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Built to Last

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My first from this author but I most definitely will be reading more of her. A second, second chance romance about child stars who cross paths several times. However, it's never been THEIR time. Cameron runs time and again rather than confront his fears and problems. Shelby finds a different path to happiness. A chance to revive both their friendship and their star appeal could either make them or break them. There were some great fun moments and some super wonderful characters along with the *canoes that are needed to finally pull this team together

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5 stars

Thank you to Netgalley, St. Martin's Press and Erin Hahn for the gifted copy in exchange for my honest review.

I absolutely loved this story. This had almost every trope I love- second chance romance, coming of age, close proximity, soulmates- but it also has something that most romance novels don't have...IT HAD A COMMUNICATION TROPE. NOT A MISCOMMUNICATION TROPE. BUT THEY ACTUALLY COMMUNICATED!!! I can truly say I've never been more satisfied with a book than I am with this one.

I had to pace myself with this one because I had so much to do but all I wanted to do was keep reading. Lorelei and Maren are amazing girl friends. Kevin is a great married wingman. I had every emotion I could possibly for Shelby, but her character growth was superb. And CAMERON (swoon). He might go down as one of my favorite book love interests.

The chemistry. SWOONWORTHY. The heat. IT FELT LIKE FIRE. Just everything about this book was incredible.

It's on the shelves, peeps. If you have it already, read it now. If you don't have it, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!

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Built to Last is an adorable second chance romance centered around a home improvement reality show. Childhood tv show co-stars and former lovers, Shelby and Cameron, get reunited in their hometowns to be on a home flipping show and rehabilitate Shelby’s image. All the sweetness with this one. And some steam 🔥 too. Their reconnection gave me all the warm fuzzies and the pacing was perfect with humor peppered throughout. Their banter had the perfect flow and made the chemistry feel real and not forced. I only wish that we had more backstory or flashbacks from their days as kid actors. This is my first Erin Hahn novel and I really look forward to seeing what she does next.

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This story just filled my heart to the brim.
I loved the characters, I loved the banter and interactions and I loved the love story. A slow burn that needed time to grow and bloom from the beginning to the end.
I am looking forward to read more by the author in the future because this one was definitely a must read story

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"After years of swimming with the current, letting it lead me wherever, I'm finally striking out against it and it's exhausting."

Built to Last is a redemption, second chance love story. These characters, I felt so connected that I couldn't stop thinking about this book throughout the day. That is probably why I finished the book right away. I needed to know how Cameron and Shelby were.
The book was humorous with quips from the characters, I will never think of yoga voices the same! It also has depth and soul. I am looking forward to the next books in this series about Shelby's best friends. I can't get this book out of my head. Erin Hahn you were magnificent.

1.5 Spice

Thank you St Martin's Press Romance for this gift

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gah, this one started SO good. i was loving the first 40-50%, giggling and sending updates to my book bestie. unfortunately, after that, it suffers a bit from what i call second chance-itis, and perhaps it's just me but i just felt like when they were like yay lets get together, it was just like bam we're in love. the reader is just told that. which is totally fine and common with second chance, but dang it, i want to fall in love too. but that might just be me. i still overall liked the writing and the characters, i liked the story, it was steamy and cute. a solid 4 stars for me. right now, i'm not completely 100% sold on the next book if it's lorelai because i'm worried it'll also be second chance, and it's (clearly) not my favourite trope and i'm probably a bit more critical of it than other tropes. i will probably still read it if/when it comes out because i actually really did like the writing and the book overall, i just wanted a bit more development with the second chance part. but i loved lorelai as a character, so. i'm gonna read it, naturally.

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This cute book is a second chance trope of two child stars that discover when brought back together again after a years of separation, that the love they felt back then never really went away. The two are brought back together to do a home flipping reality TV show by their smarmy previous costar/Shelby's cheating ex.

I loved Shelby and Cameron together. This was a very mature relationship, which was wonderful. As much as I loved them, I hated Lenny (previous costar and now working on the new show), who is determined to show them both in a bad light for his personal satisfaction. He wasn't the only bad person in the book. They both had at least one parent that was either horrible or not that great. Thankfully, Hahn balanced out the awful people with as many good who were always willing to back up Shelby and Cam.

Thanks to St. Martins Press and NetGalley for the gifted copy. All thoughts are my own.

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📖Book: Built to Last
⭐️Rating: 4/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
✍🏼Author: Erin Hahn
📚Genre: Romance
🗏 Pages: 323
💕Tropes: Childhood Friends to Lovers, Second Chance Romance, Former Child Stars
⚠️Warnings: Toxic Relationships, Cheating
🔖Readability: 3.5/5 italic font is used
🥇First Line: I never loved flying

Things to expect:
✨Duel POV
❤️Cinnamon Roll MC
💛HGTV but add in romance
🪴Personal Growth

Erin Hahn has officially entered adult romance, and she is here to stay. The perfect debut is built to last and is full of her signature banter, engaging storyline, and swoon-worthy characters. This is what you would want a romance tv show to be on HGTV. The banter between Cameron and Shelby was my favorite, and I adore how they both never really stopped loving or pinning for each other. It reminds me how much I loved second-chance romances with childhood lovers in them. When two people are meant for each other, they will grow and find each other again. Erin told these tropes fantastic with her unique storytelling skills. I am so glad she entered adult romances, and I can't wait to see what she has in store next.

Thanks to St Martin Press for the advance reader copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Shelby has decided to leave the Hollywood scene. She has been dumped by her long time boyfriend, Lyle and she is just over all the drama. She calls her old friend Cameron. He comes running to Shelby’s side. But, then Lyle decides to create some havoc and interfere.

At first, I was not real sure I was going to like Shelby. She came across as insincere and superficial. But after she left Hollywood and became a woodworker and a carpenter, I found her very charming. As for Cameron, he is just an all around good guy. You can’t help but fall for him. He has excellent magnetism!!!

I enjoyed the history between Shelby and Cameron. The connection between these two really made the story…plus their hate for Lyle. Lyle is something else…I just wanted to smack him!

Need a cute, quick read…THIS IS IT! Grab your copy today!

I received this novel from the publisher for a honest review.

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Thank you so much for an eARC! I thought this was wonderfully done. A sweet, heartwarming second chance romance with so so much chemistry! Overall, really enjoyed it!

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Such a cute read! Loved the chemistry between Shelby and Cameron. I loved HGTV so I knew I would really enjoy reading this one and I wasn’t wrong!

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I’ve read this author’s young adult books before, so when I saw she was coming out with a second-chance adult rom-com? I had to check it out! And wow, I’m so glad I did! It’s sweet and hilarious and has the perfect amount of pining.

“Obviously, costarring with my first girlfriend on a reality home-renovation show is not what I had in mind.”

Shelby, Cameron and Lyle were all child stars together on a tween show. While the romance on the show was purportedly between Shelby and Lyle, Cameron was always the one she was interested in, even if she did have a well-publicized romance (and breakup) with Lyle. Ten years later, she’s content restoring vintage furniture in small town Michigan with her dad, far away from the cameras. Cameron, on the other hand, switched being in front of the camera to being behind it. Working for National Geographic means he’s constantly on the move which has grown tiring. When he accepts an interview to talk about a TV pilot, he’s surprised to see it’s being produced by Lyle – and will star him and Shelby as they renovate an old house. Shelby’s dad needs the money, though, and Cameron will do anything to help Shelby. Between learning a whole new set of skills and some unexpected roadblocks, can Shelby and Cameron refurbish their own relationship?

“I told you. He’s in denial.”
“It was ten years ago. And a kid’s show. Not real life.”
“And now?”
“And now we’re on a reality show. Even less real than the scripted kind.”

I cannot overemphasize how sweet Shelby and Cameron are together. It’s the sort of situation where they had something as kids, before Cameron suddenly took off for college. But when Shelby was at her lowest (thanks to Lyle cheating on her with her best friend and writing a Grammy-winning song about it) she calls him, and Cameron doesn’t hesitate to hop on the first plane to come back to LA for her and tell her some hard truths. It’s clear that both of them are deeply in love with the other but convinced that their past mistakes have ruined any chances at a relationship. There’s a ton of top-notch pining and yearning and angst before they, oh, communicate and start to figure things out.

“I had you first, and I’ll have you last.”
“You’ll have me forever.”
“It’s only fair. I’ve been yours since the moment I saw you.”

Cameron is ridiculously kind and caring, an absolutely sweet golden retriever of a man. He’s practically perfect except for one thing: he runs from his problems. Tired of LA and child star life? Leave suddenly for college. Not sure how to reconnect with his family who stayed in Michigan? Avoid coming home and blame it on his job. For Shelby, she feels like her past mistakes will always haunt her. It’s easier to hide out in small town Michigan than to deal with that perception of her, to show everyone that she’s changed. But the show forces both of them to deal with their issues, as Shelby’s in front of the camera again and Cameron’s forced to stay in one place. The sweetest part? Watching them support each other. They don’t rush in to save the other person but instead give them the space and encouragement they need to deal with their problems themselves. Serious relationship goals!

Besides the core relationship, there’s plenty more to love. There’s plenty of humor to go with the pining and I highlighted so many favorite passages. The secondary characters are lovely, too, especially Shelby and Cameron’s best friends, but my favorite was Shelby’s dad. Not only does he take Cameron under his wing in learning house restoration, but he’s a source of encouragement and advice that Cameron’s lacked for a long time.

Overall, this is practically peak second chance romance vibes and easily a 4.5 star read! There’s some good hints towards where this series will go next and I can’t wait to see what happens with Shelby’s friend!

I received an advance review copy of this book from NetGalley. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

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Read this if you:
*Enjoy second chance romance
*Appreciate slow burns with lots of banter and shenanigans
*Believe in owning what you’re worth and fighting for the one who got away

Meet the Author: Erin Hahn shares her favorite stories with her elementary students during the day and writes swoons by night. Erin married her own YA love interest whom she met on her first day of college. They have two children. She resides in Michigan and has a cat named Gus.

Synopsis: Shelby and Cameron were best friends in their teenage days. Being separated, it has been quite some time since they have spoken and seen one another. When Shelby is put on blast from a recent incident she turns to Cameron for support. At every beck and call from Shelby, Cameron is readily available, on a plane, at her side. When an opportunity arises for the two of them to partake in the filming of “Homemade” sparks begin to fly.

Reader’s Thoughts: This was my first opportunity to read a book written by Erin Hahn. Built to Last was a slow start for me but once it began to pick up I was sucked in and couldn’t put it down. The sweet chemistry between Cameron and Shelby had me rooting for them the entire way. The characters were wonderful. At many times, I disliked Lyle but I think that was the intention for this character. The banter and shenanigans throughout the book had me laughing out loud at moments. I have read quite a few heavy books recently and it was nice to read something so pure and innocent that could make me laugh. I will definitely keep my eye out for another novel written by Erin Hahn in the future.

Available now in paperback, eBook, and Audiobook.

Thank you, @Netgalley for providing me with a complimentary review copy. In no way has that influenced my voluntary review.

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Lots to enjoy about this warm, sweet romance between Shelby and Cameron, two former child-stars and first loves who reunite a decade after their TV show has ended. As they star on the pilot for a home renovation show, they begin to fall in love once again and pursue the relationship that escaped them when they were younger.

Pick up this book if you enjoy romances that feature hunky lumberjacks, childhood sweethearts maturing into their love for one another, second chance romances, famous or once-famous people, casts of ride-or-die friends, and/or competency porn (you know, when the hero and/or heroine--both, in this case--show off knowledge or skills so impressive they are irresistibly sexy). One of the best parts about Shelby and Cameron's relationship is the maturity they bring to it. They work their miscommunications early, so this doesn't become one of the silly obstacles that make you want to shake the main characters and say "just talk to each other!" From there, it's a matter of overcoming residual insecurities about their feelings for one another and planning for a future together--especially given that fans are still interested in all the details of their private lives.

The main obstacle to their relationship seems to be Lyle, their former co-star and Shelby's former boyfriend. He's shoehorned into the plot as the showrunner of their home renovation show; I realize the story needed a conflict for them to overcome, but his involvement in their show and his ongoing machinations rang false at times, especially given the relative maturity of all the other characters in the story.

That said, it's a minor quibble for a truly enjoyable romance you'll be able to sink into and devour in one go.

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From child actors to reunited adults coming back together, Shelby, Lyle and Cameron become entangled in each others lives once again. The unsuccessful relationships that Shelby had with both men didn't really come across as really surprising and I felt disconnected with them all. Though Cameron comes off way more likeable it's only because the bar is set fairly low. Some memorable moments but didn't feel enough chemistry to be really invested in the outcome.
Thanks Netgalley for the opportunity to read this book and give my honest opinion.

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Built to Last by Erin Hahn
Contemporary romance. Alternating chapters between male and female perspective.
Childhood tv stars Shelby and Cameron are back together rehabbing a house as a Pilot episode. As adults, they click back into habits and pour their hearts into building something renewed.

Adorable and touching. Hot romance with clever conflicts and a feeling of taking the high road ala Michelle O. A bit of humor and a few deep friendships. All the keys to a wonderful romance and a compelling story.
I want to look for more by this author. The timing and pace made it delightful.

“I’ve never really delved into the whole ‘soul’ business before, bit of we do have souls and those souls have mates, Shelby’s mine. After all, I am hers in every literal iteration. Why should my soul be any different?”
Excerpt from Built to Last

I received a copy of this from NetGalley.

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“Shelby Springfield has spent the last ten years trying to overcome her past, sanding it away like she does the rough spots on the vintage furniture finds she makes over. But as a former child star, it’s hard to forget a mediocre pop career, a meltdown widely documented by the paparazzi, and a huge public break with her former co-star Lyle Jessup. It’s also hard to forget her other co-star and childhood sweetheart, Cameron Riggs — the one who got away.”

I’ve read books about character who were former child stars.
I’ve read books about characters on reality television.
I’ve read books about characters taking on home reno projects.

This book had ALL THE THINGS.

And yet, it didn’t seem too much.

I loved the likeable main female and male characters.

I loathed the repellant ex BF and BFF.

I loved all the characters orbiting the mains, particularly the strong friendships and complex parent-adult child relationships.

There was just the right amount of humour, spice, sentimentality, and romance.

Also: the popular (and relevant) singles as chapter titles was a delight.

I really hope the author takes a few of the orbiting characters and runs with them.

I’m looking at you, Lorelei.


Thanks to NetGalley, OrangeSky Audio, and St. Martin’s Press for this handy ARC.

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Built to Last is the first book I remember reading by Erin Hahn. A second chance romance with some meddling by a third friend this is a fun read. Shelby Springfield, former child star, has been trying to get herself together for years. Her past story could be straight out of a celebrity magazine. Her story here and in the future is the stuff movies are made of. Movies worth seeing that is.

Along with Shelby are Lyle Jessup and Cameron Riggs. All three are now grown up and so much more interesting. Add a home renovation show and you have the making of a great story. An author that I will be on the lookout for more in the future. This is a crowd pleaser read.

An ARC of the book was provided by the publisher through NetGalley which I voluntarily chose to read and reviewed. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Built to Last, by Erin Hahn, is such a blast to read! This new romance is perfect for those who are a fan of Hollywood starlet tropes and childhood sweethearts.

Any reader will find themselves rooting for Shelby and Cameron from the beginning, from their best to their worst moments. Their chemistry is as strong as Lyle claims, and it’s clear from Erin Hann’s perfect storytelling skills!

Be sure to keep an eye on the songs listed at the top of each chapter. It’s a treat for any music fan, and may even convince those to give it a reread with the full playlist! I know I’m planning to, as this heartwarming novel is sure to stay on my bookshelf for some time.

Many thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Griffin for the complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I enjoyed this book. Cam and Shelby were teenage stars on a popular TV show. They were attracted to each other and acted upon it once but Cam couldn’t handle it and took off. Shelby then ended up in a long-term relationship with the third member of the TV show. When Lyle did her dirty, she reached out to Kim who’s cross the country to come and comfort her only to takeoff again.
Now it’s years later and Cam and Shelby are pushed together to star in in home improvement show. Shelby and her dad are professional flippers and cam has worked as a documentarian. They agree to do the show and then find out they’ll be working with Lyle.
What I liked about this book was how it portrayed the damage that was done to young people in a high stress situation and how long lasting the effects were of that damage. Both of them have moved on but they’ve never resolve the emotional issues between them. Both of them have family issues related to their earlier career. Even as adults, the media finds ways to try and bring them down aided by Shelby’s ex.. The ending is satisfying on several levels and there’s a pretty good teaser for what I assume is going to be the next book in the series. This is a new author to me and I look forward to reading future books.

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