Member Reviews

Who doesn’t love a quirky fact?
Great little read. Loved learning new funny facts to share with friends and colleagues. ….im pretty sure they loved me for it too.

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What a pleasant surprise this book was. I'm not a nonfiction, sciency books girly, but I just couldn't stop reading this one. I guess it was, in part, for the questions that were asked in this book. Some thing I wouldn't even think of asking, but was very curious to know the answers non the less.
The were some things I wasn't interested in or it was explaned to complicated for me ( mathematical equazions for example) so I just skipped those questions and went straight to the next one, and luckily there weren't that many questions I had to skip.
Majority of the information is very easy to understand and follow.

Do I recommend this book? Yes, especially if you, like me are just starting to dip you toes in this genre books.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I absolutely love this book! The writing is engaging, and the facts are both entertaining and informative. While I already knew some of the facts due to my extensive reading of similar books, especially during my childhood, this book still managed to surprise and delight me with its unique insights. It's a delightful journey through fascinating facts that anyone, regardless of their knowledge level can enjoy. I've learned so many quirky and intriguing facts that I often share with friends and family. I recommend it to anyone who craves a daily dose of curiosity and discovery.

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Eureka is a book featuring different answers to scientific questions people have asked New Scientist. There is one for each day of the year, which would be great if someone did not read much or wished to learn one new fact every day, and the different months and dates are clearly laid out. I learned some really interesting facts, such as the reason chilli and mustard are spicy/sharp, and why one spicy feeling lasts longer than the other. There were questions about genetics, biology, chemistry, physics (including lots on space!)—essentially every topic you’ve ever wanted to ask a question about but maybe thought it was a silly question. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and think it would be a fantastic Christmas/birthday/special occasion gift for someone interested in new facts, especially if they are also a fan of the television show QI. This was a great read!

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Such an interesting read, I love books like this, they stretch my mind.

Thank you NetGalley for my complimentary copy in return for my honest review.

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I proper binged this, it's full of answers to questions that I've always wanted to know the answer to - and also some that I didn't even know I wanted the answer to. It is written in a very accessible way, but not condescending. Even when explaining very basic concepts I never felt like I was being spoken to like I'm a child, which I've found to be prevalent in other books in this category. The answers are very succinct too, with no unnecessary drivel.

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This is a fun Q&A science book with a different entry for each day of the year. Some questions really amazed me, since they concerned everyday things I've never wondered about but I was already familiar with the answers to some questions, so I became bored reading these parts of the book. This is a good read for people who love trivia and want to take small interesting facts for each day.
Overall Rating: ★★★½

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Eureka! is a really fun book, suitable for both children and adults who love learning! It's written in a calendar way, answering an interesting and unique question every day of the year. Some questions really amazed me, since they concerned everyday things I've never wondered about. To some questions I already knew the answers, so I got a bit bored reading these parts of the book. Overall a nice addition to any home's and school's library.

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Good book for children. I hope more books like this will be available. Thank you very much for sending me this e-ARC.

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I think this is a fun every day fact book because it tells you the fact and then breaks it down for the average person to understand the importance of it. I think photos would help this but it would also be good as a desk calendar!

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Thanks to Netgalley for providing me with a copy to review by Read Now

I honestly was interested in a lot of what was talked about in the book. Like the space stuff, the animal ones, some of the biology. The other parts not so much which is why it is 3.5 and not 4 stars. I wanted to like this more than I did like yay a new exciting fact each day but when you know a lot about science I was honestly skipping ones or glossing over them. But that is probably more a me thing than anything

My birthday was "why do tigers have stripes" and I loved that as animals are one of my most favourite things

But yeah if you are interested in science and want to take small interesting facts one for each day then this is perfect for you

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To be honest, I didn't read the whole book. I browsed through, reading about what I was interested in. It's well written and seems to be well researched (although I'm missing the citations). However, I think it'd be better to put this kind of content into a daily calendar than in a book.

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I really love books about different facts, that encourage you to contemplate different scenarios and ideas, things that you probably never would have even considered before. I also love the idea of learning something new each day and giving the mind some really good food for thought. Each entry could be used as a great conversation starter.

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This was a fun little book of cool-to-know facts and thought experiments. The book breaks down each question by day, giving answers that are thorough yet succinct. This would be a great gift for someone who enjoys trivia, science, or just learning new things.

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This was a little too basic for me. Though some of the questions were fun, most of them fell short and didn't offer much information apart from common knowledge.
I'd recommend this to readers who have a basic understanding of science but not those with a strong interest in the subject. It is far too surface-level for science buffs.

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What a fantastic idea for a book! A scientific daily companion to your life which can only enrich your brain and provide you with a whole host of interesting (and some may say useless) scientific facts to impress your mates at parties with. I mean, who wouldn’t want to know the answer to ‘Can fish fart?’!

Its greatly compiled and love that for every day, you can open this book and receive an instant hit of science. It’s a book for everyone (not just scientists and science nerds) and is bound to enlighten and inform you into the weird and wonderful depths of a wide range of different science disciplines. It’s a must for every coffee table and book shelf.

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This is book is perfect for any science lover. Loved to read the science facts and I would consider it as a gift for the people who love science.

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A wonderful science book. Full of so many great facts. One fact for each day of the year. Written in a very interesting way. Definitely a good recommendation for kids and teens. Can be started from any chapter. A very lovely book that can be gifted.

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What a treasure trove of information! I love the mix of different information, lots of topics to make it interesting throughout the year and also appeal to many people. I like the short chapters, one for each day, especially because some topics are more in depth but because you just have a short chapter, it's easily digestible.

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I enjoyed some of the stories in this anthology. While some explained the science very well, some required more prior knowledge. There was also some humor in some of the stories. I think that this book is suitable for people with some science knowledge. For people with less science background I would look for books by Bob McDonald or Joe Schwarcz. Thank you to Netgalley and Nicholas Brealey for the advance reader copy.

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