Member Reviews

This Book Advocate Toolkit has some great tips that will help newcomers to the platform. There is a wealth of information here on how to request books, writing reviews, and how to make social media accounts. Definitely some required reading for anyone new to book reviewing!

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I found this to be very helpful since I am returning to use NetGalley. I needed an overview on how NetGalley works. I currently have more time to read and review. Thanks for providing this.

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This guide is very beneficial for getting started. It has clear instructions to guide you through what to do and what not to do to create a successful book account on multiple platforms.

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Thanks for putting this together! I really appreciate the advice! I learned about this resource as a part of camp netgalley 2024

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This is a great guide that I didn’t find at first but wish that I had. It provides everything you need to know from choosing which social media platform, to using canva and how to use hashtags. It provides really clear instructions on how to help you succeed with your book account.

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This is a very helpful guide to getting started that will help those that are new to reviewing on NetGalley and those that are wanting to start bookish accounts on social media. It’s making me reconsider a few ways I have things set up, and there were some new tools I had not heard of that I am going to check out.

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Even though I've been using NetGalley for a few years, I still found this super helpful! Loved the information on taking better Instagram photos and how to use Canva. Also learned I should check publishers’ approval preferences to improve my chances.

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It was very helpful. I have already consulted this a few times. I would suggest as a new member that you make clear in this book that as long as you download a book to your kindle you can still give feedback after the book's publication date and archive date, however. It saves people from making the mistake of pushing the will not give feedback button when they do not need to. Since I read the digital book format, I understand the audio book format may function differently. While it is ideal to do reviews in a timely manner, it's just helpful to know that even if you cannot or do not give feedback on those dates, you can still write a review and give feedback about the book or books. I never would have known this if not for seeing members discuss it and asking questions of my own. I have no problem with doing so i just think its vital information for members to have especially new ones.

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This Toolkit was an excellent introduction to the NetGalley reviewing process. I wish there had been an example of a review or more tips. (I know there was a link to more information, but it would be nice to not have to go to a different place.) I appreciated the tips on how to take Instagram photos and to use Canva. I'm a new bookstagrammer, so I need all the help I can get. I think this Toolkit is an awesome start for new reviewers and people looking to refine their profile.

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I'm just getting started with NetGalley and this was the perfect resource on how I can be a great community member. I can see how this might not be the most useful resource for longstanding members but for anyone else new, you won't regret reading through this. I'm gearing up to write my first review so there couldn't have been a better time to learn -- thank you for sharing this toolkit!

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This gives you all.the how to's for every single part of being involved with NetGalley! Including all Social Media aspects, templates, Canva and how to better build your platform!

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This book is a very well designed handbook for how to get more out of NetGalley.

You’ll find everything you need to set up your NetGalley account, tips on writing reviews, and helpful hints on posting to different social media platforms.

Even though I’ve been using NetGalley a few months, I found it extremely helpful.

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This toolkit has helped me improve my reviews and is always a great reference when I feel timid or converned on posts, reviews and interacting with publishers and authors
Definitely reccomend for anyone just starting out or looking for ways to improve

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A really good intro for people new to social media and some of the acceptable ways to approach reviews.

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I didn’t realize there was a new book advocate “book”, but it was on the camp book bingo so I grabbed it and looked through it. I found it to be more directed at new users of Netgalley, I’ve been with Netgalley since 2013 so a lot of this isn’t new info for me. Too bad there wasn’t a handbook on how to not request all the books ahhaa.
Thanks Netgalley for sharing this with us.

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Netgalley can be hard to get the hang of at first, so this toolkit is very helpful for reviewers and for those of us wanting to be better book advocates.

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This was extremely helpful.. I just started a bookstagram account so I cant wait to put some of these tips to good use!

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This definitely had tips and tricks for my NetGalley profile and best practices on how to get approvals. One thing I need to work on is looking over the publisher wants.

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The advice in NetGalley's Book Advocate Toolkit is incredible. After reading this, I updated my NetGalley profile and set a reminder to keep my profile up-to-date every couple of months. I also learned something new. I love posting quotes with my reviews, but I hadn't considered that the ARC may not be accurate to the published copy. I will take all the information I learned into consideration while writing my next review. Thank you, NetGalley!

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Such great feedback and info for writing and improving reviews! This “book” covers all the basics and answers common questions!

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