Member Reviews

I read this so very long ago but it was lovely and poignant and grabbed me enough that I had to get the rest.

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Need more queer romance like this one! An absolute sucker for character whose love language is giving food. I was equal parts hungry and sappy whilst reading this book.

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I absolutely adore the premise of The Romance Recipe and love the romantic tension already going on between our two women main characters. I connect a lot with Sophie about her insecurities and struggles when it comes to being in the spotlight and I hope that the author is able to portray her growth from it in a way to inspire a lot of readers. I didn't connect much with Amy, as I felt she was a little too Type A and rude from how she was introduced in the book. I know Amy will definitely grow from her current personality but, it may take some painstakingly annoying moments of her personality before it gets there.

I will definitely be picking up a copy of this book to finish it!

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The preview of this book is what inspired me to purchase the full book when it was released. Such a cute romance book with lots to love. Also, who doesn't love food?!

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i loved the preview! i already love the characters and can't wait to read this book!! Ruby Barrett's writing style is so fun!

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This book was steamy, swoony, and all-around delicious. I loved it! It was so fun and I loved the reality TV show angle.

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I have been absolutely loving the cooking themed and/or reality tv themed romances we've been getting and not only does this have a little bit of both but it's also sapphic!

I love the sexual tension between Amy and Sophie and was very intrigued by their dynamic in the kitchen because they clearly did not seem to be on the same page at work. I also loved that we got to see a little bit of their lives outside of work like Sophie's weightlifting hobby and ex-fiancé and Amy's family issues.

Overall, I was immediately hooked by this preview and need to get my hands on the rest of the book as soon as possible.

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I have only read the first five chapters but I'm already invested. The were plenty of iconic bits to send to my book-loving friend. The book focuses on the relationship between a struggling restaurant owner (Amy), and her chef (Sofie). Amy is a very headstrong character who sometimes struggles to listen to what Sofie says should be done with the restaurant but Amy is trying. Sofie is a mini-celebrity from a MasterChef-type show she loses a bit of her spark when cooking becomes her job but regains it when she is given more choices over her cooking. They both have quite a few Gay panic moments which are incredibly cute. Amy thinks it would be best if they apply for a show to help with the numbers but Sofie isn't sure. Plus Amy has velociraptor trauma so yes I want to read the rest of the book when I'm given the opportunity.

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Thank you for the opportunity to read this.

I wasn’t able to stop reading it from the beginning. Before I realized it I finished the whole preview and left wanting more of Sophie and Amy. I can tell it’s going to have a great ending and so far it’s very funny. Can’t wait to read the rest of the book. 5/5

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I received a preview of The Romance Recipe via NetGally and let me tell you, I am SO glad.

This is my kind of book. Lesbians, and chef/kitchen action. The characters were fun to read, I enjoyed the "she can't know I like her" circles the two run around each other, and I also liked that the plot outside of the two in the actual romance was also pretty prominent. I tend to get bored if it's just sex, making eyes, and pure romance alone, so that really made the book for me.

I enjoyed this very much and will definitely be checking out the full novel!

Thank you to NetGalley for giving me a copy of this preview in exchange for a review.

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I'm honestly not interested in this anymore and that has nothing to do with the writing and everything to do with me. I just have so many books on here to read and this is not at the top of my priorities. Will I pick up the finished copy at some point if I am in the mood for a foodie romance probably.

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I was given a free sneak peek to this book and have actually bought the book because of that preview. The author has a really good way of making you feel the current atmosphere and energy of the setting the character(s) are currently in. The preview dropped me off in the middle of a busy kitchen and I felt like I was dodging and weaving and actually hearing everything you would in a busy kitchen. Dialogue is quick and things pile on one on top of the other, adding to the frenzy and the panic the character was feeling during that time. I haven't quite experienced that in a long time with a book and I really enjoyed it. I ended up buying the book as soon as it came out and was pleased to see the writing continued to be that atmospheric and good (in general). By plunging the reader head-first into the characters' lives you really get attached to them and root for them.

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I haven't read this author's first book, but now I'm excited to readit!! The first five chapters of this book had me hooked and wanting more! Great writing and character building! Going to go buy it now!!

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I haven't read this author's previous book but now I'm thinking I might need to! These five chapters had me absolutely hooked. Everything was great, from the writing to the setting to the relationship between the characters. I can't wait to read the rest of it!

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Once I started the preview- I had to finish it! I absolutely loved this book. This was the first novel I've read of Ruby Barrett and I can safely safe she's got a new fan. I loved the tension between Sophie and Amy. Their chemistry is explosive. This wasn't a typical romance for me. I really enjoyed each of their perspectives and watching them navigate their inner struggles and how it affected their dynamics.
I also really enjoyed the secondary characters in this story. I adored the LGBTQ+ community and the interactions they had.
The club scene was a particular favorite of mine.

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I was kindly given a 5 chapter arc of the romance recipe and I am dying to read the rest of it. The first chapters do a really good job of settling you into this world and introducing the characters. Can’t wait to read more.

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Little things bring me as much joy as a novel filled with food, forbidden love, and angst. The Romance Recipe delivers! This preview only included the first five chapters, but it provided the opportunity to meet Amy - exuberant restaurant owner determined to save her business, and Sophie - celebrity chef only just starting to explore her sexuality while balancing her job and public persona. Amy and Sophie haven't worked together for long, and they are already at conflict trying to lead the business in the best direction. When they have the opportunity to apply for a reality tv show featuring the restaurant, Amy is energized and Sophie is terrified - but nothing they are feeling about work quite overshadows their lingering feelings for each other.

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So thanks to NetGalley and Carina Adores for the chance to read the first five chapters of this story.

The premise was intriguing to begin with: workplace romance/enemies (well kinda not really, they don’t hate one another, but butt heads A LOT) to lovers all centered around the high stress of a restaurant life and high profile of reality TV. As someone that works in a kitchen I was intrigued by the first part and curious to see how the second part would come into play.
So far I love what I’m reading. Amy and Sophie come from very different worlds, but bond over a love of food and a desire to save Amy’s flailing restaurant. Both women are trying to find their place in the world after personal devastating events and both are good examples of not judging a book by its cover because neither let show how their world is crumbling. The five chapter preview only gave me up until they began talking about going on the reality show, but covers backgrounds and lays a basis for the romance and I have to say I am 100% hooked and want to see how all this plays out.

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Thank you to NetGalley for having a preview of this highly anticipated read! I loved the preview and cannot wait to get my hands on a full copy to read the rest!

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I held onto this one for far too long. What a fabulous story! Thank you for the opportunity to read this! I love this trope. I'm definitely buying the rest of the book

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