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Built to Last

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Shelby Springfield and Cameron Riggs, once co-stars/childhood sweethearts, are brought back in each others lives 10 years later for the pilot of a home renovation show

Shelby having found her niche in life working with her contractor father restoring homes and bringing to life old furniture has found peace for herself, if not complete happiness.

Cameron, having spent the intervening years by globe trotting making documentaries for National Geographic finds the chance to return home to the town, and girl, he left behind to good to resist.

What the two share this time around, both on and offscreen, has at times made me cry while also making me laugh as they finally realize real life means learning how to take its punches but still soldier on.

A second chance at life on their own terms and love that is long overdue for Cameron and Shelby.

Did not love this one unconditionally but really enjoyed the heck out of it for sure.

[EArc from Netgalley]
On every book read as soon as it is done and written up for review it is posted on Goodreads and Netgalley, once released then posted on Amazon, Barnes and Nobles as well.

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Built to Last has a fun premise - 2 former child actors who co-starred on a popular TV show are brought back together to film a home renovation show pilot. As you might expect of course these two have a history, and being back in close contact after nearly a decade a part is a challenge in many ways. What ultimately transpires is a lovely, low-stakes second-chance romance that I really enjoyed reading.

This is Erin Hahn's adult romance debut and I think it's a super promising start. I can see how this book might not work for everyone as it did feel uneven and not totally flushed out at points, but I overall really enjoyed it despite the more technical issues I had with it. This is sort of rare for me - if I can see the seams when reading a book, it tends to take me out of it, but I had fun reading this regardless. That may have had a lot to do with the hero, Cam, who it's impossible not to crush on. It sounds like there's another book in this series in the making which I will definitely want to check out.

Thank you so much to the publisher for an e-arc. All opinions are my own.

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Erin Hahn's BUILT TO LAST is the ultimate in deeply engaging characters, a storyline that delivers happily ever after, and what it takes to renovate and flip a house. The connection between Shelby and Cameron was forged when they were children, strengthened and strained over the years, and resolved into a deep, trusting, loving relationship. While the plot was predictable with reversals, obstacles, and longstanding issues, I was charmed throughout, all the way to the happy ending. I received a copy of this book and these opinions are my own, unbiased thoughts.

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•Second chance at love
•Childhood sweethearts
•Former childhood stars
•Reality television
•Dual POV
•small town

Built to Last introduces us to Shelby Springfield and Cameron Riggs, former child stars who always had mutual crushes growing up. Shelby has recently been living life out of the spotlight, well as much as a former child star can anyway. But after her boyfriend of five years cheats on her with her best friend--and then writes a Grammy winning song for the world to hear, her quiet life is flipped upside down. Despite many years apart, Shelby knows that in a world of craziness and uncertainty, she can always count on Cameron.
Now a new home improvement show has brought these two back together. Will their childhood crushes turn into an adult relationship? Or will bitter exes try to stand in the way of fate?
This story felt new and fun. I loved the dual point of views and the pining for each other. I do wish there would have been less Lyle and a bit more spice. Overall I enjoyed this book. Thank you to St. Martin's Griffin via NetGalley for an ARC of this super cute romcom. 4 stars.

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In short: Former childhood stars and sweethearts, Cameron and Shelby, a more reunited and back in the spotlight with a home renovation show.

What to expect:
🛠HGTV Vibes
🛠Second Chance Romance
🛠Alternating POVs

Final Thoughts: I really enjoyed this book! Childhood sweethearts estranged for years, but always close to each other’s heart are thrown together by a vindictive ex. Shelby wants to prove she left her party girl reputation behind in Hollywood, Cameron is ready to set down roots. You can tell there is a lot of love between these characters, but a lot of history to work through as well. I loved their rekindling, tension with a little steam and the setting of a home renovation show. This was a great story and had characters that were easy to love, and hate.

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Thank you to the publisher + NetGalley for the e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

"Built to Last" by Erin Hahn is first and foremost a book about former child stars and reality tv, which made for a really entertaining book to say the least. Shelby used to date Lyle who was also her co-star, but there's also Cameron her other co-star and the one who got away. Now they're all participating in an HGTV-type-show, and the gang is all back together. Except there's still some lingering feelings - of animosity? of love - all around. I really loved Cameron and Shelby's slow burn relationship (I'm a sucker for childhood friends to lovers AND the second chance trope). Lyle and Ada Mae as characters really annoyed me, but hey that's showbiz for you. I liked Erin Hahn's previous YA books so it was only fitting that I would enjoy her rom-com debut.

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What a cute story. This is Erin Hahn’s debut rom com, and her writing tells a good story. This is the “reality home renovation” trope, and it was thoroughly enjoyable. I loved Shelby (and her dad) who after being a child acting star has gone back home to Michigan to do home renovations with her dad. One of the child stars on her tv show is now a producer, and another has come to Michigan to find Shelby. Cameron has loved Shelby since those teenage years and Shelby has loved him back but it has all been unrequited. Lyle, the producer, tries to sabotage the two who are working on the pilot for this new home renovation show. All in all, a fun book to read.

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I liked this one! I enjoyed the author’s writing style and loved her characters. I thought the storyline was fun and a great escape from reality, especially after reading several mysteries in a row.

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This is a friends to lovers story with a few twists. It also includes child actors who are all grown up and still have feelings for each other and family relationships that are not unexpected but not necessarily healthy either. Shelby was a hit on their show when they were young so when Lyle Jessup, a mover and shaker in Hollywood, calls her to make a pilot show about house flipping, she is hesitant. He sweetens the pot by telling her that he is asking that Cameron Riggs, her first love and other co-star from the show, be her new co-star on the new show. The dialog between the two was sappy at times and not totally believable. I really did not like the limited vocabulary, with F-bombs used constantly by most of the characters. The plot was okay but not well developed since it was completely predictable, although it was fun to read at times. I especially enjoyed when Cam and Shelby went to an antique fair together. The chemistry in those scenes did get realistic and gave me hope for the rest of the book, but that was about halfway through. It took half the book to get to anything relatable or realistic and then the ball dropped again and went off into drama that seemed to be there just to make the book longer. This is a romance with the premise of house flipping and finding each other again, but it could just as well have been a short story. Since I enjoy shows on HGTV, i did enjoy the details about how they were making the house a dream house for someone, with all the extras that Shelby enjoyed adding to make it her signature style. Lyle was not well developed, just an evil narcissist who was the one who kept trying to butt into their lives and control them using his reputation and his money. Most of the other characters were developed sufficiently but none were totally relatable to me. Those who enjoy a quick read with little substance will enjoy this book, especially if you are looking for a second chance or friends to lovers story.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255, “Guidelines Concerning the Use of Testimonials and Endorsements in Advertising.”

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This was such a great story! Cam and Shelby were two of three child stars on a popular tv series and the producer of their show, Lyle, was the third. Lyle is the perfect evil foil to making Cam the good guy in this story but in Shelby’s eyes Cam was always in that good guy role. When Cam commits to doing the pilot with Shelby their friendship takes center stage. You can feel how close they are and how much they mean to each other, even all these years later. You can also feel the chemistry through their flirtations and it was totally fun to read.

Both Shelby and Cam had issues from their childhood that needed to be faced in this novel for their relationship to move towards commitment. Shelby had a stage mom that was in it for the money, selling out her only daughter creating a story filled with lies, just so she could capitalize on it and make a buck. Cam lived on the west coast with his mom when he was acting and never had a great relationship with his father and brother. Moving back to Michigan is the chance for them to revisit these relationships and hopefully come out the other side with a healthier outlook. Of course, not everything goes as planned.

I loved this poignant look back at first love. Cam and Shelby’s chance at redemption was a wonderfully fun story but their was also a lot of depth in both these and other characters in the novel. In my mind the best novels are filled with heart and this stories heart was overflowing emotionally. I really enjoyed reading this novel. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

I received a copy of this book through NetGalley for an honest review and it was honest!

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Whenever a story has "famous" characters, I immediately roll my eyes and wish it hadn't. That being said, I appreciated the underlying theme: people change; they shouldn't be trapped in the past or other people's notion/memory/idea of who they really are.

I appreciated Shelby's tenacity in being a changed woman who is proud of who she's become despite her toxic childhood and early 20s. She was pushed into working in an adult world when she was just a child, was taken advantage of by her garbage mother, and spiraled like most teens/twenty-somethings do when they can't take the pressure. But Shelby turned her life around, moved back to her real roots in Michigan, made solid friendships, and learned a craft that she could be proud of. That's a beautiful story, to me.

The relationships/friendships/come-backs and all that were fine. Predictable, but fine.

I would have just read the story of Shelby learning her craft, restoring furniture, flipping houses with her dad, and going to flea markets, so the rest was just fluff for me.

Special thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Griffin for sharing this digital ARC with me in exchange for my honest review.

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I had such a good time with this book! I have read and enjoyed two of Erin Hahn’s young adult romances so far (I still have one that I need to read and hope to remedy that situation soon.) so I was really eager to read her first book for adults. I had high hopes for this book and it did not disappoint. I fell in love with Cameron and Shelby right away and couldn’t wait to see them find their happily ever after. This is definitely a book worth picking up.

Cameron and Shelby have known each other since they were kids starring on a tween show and were first loves. They are older now but the spark between them is still there as they work together on the pilot for a home renovation show, HomeMade. Shelby has spent years refurbishing furniture and helping her dad restore homes while Cameron is new to the whole business of home renovation since he has spent years traveling the world with his job with National Geographic.

These two were meant for each other. The chemistry between them was off the charts but I liked the fact that they took things at a slower pace because I felt like we really got to see them fall for each other. They were so supportive of each other, especially when Lyle would try to make things difficult for them just to get a reaction for the camera. I love that they have a history together and were able to understand the fame of growing up in front of a camera. They both were so down to earth and deserved to have good things happen in their lives.

I would recommend this book to others. Erin Hahn is quickly becoming a favorite author. This book was filled with fantastic characters, some swoon-worthy moments, and just enough humor. I will definitely be reading more of her work soon.

I received a digital review copy of this book from St. Martin’s Press.

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It all started on a tv show called The World According to Jackson where three child stars meet. Lyle plays Jackson, Cameron plays the best friend Carter and Shelby plays Jackson's love interest Makayla. But she's always felt sparks with Cameron and after one wonderful night under the stars, he leaves without a word for college ruining the show and what might have been between the two of them. He takes a travelling journalist position for National Geographic but still comes to help anytime she calls. In a break between shows, he agrees to help pilot a new home renovation show with Shelby, produced by Lyle. As the show continues, Cameron has more and more trouble trying to hide the way he feels about her and when the truth comes out, Lyle will throw every curveball he can to try and break them apart since he's always been jealous of how close they are. Can they sell the pilot and continue the series or will he have to give up on their budding relationship and go back to National Geographic?
This was a sweet romance set in a home renovation show. I loved Shelby's excitement at finding antiques and restoring them. The parts where they can relax and be themselves were my favorite. Cameron was a little frustrating at first, always running away and not facing his feelings, but when he finally settled in he was so sweet and romantic. I love the way they handled Lyle in the end. That part was hilarious!
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Child actors Shelby Springfield, Cameron Riggs and Lyle Jessup grew up in front of cameras. As they got older, Shelby and Cameron were dating behind the scenes. Lyle was trying to date Shelby also. Cameron got tired of it all and went to college. He then got his dream job of working for National Geographic. When Shelby called, he dropped everything. Her world was crashing and she needed the only person that was a true friend. When he left he told her to get out. Shelby would go home to Michigan and begin the life she was meant to have. She's working with her dad flipping houses but also has a side business restoring old furniture. An opportunity came up for a new home show. The only problem is Lyle Jessup is the producer. He is bound and determined to mess with them. In the end Cameron decides to stay and put down roots. Shelby is happy and ready to start the next chapter of her life.

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I love a good second chance romance! This one is a very good one. Shelby & Cameron were childhood sweethearts who ended up on different paths. When their paths cross again, they have no idea they are about to get their second chance. The story is a full of laughs and so many emotions. I liked all the characters in the book, even the "bad" ones. I truly loved Cameron. I will look for more books by this author. I received an advance copy from NetGalley & am voluntarily leaving a review.

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It was a cute lovely story of two old childhood love. Great to read this winter. Thank you so much for the chance to read this cute book early.

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That was just so much fun. From the moment I started reading this book, I was pulled into the lives of its stars. I wanted to be there with them, and in so many ways I felt like I was. My heart went out to Cameron and Shelby, and I was deeply invested in seeing them get a second chance to get it right. (Or was it third? Maybe, fourth?) They were surrounded by such a colorful supporting cast. Some of them were there to lift them up, which they did with great skill and humor. Others, while the skill and humor were there, the support certainly wasn’t. There was a wonderful collection of “characters I loved to hate” in this story. A few of them, I would have preferred to see be served larger helpings of Karma. All in all, I loved Cameron and Shelby; hot mess, terrible communication, endearing awkwardness, and all the rest of the issues that kept tripping them up. I suspect I’ll always be a sucker for a second chance, and this book rewarded my devotion with a story I happily got lost into. Now, my fingers are crossed that there may be future books about a couple of the besties on the horizon.
I received a complimentary advanced copy of this book through NetGalley.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this read! This book encompasses so many topics and does it a way that is subtle and not at all overwhelming.

The setting: rural Michigan. Love the small town theme! Most of the book takes place in a home they are renovating. Also flashbacks to LA in their adolescence.

The characters: both of the main characters are great and have well rounded personalities. Shelby is fierce and independent and I love her character growth shown from the flashbacks between 5 years ago and now. Cameron is such a pure, honest guy who takes care of everyone.

Both are also dealing with complicated family dynamics, but I love Shelbys dads character. It’s clear how much he loves Shelby and how proud and protective of her he is.

The romance: talk about a slow burn. but the second chance romance! Shelby and Cameron are so great together and their relationship is so healthy and wholesome. And yay for no third act breakup!

This book was very difference and stands out from other second chance romance reads. The home renovation and the child actor theme made it interesting and put a different spin on things than anything I’ve read!

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Childhood stars Shelby and Cameron drifted apart as they reached adulthood, Shelby staying in the limelight with their former co-start Lyle, as Cameron takes on nature/adventure series.

Far apart but sharing a connection, Built to Last follows their reunion around a home improvement theme. Not shying away from the challenges of childhood celebrity, the way rumors can be fueled by social media, and how others change behavior, Built to Last balances the emotions and takes you along their journey.

Thank you to Netgalley and to St. Martin's Press for the ARC.

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I enjoyed reading Built to Last; it was a fast, fun and cute story. Shelby and Cameron are former child stars that were co-stars on a Disney Channel type show. Their relationship grew from a crush to a romance that was cut short when Cameron left for college and Shelby stayed in LA. Ten years later they have reunited to star in a home renovation show - Home Made. Great for fans of HGTV - it reminded by of Home Town and Fixer Upper. I love both shows so reading this was a lot of fun.

We get to watch Shelby and Cameron fall back in love while dealing with Lyle - their other former co-star and Shelby’s ex-boyfriend. She dated him for 5 years after Cameron left. He is producing Home Made and stirring up some trouble. But that doesn’t last for too long and I was happy with how the conflict was wrapped up.

I enjoyed this story and recommended this for readers who enjoy::
Second Chance Romance
Small town settings
HGTV renovation shows
Strong female friendships - Shelby‘ s friends - will be getting their own romances!

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