a copy of this book. I was excited to see how her YA books would be and of course, it is just as good as her adult novels. It is such a sweet story written in the “groundhog day” trope, which I wouldn’t say I’m a huge fan. However, this one worked for me. Rachel was able to weave the two main characters so intricately to make it not seem so redundant. Watching their interactions and their friendship bloom and solidify made it so enjoyable. I loved the two main characters and the ending was so sweet! Solomon does it again!

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Time loop stories are tricky. They are by definition repetitive, and it takes a lot of skill to balance "fruitlessly trying to beat the loop" with actual development. See You Yesterday does a great job with it. Barrett and Miles both grow and learn during the loops, and their setbacks and insecurities feel realistic within such a surreal setting.

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I usually love Rachel Lynn Solomon’s writing, but I had a harder time connecting to the time loop storyline. The writing it still fantastic - I think it’s a me thing vs. the actual book. Solomon has a way of writing characters that are layered and feel real, have a natural chemistry, and the romance never felt forced between the characters. This one was also a more of a new adult rather than YA.

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omg this was everything I ever wanted!!!

Rachel Solomon never disappoints in giving me the most heartwarming and perfect romances <3

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I love RLS's YA romances -- her adult romances can be a bit much for me sometimes but her YAs hit so well. I also really, really love the cover of this book and I think this matches perfectly with T3, even the vibes!

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Thank you Simon and Schuester and Netgalley for my gifted copy in exchange for an honest review!

This was a super cute YA novel by Rachel. I’ve loved all of her other books and loved this one just as much. These type of stories can be difficult to pull off, but I was entertained the entire time. I really liked that both the main characters were reliving the same day. It was a very quick read!

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This is a retelling of Groundhog's day, the movie, and it was very well done. What if we could all redo yesterday? What would you change? Well Barrett gets to redo the same day multiple times until she wonders why she keeps reliving it. Is there anyone else who is also experiencing the same day again? Barrett discovers that Miles is also experiencing the repeat of the same day, but he has been trapped for months. Both teens have something to accomplish before they move on with their lives.

Anything from Rachel Lynn Solomon has been wonderful and the books rarely stay on my shelves. Thank you for the advanced copy.

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This was a fun YA contemporary and I loved the concept of a time loop here! It was executed well without being repetitive!

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I don’t read romance often but when I do, this author is one of the ones I reach for. I love her storytelling.

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rachel lynn solomon has done it again! another phenomenal read by one of my favourite contemporary romance authors. what’s not to love about this book?

i loved the chemistry between barrett and miles, the premise of book and the direction the story took, but most of all, i loved that when i closed it after reading all i could think about the moments throughout that made my smile, giggle and throw my feet up into the air.

petition for more contemporary romances with time loops!!

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know, I know, I see the publisher’s date.

There’s a reason why it took this long, and finally getting my hands on the audiobook after all this time, so I could finally get back to it, confirmed it--I just couldn’t get into this book. I DNF’d at 35%, despite listening to it at almost 2x the speed, before skipping ahead to the last 15% of the book.

When I first obtained this ARC a year and a half ago, it was the same thing. I started reading it, and it didn’t grip me right away like “Today, Tonight Tomorrow” did, so I put it off. And off. And off.

Time loop novels always sound interesting, but are VERY hard to pull off--the only one that has succeeded recently (and this is from “the future” of August 2023) is “The Deja Glitch,” even if it’s because the female protagonist doesn’t experience the time loop for as long and as detailed as the male protagonist. Having elements repeat a few times is challenging enough; having them repeat dozens of times is as painful for the reader as it is for the protagonists. Especially when it makes the book 50-60 pages longer than all the other books Solomon has written.

I’m just glad her latest book here in 2023 panned out for me.

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Characters fell flat for me and the story felt thin. I will not review this publicly out of respect for the author.

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This book was cute and I enjoyed a "romance" more or less played out Groundhog's Day style. However, it did drag on and was kind of a chore to read.

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I didn't realize this Solomon was a magical realism, I just auto requested because of the author. I most likely would have been more hesitant had I know. However, I'm glad I did. Solomon KILLED it with this one. The YA, maybe more NA, aspect of this was on point as was her typically inclusion of diverse characters representing all walks of life.

The time loop was engaging, and didn't feel monotonous. Thank you to the publishing team for the eArc.

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This was a really cute story and the characters were a lot of fun. There were times where it was a little drawn out and I got slightly bored, and then the ending felt a bit rushed. But all in all it was entertaining and enjoyable. Thank you netgalley for my free copy.

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This was super cute and unexpected! The Jewish representation is something I wish I had more of growing up. The awkward first love and the experience of learning to love yourself and how to get out of a loop when you’re feeling helpless … this one was

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