Member Reviews

this book is funny, steamy, wholesome, nuanced, and heartfelt. Mazey Eddings has a way with words that is coupled with joy and creates lovable characters that are entirely unique. The characters were immediately captivating with their natural chemistry, and even from their first meeting I loved how lighthearted and carefree they were with one another.
This was a lovely read.

In "Lizzie Blake's Best Mistake," Mazey Eddings invites readers into the charming and chaotic world of Lizzie Blake, a spirited protagonist whose life takes an unexpected turn after a spontaneous decision. Set against the backdrop of a quaint New England town, this delightful rom-com unfolds with wit, heart, and plenty of humor.

Lizzie, a dedicated teacher with a penchant for adventure, finds herself at a crossroads when she impulsively decides to enter a pie-eating contest—only to discover the contest is a hot mess. This fateful moment sets off a chain of events that leads Lizzie on a journey of self-discovery, love, and unexpected friendships.

Eddings excels in creating a lovable and relatable protagonist in Lizzie Blake. Her quirky personality and endearing clumsiness make her instantly likable, while her determination to embrace life's uncertainties resonates with readers on a personal level. As Lizzie navigates the challenges of the contest and its aftermath, Eddings skillfully explores themes of self-confidence, taking risks, and finding one's place in the world.

The novel's charm lies in its ensemble cast of characters, each with their own quirks and complexities. From Lizzie's supportive best friend to the charming but enigmatic contest judge, every character adds depth and humor to the narrative, creating a vibrant tapestry of small-town life.

Eddings' writing style is engaging and light-hearted, perfectly complementing the novel's romantic and comedic elements. The dialogue sparkles with wit and authenticity, capturing the banter and camaraderie between characters with effortless charm. The pacing is brisk yet allows for moments of introspection and emotional growth, ensuring that readers are invested in Lizzie's journey from start to finish.

Overall, "Lizzie Blake's Best Mistake" is a delightful escape into a world filled with laughter, love, and the joy of embracing life's unexpected twists. Mazey Eddings has crafted a feel-good romantic comedy that will leave readers with a smile on their faces and a warm feeling in their hearts. Perfect for fans of witty romances and charming small-town settings, this novel is a testament to the author's talent in creating stories that entertain and uplift.

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A fun sweet read! Highly recommend.

Many thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for my ARC.

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I’ll admit that since having a baby, I’m kind of obsessed with all things babies and pregnancy. I loved the surprise pregnancy rom-com meet cute situation going on in this story. The focus on neurodivergence, particularly ADHD, was well appreciated and I enjoyed both MCs. Even flawed, they were both very likable and I really enjoyed this book. It emphasized that even when things don’t come into play in traditional ways, they can still work favorably and be fated.

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Mazey Eddings writes characters and stories that I cannot put down. Lizzie hooked me from the start and I couldn't help but root for her as the story went along. I loved watching both Lizzie and Rake grow individually and together as a pair. With having met the characters in "A Brush with Love", I was glad to see them return and continue to be a great support system for each other. Even though these books have some overlapping characters, they can definitely be read as a standalone as each main character is unique and has their own story!

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I LOVED Lizzie Blake's Best Mistake. Thank you so much to Netgalley and the publisher for providing an ARC of this book. Eddings' writing is superb and makes me feel all of the emotions. Lizzie and Rake have a two-night-stand that changes everything. Lizzie makes lots of mistakes and Rake learns from his mistakes. When they decide to platonically raise their child together, chaos, feelings, and ultimately growth occur. This book was heartwarming and laugh out loud funny at times. Eddings successfully created two characters who shouldn't necessarily work on paper or in real life and gave them an ending that they both deserve. 100% recommend.

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As a woman with ADHD, Lizzie was a breath of fresh air in a romance book! So nice to see ACCURATE representation of what it's like to live with ADHD as a woman - it's debilitating.

I'm not a fan of surprise pregnancy trope, but this one was super cute! You really rooted for the characters to be together and you loved them as individuals, as well as a couple.

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DNF- After much deliberation, I have decided to no longer read or request books form this author as I disagree with their values on a fundamental level. This book seemed to have a few things that I was looking forward to regarding a romance, but I cannot read this book and separate the art from the artist as, in this case, they're completely intertwined.

I will not be reading or recommending any of this author's books in the future, but I look forward to seeing more representation from this press/publisher and in romance in general in the future.

Thank you for my advanced copy.

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I loved this one even more than A Brush with Love!

I loved the ADHD rep - trying a look into Lizzie’s mind was so insightful and beautiful. I loved her appetite for life and incredible baking skills.

This grumpy/sunshine, pregnancy trope story was so being lovely!

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As a person with ADHD this book was very relatable to me and I enjoyed it. I actually read the rest of the books in this series as well. I hope to be better about reviewing books as I read them in the future but you know ADHD gets the better of us sometimes and life can be overwhelming at times. Thank you for understanding.

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I’m not sure how I feel about this one still. I liked it while I was reading it but I found it very forgettable. I did really like the characters and the story line.

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Lizzie Blake's Best Mistake, by Mazey Eddings

Rating: 4/5⭐

This was such a fun read to start the year off with! (Yes, I know February is half over and I'm only getting to my first review of the's been a lil crazy over here!) Anyway, I really enjoyed A Brush With Love by Mazey Eddings, so I was really excited for this one. But I didn't realize until I started reading that this is actually book two in that series! So it was a fun surprise when Harper and Dan from the first book popped in as supporting characters. I know "surprise pregnancy" isn't everyone's favorite trope, but I think this was one of the first books I've read with that as the main plotline, and it was really well done! I loved getting to know Lizzie, and the love interest, Rake from Australia, is just absolutely adorable. Just like in A Brush With Love, the author did an amazing job of representing neurodiversity throughout the book with Lizzie's ADHD diagnosis. I won't give too much more away, but I enjoyed so much about this book: the romance, the humor, the character development, it was all so good! Looking forward to following along with what happens next in the series!

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4 stars!

I had low expectations going into this romance novel and they were definitely exceeded! I also do not normally enjoy the unexpected pregnancies trope but I found myself also not minding this? And also truly rooting for the two main characters to get together. Both of them had great stories both individually and together and I'm excited to read even more from Mazey Eddings in the future!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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So was I shocked to find that this was part of a series... yes
Was I stressing if I would be able to find the first book... yes
Did I read it and enjoy it... yes AND THEN THIS BOOK!
I absolutely loved Lizzie and Rake. Being an adult with ADHD, I loved seeing some of myself in this book. The first book in the series deals with anxiety and that is something that I live with on a daily basis too. In both of these books, you saw how far a little compassion can go. You saw what true friendship looks like. And most of all you saw what true partnership looks like. These women had serious conditions that affect their daily lives, but these men are patient, funny, and truly kind. Still flawed, they support, make mistakes, and apologize.
Also... they are a bit spicy and I LOVED IT. I can not wait to read the next book in the series!!

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3.5 stars. I really enjoyed the authors writing style and would definitely read another book by her. The romance between the two mains (lizzie and rake) didn't feel forced at all, but the conflict they experienced in the book DID feel forced. It felt that the author was trying to fit the story into a classic trope and it just didn't work. Overall, I enjoyed the book and would read another by this author.

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A zippy and quirky romcom that will have you flipping through pages with the endearing and hilarious characters to find out, will they? Or won't they? And either way... does that even matter?

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Accidental pregnancy has literally never been a preferred trope for me but I frankly love it in this book and Lizzie and Rake are amazing together. One night stand turned into true love, who isn't a sucker for romance like that? Lizzie also has such a unique struggle with ADHD that is represented so well. Mazey Eddings' always touches on important but heavy topics in her romance books and does it so well. Read this.

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In this follow up to A Brush With Love readers will laugh out loud while reading the pages as Lizzie’s struggles to handle her ADHD. Cute quick read with great chemistry while characters are taking big risks and chances. Which I found refreshing!!!

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I never really thought the accidental pregnancy trope was for me, so I'm kind of glad that I went into this one without reading the description. I just saw Mazey Eddings' name and remembered all the hype for first book got, and that was that.

Lizzie is an endlessly fun and painfully relatable main character, and Rake is as much a mess as her but such a sweetheart. The way Eddings writes these characters, they probably could have been in any plot and I would have loved it. That said, their unhinged antics from moving into an "apartment" together that's really an old warehouse with no rooms to Lizzie getting a job baking NSFW pastries made for an enjoyable and memorable plot.

This review would be incomplete without mentioning how Lizzie's relationships with her friends, her family, and with Rake all hit a few potholes (typical for a story set in Philly) but always resolve in a thoroughly satisfying way whether that's through taking a breath, backtracking, and communicating what hadn't been before or saying "enough is enough" and cutting off someone who just won't listen. The representation of ADHD in adulthood through Lizzie's character is handled so well and just made my heart happy to see. Highkey recommend this to other romance books lovers.

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I didn't realize this was Book 2 in a series until I had started the book. Reading the first book isn't necessary, but it's not my ideal reading scenario :)

That said, Lizzie Blake's Best Mistake is a mostly lighthearted romp with a side a gluten-free cupcakes. I'll add a small spoiler at the bottom, but there's one trope that many folks find polarizing. It didn't bother me, but it's probably not my fav either.

Many thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for sharing this book with me. All thoughts are my own.






Trope alert: accidental pregnancy

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I really enjoyed this story. As someone with ADHD, I felt that the representation was very spot on and refreshing. I really enjoyed the characters and the overall storyline. This was a very quick, but very fun, read!

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