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In Broad Strokes

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"In Broad Strokes" is the first book in The Unwedding Vow series. The story begins as Tyler is attending the wedding reception of a cousin. There, he meets a group of misfits just like him who all happen to share the same table as him. As they all get to know each other, they venture onto the topic of love and marriage. Each of them has different reasons for why they don’t see themselves getting settled with someone. Hence, everyone at the table takes an oath to never get married. However, fate has other plans, as each of them finds love in the most unlikely circumstances, starting with Tyler first.

The first book focuses on Tyler, a young college student who, as a dare, signs up to pose as a model for Chase’s painting, unaware that it’s for a nude portrait. Tyler is a shy and reserved guy who has a tendency to overthink. On the other hand, Chase is a fun-loving girl who likes adventures. Despite being polar opposites, they become really fond of each other’s company. But when Chase’s painting is accidentally shipped to New York, Tyler’s worst fear comes true. Soon they both embark on a life-changing journey filled with hilarious moments, incredible adventures, and romance.

Both Tyler and Chase are compelling characters, and I especially found Tyler’s character quite relatable to me. The transformation that they went through in this book was nicely executed. I loved their chemistry, and Tyler and Chase certainly complement each other. What sets this book apart is that the story is not just about a budding romance between two college students but also about the main characters overcoming their fears and finding themselves. All in all, it was an enjoyable read, and if you prefer to read clean romance books with an opposites attract romance troupe, you can check out this book.

Thank you, NetGalley and Story Garden Publishing, for sending me the ARC of this book.

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A fun story that was a real feel-good read. Cute characters, funny as well as emotional mishaps, and a great character growth and development of MC. Looking forward to more in this series. #InBroadStrokes #NetGalley

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Thanks to NetGalley and Story Garden Publishing for a free e-ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

This book starts off with a group of people taking a vow never to get married. Tyler thinks this will be easy – he can barely talk to girls, after all. He’s incredibly shy and nervous. But when he realizes he might lose his best friend because of how boring he is, he decides to do something completely out of his comfort zone.

Enter Chase – an aspiring art student who needs someone to model for a nude portrait. If Tyler models for her, it’s a win-win – she gets to finish her project, and he ventures outside his comfort zone. But when a mistake sends the nude painting of Tyler across to country to be displayed, the two must go on a road trip to recover it.

This was a super fun read, and I loved that both Tyler and Chase were such unique characters that complemented each other. One of my favourite tropes is where everything that can go wrong does go wrong, and this book certainly falls into that category.

I also loved the people they met along the way, and the acts of kindness sprinkled throughout the book. It was heartwarming and entertaining, and definitely unlike any other romance I’ve ever read.

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In Broad Strokes, Tyler Wilson is an engineering student who lives his days away from things that make him nervous, he doesn't even talk to people he doesn't know but at his cousin's wedding sitting among nine strangers he ends up making an unwedding vow, those nine strangers in the last table have in common their misfortune in love and since he does not dare to talk to anyone, swearing that he will not let anyone convince him to enter a marriage that seems unhappy like his cousin's is not a big problem
But his best friend Xavier challenges him to do something outside of his comfort zone like the nude posing ad for an art student. Confident that it is worthwhile for this Chase to portray him, he agrees to do so without expecting that Chase is a girl and that each subsequent situation pushes him more to the limit than he can bear
In a serie of curious situation, Chase and Tyler find themselves on a trip across several states to recover the portrait, but not before encountering several complicated situations and new challenges
A beautiful college romance, with a shy and anxious engineering student and a spontaneous and outgoing artist about fear and trust, about how to let other people into your life and find the right balance
In Broad Strokes is the first book in the series that tells the story of one of nine strangers who swear not to fall for the tricks of love and end up married to a partner like one of the zilla-partners at that wedding. I look forward to reading the next book in the serie
Thanks to Jordan Riley Swan & K.C. Norton and Xpresso Book Tours for give me this beautiful book in exchange for my honest opinion I really enjoyed reading it

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I received an ARC of this book via NetGalley in exchange for a review but these opinions are all my own.

This story follows Tyler, whose best friend dares him to either ask a cute girl out or model nude for a guy named Chase's art project. Tyler, being awkward and afraid of girls, chooses the latter. Much to Tyler's (and my) surprise, Chase is actually a girl! When the nudie artwork accidentally gets sent to New York to be displayed in an art competition, the two race to try and save Tyler's ass, literally.

This book was light and pretty fast paced. I would have enjoyed a bit more tension between the characters but that wouldn't have made sense with Tyler being as shy as he is. This was a very sweet story and the mini adventures and growth these two went through was fun to witness.

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Tyler has a lot of fears - I would honestly say he is one bad experience away from a full fledged agoraphobia diagnosis. His longtime best friend pushes him to get out of his comfort zone and either ask a girl on a date - or pose nude for an artist in answer to an advertisement hung up in the dining hall. I picked this book up - primarily because I (like Tyler) thought Chase was a guy. Turns out we were both wrong - Chase is a female artist who is extremely talented. Her portrait of Tyler turns out incredible. And although Chase agrees not to allow it to be submitted in a national competition - a mix up happens and it gets submitted anyway. Chase and Tyler go on a spectacularly underfunded road trip across the country to New York city to get the picture back.

I did love the growth of the characters along the way. I felt like both Chase and Tyler learn a lot about themselves and how they interact with others along the way. I appreciated how both of them - in the end - put the other person first - beyond their own comfort levels and ambitions.

There isn't any more than a few kisses exchanged in the book - which makes sense for Tyler as a character as well as the situation. The amount of money they had to make the trip was - like really not enough even for a Toyota where you sleep in your car and only eat snacks - so you'll have to suspend your disbelief there a bit given the current price of gas.

I also - truly - would have liked some discussion of Tyler getting some professional therapy. Meeting Chase really did inspire him to move beyond his comfort zone. But his anxiety and fear - is not a small thing and love alone isn't going to magically "fix him."

Overall - I really liked this road trip story and Chase and Tyler and the folks they meet along the way - especially the Pastor - are great and very memorable.

I received this as an ARC from NetGalley, but these opinions are all my own,

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I received an ARC copy of this book via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

And I’m glad I did! No spoilers ahead.
I found this romance so different from anything I read before, in all the good ways.
Tyler is a refreshing male protagonist, with his almost painful shyness and his longing for a partner that actually cares about him. To prove he can be bold despite his anxiety, he accepts to be a nude model for Chase, who is in desperate need of a good grade. Chase is outspoken and impulsive, which intrigues Tyler. But the chance to ask her out disappears when the portrait is accidentally sent to New York for an exhibition.
They both embark on a 2,000 miles road trip to retrieve the painting before it’s displayed.
This is the first book in the Unwedding vow series, and I think it’s a wonderful start.
The forced proximity trope works very well in this book: Tyler and Chase have completely different ways of approaching life, so they end up bickering and arguing a lot, but they don’t just fight for drama, like I’ve seen in some other romances. Every fight is there for a reason and it’s realistic, which I appreciated.
They learn from each other, they grow as persons and of course they get closer and closer, sweetly. I loved that Chase was the daring one in the couple and I think a lot of people can relate to Tyler’s insecurities.
The relationship is sweet, the two of them fit each other well and the drama is never there just to keep the plot going.
The writing style is flowing and after the prologue the story will capture you. I especially enjoyed the way the writers described Chase’s style and the act of painting.
I think you’ll like this book if you’re into: sweet and caring male protagonists, bold heroines, characters’ insight and forced proximity.
As for me, I’m looking forward to read the next one in the series.

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This was the first book for me to read by these authors but definitely not my last!! The story and characters are so well developed and the book is beautifully written. This will stick with you long after you finish the book. Highly recommend!!!

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This was a cute read. The writing was engaging and fun, and the storyline was light and made me laugh. I liked the dynamic between Chase and Thomas, and appreciated the way their relationship evolved throughout the book. I would recommend for anyone looking for a fun romance read. Thank you for the opportunity!

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This ARC was provided to me via Kindle, Story Garden Publishing and by #NetGalley. Opinions expressed are completely my own.

Cute, light and fun. It’s a lighthearted read for when you don’t want anything heavy.

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Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for sending me this book. Unfortunately, this is not my typical romance genre and can’t give an accurate review of the actual story. However, I will mention that the writing was fantastic and I think other readers will enjoy this book.

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This was surprisingly fun! Firstly I love new adult books we need more romances set in college and secondly i love art! The way Thomas and Chase’s relationship evolved as they took a romp to get his nude portrait back in another country was fun and swoony.

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