Member Reviews

This had all the premises to be a good "I feel in love with my roomate" trope, but overall it just ended up flat to me. The romance and the pacing of the story wasn't appealing enough for me. I loved the cover already and the premise sounded like it will be a good and fun read, but I was a bit disappointed overall. The writing style was a bit draggy and I don't find the characters appealing enough for me.

It will definitely be a good and light read for some, but this one unfortunately and sadly didn't work out for me.


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Thank you NetGalley

4.5 ⭐️✨🫶

Omg i love every single second of this book! I love the two main characters I guess you can meet someone by a chicken, what are the odds.

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One thing I will say about this book was that the meet cute was like nothing I've ever read before. A really fun run in with an actual chicken crossing the road, and then the resulting forced proximity kind of romance that comes from the encounter.

I enjoyed this book, but I felt like the best part of the story all came at the beginning and then fell a little short throughout the rest. I did appreciate the mental health representation that exists in both of our main characters, and thought that the romance which was sweet and clean (which aren't usually my cup of tea) was well done.

Thank you to Alcove Press for providing me with an ARC of this book.

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I loved the idea of this book but unfortunately for me it just didn't rise up to what I wanted and fell too hard into the tropes to a point where I got actively annoyed with the main character. Great idea! Wasn't the biggest fan unfortunately. I loved the chicken prompt and the characters for the first half of the book, it was well written in general and had fun characters. Just the main girl bothered me unfortunately.

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This took all of me to try and get passed the names of the characters. Trixie and Bear... and a chicken. Listen, I'm an animal lover but you don't see me picking up a chicken in the road. I've read plenty of the forced proximity trope and this one just was not it for me.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC.

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This was heartwarming and funny, even when it dealt with real issues. Much of how we live today depends on how we process past experiences. With an unexpected beginning and much drama between, the end is satisfying and good.

I recommend this quirky novel if you're struggling to make sense of where you are today. I'd say, "Read it!" if you're stuck in the middle of conversations or relationships. Watching Trixie and Bear negotiate their friendship will give you something to think about and some things to be happy about. Take it with you - and enjoy!

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I started this book expecting it to be an easy read and it was but the storyline and the characters were just too sickly sweet for me and I really struggled to get in to it. Sorry!

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This book was given to me as an arc through netgally. My review is 100% honest and my own opinion.

This book has me laughing my butt off! At one point I was laughing so much I was crying and my fiance was asking if I was okay.

Trixie is a shelter worker that has a history of bringing fur babies home. ( I can relate to this all too much having 5 furry kitties at home myself.) She runs into a chicken literally crossing the road in the middle of downtown Chicago. ( funny right) Because the shelter does not have the ability to take in the chicken who is named chick-chick now. She tries to sneak her into her "No pets allowed" apartment which leads her to losing her housing situation. With a trick of his sisters, Bear finds himself with Trixie on his doorstep asking for the "room" that was available.

I really enjoyed this story. It was definitely a page turner. I had a hard time putting it down. I really enjoyed how Trixie had a bleeding heart for any fluffy creature that the author has thrown at her. I really loved Bear as a character the most. He was so precious, and it seemed like he knew how to play the system and worm his way into your heart. His family is so perfect, it would be the family that I wish I had!

Now Trixie girl.... I love you but you make me want to shake some sense into you! Trixie is that person that you love as a friend but you really need a break from her after being in her presence.

Overall I loved the book and enjoyed chick-chick. She was such a unique addition to the story. I would love to read further works from the author.

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I loved the idea of this book and really wanted to like it. It started off well but fizzled for me; I had to really push myself to finish. The plot was interesting but I couldn't relate to Trixie. Overall, a mediocre read with a lot of plot flaws.

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This is such a beautiful funny and joyful romcom.
If you’re looking for that perfect summer read then look no further.
Thank you so much to the author and publishers for this wonderful read

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Omg I loved this more than I was expecting to. These characters have such relatable emotions, experiences, relationships and traits that it makes it so easy to fall in love with them.
Utterly obsessed with the fact that their meet-cute happened because of a chicken. Also utterly obsessed with this quirky, funny, unapologeticly embarrassing FMC.
There is so much to love about this story and these characters. Thoroughly enjoyed the writing, and I adored the epilogue.

Surely we’re getting a spin-off with one of the sisters or the neighbour !!!

Thank you so much to NetGalley And Alcove Press publishing for an eARC of this!

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Firstly, the cover is right up my street. I absolutely love art work like this! The addressing of various issues, the inclusion of a love for animals, and the friendship (with a chicken, brilliant) captured me from the get go

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Thank you to the publisher for allowing me advance access to this title. I really enjoyed reading this story and look forward to reading more from this author. As a reader, I am really motivated by character driven stories and I found myself quickly becoming immersed in these characters’ lives. Full review to come.

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unfortunately, not my cup of tea. the style and the writing and the characters just weren't doing it for me throughout the whole book so then I just gave up and forced myself to finish reading it.

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I really enjoyed how this plot played out, despite the fact it was quite predictable. I loved how Chick-Chick was the main icon and focus for the whole story, I really wish I could meet her! Trixie definitely remind me of myself in terms of being so bubbly all of the time.

Would recommend, absolutely worth a read

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Cute enough,but unfortunately didn’t quite live up to the appeal of the blurb. Love the name Trixie, and the idea of the book, there was just ‘something’ missing, the special ingredient that makes a book stay in your heart.

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This book hooked me immediately. I love how it has a lot going on beneath the surface with the main characters, so the depth keeps it interesting. Some of the minor characters are a bit grating, but overall this is delightful.

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This one started out strong but soon began to wane. It just didn’t keep my interest from beginning to end, however I can see how some readers may enjoy it more than I did.

Thank you to NetGalley for the digital arc in exchange for my honest review.

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To Get to the Other Side was cute and fluffy, a sweet contemporary romance. I very much enjoyed reading it, though I do feel like it dropped one of the plot threads (Trixie's ex-friend thing), and then in the acknowledgments at the end, the author pushes veganism/vegetarianism hard and without warning. I'm not opposed to a plant-based diet, I just don't want it foisted on me in romcom acknowledgments. Anyway. I'll probably read subsequent novels by the author, so there's that.

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I wasn't invested in this story at all, I had to DNF at 65% *sobs* I started this book and forced myself to continue thinking I would like it but I never did.

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