Member Reviews

If you like Susan May Warren books, you are sure to love this one.

It's full of adventure and romance and fun while also highlighting serious issues in Nigeria and around the world.

I'm not a huge fan of romantic suspense but I have enjoyed a number of those types of books in recent years and Susan is a master at it, as always.

I was a little distracted by some of the writing style. I didn't think it was necessary to insert so many broken sentences at times but that's just a style of writing and after I got into the book I got used to it and understood it was used to keep the action moving forward.

I would have liked a little bit of background on the one character because it is easy to forget from book to book and also because she was in Nigeria at one point (for the majority of the first part of the book) and then suddenly it moved to the US and she was with a new character, talking about Alaska. That character hadn't been introduced at all in this book, no background was given and there were a lot of names of people I guess the reader is supposed to remember from other books.

While the above paragraph sounds like a complaint, it really isn't. I understand these books are supposed to be read back to back so if you read them the way they should be read then you don't need to have everything explained again. I just didn't do that and now I know! :)

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Loved it! I think this was my favorite book in this series. Getting to see Africa through the eyes of these characters--it was an exciting, page turning, breath-holding kind of story. I couldn't wait to see what would happen around each "bend" in the road.

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Why in the world did it take me so long to finally read and review this book? My goodness it's like my brain forgot how much I ADORE Susan May Warren and her heroes. I mean, her books. No, I mean her heroes lol.

Ranger. Oh. My. Word. Sure he had his faults (and when he finally admits one huge fault/issue, my heart completely melted), but wow is he a fantastic hero. Strong - check. Swoony - check. A heart for others - check. But he also had times of vulnerability and that's where Warren's writing shines. When her heroes show that they have fears, worries, and deep emotion.

Now, this whole traditional Nigerian wedding thing with Ranger and Noemi - I was just as giddy of a gal as I would be watching a Hallmark movie. I can't really say too much about it, but man oh man I was giggling, happy as a clam, smiling as big as I could smile, and just elated the entire time reading it. Actually, I was that way reading the entire book lol. Thankfully I already have book three so I can dive into that whenever I want!

Friends, don't wait forever like I did to read this book, or the series for that matter. Dive in today. Trust me, it's worth your time! I received a complimentary copy of this book, as well as purchased a copy for myself. I was not required to write a favorable review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I'd read the first book in this series and loved it, so had to check out the other two. Both Sunrise and Sunburst were excellent reads with well crafted plots and dimensional characters. Susan May Warren has a gift for writing believable dialogue and describing settings with vivid detail and even though I don't always love rural fiction, I'm a convert to her work. Highly recommend.

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Sunburst is the second installment in the Sky King Ranch trilogy and follows Ranger and Naomi.
They cross paths in Africa during a Navy SEAL operation and end up taking cover together in her family’s palace.

There was a lot of action from the beginning and the plot was fast moving the whole time. Ranger and Naomi have to get married for reasons which shakes up their relationship.

I liked the faith aspect the most. The characters were learning to trust and rely on God for their safety and dreams.

I found that I didn’t connect with Ranger or Naomi. They were too stereotypical to me and their romance was cringey sometimes. The whole marriage thing felt forced and weird and I wasn’t a fan.

This book set up the third one quite nicely which I’m not likely to read any time soon.
Sad because I love this author but this series isn’t doing it for me.

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Book 2 in Susan May Warren's Sky King Ranch series, follows the pattern her readers have come to know and love. Action, action, more action, intrigue, and somewhere in there, two people fall in love.

When Jones, Inc. calls on former Navy SEAL Ranger Kingston to take part in a rescue mission in Nigeria, he expects to find his brother, Colt, as a hostage but he doesn't expect to know any of the others. Turns out, he knows one of the women, and she's someone whose memory has stuck with him for five years. Getting the hostages out is one thing; actually making it to the rendezvous with the chopper that will fly them out, is another.

Noemi Sutton was trying to return a young girl to her family. Her first mistake was in entering Boko Haram territory. Her second was going back into the camp to retrieve the girl after she, herself, had already been rescued. Escaping with their lives - barely - Ranger, Noemi, and Blessing travel across Nigeria, finding helpers along the way. Danger dogs their every step. How do their pursuers keep finding them, and why do they keep looking? When Noemi suggests finding her uncle, she is as stunned as anyone to learn that her uncle is a king. Posing as husband and wife, Noemi hopes to get medical attention for Ranger. She gets that, but when he heals, she also gets a very real Nigerian wedding that legally binds her to him. Falling in love wasn't part of the game plan, but as they work together to stay alive, will they find that Nigerian weddings count, or was it just part of the op?

I like these strong, flawed men of the Kingston family. Each has a noble heart, and each is willing to die for the woman they love. I also liked that, even though these guys were triplets, they weren't clones of each other. Each represented a different branch of the service, and their personalities were very different, too.

If you haven't read the first book, Sunrise, I'd start this series there. While each book could stand on its own, I think it's important to see the relationships in the family from the start. I loved all three and absolutely recommend pretty much any book Susan May Warren puts out. There is a strong faith component in her books, so if that's not your thing, be warned. Personally, that is what makes her books stellar for me.

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A quick and enjoyable read. The story was fast paced and and the main characters were both interesting and likeable. I found the Nigerian location interesting and enjoyed learning more about that culture.

I didn’t realise this was the second book in a series, I did find that I could still follow the storyline, however their appears to be a side storyline running through the series so I would recommend reading them in order. I will be planning on picking up the first and now released third books.

Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley UK for the free ebook in exchange for an honest review.

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Another great Kingston brothers story! I have to be honest, though - Sunburst had very different feels than Sunrise and I have to say Sunrise was better.

That said, this book was excellent in its own way! The adventure and the thrill. The Nigerian plains and the Alaskan wilderness. The family ties and the love of God.

There's so much to gain from this book - relationally, spiritually, and emotionally. Absolutely marvelous!

I should note, though, that there are some mature themes in this book that may not be well-suited for young readers.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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"Love is the one thing that can change everything."

Sunburst by Susan May Warren is book 2 in the Sky King Ranch series, and it is just as action packed and exciting as Book 1, Sunrise. The books in this series could technically stand alone, with no problem keeping track of characters and events, but why miss out? Sunburst does reference some aspects from Sunrise, so reading these books in order is recommended, especially if you want the lowdown on the epic blow out of a fight between brothers that occurred 10 years before the start of Sunrise. The fallout and subsequent (and constantly changing) family dynamics pepper the entire series. So much drama!

Dodge, Ranger, and Colt Kingston are triplets who grew up on their family Sky King Ranch in Alaska. While Sunrise focuses on Dodge and is set predominantly in Alaska, Navy SEAL Ranger Kingston is the star of the show in Sunburst, and what a show it is! Nigeria is one of the main settings, and the action and peril after the first initial romantic scene is sky high! Ranger is riddled with secrets, but for now, he’s on a mission to rescue some people taken hostage in Nigeria, including his brother Colt. What he doesn’t know at first is that Noemi Sutton, a humanitarian aid he had met on a long-ago vacation, is among the captives. While these two hit it off a few years prior, circumstances and other goals had them parting ways, even if their hearts remained entwined. The author definitely knows how to work the romance angle in this series, making the entire relationship building believable and sensational.

When the hostages escape into the forest with the help of the special ops team, the bad men are outraged and hot on their trail. Unfortunately, when Ranger and Noemi double back to retrieve Blessing, who was recaptured, all three become separated from the rescue group and miss the flight out of the danger zone. In the process, Ranger is gravely injured, and Noemi and Blessing must pull out all the stops to now save both Ranger and themselves. No problem!

"Situational awareness can help you see answers that you might miss when you panic."
"Evaluate the situation."
"Understand the situation."
"Control the situation."

Sunburst is character driven, with both Ranger and Noemi propelling the plot forward as they dodge bad buys, explosions, bullets, and their own feelings for each other. The big question is why are they still being pursued? While still on the run, Noemi seeks help and sanctuary from her wealthy Nigerian family on her mother’s side, where the dynamics between her and Ranger take an unexpected, fortuitous, and even humorous turn. Susan May Warren smartly adds some wit and amusement amidst all the danger, courtship, and brotherly rivalry, providing an overall plot that is sure to please just about any reader who loves a thrilling, suspenseful story that takes place in some pretty gorgeous settings.

As if all this electrifying action isn’t enough, Sunburst isn’t only about Ranger and Noemi. At the end of Book 1, Sunrise, a young lady rescued from the Alaskan wilderness during a late-season snow storm is recovering at Sky King Ranch. She is called Jane Doe because of her amnesia and odd inability to speak; however, this woman has quite a few secrets of her own. This subplot thickens in Sunburst. Bonus!

With all the lively characterization and hair-raising action, Sunburst is naturally quick paced and riveting, keeping the reader wondering after each chapter what in the world could possibly happen next?
Short answer: Plenty!

And just wait 'til you get to those last chaotic and totally enthralling scenes right up to the end, barreling straight into Book 3: Sundown. Woah

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This clean Christian story is book 2 in the new Sky King Ranch series. This story mostly follows Ranger and Noemi experiences during their travels in Nigeria. This story had lots of action and an interesting plot that kept me glued from one chapter to the other. I liked reading about the Nigerian culture and how they celebrate weddings specifically.

Jane Doe mentioned towards the end of book 1 shows up again during this book and will continue into at least book number 3. I like the side plot of including a Jane Doe and the mystery surrounding her.

I love the family solidarity and commitment to helping each other no matter what in these books! I absolutely love this clean suspense romance series and can’t wait to read more! I received a copy of this book complimentary for blog and social media review. All opinions are my own.

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Sunburst is a book that I have been looking forward to. I enjoyed the first book in the series, Sunrise, but I really enjoyed this second book. The story shifts from Alaska to Nigeria and from Dodge Kingston to Ranger Kingston. And we get to meet the mysterious Colt Kingston.

Colt has become embroiled in a very dangerous situation and Ranger has come to rescue him. In the middle of this rescue Ranger meets the fascinating Noemi Sutton who is destined to change his life forever.

Noemi is way more than she seems and I loved her character. She's feisty yet vulnerable and you can't help but be drawn to her. Ranger is more than drawn, he's downright smitten. The story of the two of them and their daring escapes keep the pages flying by.

If the story of the two of them isn't enough there is still the mysterious ongoing storyline of Tae. It started in book one and is obviously going to continue into book three. Who is she really and what is she doing in the wilds of Alaska? I don't know but I'm looking forward to finding out.

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I love a good thriller, and when you throw in a romance I am in reader's heaven. Susan May Warren is an expert at this, and I always know I will get a good story when I open one of her books. She has written many novels, but I believe this one might be her best yet! What a ride! An excellent thriller by one of the top Christian fiction authors, but anyone would enjoy the twists and turns and the brilliant original plot of this book. Wonderful, captivating writing gives this novel the depth and ability to pull in any reader. I highly recommend this author and all of her other books I have read have been nothing less than fantastic. She is definitely an auto-buy author for me, and I can't wait to own this novel in print.

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It’s been a while since I’ve read one of Susan May Warren’s romantic suspense novels, even though it’s how I first discovered her writing. I’d forgotten how much I enjoy them,

A good portion of the novel takes place in Nigeria. I enjoyed the opportunity to experience the country and the culture through the eyes of Noemi Sutton. Noemi is the only daughter of a Nigerian princess and a US Navy SEAL who teaches English as a second language. She is working in Nigeria when she and her companions are kidnapped and held prisoner.

Ranger Kingston, a navy SEAL from Alaska, first meets Noemi in Key West where he’s training and she’s on holiday. They meet again after Noemi is one of a group kidnapped in Nigeria. One of the other captives is Colt, Ranger’s brother, who was providing security as they travelled.

They are rescued by a team which includes Ranger, but Ranger and Noemi are separated from the rest of the rescue party while trying to locate Blessing, a young girl who was captured with them. Ranger is injured during their escape, so Noemi does the only thing she can thing of—she takes him to her uncle’s compound in the south of the country. Unfortunately, the only way to get there alive is to pretend that she and Ranger are married.

I’ve always enjoyed a good marriage of convenience story. I’ve read a lot of good historical novels with this plotline (mail order brides spring to mind), but rarely come across a compelling setup for a contemporary.

Sunburst does this, and does it well. Noemi’s uncle insists on hosting a traditional Nigerian wedding, and it was fun to read about all the traditions and preparation. The seamless introduction of different aspects of Nigerian culture elevated Sunburst above most other romantic suspense novels.

The humour in their situation also helped balance the suspense. And there was plenty of suspense. While Noemi is attracted to Ranger—and he seems to be attracted to her—she’s convinced their relationship won’t last. She’s also convinced that the events leading up to her kidnapping could put Ranger and his family in danger, so she’ll have to leave for both their sakes …

Overall, Sunburst is a solid Christian romantic suspense novel with a Nigerian location and heroine that elevates the novel above others in the genre. Recommended for fans of romantic suspense, especially those who like different settings.

Sunburst is the second book in the Sky King Ranch series, following Sunrise. The third book, Sundown, is due out later this year. Sunburst did a good job of setting up the final story, so I’ll look forward to reading it.

Thanks to Revell and NetGalley for providing a free ebook for review.

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I always jump at the chance to read a Susan May Warren novel and this one was another stellar story!
I loved that we got to experience Africa and Alaska-two very different cultures but Warren was able to immerse us in both!
There was plenty of action but not so much that you couldn’t catch your breath which is the perfect balance in my opinion!
Ranger intrigued me from what we got to know of him in the last book so I was really excited to dive into his story and he did not disappoint! I loved his determination to do whatever needed to be done and felt for him as he tried to figure out his next steps after his life plan was derailed.
Noemi was a great match for Ranger, her stubbornness got her in trouble sometimes but it also gave her strength to do hard things.
The two of them were fantastic together and I loved the sparks between them! I also liked how they had a bit of history to their romance!
All in all another fantastic SMW novel and it left me highly anticipating book 3!

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Although I didn't read the first in the series, I plan to read the third! I didn't know Susan May Warren wrote such action packed stories and I look forward to enjoying more from her in the future! An aid worker is captured by terrorists and rescued by her lost love (who happens to be one of her fellow captives brother), they are separated from the rest of the party and have to make their way through Nigeria, with a terrorist still after them.
I didn't find it to hard to catch up with the story even though I missed the first book. Although this story does build on that one, there is enough recap in it to continue the story.
I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Sunburst was is a book that I have been waiting to read. I read the first book and felt like I was on the edge of my seat to find out what happened to the characters that had become friends. Sunburst does not disappoint! The characters are so well fleshed out and the story so captivating that it had me looking forward to the end of the day. I was so sad to get to the end of the book and I once again can't wait to hear the next part of the story. Great book! You won't be sorry.

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I love SMW's stories and this one is no exception. From the opening pages, we see no shortage of fun and action, with surprising twists and witty banter along the way. Such a fun story, and now I can't wait for the third book in the Sky King Ranch series!

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The second book in this series is just as intense as the first one! There’s suspense, action and romance. And it ends with you wanting more! I can’t wait for the next book with Colts story.

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Oh my goodness the suspense and aura of mystery woven throughout this book kept me hooked from start to finish! This family has become so real in this series and I can't wait to read more about them!

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Susan May Warren has done it again! Another book I struggled to put down! I love getting to meet more of the Kingston brothers and see their interactions. The mystery and intrigue that carries over from book one in this series has me on pins and needles until book 3 comes out!

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