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Built to Last

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Ok this was really cute!! I've only read one other Erin Hahn book (You'd Be Mine), but I want to read more! I enjoyed her writing style a lot. I love stories with dual POV and Erin Hahn did a great job bouncing back and forth in this one! I would have liked a liiiiittle bit more from their childhood and to see how they grew up and grew to love one another, but overall I was very pleased with this one.
Perfect for fans of second chance romances and those obsessed with home renovation shows!

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Adorable book. Loved all the characters and the personality and it was comforting to read. It was refreshing to not have to deal with the typical ‘misunderstanding’ plot that follows once the couple gets together. This felt more genuine, less dramatic and just felt cozy to read.

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Erin Hahn detours from her usual young adult novels and joins the adult romance scene with her newest book, Built to Last, which comes out on October 18th. While this is my first time reading one of Hahn’s books, this definitely won't be my last!

Romance lovers: this book’s for you! This book, which is reminiscent of Funny You Should Ask and How To Love Your Neighbor combines a second chance romance with HGTV-esque themes.

The chemistry between Shelby and Cameron was so well written that you can’t help but want their relationship and careers to flourish! And the way their story is written is so nicely done! The chapters just flow into one another so well that you’ll be finishing this book in one sitting! But on top of the main characters, all of the side characters are so great and really add depth to the story!

To be honest, these characters are too good to have their stories end here! (Erin Hahn you better have a sequel up your sleeve!)

If you love second chance romance, home renovation shows, or a peek behind the glitz of Hollywood, read this book!

*I received an ARC from St. Martin’s Press in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Built to Last is Erin Hahn's first adult novel and it did not disappointed. There was the same strong characters and plenty of growth that was seen in her YA novels, with some added spice.

Shelby and Cameron had been young stars on a show together, things imploded, and they went their separate ways. Shelby stayed dating fellow costar Lyle for a few years before having a very public breakup. Cameron went to go work for National Geographic. Fast forward a few years and now Lyle (ex-boyfriend extraordinaire) is producing a house flipping show and wants Cameron to be on it with Shelby.

Everything about Shelby and Cameron reconnecting was fabulous. You could see how they struggled with the past, and how if they could have a future, and what they both wanted and needed. It took time and work for them to find what they were looking for.

Loved the show premise. Hated that Lyle was a scumbag and made their lives hell by surprisingly them with guests as they filmed (former friends, bad moms, etc). He needs a good kick in the pants.

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By all accounts, this was an average adult contemporary romance. The main characters end up with a happy ending and the plot is largely based on popular, trending story tropes. But what this story was missing was an emotional center. That was the one storytelling element I was craving the most and this story failed to deliver it.

The plotting was simple and straightforward. The story relied on four main tropes: second-chance romance, friends-to-lovers (in the past), close proximity, and miscommunication. Usually, that combination is a recipe for success in contemporary romance. But I couldn’t help but feel that the story was coasting because of the trope use. It never dug deeper than those tropes and that was a disservice to the story—and to the home renovation setting. Because that was the missing piece this plot needed—to engage with the setting more. The romance plot overtook the home renovation plot; personally, I wish the latter plot was the alpha-plot. There is a rich array of details that could have been used to add more external conflict—and it would have enriched the descriptive details, as well.

In truth, there wasn’t much in terms of character development or emotionality in the writing. And I do think those go together, at least when it comes to this story. Shelby and Cameron didn’t change much throughout the 336 pages. They fell in love, but it wasn’t a plot where the romance propelled much change. In terms of Shelby, her life continued on, and she was able to heal the emotional wounds that Lyle had given her in the past. In terms of Cameron, he learned that his home (or his “anchor”) was Shelby and found a calling in renovating homes, much like she did. They were subtle changes, but they were also changes that I wished were more pronounced. And the pronouncement of those changes could have come in the form of deeper emotional writing. For the most part, the emotions skirted the surface of the story. I never felt drawn into what a given character was feeling and wished I had a better connection to the emotions undercutting the plot.

This is a minor note, but Lyle’s characterization was markedly different than how it was presented in the synopsis of the book. The synopsis made Lyle out to be a hero for bringing Cameron and Shelby back together. In truth, he was nothing short of a bully and brought about emotional trauma and distress to our main character, Shelby. That piece of marketing was something I wished had been adjusted prior to publication.

Overall, this book was great to read in one sitting. But it lacked the depth and descriptive writing that carries a story off the page.

TW: toxic/neglectful parent, past cheating

Thank you to St. Martin's Griffin and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of this book.

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I tried to read this book so many times and I just kept losing interest. I'm not even sure if I can say why, it just didn't suck me in. I finally gave up trying.

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I really liked this book, especially the reality show backdrop. It’s fun to see what goes on behind the scenes, even if it’s fictional. The characters are strong and I liked the romance. 4 stars.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed as in this review are completely my own.

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I was a big fan of Erin Hahn's YA romance novels, so I was super excited to read her adult romance debut. Built to Last was very sweet, and I loved how well she wrote the second chance romance between two teenage sweethearts. The book gets a little spicy, but is not overly graphic, which I appreciated. Hahn did a great job balancing the sexy and sweet throughout the book, and the story progressed in a very organic way.

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This book is such a warm hug! Erin Hahn’s books always feel like home to me. She’s so good at making you love the main couple and root for them until they get their HEA. Cameron and Shelby are two of my favorite idiots who are GONE for each other. Idiots to lovers is THAT trope for me.

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I loved the child star angle of second chance lovers portrayed in this one!

At times it felt too insta love for me, which I understand the characters have a history but at times it felt like too much.

I’m typically not a fan of love triangles, but oddly enough it worked here and I did enjoy it!

All in all, I greatly enjoyed this spin on some of my favorite tropes.

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Totally delightful for anyone who loves old houses and romance novels. Hahn avoided cliched side plot and side character tropes — the side plots and characters just added to the book and propelled the story forward. Really enjoyable.

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I really enjoyed this book, it had quite a few "awww" moments. Second chance romances are one of my favorites. I enjoyed the small flashbacks of Cameron and Shelby although it feels like a second chance romance, I wish there were more flashback and memories of the two together, since the book does focus a lot on their past. Overall, I did enjoy the book and would recommend if you're looking for a cute read.

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I got this arc right after we bought our first home and we’re knee deep in making it our own, so this was the perfect book for me at the time! I absolutely loved it!

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I’ve had a hard time reviewing this. I almost DNF’d at the beginning. It started out a little crass and more sexual than I liked. But I was curious about the story so I kept going and got really good at skipping the sex scenes.

I loved the story but wish the sex scenes were less descriptive and left more to the imagination.

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3.5 stars; Charming second chance romance between two childhood television stars, now starring in their new home renovation show. With a petty ex trying to ruin everything, the two realize they are in love with one another and they work together to overcome adversity and bad publicity to shine in their new roles. I love the friends and community they built that carry them through. Shelby and Cameron had great chemistry from the get go, but I didn't feel like Cameron giving up on his nat geo job really felt earned. It was an easy, fun read.

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This was just a middle of the road romance for me. I really wish there was more about the actual home renovation in the book.

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I didn’t like this very much. I thought it was pretty slow at times and quite insta love. It didn’t delve into their past aside from a few flash backs so we didn’t really get to understand why they’ve been in love with each other for so long. To me, their relationship was very lusty but didn’t have much romance. They definitely had a spark but I would’ve liked more of a history.

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The tale of a second chance romance between childhood actors with a reno home show twist.

This one definitely gave hallmark vibes, it was very cute with a touch of steam. I personally would have liked to see more will they/ won't they, because it was almost just a given that Shelby and Cameron were getting back together.

Overall it was a cute book but didn't feel like an adult romance so that's why I gave it 3 stars. Wouldn't read it again, but would read more by the author.

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I love HGTV aspect of this book, but didn’t really love the drama. There was a little too much for my liking. It was a bit messy in the relationship department and there was too much miscommunication for me.

Overall the book was well written and had a great slow burn, but in the end wasn’t for me.

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Shelby and Cam grew up together singing and dancing together as child stars on television. They were high school sweethearts off-screen while her on-screen love interest, Lyle, was who she made headlines with. This entire book centers around Shelby and Cam's second chance romance and it is sweet 'n steamy. So flash forward to now and Lyle is proposing a new show pairing up his former cast mates. The show is a home reno show in small-town Michigan and it is nothing but charming. I enjoyed reading a romance in this niche. Lots of mentions of plaid and tree-trunk thighs! Oh, and I love talk of a good flea market and B&B!!

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