Member Reviews

I am on the fence for this one. The story itself was interesting enough, with plenty twists and turns, but I struggled to get behind the main character. This might have been on purpose, but I always struggle when I dislike the main character.

Emily is 35 and a nurse who, in a lapse of judgement, finds her career on a precipice. She flees for her family home on the Cornish coast to hide and lick her wounds. But on her arrival she finds her elderly father has employed a young, beautiful French girl to care for him. Emily feels threatened by the bond and is concerned that the carer has ulterior motives. Both women have secrets to hide and when the elderly father dies, fingers are pointed in both directions.

Nothing is what it seems. And there are lots of dramatic reveals, so there was never a dull moment. The pace was well set and I was compelled to find out how it all ends. That said, We are supposed to support Emily but she is very rude, more than she needs to be. She is also selfish, indulged, self-absorbed. We are supposed to be suspicious of the French carer taking advantage of an old man, but she is lovely. Attentive, caring, patient. I felt this quite jarring. I also quickly learned that the characters points of view were often wrong. Normally this is how you learn about other characters but in this case I had to disregard their judgements. I found this frustrating, like the story was littered with red herrings. In a nutshell, worth a read if you're in it for the plot, but if you get invested in the characters, it can be frustrating.

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While suspended from her job as a midwife Emily decides to return to Cornwall to her family home and stay with Harold, her elderly father. On arriving she is surprised to find Francois, a young French woman in her twenties, looking after her father as he had advertised for a Carer. Emily takes an instant dislike to her as she feels that she is getting too close to her father, Emily is even more suspicious when she hears that her father and Francois have been to the solicitors office, Harold has dementia but when he suddenly dies there are suspicions that he had had an overdose of his medication. Both Emily and Francois suspect each other. The story goes back in time to Harold’s experiences in the war and it soon becomes clear that he had kept a number of secrets. This is an immersive and compelling psychological thriller. A compelling read.
Thanks to Netgalley and Penguin for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book.

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Emily loves her job as a midwife but when she makes a mistake that could jeapordise her career - she runs to the one place she feels safe, home to her dad. When she gets home, there is a strange lady living in the house claiming to be his carer.

Her father is showing signs of dementia but also that he is smitten with Francois. Emily has suspicions that Francois is trying to manipulate her father for his money. To avoid the stress of the work investigation - she spends all her time in trying to find out what Francois is hiding.

During the last few hours of her father's life, he confesses the secrets he has kept all their lives. Following a post mortem things don't quite look as straight forward about his death and based on his confessions - both women become suspects.

Can they both come to terms with the truth?

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A slightly slow but gripping read about Emily, who facing her own demons arrives home to see her dad and finds a young carer looking after him…..suspicion and twists and turns.

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Emily returns home to see her Dad following an incident at work and she is taken aback at the presence of Francoise, taking an instant dislike.

Franchise had responded to an ad in the paper to carer for elderly Harold Gentle whose health is declining rapidly.

The story is told from both the perspectives of the women and is interspersed with flashbacks from Harold's time at war. An interesting read where all is not what it seems.

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An OK read. Started out very promising and full of intrigue but did start to drag a bit and I lost a bit of interest.

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Emily made one bad decision, and now her career could be over. Her family home on the Cornish coast is the only place where she feels safe. But when she arrives, there's a stranger living with her father. Emily doesn't trust the beautiful young woman, convinced that she's telling one lie after another.

Soon, Emily becomes obsessed with finding out the truth . . . But should some secrets stay buried forever?

Absolute page Turner. Coun not put it down

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Suspenseful and intriguing drama about Emily, a midwife who returns to the family home after making a mistake at work, her 93 year old father and his new carer, Francoise.

Told from different points of view, the book spans different time periods to weave together . This book is an intense domestic drama and it was very easy to wrap yourself up in it to its dramatic conclusion.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the arc in exchange for my honest review.

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*Thanks to NetGalley for an ARC copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.*

Oh, Jane Corry. Your books used to be so good and they seem to be diminishing in quality each time. But this wasn't all bad!

I felt a lot for Emily's dad; I lost my own dad quite recently, and the scenes with him were heartbreaking. But even they couldn't fix the unbelievable storyline about his past relationships and how it's now coming back to haunt him.

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A pleasant read from Jane Corry, although I did not enjoy this one as much as some of her other books.

Tells the story of nurse Emily as she comes home after an accident at work to find Francoise, a stranger, caring for her sick father.

Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin for letting me review this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Thanks to Netgalley, the publisher & Jane for the ARC.

Another twisty thriller from a brilliant author. The plot was well outlined, and easy to follow, but difficult to predict. Full of intrigue, would absolutely recommend this psychological thriller.

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Emily is a midwife a job that can. It be undertaken by the faint hearted. That pressure and uncertainty every day. So when Emily becomes distracted and mistakes happen she turns to her childhood home for comfort only to find things have changed.
Emily is someone we would all want as a friend but she doesn’t seem to have many at all. Just an old flame back at home.
The story follows Emily and her fathers house keeper. A French maid who Emily believes has been sent to make her life hell.
I could not put the book down but felt the story went on for too long. Not enough characters for me to fall in love with and not the usual twists and turns I would expect from Cody’s books. Definitely worth a read though.

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I have up and down relationships with Jane's books, and sadly this was a downside. The writing was rather mundane, repetitive, and not well developed. I also didn't like the inclusion of Francoise, and thought her chapters brought down the pace of the book.

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Two daughters. One daughter who nobody ever knew about and one daughter which was very much known about but never was.
This book is a dual narrative written from the point of of view of Emily, Francoise and a historical narrative from Henry Gentle from 1945. Emily is the daughter of a successful solicitor whose family home is by the sea in Cornwall, Emily's mother has passed away and Emily now lives in London and works as a successful midwife, successful that it until she makes a mistake,
Emily has never been married and had no children of her own and whilst she is suspended from her post, she goes home to stay with her elderly father only to find a beautiful stranger open the door to her.
The beautiful stranger is Francoise the second narrative and turns out to be her dads new carer,
The two women are very suspicious of the other and then suddenly Emily's father Henry deteriorates and dies. Is one of the women responsible as they both have their secrets.
This is a good mystery. There is no sense of menace but is atmospheric along the stormy coastline of Cornwall There are twists and turns and of course the plot takes you down dead ends. So many assumptions are made and the historical content is all relevant. It does have a 'nice' end which feels odd for a thriller but I liked it..
#WeAllHaveOurSecrets but I'm not going to spoil any more secrets of this book in this review,

With thanks to #NetGalley and Penguin General UK-Fig Tree, Hamish Hamilton, Viking, Penguin Life, Penguin Buisness for the electronic preview read.

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An ok read
Have read others by this author which where better
But it hasn’t put me off reading more
Just because I didn’t think it was great doesn’t mean someone else won’t enjoy it
Thanks NetGalley

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As always with Jane Corey this was a beautifully written book. I read it far too quickly & really needed more. More development of both the characters and the story lines would have made this a great book. I really didn’t believe it and in this sort of book it needs to be relatable & believable. The ending was just too predictable too.

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The story took off fantastically well in true Jane Corry fashion: the characters of Emily and Francois were pitted against each other at the very start. This created tension and a great deal of anticipation as to who was telling the truth and who was lying. And why. And what their next move would be. I began to invest myself in their respective tales. Secrets were insinuated with only morsels revealed one at the time as the story progressed. Critical past events provided explanation and additional characters made well-judged entry onto the scene to generate more layers and more complexity. With his war experiences conveyed in the first person and a further character development in the present moment, Harold was a particularly unpredictable and intriguing protagonist. I couldn't wait to turn the next page, and the next, and the next as I headed towards what I expected to be a series of dark and twisty revelations.
They didn't come.
Perhaps I set the bar too high because I found the ending most disappointing. A promising thriller turned into a soppy family saga. The final disclosure was overly sentimental and instead of twists I was served with a sugary happy ending. The pawns moved across the board to and fro, and to again without any sense of direction. There was no element of surprise and no nuance which I had come to expect from Jane Corry's books.
Overall, despite the brilliant start, I can't really give the book more than three stars.
I am not discouraged from reading Jane Corry. I just think that We All Have Our Secrets isn't one of her trademark thrillers but an experiment with a different, softer genre which simply isn't my cup of tea. So, if you enjoy a tale of family secrets and the past messing with the present and manipulating the future, then this book may well be for you.

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Thank you to Ellie Hudson for the invitation to the blog tour for Jane’s latest book and to Penguin UK Books for my proof copy of the book.

Emily is a midwife and an incident at work sends her back to Willowmead House, which is in a quiet coastal village by the sea and where her elderly father Harold Gentle lives. When she arrives, she is in for another surprise as there is Frenchwoman, Francoise living there with her father. Francoise has answered an advertisement from the retired lawyer for a carer/companion. Harold has really taken to her and Emily is horrified by the closeness of the pair. She does not trust Francoise at all and sees her as a golddigger. Work calls Emily back to London and we learn more abour Francoise and her background.

I always enjoy Jane’s books as they are so engrossing and twisty, this one is written from three perspectives Emily, Francoise and a young Harry Gentle. All three are hiding things from the past and the present, which adds to the suspense of this book. There are secrets and lies aplenty in this story and every page has more turns. I love a book with a unreliable narrator and in this book I had no idea who to trust and who not to. I didn’t really like any of the characters, which made it even easier to be suspicious of them all. When Francoise reveals who she really is then things take an even more dramatic turn.

It’s a gripping thriller which I galloped through, I enjoyed the family aspect of the book and I was not sure where it would end and it had Jane’s trademark twist to conclude.

A great read !

4.5 stars ****.5

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Two women with secrets and a deep mistrust of each other. One is hiding and one is running. Both are lying. Emily makes a terrible mistake in her career, so heads to her father at the family homestead only to discover that a young French woman has moved in and changed all the routines. Her father thinks Francoise is an angel, but Emily doesn't trust her. After a death shrouded in doubts, both women find themselves pitted against the other. Is anyone telling the truth? A great storyline starts strongly. Ending is a little over explained in order to tie up all the ends. #weallhaveoursecrets #janecorry #netgalley

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This was ok. The 'twist' was fairly obvious from very early on, although the age gaps made me feel slightly quesy and seemed really unfeasible. I worked out that Harold would have been 58 and 71 years at the age of each conception...

The writing was very basic, especially the chapters in Francoise perspective, possibly as English was her second language?

It felt quite repetitive and like it was trying to build up some kind of tension, that we never actually achieved.

It was an easy palate cleanser after a couple of difficult heavy books prior to this and I read it in a couple of hours.

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