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Lizzie Blake's Best Mistake

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Just finished A Perfect Pairing on Netflix, cute movie but lacking steam... especially because of the Adam Demos click-baiting!

(That's the guy and yes he's an Aussie dude.)
Fortunately and fatefully Lizzie Blake's Best Mistake had just landed on my kindle after the movie and with Mazey Eddings promising face sitting in the first 25 pages on social media I knew this book and I would make a fine pairing indeed. Adam Demos, Aussie accent, and 👅 Oi!

(Yes, yes I was picturing Demos the whole time.)

Lizzie Blake's Best Mistake by Mazey Eddings has:
👀 face sitting 25 pgs in
🧁 an erotic baking scheme
🛏 only one bed
🚿 only one shower
🚪 no doors??
🤰 accidental pregnancy
🧠 ADHD rep!!!!!
🦘Aussie accent

If you're trash for an Aussie hero, opposites attract and enjoy the accidental pregnancy trope, this one is pure delight.
The steam is there, the cuteness factor is there, the banter is great, the quirky humor is there and the character development was nicely done with bonus point for solid secondary cast and female friendship. I've read this one in one day and I was sad it was already over.

"For anyone who's been told they're too loud. Too emotional. Too much. You are the perfect amount of enough."

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Lizzie Blake lives her life on the edge - traveling, booking up, taking each day as it comes, and just rolling with the punches. Struggling with ADHD her entire life means she’s used to this, used to letting people down, and to deal with this she tells raunchy jokes and talks…sometimes too much. When she meets Rake after being stood up by a one nightstand at a bar her life changes - in so many ways. She’s not looking for a relationship, neither is he, but for some reason they keep running into each other, and life just happens.

This book made me blush, laugh, cringe, and smile along with Lizzie. I recommend this, especially for fans of romance, rom-com (with steam), and relationships.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for my ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Such a lovely, fun story! The sexual tension is great, and I loved the character development for Lizzie. Mazey Eddings is becoming a favorite writer. I definitely recommend this for romance lovers.

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“My heart hasn’t beat in a steady rhythm since you started looking at me with those honey-colored eyes.”

Lizzie and Rake. When a one-night stand with a handsome, Australian stranger turns into more than one night, Lizzie unexpectedly finds herself pregnant. Rake wants to be apart of his child’s life, so he moves to across the world to be near Lizzie. They try to keep things platonic, both not wanting to be in a relationship, but the lines between friendship and something more begins to blur.

- dual POV
- friends to lovers
- one bed
- forced proximity
- surprise pregnancy
- baking (erotic pastries…iykyk)
- one-night stands
- mental health rep: ADHD
- Australian accents
- off-limits

cw: strained family relationships, toxic parents, mention of cheating

Thank you @netgalley and @smpromance for the advanced copy! Lizzie Blake’s Best Mistake is now available!

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This was a fun, though at times heartbreaking, read. Lizzie and Rake are both flawed and lonely and in need of love, though show it in very different ways. Watching their journey from one-night stands (ok two-night) to friends, to lovers, to more was entertaining.

Lizzie grew up feeling like she was strange, wrong, and unloveable; a feeling that hasn’t changed much as she’s gotten over and failed time and time again in her mind. Lizzie’s neurodivergence was not embraced by her family, so she has grown to see it more as a failing than something that she can adapt to. This hit me very personally.

Rake was betrayed and hurt by someone he thought he loved and has determined that he doesn’t know how to love and that he should avoid romantic entanglement. He writes off his growing feelings for Lizzie as friendship and attraction in order to protect himself from being hurt.

Together they both challenge and encourage each other. Rake thinks there is absolutely nothing wrong with Lizzie and the quirks that comes with her extreme ADHD and is almost always quick to defend her.

There are of course miscommunications, arguments, and all the drama that come with two strangers trying to create a life together while denying that they are falling in love. And it’s all presented in a humorous, quick-paced manner that I enjoyed.

Disclaimer: I received an eARC of this book through Net Galley on behalf of the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I thought this book was really cute and a plot I’ve not seen (which is hard to do). Still plenty of tropes and I liked having a protagonist with adult adhd, she was very lovable and well rounded

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Mazey Eddings is an auto-read for me! This was a wonderful follow up to A Brush With Love. She crafted the "surprise baby" trope so well!

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Another great book from Mazey! She writes with such heart and humor and it comes through on every page.

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As a charming, Shopaholic-esque basket case, Lizzie Blake makes a lot of mistakes. Her best one, told through this bright story, is getting pregnant during a fling with a loveable hunk, leading to a sweet love story. The author's writing style really brings out Lizzie's quirky details, making this a very fun read. A couple criticisms though - first, the quick jump into love at the beginning of the book never works for me, and was unbelievable in this book. I also found the negative depiction of the hunk's ex a bit cringe-y. Overall though, I enjoyed this book and want to thank NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review it.

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This was extremely painful to read. So many things that just didn't work for me. Also learned I am not a fan of the unexpected pregnancy tropes.

I want to say more but for now won't 🤷‍♀️. Probably won't check out the others in this series. Also not a fan of constantly repeating things every paragraph (tad exaggerating) lol

Thanks Netgalley for allowing me to check this book out.

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It’s rare that I enjoy a book featuring the accidental pregnancy trope, but if any author could write it well, it’s Mazey Eddings.

Exceptional representation, a quirky MC, and a likeable love interest made this is delightful and bingeable romance!

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Lizzie Blake's Best Mistake was such a fun read! I don't usually love the surprise pregnancy trope but Mazey Eddings handled this in a great way.

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All the feels for this one!! Lizzie Blake’s Best Mistake is my first book by Mazey Eddings and my first time reading a book with a character who has ADHD and I absolutely LOVED the representation and window into the day-to-day experience. It honestly was super enlightening while being charming, sweet, hilarious and unputtadownable. I was instantly drawn to Lizzie, and as a newly single person (and single mom) after a very bad/ messy breakup and divorce, characters like Rake just give me hope that my perfect man is out there. Rake might be imaginary but he’s a perfect reminder that we are all loveable and just have to find where we belong 💕.

Thank you to St Martin’s Griffin, NetGalley and Mazey Eddings for the ARC. I thoroughly enjoyed it and all thoughts and opinions are my own!

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I enjoyed both of the characters and loved watching them begin to fall for each other and admit their feelings, despite initially not wanting to pursue a relationship. The book also contains important and informative conversations about growing up neurodivergent, as Lizzie has ADHD. I'd been highly anticipating this book after reading Mazey's debut, and I absolutely loved it.

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I really enjoyed the authorial voice throughout this book and the neurodivergent representation. A surprise pregnancy where a character is somewhat struggling to manage her own life, though, is hard to swallow and makes the romance a bit less captivating.

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I should have read the content warnings on this before I requested it. The unplanned pregnancy trope was triggering for me at the time so I had to put it down and come back to it.

Once I was ready for it, I loved it! I adore this universe that Mazey’s created and can’t wait to read the next installment. The friend group in this series is #goals - and the romance isn’t bad either!

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I read this without realizing that it was book 2, so as of right now I have not read A Brush with Love. I enjoyed this book. I loved the ADHD representation in Lizzie and how she fought to be better every day. The struggle is real. I also loved that she found people who understood her and helped her when she needed it. It really does take a village to survive this life. The erotic bakery is absolutely something I would jump to be a part of, the fact that it was underground was hilarious. Rake, omg to his name, is a beautifully flawed character, He has baggage that makes it hard for him to open up to Lizzie but he’s a stand-up guy and does what he can to help take care of her since she didn’t get into her situation alone. This book was laugh-out loud funny and made me cry near the end. I’m looking forward to reading other books by this author for sure.

Tropes: insta-love, unwanted pregnancy, abortion, cheating,

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Mazey Eddings has been added to the list of favorite authors for me. Lizzie Blake’s Best Mistake is the second book in the A Brush with Love series, but I read this one first. Even without reading A Brush With Love prior to this, I didn’t feel like I was missing out on anything, and I loved having the chance to go back and read the first book after this one.

Lizzie is a completely relatable main character, and Mazey does an excellent job at making Lizzie’s ADHD a part of the character but not the entire focus. I didn’t read too much about this book before diving in, so I was surprised that one of the main plot points/tropes in the book was a surprise pregnancy. This is usually a miss for me in books, but Mazey incorporates this perfectly into the character arcs for Lizzie and Rake without overwhelming the other developments as their relationship progresses.

I loved Lizzie and the life that she builds for herself throughout the book, and I adored Rake as the male lead. It’s clear that his feelings for Lizzie are driven by more the surprise pregnancy they find themselves in.

All the stars, and I’ll definitely be picking up more books from Mazey Eddings.

Many thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the advanced digital copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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First of all, I am absolutely obsessed with Mazey Edding's writing so as soon as I saw this novel I knew I would love it. I am OBSESSED with Lizzie and Rake as both individuals and as a couple, They both have so many amazing qualities that are amplified by each other, which makes you root for them throughout the entire novel. Highly recommend!!
This ARC was given to me to review from the publishers and NetGalley.

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Reviewed the audio which is how I consumed this book. Mazey Eddings continues to amaze me in her storytelling ability. Summer and Will told the story so beautifully and this was just such a fun audio to listen to. Thank you to SMP and Macmillan for the advanced copy

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